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Fandom Yu Yu Hakusho: Forever

"Hmmm. Clothing. I don't have workplace clothes. That'll have to be a step. Do you have any you could wear?" Layne asked.
"Uhh... Lemme think..."
Warren leaned back in his chair, stroking his beard while thinking.
"Yeah. I have an outfit. But if you need one I don't mind running you to the store."
"Then it's a plan" Layne said. "We can head out tomorrow or later on tonight, but first we need to practice. You can make swords, imagine what else if you try hard enough, maybe like a whip. Wait... that's not as cool as a sword. You know what... let's have you master the sword first." Layne said fearing she talked to much. "If you don't mind also, hand-to-hand sparring with me, so I can practice fighting? I won't be using spirit energy of course. Against you, that is"
"We probably should have asked Botan if I can make more stuff... that'd be cool..."
Warren's hand sparked again. Could he really make things other than the sword?
"Hand to hand...? Are you sure? I can get real into a fight and I-I-I don't wanna hurt you... But you know, if you're up for it."
"Well, it'd be useful if you got real, I'd get experience in a more realistic fight", Layne explained. "Go for taps inoted of hits, so no one gets hurt."
"Alright then. If you insist."
Warren stood up and pushed his chair in.
"Let's head to the forrest from yesterday."
Grabbing his backpack, he walked out and to the forest to the left of the plaza. Warren toof off his flannel, only leaving the "GAME OVER" shirt covering his chest. He took a fighting stance before saying:
"If you ever feel I'm going too hard on you, please let me know."
"I'll let you know" Layne said with a sarcastic confidence as she removed her hoodie. "Ready..... GO!" exclaimed Layne as she began to quickly close in on Warren.
"Woah woah woah!"
Warren stepped to the side as Layne closed in, but just barely. He knew that Layne was smaller, but he didn't expect her to be that fast. Warren made note of the speed difference. Layne was faster than Warren, but one thing was for sure. Warren was more powerful.
He went for a tap, but very carefully. Warren had one rule when it comes to fighting. No hitting girls.
Still with the momentum from her charge, Layne was unable to dodge the incoming tap, but was resolved to tap as well. Extending her palm in order to tap Warren, she redirected herself with a mini explosion of spirit energy out of her right foot, she her straight back towards Warren.
Not expecting the tap so soon and with such force, Warren was hit and even knocked over. Warren was a big guy, but with the momentum from the explosion, warren fell onto his back.
"Nice one."
Warren stood back up and decided to that the defensive. Standing his ground and taking a fighting stance, warren shouted.
"Don't have to tell me twice" Layne said as she reengaged. This time more cautiously. She inched towards, trying to catch him off guard. At relatively 5 feet away, she jump forward trying to make contact again, palm open.
Warren was taken aback as Layne jumped toward him. So much so that he didn't react in time to Layne hitting him in the chest. Noticing that Defence isn't working, he decided to take the offensive. Running toward Layne, his hand at his side, ready to strike.
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Caught off-guard by Warren's sudden change in style, she hesitated and stumbled backwards.
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Aligning herself, Layne tried to avoid to near contact tap. Being grazed by the hand as she tried to Matrix it. However, she bent back too far and fell on her back. She then proceeded to leg sweep Warren.
"Oh no! I didnt make full-"
Warren fell onto his back with a crash. The wind was knocked out of him.
"Ohh... Man..."
Warren struggled to get up, but fell back down. He barely got his his hearth back and stood back up, severely weakened.
"Man oh man." Layne sighed while breathing deeply. "Big guy just won't stay down. Alright then." She closed in quickly on Warren sending a small amount of energy to her finger. Once in arms reach, she flicked his shoulder sending the energy out of her finger.
Warren was sent flying multiple feet back, and eventually gained his footing, before falling onto his knees with a "Hurk!"
"You've bested meee!"
Warren fell to the ground with a croaking noise and laid limp and sprawled out face down for a few seconds before standing back up again.
"Hah. I actually had fun! That power of yours is something else."
Scared she had actually hurt him, her eyes started tearing up. After he revealed he was unscathed, she called him dumb. "Thanks, I would let you use your power on me but it seems... a little more deadly. Thanks for the spar. I needed it." Layne thanked.
"Hehe, I guess that was a little dumb... Dont worry, I don't go down that easily."
Warren chuckled at Layne. But he noticed her eyes were little puffy... Was she about to cry?
"Yeah. I can use mine pretty easily. It's simple. But... it's no problem. I'll spar with you any time, pal! Oh, when do you wanna grab an outfit for Monday?"
"It's only noon, so we have time today, but aren't you hungry? I want to eat first." Layne said holding her stomach. "There's a diner down the street from campus that just so happens to be next to the shopping mall." Layne stated hinting that that was where she wanted to go.
"Oh yeaaah. I've been past that place... who knows how many times, and I've never been."
Warren put on his flannel, and grabbed his keys out of the breast pocket, and his wallet out of his back pocket.
"Follow me."
Warren made his way out of the woods and to the parking lot. After pressing the unlock button to locate the car, he opened the door for Layne and then got in himself. His car was relatively new, and had a nice smell to it.
After the short ride to the diner, they parked, went inside, and sat down.
"Hmm. What do you think you're gonna get?"
"I've been craving a burger lately, and I'm probably gonna get a shake with it." Layne said in anticipation for the meal. The server walked over to their order "What can I get you?" said the unenthusiastic man. The depression of the waiter put a damper on Layne's mood. "I'll have a burger with fries and a strawberry milkshake." Layne stated nonchalantly. "And you sir?" The waiter said as he turned to the man with a beard.
"Yeah. A burger seems good right about now...." Warren felt somewhat strange at the advent of the monotone man.
"Yeah can I get uhhhhhh..."
warren pointed to the menu.
"I'll have a cheeseburger, and a soda. Thanks."
Warren put the menu down.
"...So, can you belive we're doing detective work for the spirit world?"
"Who would? I'm just going with the flow." Layne responded. As the waiter walked away, "Geez, who pissed in his cheerios this morning?" Layne and Warren talked to one another while they waited for their food. Then a very perky lady holding up two trays of food came up and set our food down, "Is that all for you today" she said gleefully. Layne was suspicious. "Yeah, um... I ordered two things of fries with my meal." "Right away" stated the lady. Before Warren could take a bite, Layne told him to wait before eating his food. Then as if it were rehearsed, "Man, that waitress walks so slow."

Just then a different with a side of fries all but sprinted to their table. "Here are you fries", the lady said just a gleefully as the last. "Anything else?"

"No we're good" Layne responded. The waitress walked away. Layne then proceed to write on a napkin, Either this diner is so hellbent on getting a good review that they bugged the place, or we're be watched. You wouldn't think demons could've found out we are spirit detectives right? I'm just being paranoid, Aren't I?

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