Anime & Manga Your Most Hated Anime, ever

Shield Hero, Goblin Slayer and the like.

I hate being lured with "cool edgy hero" (I like that) but only getting that for the first 2-3 episodes and everything after is a bland harem anime, self-insert powertrip or just outright boring.
Miss Kobayashi's Dragon

Sword art online

Yarachin b club

errrrrr....boku.. not saying it.

My Hero Academia
KHR sorry why woulc Tsuna made such a good mafioso is beyond me.
I wasn't a huge fan of Black Clover.
I had a really hard time sitting down and watching Cowboy BeBop, but maybe I just didn't like the first and second episodes. (I really want to like it, but I cannot)
I tried so hard to like Overlord. I really did. I liked Demiurge immediately and wanted badly to like the other Floor Guardians, even after the first episode put me off of Ainz himself. I struggled SO HARD to like Albedo, Shalltear, Aura and Mare, and Cocytus specifically. And I did sorta like them when the show gave them anything that wasn't terrible! But oh my god that show tested me personally and eventually I started skipping and skimming episodes, then finally skipped all the way to the end of the first season and gave up in disgust.

Hot garbage. I'm still so mad it's getting at least four seasons and a movie.
Definitely bleach. I just don't care about anything happening. I can't attach to anyone because I just think their actions are so ridiculous, not like silly but just without any sense. I get really frustrated with stupidity.
Seven Deadly Sins

It looked promising at first, and the fights were alright. But the romance, that's a huge no for me, even if they're running with the whole reincarnation/curse angle, but seriously, no.
Man I'm so sorry, I'm gonna get so much hate for this but I couldn't stand Koe no Katachi 😭 I was really interested in it based on the clips I watched but when I watched the full movie I just felt like it dragged on for two hours ;o;

OH I just remembered

Children of the Whales was also boring to me
Ugh... School Days

Tell me why does something like this exist?? Everything about it is just weird and disgusting.
Most of the time for me it's not as much as hate as it is not being able to get into a anime. But if I had to name a few.

Death note
Black butler
Sword art online
Darwins game
And finally bleach.
I don't think I've ever hung on to any thoughts about animes I disliked 🤔 I just stopped watching when they got dull... and now can't recall a thing about them.

I admit that I'm probably not the intended audience for it and that's fine. I really liked the earlier concepts when the main character was without powers and had to solve all of his problems through the use of physics and pure, stupid bravery. It lost me after he gained powers, though, and it became your average shounen anime. Which is fine, I respect what it is, but I'm just not the target audience for it. I also find it creepy how the show tends to treat characters as young as, like, fifteen, such as the girl with creation powers (I think that's what it was?) and the innapropriate grape character. The "pervert" tropes in anime have always made me uncomfortable, but I think it felt elevated to me now that I'm an adult.

I admit that I'm probably not the intended audience for it and that's fine. I really liked the earlier concepts when the main character was without powers and had to solve all of his problems through the use of physics and pure, stupid bravery. It lost me after he gained powers, though, and it became your average shounen anime. Which is fine, I respect what it is, but I'm just not the target audience for it. I also find it creepy how the show tends to treat characters as young as, like, fifteen, such as the girl with creation powers (I think that's what it was?) and the innapropriate grape character. The "pervert" tropes in anime have always made me uncomfortable, but I think it felt elevated to me now that I'm an adult.
The grape kid his name is Mineta I admit I hate his characterization and quirk. My biggest complaint is how the fandom ships Bakugo x Deku even though Bakugo hates him literally is abusive to him almost outright tried to kill him.
I was not a fan of JJK. Tried reading the manga, tried watching the anime, didn't like either.

I found it overrated, and the characters by in large bland. And the one I liked died. That's not exactly going to encourage a person to keep on watching, is it?

Besides, it does this thing where it wants to have its cake and eat it constantly. Yuuji ain't a typical shounen MC because he's not an underdog, but he is a standard shounen MC because he eats this demon creature's finger, gains superpowers, and becomes the chosen one. Nobara ain't the standard shounen female, except she becomes useless, and the sacrifices are largely women. This anime is not afraid to kill off the main character, except, apparently, it is, because Yuuji comes back so shortly afterward you don't even have time to miss him. This anime totally isn't trope-y, except it totally is. I mean, the mentor dude that shirks off on his duties? Yeah, that was Julius for me before this. Now it's Gojo. The main trio made of the optimist dude, the emo dude, and the kinda' cold chick? I mean, think Asta, Yuno, Noelle. Or Naruto, Sasuke, and Sakura. Sure, Nobara ain't full-on tsundre, but they're all kind of cold, and as per Sakura and Nobara, I've seen more compelling female characters in both backstory (reason behind why they are the way they are) and development (growth past the point they're at). Like Noelle.

Now, I'm definitely not saying that Black Clover is all that great. It's got pacing issues in places, if you're looking for 0 tropes this series isn't it, I can't stand the lead protagonist (Asta) and only really watch it for the side characters, and those tend to get forgotten past the reincarnation arc in the manga often enough that even the memes ain't as funny anymore... I'm just using it as a point of reference because it's a shounen anime with similarities that I also know pretty well, that I've completed to the most recent episode/chapter, and that I think does things better by not pretending to be more original or better than it actually is. Furthermore, at least with BC fans tend to acknowledge the flaws, meanwhile, with other shounen like JJK, Demon Slayer, Chainsawman, or One Piece, they get all defensive about it. Even AoT, Naruto, and Dragon Ball Z don't have people so eager to tout it as the best of the best... but maybe it's more to do with a difference in fanbase.
The grape kid his name is Mineta I admit I hate his characterization and quirk. My biggest complaint is how the fandom ships Bakugo x Deku even though Bakugo hates him literally is abusive to him almost outright tried to kill him.
Minetta is definitely an obnoxious pervert. He doesn't really have a reason to be there, except for comic relief. Which is mind-boggling, because of all the types of comic relief character, why would you choose the pervert if you've set out to write a series primarily targeted at teens (that's why it's called shounen, not seinen). What is more frustrating is that sexual abuse/harassment is a problem people of every age and gender are at risk of dealing with and it is very serious, yet it is shown in such a dismissive way. I don't mind the use of comedy to talk about serious topics - I love satire and such like -, but the execution of Minetta's arc and the way in which the comedy is used gives the wrong impression of things.

I am not keen on BakuDeku because:
a) Deku is clearly shown to be interested in Ochaco and they actually seem to genuinely be positive influences on each other, and have wholesome interactions with each other from day one, which is a rarity among straight anime pairings. (I mean the number of tsundere ships...). Sure, Deku could be bi and just hasn't met a crush at a relevant time for it to crossover with his hero journey who is also a guy, but;
b) It's hard to believe either Deku or Bakugo would have a crush on each other after so many years of nothing but hostility from Bakugo, who even afterward doesn't actually show romantic affection - and neither does Deku - or signs he might have a crush. At best he's slightly less abrasive to Deku and more willing to cooperate. But it's hard to overlook the fact that for years Bakugo (no matter his reasons) has bullied Deku.
And I understand there is this whole idea of boys messing with girls they like, but a) that's not a healthy or good thing and b) how many of them have told the girl to kill herself and hope that in the next life she'll be "better" (not sure what the equivalent of having a quirk would be in our world. Would it be like not having a disability or have 20/20 vision or something....? what's a good analogy?)? Bakugo's taunt was cruel on many levels and while, yes, he was a teenager (and we've all said shitty stuff before), I'm not opposed to his redemption (better than him staying a complete ass)... It's surprising that Deku even tolerates him after all this. He sure doesn't owe him forgiveness after all that. I am not surprised that he doesn't show signs of having a crush on Bakugo, because even if he's also into guys... I mean... how??? How this guy??? Why this guy???
Minetta is definitely an obnoxious pervert. He doesn't really have a reason to be there, except for comic relief. Which is mind-boggling, because of all the types of comic relief character, why would you choose the pervert if you've set out to write a series primarily targeted at teens (that's why it's called shounen, not seinen). What is more frustrating is that sexual abuse/harassment is a problem people of every age and gender are at risk of dealing with and it is very serious, yet it is shown in such a dismissive way. I don't mind the use of comedy to talk about serious topics - I love satire and such like -, but the execution of Minetta's arc and the way in which the comedy is used gives the wrong impression of things.

I am not keen on BakuDeku because:
a) Deku is clearly shown to be interested in Ochaco and they actually seem to genuinely be positive influences on each other, and have wholesome interactions with each other from day one, which is a rarity among straight anime pairings. (I mean the number of tsundere ships...). Sure, Deku could be bi and just hasn't met a crush at a relevant time for it to crossover with his hero journey who is also a guy, but;
b) It's hard to believe either Deku or Bakugo would have a crush on each other after so many years of nothing but hostility from Bakugo, who even afterward doesn't actually show romantic affection - and neither does Deku - or signs he might have a crush. At best he's slightly less abrasive to Deku and more willing to cooperate. But it's hard to overlook the fact that for years Bakugo (no matter his reasons) has bullied Deku.
And I understand there is this whole idea of boys messing with girls they like, but a) that's not a healthy or good thing and b) how many of them have told the girl to kill herself and hope that in the next life she'll be "better" (not sure what the equivalent of having a quirk would be in our world. Would it be like not having a disability or have 20/20 vision or something....? what's a good analogy?)? Bakugo's taunt was cruel on many levels and while, yes, he was a teenager (and we've all said shitty stuff before), I'm not opposed to his redemption (better than him staying a complete ass)... It's surprising that Deku even tolerates him after all this. He sure doesn't owe him forgiveness after all that. I am not surprised that he doesn't show signs of having a crush on Bakugo, because even if he's also into guys... I mean... how??? How this guy??? Why this guy???
I agree on all your points no apology excuses how Bakugo treated Deku. I won’t get this ship or how it works at all…

In regards using sexual harassment in a dismissive way or as comedy is just wrong.. I agree on that. I can’t stand Mineta.
Second season of Tokyo ghoul 'Cause I'll never forgive them for not animating the dick squad + Hinami (aka kaneki, banjou, shuu, ichimi, jiro and sante)
THEY WERE MY FAVORITE PART OF THE MANGA AHHHHHHHHHH. The omake comics with them were my LIFE. Shuu being excluded from movie nights? How dare they deprive meeeeee.
True story: I broke up with someone over SAO. I'm sure there's trashier, worse written anime out there, but I can never forgive it for being so bewilderingly popular it spawned a hundred other shitty isekais.
Ya'll don't watch enough anime for some of these listed opinions.

Hands down for me is an actually bad anime that quickly flopped and has one of the lowest scores on MAL and other assorted list keeping/review sites, by the name of EX-ARM, just take a look on youtube, tons of videos of people making fun of it.

Actually, im'ma do you a favor, curse your own human existence.

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Ya'll don't watch enough anime for some of these listed opinions.

Hands down for me is an actually bad anime that quickly flopped and has one of the lowest scores on MAL and other assorted list keeping/review sites, by the name of EX-ARM, just take a look on youtube, tons of videos of people making fun of it.

Actually, im'ma do you a favor, curse your own human existence.


I have over a hundred completed entries on MAL, several dropped, watching, and planning to watch. I'd say I've watched enough to be able to be able to say that I hate aspects of anime or just a certain anime in general.

Also, if you're only ever gonna list the low-hanging fruit everyone seems to dislike because, as you have already stated, it has one of the lowest scores on MAL, I'm thinking maybe you haven't watched enough anime, or given any of them much thought. Have fun being part of the herd. 🐑
I have over a hundred completed entries on MAL, several dropped, watching, and planning to watch. I'd say I've watched enough to be able to be able to say that I hate aspects of anime or just a certain anime in general.

Also, if you're only ever gonna list the low-hanging fruit everyone seems to dislike because, as you have already stated, it has one of the lowest scores on MAL, I'm thinking maybe you haven't watched enough anime, or given any of them much thought. Have fun being part of the herd. 🐑
Talk to me when you hit a thousand entries, then you'll be about in the same ballpark range as me, though I'm closer to 2k than 1k, and there are plenty of people on MAL with more completed anime than me. So, till you do that, don't be taking your "I've seen over 100" energy and telling me a thing like you are, cause in my realm you are the learner. I also have zero drops, if I decide to watch something, it gets watched, if you want my MAL profile it's easy enough to find. Or just use the use the anime graph add-on site, provided you even know what that is.

Though if you want me to list a popular one I didn't like. Then that's easy Blue Submarine No. 6. The story is all over the place and it crams what could be a seasonal show into a two hour block and the ending left me on a sour note. Too much happened, too quickly and the CGI while good for its time could be jarring.
I have over a hundred completed entries on MAL, several dropped, watching, and planning to watch. I'd say I've watched enough to be able to be able to say that I hate aspects of anime or just a certain anime in general.

Also, if you're only ever gonna list the low-hanging fruit everyone seems to dislike because, as you have already stated, it has one of the lowest scores on MAL, I'm thinking maybe you haven't watched enough anime, or given any of them much thought. Have fun being part of the herd. 🐑
Talk to me when you hit a thousand entries, then you'll be about in the same ballpark range as me, though I'm closer to 2k than 1k, and there are plenty of people on MAL with more completed anime than me. So, till you do that, don't be taking your "I've seen over 100" energy and telling me a thing like you are, cause in my realm you are the learner. I also have zero drops, if I decide to watch something, it gets watched, if you want my MAL profile it's easy enough to find. Or just use the use the anime graph add-on site, provided you even know what that is.

Though if you want me to list a popular one I didn't like. Then that's easy Blue Submarine No. 6. The story is all over the place and it crams what could be a seasonal show into a two hour block and the ending left me on a sour note. Too much happened, too quickly and the CGI while good for its time could be jarring.
Your opinions are both valid. I've seen probably less than ten anime - my opinion is valid too. We don't gatekeep anime... lol. Be chill, yo.

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