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Fandom Yu Yu Hakusho: Forever


Hotdog Windshield Wiper
Tmd4772 Tmd4772
"...now if you sign this, this company will become oneof, if not the most, prominent and powerful pharmaceutical companies on the plannet. If you partner with us, we will lend you everything and everything you need. We just need your cooperation and to do what we say..."
A heavyset man spoke to a young man, sitting in front of a large table full of suits.
"Well... I don't see anything wrong with this... but as the owner of this company, it does raise questions..."
The youn man has just inherited the company from his late father.
"Just think about it, you'll be able to say 'I've done it dad, I've made you proud-"
"...I'll do it."
The young man furiously scribbled his name on the contract. The table erupted in claps.
"Good. I'm sure you won't regret this..."
the heavyset man stood up, and snapped his fingers. 2 large Demons came in.
"They're all yours boys."
The man walked out, the rest of the table sat in awe and terror.
"W-what is this? What have you done?!"
"Ahhh! K-K-Koenma! Sir!"
"Yes? What is it ogre?"
"I-Its another breach! Demons have another company on their side! At this rate, they'll have enough men, power, and money to-"
"Oh this is bad! Oh if father were to find about this... I don't even know what he'd do... I know! BOTAAAAAN!"
Botan came into Koenma's chamber in an instant.
"I'm sure you know the situation going on currently."
"Indeed I am..."
"What do you think we should do?"
Botan thought for a second.
"Well... I guess we have a few options...
We can go and fight them ourselves..."
Koenma glared at Botan
"Okay... what about... sending out forces to fight the demons and possibly wiping out earth in the process?"
"That's exactly what we're trying to avoid..."
"Okay... what if.. I got it! We supply some kids with tools and weapons to take out the big companies? Like temporary spirit detectives?"
"I mean, it's the best shot we got."
"Aright then! It's settled! I'll scope out the people with the strongest spirit energy and wills. Then I'll do my best to recruit them! I'll be back!"
And with that, Botan glided out, and headed for earth, where the last hope of the world lies... two college students...
Ughh! I left my curtains open. Layne thought to herself as she awoke to the bright sunlight shining on her face. Her college dormitory was about 15 floors high, and she was right on the top, so the morning sun showed no mercy on her. As she rose out of bed, she checked her alarm clock. 6:23 AM, and I don't have to be up until 9... Great. Layne decided to rise early anyway. She dressed herself for the Café, the most imaginative named coffee shop her college campus could come up with. Skinny jeans and my Gummy Bear Tee will do nicely. Not planning to re-enter her dorm until after classes, she grabbed her backpack and textbooks and headed for the door.

12.5 minutes later...

Upon arriving at the Café, Layne settled at a small table in the corner. She doesn't study, and she doesn't see how others could. She pulled out her phone and scrolled through friends' Snapchat stories. They never invite me to these things. Is it the way I dress? Layne inspected herself. Couldn't be. Everyone likes gummy bears. The barista came around and set an iced coffee on the table. "For one Lady Layne" the barista offered. "Come on, Lee. You know I don't like coffee." Layne stated. The bright eyed girl responded, knowing Layne hated the taste of coffee, "Well, isn't that a shame. Guess there's no helping it, I'll have to drink it." The petite Asian girl barely 5 feet tall with dark brown hair and cheeks spotted with freckles sat across from Layne at the two-person table. "Shouldn't you be working?" Layne asked. "Managers not here today, and you know as well as anyone else that college students don't wake up until 10. Speaking of, why are you up so early?" Lee asked quizzically. "The sun woke me up, and I decided Let me enter society once more" Layne mocked in a British accent.

Time passed as the girls conversation progressed through the morning.

"Ah... 8:30, time for the morning rush. Talk to you later?" Lee asked. "If I feel like talking to you." Layne retorted. Lee giggled as she walked back behind the counter. Layne rose to her feet, fell because her legs went to sleep, then rose again, ready to start the day. Walking out of the Café, Layne thought to herself. Class still doesn't start till 10, what is a girl to do. She walked to the plaza fountain in the center of the campus. She sat on a bench and just looked around, observing her surroundings. It's such a nice day, maybe I should join a sports team? She asked herself. Then she remembered the exercise that comes with it, and removed the thought from her head. She looked down at her phone. No new text messages, I need more friends. Time moved around her as she waited for something to do. About an hour later, she began making her way to the lecture hall. Getting in 15 minutes before class began means she gets a wide selection of seats to choose from. Centered to the podium in the second row... Perfect. Setting her things down, a familiar face came next to her. "Finally to the front of the class I see." Lee said setting down her things. "What about you, finally settling for second row instead of the first?" Layne responded. Lee flashed a smile, "Well, no matter how much I like being in the limelight, I would choose you over fame any day." "Aww, really?" Layne questioned. "No, I would most definitely choose fame. But I would try to stay in touch." Lee said consolingly. "Unless, of course, there was a celebrity boyfriend involved" Lee thought out loud. "Well, great to see where your priorities lie." Layne voiced sarcastically.

Class was fairly normal besides a fairly persistent fly. After class ended it was noon. "Wanna get lunch together?" Lee asked, "Maybe pick up a few boys?". "Nah, I'm not really in the mood to watch you flirt with another gay guy again", Layne joked. "I just thought he had a really good fashion sense." Lee responded. Layne checked up on her class schedule and saw her 3:00 class was moved to tomorrow, leaving her with an empty schedule for the rest of the day. "Well, we can go wherever you want, I guess", Layne sighed, "I have no plans, but let me drop off my stuff first." Back at Layne's dorm the two dropped off their things and settled on the couch to make a game plan. "The zoo?" Lee asked. "Most definitely not, it's way too hot." Layne answered. "The beach? We can get in the water if it's too hot." Lee responded. "First, I don't have a bathing suit. Second, there's this country concert at the beach today, so we would have to pay for admission. I'm not up for that." Layne explained. "AHH... true." Lee realized, "I had just gotten this new bathing suit too, but if country music is involved, then no thank you." "What about the movies?" Layne questioned. "I don't know what we would see, all they have out now are vampire love movies, and I'm not down with that." Lee answered. "Ok, how about we just chill here and talk? Maybe watch a movie on TV, I have popcorn." Layne resolved. "Sounds good, we can do whatever we want here." Lee agreed. "So it is settled" Layne stated.

Awaking from her nap, Layne noticed Lee was gone. A note left on her chest read, Hey, Sleepy Head, we fell asleep about 3 movies in, when I woke up, it was late, so I took your bed. Stay on the couch or join me in your bed. Just don't wake me up. XOXO ~ Your Bestie, Lee. Layne smirked at the note and rose to her feet. After helping herself to a cup of soda, she snuck back onto the couch and returned to her slumber.

(Too much?)
Waking up at his desk where he had been typing the night before, Warren stood up and ran a hand over his face and beard. Staring at his computer screen, he glanced though his progress through his paper.
"Nice. I'm just about there... I'll finish it tonight."
Shutting his laptop, he unplugged the charger from both sides and wrapped it up. He then placed the laptop and charger in his bag.
Getting dressed and grabbing his phone, he left his dorm on the seventh floor. The elevator was broken as it had been for some time now, so he dashed down the stairs and out the building. He had about half an hour to get to class before it began. Looking at his watch, he scratched his hairy face in thought. Deciding to head out to the Cafe, he took out his phone and began his walk, playing a few rounds of a game as he made his way over.
He entered and ordered a bagel and coffee. He wasn't too hungry, but probably because he ate plenty of snacks last night. A new game had come out and he spent part of the night playing it with his friends, before sending them out to work on his paper due soon.
With a quick "thanks!" He grabbed his order and are on the way to class.
As he entered, his friend waved him over. He had met him in class and was one of his friends that he played with the previous day.
"Yo. What's up pal?"
Warren said as he sat down.
"Nothin' I'm just a bit tired."
"Ahh. Yeah me too."
Warren motioned to his coffee cup.
"You should have texted me, I would have gotten you one."
"Ehh. It's fine."
They continued to talk and eventually class began. Afterward his friend inquired again.
"Hey, wanna hang later?"
"Ehh. Not tonight. I have some stuff due soon."
"Oh damn, you're right. Good call."
"Maybe we can tomorrow or something."
"Well cross that bridge later. See you."
"Bye pal!"
Warren went back to his dorm and spent the entire night on his work. He decided to get to sleep at a good time for once...
As the two slept, they were taken to a skylike dreamscape. Warren looked to his left and saw a familiar girl.
"Hello!" A voice closed in, a bubbly blue haired girl entered on a flying... Spoon?
"Don't be alarmed you two. But this isn't a dream. In the real world you're dreaming. But I've... Hmm... let's just say your consciousness came for a visit. We don't have much time, so Let me get right into it. The earth along with all of the balance in the universe is in danger. Demons are breaching into your world, as crazy as that may seem to you. We are powerless to stop it, but After scouting around, you two seem like a good fit! You both have strong wills and spirits..."
warren was more than confused. He tried to listen but couldnt make much out of it.
"Because of this... All of us at spirit world were wondering if you would like to become temporary spirit detectives? Of course this is a basic run down, and you will be given supplies to aid you... This is a tough task to ask of you both, but I'm sure it will be in it for you to help us somehow..."
Tmd4772 Tmd4772
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Temporary Spirit Detectives... What? Layne was confused, she recalled little from the conversation, but she got the part about the demons.

As Layne awoke, her memories from the dream surged back. Wow... trippy dream. Like mom says "No sugar before bed" Layne tried to rationalize the dream. Shaking it off, she checked the time. 3 AM... great. Thinking the wild dream must of been because of the couch. Layne moved herself to her bed next to Lee to finish out her sleep.

The dream recurred after she fell asleep.

The next morning, Layne awoke after Lee's thieving the covers. Getting up and fixing herself a bowl of cereal and settling at the table, Layne proceeded to try and interpret her dream.

Why was she riding on a spoon? Layne asked herself.
Warren woke later, rubbing his head.
"What a weird dream..."
disregarding it as just a dream... Warren got ready for the day...
"Botan, how did the scouting go?"
"I think I'll have to take a more direct route. They seemed unphased."
"They both go to the same Cafe in the morning, right? Start there."
"I will make my way over there then!"
Warren headed for the Cafe as usual, and as he was about to head out, noticed a blue haired girl in casual clothing, waving him over.
"W-what? What the hell?"
Warren walked over to her and set his order down.
"Hello, Warren."
"You're shittin' me."
"Hrm... I take it you didn't belive me last night."
"N-no! No I didn't! You're some dream girl that showed up and-"
"I'm flattered, but this isn't the time for flirtation!"
"That's not what I meant by 'dream girl...' that's not the point. I'm just shocked that you're serious! A person!"
"We can talk more when the other one arrives."
Tmd4772 Tmd4772
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Should I have woke Lee up?, Layne thought to herself as she walked through the brisk cold of the morning. 7:30 still a little early to be awake and moving. I'm so tired... maybe I'll get a cup of coffee. They sell specialty coffees don't they, maybe I'll like one of those. Contemplating while walking past the campus plaza, Layne realized she forgot her glasses at her dorm. How could I even do that? I can barely see 5 feet in front of me. She scolded herself as she reached the other side of the plaza. She forget the was a step at the end of the plaza, fell, got back up and kept walking. Approaching the entrance of the Café, she confirmed she was in the right place because of the low jazz you could hear outside. Walking in, she couldn't make out any faces, so she went straight to counter to order.

"Can I get a hot chocolate, please?" Layne asked, changing her mind about the coffee. Not today, coffee is terrible. "The name for the order?" The cashier asked. "Oh, Layne. L-A-Y-N-E." Layne responded. "Oh, you're Layne? Your order is already paid for, compliments to your blue-haired friend in the back. Blue-haired? She thought as she picked up her hot chocolate from the counter. Heading in the general direction of where the cashier pointed, trying her best to avoid the arrays of tables, as she still couldn't see very well.

As she approached a table in the back corner, she heard a familiar voice.

"Great, Now you are both here."
Warren looked to both girls in awe. They were the one from his dream last night. Without a doubt.
"So you weren't kidding. That spirit detective thing you talked about was real?"
"Yes. I tell you both with the utmost urgency that your world and the entire universe is in danger. After scanning around, it seemed you two were best fit to become temporary spirit detectives."
Botan pulled out a smartphone and came to a slideshow presentation.
"The job is simpler than it sounds. We find a potential target, you scope them out and take care of them! Of course that's the simple way of saying things..."
the slideshow had two figures of warren and Laybe being sent out, scoping a target, and defeating a target.
"You guys really go out for these things..."
Switching to another slide, Botan went on again.
"Hours will be erratic. Sometimes you'll have a dry spell without any detective work. You can carry on with your college life then, but when work DOES come... it will be urgent and take up most of your time."
Botan pointed to a graph of what seemed to be hours of a spirit detective.
"Of course, we will supply you both with items and materials to help you as we see fit for you both..."
closing her phone she looked to the other two.
"We understand that this is a lot to ask of you. But please consider it. The fate of the universe is is you hands."
"Wow... umm, by take them out do you mean...?" Layne asked fearfully while motion a slicing motion across her throat..
"Oh no no no... We'd never ask you to kill someone. Knock them out or just talk some sense into them... with your fists."
She clapped her hands together gleefully
"Any other questions? We want you both to be comfortable with saying yes, so please don't be scared to ask."
"It's a distraction from school... so I'm in. But I'm not much of a fighter, so I don't know how well I'll do against literal demons. Guess I'll join a gym." Layne said nonchalantly.
"Splendid! Oh, and don't worry so much about the gym. As we said, we will supply you with items that will allow you to tap into your spiritual energy. You may use that to fight. We have one on board, so what about you?"
She turned to the bearded man.
"Well, I'm normally not one to belive this demon and spirit thing... but you make a compelling argument. I mean, I have no reason not to belive you, so... yeah. Count me on board."
"Woah! That easily! That's just great. Perfect! Onto the payment aspect... if you complete your mission we will reward you both-"
"Oh, now I'm really in. What do we get?"
"One wish of your choice granted."
"You serious? You can do that?"
"We can pull strings in the spirt world."
"Well then. If I wasn't in before, I am now!"
Warren greedily rubbed his hands together.
"Oh, I gotta get going, but you two should get to know each other. When you get home, look under your beds. You'll find a kit full of items that will be useful to you both." Botan stood up and headed for the door.
"Goodbye! Thanks again!"
Botan left the Cafe, and discretely made her way back to spirit world to report her success.
"Oh, uhh. Hey, I'm Warren Ledden. I guess I'll be working with you, so... it's nice to meet you!"
"Yeah!" Layne sparked as she snapped out of her daydream. "Oh... yes. Layne Grant, nice to meet you too." Layne greeted. "So I'm guessing you go to school here?"
Warren rubbed the back of his head.
"Yeah. I go here. For me, It's been a bit tough these past few months but I'm gonna push till the end! And now that I got this job, Guess I'll have to work twice as hard."
Warren smiled and took a sip of his coffee. It cooled down to a good temperature while they were talking.
"But I'm kinda excited for this, you know? It's something new, and everyday life is kinda... Monotonous. And if I can save the world, like the actual world... Just imagine all the girls, hehehe..."
Talking a sip of her hot chocolate, Layne thought of what Warren said. "So you're in it for the glory? I'm doing it cuz I'm bored, don't even know what I would wish for." Layne stated. "Probably money so I wouldn't have to worry about working super hard to keep my scholarship. What about you, what would wish for?" Layne asked try to adjust the glasses that weren't there.
"huh. What would I wish for?"
Warren scratched at his beard in thought.
"Well... I think I'm in the same boat as you. I think I'd want money. Or maybe some cool animal... that'd be sick. Well I could buy a trained bear with money so money works. When we finish, who knows. What we want might change."
"I don't know, trained bear is the answer of a man who knows what he wants." Layne said sarcastically. "But maybe..." She sighed "Anyway, what do you think these demons and stuff will look like? She said she'll give us the missions, so does that mean we have to find them ourselves? I don't have a car, are we gonna have to bus around town? Man, why did I think of all these questions after she left?" Layne spoke disheartened.
"But think about it! I could ride to class. On a bear. Look me in the eye and tell me that isn't cool."
As Layne rattled off questions warren couldn't help but question himself.
"Well, I don't know about the others, but I have a car! And I'm sure Botan'll get us all the stuff we need to complete our tasks. I'm not too worried on that front."
Warren took out a notebook and scribbled a set of numbers on a piece of paper.
"Class is starting soon. When you get home don't forget to look under your bed like Botan mentioned. Let me know what you find."
Warren smiled at Layne and pushed open the door.
"I'll see you later!"
"Bye Bye Bye" Layne greeted as Warren left with a smile. Well, my first job... is as a missionary. Layne thought to herself. I am a hitman now... without the killing part. And I work for a lady that can appear in dreams. Oh and my new partner wants a bear. Yes. That is my today. That is what just happened. Layne was wrapping her head around it when her alarm went off. 10 AM... Class starts at 11 today. Layne head out of the Café to continue her day

8 Hours and One Long Conversation With Her Professor About the Difference Between Having a Legitimate Reason For Being Late and Being Late Because She Confused 10 O'clock and 11 O'clock

Finally home, Layne thought to herself as she decompressed on her couch. Begrudgingly, she moved herself into her room in order to look under her bed. Sure enough, the was a dark green lockbox sitting there where it hadn't been before. Pulling it out she noticed it wasn't locked.

Here goes nothing, Layne thought to herself as she slowly open the kit.
Inside the kit, the first thing to show was a multiple page instruction booklet. The first page was a letter from Botan.
"Dear Layne,
Thank you for agreeing to become a temporary spirit detective. Please not you aren't official until you are given your first mission. On a unspecified date, we will visit your "boss" and you will be given your first mission then. Until then, please get acquainted with these tools. Instructions on how to use these will be detailed further in. Stay safe, and thank you again!"
As the pages went on they described how to use the items within:

Communication mirror: If spirit energy is channeled into the mirror while someone also possessing a mirror is on the mind, that person will be contacted via the mirror, and their face will show up, and they can be spoken to. Not helpful with the advent of smartphones, but is helpful for contacting those in the spirit world. It can track those also expelling spirit energy for use in finding them. Those who show up as a green dot are in an okay state. Those who show up as a yellow dot are hurt somewhat, those who show up as a red dot are very hurt, and those who show up as a grey dot are not expressing spirit energy. Either meaning they are asleep or dead.

Concentration ring: helpful for beginners. If the ring is worn on the index finger, it helps spirit energy channel into the finger, it being able to shoot out and hurt enemies. Eventually spirit charges may be fired without use of the ring.

Spirit stopwatch: Uses spirit energy to create barriers that take the form of watches. A beginner may only create a few weak barriers, but as one gets stronger, they may Create more barriers, and stronger barriers, even without use of the watch. Also tells time. Neat!

Demon encyclopedia: A large leather notebook with knowledge of plenty of notable demons, spirit world services and people to help a fledgling spirit detective.

Demon radar:
A stylish, watch looking device worn on the wrist. The face contains a compass like mechanism that lights up and points in the direction of the nearest demon.

After a few minutes went by, the mirror began to vibrate..,
"Huh?" Layne said setting the booklet down. The communication mirror? I'm already so popular. Layne proceeded to pick up the mirror. How do I... answer it?
As Layne grabbed the mirror, she eventually found a button on the front that opened the compact mirror.
"Yooo. Layne!"
Warren's bearded face appeared on the screen. His voice projected clearly, like they were talking face to face rather than through a telephone filter.
"I was just testing this out. All this stuff is pretty cool, huh?"
"WHOA!! This is amazing!!" Blurted Layne. She sat back up on her bed, "So have you tried out the other thing in the kit, I'm still trying to figure it out... All but this ring" Layne said as she lifted her finger into view to show she had already equipped the ring. "I just thought about it really hard and my finger nail turned slightly light purple, haven't been able to do it since though. I think I need more practice." Layne continued. "What about you? Figure anything out yet?" She questioned.
"Oh, your nail turned purple?"
Warren helt his finger up to the camera.
"Mine isn't reacting at all. Like really, nothing at all. It's just a ring on my index finger, it makes me look like a tool..."
Warren shook his head.
"The instructions say to 'clear your mind and only focus on your spirit energy. Feel it flow through you and to you fingertip until it glows a light blue and fire.' But I do that and nothing happens!"
Warren read through the instructions left for him.
"I guess I'll contact Botan later... but I'm sorry to intrude. You keep going! Lemme know when you can shoot a spirit gun! See ya!"
Warren closed the mirror and focused his spirit energy into his finger, but nothing happened. He tried taking it slow. Concentrating from his core, to his arm, to his hand, to-
Warren's hand began to crackle a yellow-orange color.
Focusing on her finger as she had been practicing for hours caused her whole hand to glow. She had mastered concentrating it. But Layne could not yet have the energy leave her hand yet. Maybe I'm not cut out for this, Layne thought. She decided to try and call Botan for extra assistance. She opened the mirror and thought about Botan, to no avail. All she got was a clear view of herself. Maybe the lines busy, Warren did say he would call her... but UGH!! Layne bashed her still glowing hand on the wall, creating a pretty sizable hole, roughly the size of a basketball. "F***" She screamed as she had scared herself. She looked down at her hand. "F****** AWESOME". She looked back at the wall, "F***!!!". She reopened the mirror and thought, WARREN ANSWER THE MIRROR!!!
Warren had been experimenting with his glowing hand, and even tried calling Botan, but nothing would get through. He placed the mirror in his pocket and sighed, continuing to channel his energy into his hand to no avail.
...then the mirror rang again. Hoping it was Botan to return his call, he opened.
"Yo, it's Warren. Oh, Layne! What's up?"

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