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Fandom Yu Yu Hakusho: Forever

" I JUST PUNCHED A BIG A** HOLE IN MY WALL!!!" Layne yelled. "GO OUTSIDE AND PUNCH SOMETHING WHILE YOUR HAND GLOWS!!!" Layne then proceeded to hang up, change into a tank top and sweat pants, wrap gauze around her hands(boxer style) and left her dorm, headed for a small part of woods next to the plaza to practice. Dang I forgot to tell him to meet me there, Layne thought to herself. Hopefully he has the same idea.
"Holy shit..."
Warren stared at the hole in Layne's wall.
"Your security deposit... I hope it wasn't too much."
Warren shook his head and nodded.
"Alright, I wanna break shit too. I'll find some place where I can."
Warren pulled out his phone and looked at a map of the area.
"The woods'll work."
Warren ran over, surprised to meet Layne.
"Hey Layne! wanna see you do that! Oh, lemme try"
After taking a deep breath and closing his eyes, Warren's hand began to glow a yellow-orange color. Warren's eyes shot open and Warren winded up, punching a tree in front of him.
Nothing happened.
Warren waved his hand as to disperse the pain.
"I guess we have different abilities then..."
"While you were on your way over, I actually thought up some theories about that... 2 to be exact," Layne continued "1st: Either the spirit energy from my hand is working like a shield, hardening my fist so I essentially hit like a hammer. But I don't think that's the case because I'm not strong enough to a hole in the wall normally, so hardening would do nothing for me. Which bring me to my 2nd theory..." Layne stated while pulling out a water bottle. "I can only send my spirit energy through solids and liquids not air. So... theoretically... if I'm right then I can send my energy through the water of the bottle with the same destructive force as whatever a Spirit Gun is. So in short, I'm going to just hold this water bottle, send my energy into, and if it explodes, then I'm right. If it doesn't... I'll need to figure out how I work." Layne explained.

Layne proceeded to loosely grip the water bottle in her hand and focus her energy. Her hand began turn glow bright purple like before. She then tried to send the pent up energy into the bottle. At first, it only glowed purple faintly. However, after a moment, it began to brighten exponentially then came to a boil. Seconds later, the bottle exploded in Layne's hand, splashing water all over her.

"Welp, figured that out." Layne said flicking the water off her hand.

"Now we need to find out what works for you, then report to Botan." Layne stated.
"Huh. You really thought about that, huh?"
Warren examined Layne's hand. He was slightly envious she could use her spirit energy effectively.
"Well, let's give this another shot."
Warren channeled as much spirit energy into his hand as he could, to the point where it began to heat up.
"Layne? I think I'm getting somewhere."
Warren felt like something was taking shape in his hand, but he continued to focus.
Warren opened his eyes, a large sword made out of spirit energy formed in his hands.
Warren swung the sword around and accidentally cut down a tree. Stepping backward as it fell, he looked at Layne in awe.
"We gotta tell Botan about this." Layne said pulling out her mirror. STILL NO ANSWER. "What the heck is she doing, hey have you been able to get a hold of Botan?" Layne asked.
"Nah. I haven't tried contacting her. Lemme give it a shot."
Warren pulled out the mirror and focused on Botan.
"So you got them on board, huh? W-What's wrong?"
Koenma noticed that Botan looked annoyed.
"Hold on."
Botan opened the buzzing mirror.
"What's the matter? You all have been calling me all day!"
Warren set the mirror down on the tree stump and summoned the sword again. He swung at another tree and sliced it it half.
"Woah... That was fast! What about Layne?"
"Look Look Look!" Layne exclaimed while moving into the view of the mirror. She took a small rock in her right hand. After a few seconds of focusing her energy, she opened her hand to reveal a crater that took out half the small rock. "We figured out how to use our powers!"
"Wow, we didn't expect those powers! Most spirit detectives are only able to use spirit guns!"
Botan stood in awe.
"We really picked some good ones this time! In that case... Are you two free tomorrow?"
"It's Saturday. We should be good."
"Alright then. Meet outside your dorms at 6 AM. I understand it's early but we won't take more than 2 hours."
"Oh, alright then. You hear that Layne?"
"See you both tomorrow!"
Warren closed the mirror and looked to Layne.
"We should head home and get some rest. I'll talk to you tomorrrow. Don't forget. 6 in front of the dorms."
"Be there or be square" Layne responded. Heading back to her dorm she was hit with a wave of fatigue. Entering her dorm she went straight to sleep after she set her alarm. Man, I guess I over did it, that was my 7th water bottle after all.

Waking up the next morning, Layne took a quick shower. She then dressed herself in different pair of sweatpants and another tank top, this time covered by her dark red skull hoodie. 6:02... Shit.

Layne rushed down the 15 flights of steps of her dormitory building. Completely winded and trying to catch her breath, she head outside to wit out in front the building.
Warren had been waiting outside the dorms at 5:50, I'm preparation for Botan. Warren wore a similar outfit from the previous day, but with the flannel buttoned up. It was somewhat chilly out.
Botan came down on her wooden... thing to meet only Warren.
"What's up, Botan?"
"Where's Layne?"
"Dunno. Given her a few minutes."
the two sat in silence for about half a minute.
"So, how about that yesterday? Can you belive we got the hang of our powers so quickly?"
"Yeah, actually. People can shoot spirit guns on the first day usually."
"But that's what I'm not amazed at. You can't shoot spirit guns, you have different powers, that's why I was so eager for you to see your boss."
"Nice! I get this really rad sword, and she gets some... spirit energy goes through solids, or something?"
"We'll figure it out... We'll wait for her and we can find somewhere where we can meet."
"That Cafe might work."
"Oh. Sure!"
As Layne approached, Warren looked to her.
"Hey, look who's square."
Warren chuckled and looked to Botan.
"Late on the first day of the job... Oh geez."
"We're going to the Cafe this early because not many people are there at this time. Nobody's gonna question us."
"Oh. That makes sense."
"Let's go!"
Botan took off, heading for the Cafe, and the others followed. As they entered the empty Cafe, thier eyes met the table they sat at before, with Botan and... some baby?
"Huh? Where's our boss."
"You two order. Come back when you've gotten your coffee or what have you."
After Warren sat down, the baby spoke.
"Hello! I am Koenma Jr. heir to the throne of spirit world. I take it you are... Lauren?"
"Oh, It's... Warren."
" my apologies."
"Eh It happens all the time. No big deal."
Koenma looked to Layne as she sat down.
"And you are?"
"Oh, I'm Layne." Layne said surprised. "So, Koenma Jr., you look awfully young, how old are you exactly?" Layne said asked.
"Actually you'd be surprised. I'm pushing 700."
"S-seven HUNDRED?!"
"You herd me."
"Woah... That's..."
"I have a form that I sometimes take on when I come down to earth is more of a teenager. But weighing the options, i thought it'd make more sense for a baby in college then a teenager."
"...I can't say that isn't a bad idea."
"Anyway... I've gathered you all here to officially dub you spirit detectives, and give you your first mission."
"Yes. I take it you've already harnessed your powers, and it's different than most spirit detectives."
"Yeah! Me and her did."
"That's great. You'll most likely have to on your first mission. Botan?"
"On it!"
Botan pulled out a large binder and opened it up, revealing information on a large company.
"Gamma corporation. Recently, demons have broken in and taken the place of many important ranking people. This particular corporation is a pharmaceutical corporation. Not only are they siphering funds, but who knows what kind of things they may be putting in medicines to... I don't even want to think about it. People who rely on these medicines are falling ill...."
The binder was stuffed to the brim with information on gamma, like income records, high ranked people, and even thier tax documents.
"We need your help to infiltrate Gamma corporation, and do a few things. Take out any demons, talk some sense to the company president, and find out what they are doing to their products!"
"How do you expect us to infiltrate a major pharmaceuticals company? We're only teenagers." Layne asked, then realizing as she turned to Warren. "We could pose as interns!" stated Layne. Turning back to Koenma, "So wait do you have any clues as to who the demons could be?"
"Huh. I guess we could!"
Warren imagined himself in a fancy suit as an intern.
"Well, you won't need any clues with that."
"Oh, the demon radar?"
"Yep. It'll react when a demon is nearby."
Botan chimed in.
"Hopefully as soon as possible. We know your schedules may be hectic, but keep in mind this is very urgent."
"Yes. There is little time before Gamma corporation tries something potentially deadly. They'll take all the funds they need, and trash the company killing many in the process. Gamma will make a ''mistake" and patients who rely on their medicines will die. The company goes under and they move on."
"Those meanies" Layne scolded. "I'm caught up now, and I'm ready whenever, just give the word." Layne was resolved to help. She was going to join a martial arts class so she could better utilize powers better, she would have to be able to land a hit in order to send her energy.
"Sounds good! Don't push yourselves though. It would be bad if you ran out of spirit energy in the middle of your mission."
"Yeah. That would suck... Hey Layne, we can go in tomorrow or Monday."
"That works for us. Take your time, but hurry up, if you see what were saying."
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"Let's go Monday, I think we need to get a little more of a grip on our powers. We also need to make a game plan in case things go side ways."
"That's smart, both of you. Take today and tomorrow to prepare. You can strike on Monday."
"Oh, we'd better get going. It was nice meeting you both. I'm sure you both will make me proud!"
Botan and Koenma got up and left. Nobody was too concerned about a blue haired girl carrying out a baby.
"So, while we're here, let's start making a plan in case it doesn't work out. Then, we can do some training in the forest. Then... We can relax!"
"Relax... my favorite word" Layne stated gleefully. "Alright, well obviously, if things go to sideways, we'd have to fight our way out, but let's not try to hurt to many humans, even if their pitted against us. That's not what I signed up for." Layne explained. "Sometimes it may be necessary, but incapacitation is our goal, agreed?" Layne asked.
"For sure. I don't want anyone's blood on my hands."
Warren nodded at Layne's request. He was glad they both agreed to not hurt as many humans as possible.
"Demons are fair game though. Make sure you wear your demon radar. And if we get seperated use your mirror's tracking feature. I'll be sure to watch out if you ever show up as red."
"Hopefully it never comes to that. Obviously, though, the first thing we need to do is scope out the building, finding all exits and such, just in case we need a quick escape." Layne pondered what else was required. "We are gonna need some code words, in case we suspect someone is onto us, or for when we are ready to take action."
"Okay. That works. So, if I say, something about "hot coffee" that means Someone's onto us, and... when we're ready, I'll say... something about "grabbing lunch later." Those are all workplace things, nobody's gonna suspect anything then, yeah?"
Warren shrugged. He thought he did a good job.
"What else?"

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