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Fandom Yu Yu Hakusho: Forever

"...Yeah. I thought so too, hang on."
Warren knew something was up, but thought he, too, has being paranoid. Powering on the demon radar on his wrist he put the radar in view of the restaurant, making sure Layne could see.
the radar went crazy.
"Yep... We've been found out..."
"That makes everything so difficult. Arrgh!" Layne whined in frustration. "Now there's a chance that we can't even be interns if these demons let the other demons know. Man, everything fell apart so quickly. It's all my fault, we shouldn't of come to this diner, uggh" Layne continued. "And now, we have to leave, find another place to eat, cuz I think these burgers will kill me." Layne ranted. "And now I'm ranting, making a scene. And hoping we take the opportunity to leave." She booked it for the door.
"L-Layne! Shhhh!"
Warren tried to get Layne to calm down, but nothing seemed to work. As she sprinted to the door, warren followed, but as they closed in, a large man blocked the way.
"You two caught on quick. We thought this's do you in for sure..."
The man slowly morphed from a human form to a demon like form. As he did this, warren stood in front of Layne, as if to block her from the demon.
"But I guess we'll have to go to plan b."
Warren summoned his spirit sword.
"You brought toys huh?"
Warren turned to Layne.
"Stay behind me. I don't want you getting hurt."
He said before charging at the demon.
Layne scanned the surroundings for any other demons. A few bystanders rose to their feet, however they look frightened, as if they had no idea what was happening. So these people are innocent. Turning her attention back to Warren, "Be careful" she stated. Then continued to survey the rest of the room for other impending danger. "Anyone who doesn't want to get hurt, go to the bathroom." Most of the civilians went back, however some approached Layne. The proceeded to transform into much smaller demons than the one that had blocked the door. "Warren, I got these 3, focus on Hulk over there." Layne stated as she proceeded to send energy to her hands and take a fight stance.
"Got it! Just be careful!"
Warren nodded to Layne as she ran off, and turned back to the demon.
"News gets around fast, huh?"
"As soon as we hard that Botan and Koenma were on earth... We know something was up."
"They know?"
Warren ran to the huking demon and slashed at it, it being hit.
"Ah... You're already tough for someone so green."
The demon charged at Warren, him holding his sword up to block, the two crashing into eachother in a clash.
"We've been monitoring your every move for the past few days."
The demon pushed warren back, and sent him to the ground with one kick. Before warren could react, the demon grabbed warren by the neck, and pinned him to the wall. Warren repeatedly punched the demon to try and free himself.
"At this rate, we only need a month. Maybe even less. The earth will be ours... We're sure of it, even if-"
Warren summoned his sword as he was pinned, it plunged into the Demon's stomach. The second it did, he let warren go.
"How funny..."
the demon coughed up blood.
"Take a look at this now... you won't be a stranger to it soon."
The demon simply laughed, before it seemed to melt and return to demon world.
"You haven't seen the last of us..."
warren was psyched out by what the demon had said. What did he mean by "he wouldn't be a stranger to it soon?" what's it?
Warren ran over to Layne.
"Layne. How's everything going over here.
"The smaller ones disappeared after one hit, there's only this one left now." Layne stated prepping herself for the weaklings charge. Once it got in range, Layne focused her energy into her foot and hit it with a roundhouse kick to it's side. It was sent crashing into the counter. Then proceeded to melt away with a low sizzling noise. "Ok, note to self, get more durable shoes." Layne said noticing that her shoe blew off from the last attack. "My shoe acted as a medium for the energy to travel through, so it blew up. I need combat boots."

The two proceeded to exit the diner. Layne took out her mirror and thought... BOTAN!!!
"Woah...well, we're going shopping anyway."
Warren examined he shoes, they looked like a bomb went off in them, which it kinda did.
...Eventually Botan picked up, and warren directed his attention to the mirror.
"What's going on? Is everything alright?"
In a much more calm tone, "Hey, yeah, we're good. Just fought 4 demons though. They found out we were spirit detectives. They said they assumed new ones would be popping up since you and Koenma came to Earth. Quick Question, Why would you let demons know you came Earth? Isn't there some sort of cloaking device you could use?" Layne slowly escalating back to a rant. "I mean... these are obviously things you'd want to hide from your enemies, or do you guys just coordinate?" Mocking Botan and the demons, "Hey Going to Earth anytime soon?" "Yeah, got an appointment with 2 teenagers, it's gonna be awesome you should pay them a visit" "Sounds like a great idea, let's do it when there super hungry AND JUST WHEN THEY WANNA EAT THEIR FUCKING BURGER WITH A DELICIOUS ASS MILKSHAKE!!!" Layne handed Warren the mirror. "TALK TO HER... I'M PRETTY ANGRY RIGHT NOW. GONNA GO PUNCH A TREE, THEN GET SOME RICE KRISPIES FROM A VENDING MACHINE." Layne stormed off.
Botan tried to interject, but couldn't get a word in before Layne stormed off.
"Layne, wait! Don't go punching trees! And get me a rice-"
"...For the record, we said nothing to the demons about you, or us for that matter. That would be just plain stupid if us."
"I knew you didn't. She's just... flustered is all. I'll go talk to her about it when we're done here."
"What I'm worried about is how they knew we came to you both..."
"I'm sure we'll be fine, this is just more reason to stop them."
"We'll look into this on our end, but untill you guys set out, be careful."
"Alright. I'll let you know if anything comes up."
Warren closed the mirror and pocketed it. He then went in the direction he saw Layne go last.
"Layyyne! Where are you?"
Layne was cooped on a park bench next to a fallen tree with a big hole in it halfway through her 3rd rice krispy with 7 more to go. "Stupid delicious ass fuckin' krispy treats lookin'..." She mumbles as she crumpled up another wrapper.
"Are you- Are you kidding?!"
Warren examined the tree that had fallen over. Obviously Layne's work. Not being able to do much else, Warren sat next to Layne.
"Hey... Are you alright? Botan said they didn't directly tell the demons and that they found out on their own... Is something wrong? It's not like you to act like this.
Oh... Can I have one?"
Warren pointed to one of the bars.
Layne glared at him for a second, sighed, calming down, and offered a bar. "Sorry. As the snickers commercials say, You're Not You When You're Hungry. ButI think it's built up stress. I know I seem up for anything, but there's pent up anxiety about what could happen, you know?"
Warren took began eating his rice krispy treat and listened to Layne.
"I see where you're coming from, but..."
Warren didn't know exactly how to respond.
"My name, Warren. Do you know what it means?"
Warren paused for a second.
"Well, in German it means 'Protecive friend.' That's what I am. I'll be your protective friend. If anything goes wrong, I'll be right there."
"Yeah *sniffle* ok" Layne said as Warren pep talk did make her feel better. "I'll have your back too" She responded and flashed him a confident smile. "Could I uhhh... get my mirror back?"
"Hah. It's no problem."
Warren crumpled wrapper and inserted it into his pocket.
"Oh, right. I forgot about that. Hold on."
Warren grabbed the mirror out of his other pocket.
"With that... conundrum out of the way, let's get you something for Monday.
And also shoes."
On the way to the shopping mall right down the street, Layne was in a way better, skipping and all. "Warren, if you think about it, we just defeated demons!" Layne said gleefully. "Like, legit spawn of the underworld."

Entering the shopping mall, Layne begged one question, "What formal outfit goes with combat boots?"
"Huh... You're right! I didn't think about it like that. They kinda just look like scaily humans who really need to see a dermatologist..."
He just shrugged as he continued on into the mall. Pop music blasting through the building, teenagers walking around, and the smell of coffee nearby.
"...We're gonna have to get you heels or something. You aren't wearing combat boots. Not c'mon, pick out a store and I can help you pick out something nice.",
"As I am told, I have no sense of fashion. And as such, I would not be able to direct you to a store that suits me, as I have no preferences." She used smart words to help hide her shortcomings. "Would you have any recommendations to such a store?"
"Layne, if you couldn't tell, I don't have a need for women's clothing, nor am I an expert on women's fashion, so I don't know... Shoes. Let's start with shoes. That's easier. Where do you buy your shoes."
Warren dragged Layne to a directory.
"We're here, so find where you wanna go."
"Ah... easy. There's a store called Clothes For Her" Layne read off the directory. "This way... to fashion" she boasted like a hero.

It was a lingerie store. She had walked in with Warren only for the first thing she saw was for a picture of a model, that looked awfully similar to her, in only a lace bra and panties. More embarrassed than she had ever been in her life, she turned and walked back to the directory. "Let's just go to Macy's" Layne mumbled low under her breath, then proceeded to walk in it's direction. How did they get my birthmark in the right place? I hope Warren didn't see that. She thought with her cheeks burning red.
"Huh, never herd of it. But I trust your judgement."
Warren walked with her, for hunch to notice it was a Victoria's Secret deal.
"Are you kidding? I don't think this is the best store for me to be seen in... Besides, this isn't something you wear to work..."
Warren turned away as soon as he noticed the pictures of scantily clad women plastered everywhere. Not that that was a bad thing, but being in a lingerie store felt... off. One of those models felt familiar, he didn't get a good enough look to tell exactly who they were, but staring at something like that for too long sends wrong messages.
"Yeah that works. Let's go there."

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