Other your favorite animal

zachie mel

the demon prince
so i love animals, its just a thing i have, i feel like i have to nurture them like a mother would a baby, i have had so many cats in the past that i have loved, so thus my favorite animal is cats, how about you guys?
Can I say my cat specifically?

I don't have a favorite animal in general. I just love 'em in general <3
My favorite domestic animal would be a Blue Nosed Pitbull since I've raised a good boi since 2 weeks old. Exotic animal would have to be octopi, those things are cool as all hell.
My favorite animals are Jellyfish, but I love all animals.
I've spent my entire life taking care of different types of animals and I tend to have a way with most of them, especially cats. I currently only personally own one dog and one fish, but I help my family take care of their animals as well since I live in comfortable walking distance of them. I am planning on getting a cat once again when I have a steadier flow of income, though. So hopefully soon I'll have another companion to add to the family.
My favorite animal would be the wolf or dog. So canines I suppose.

If we're talking mythological though, that would be the Hydra or the Cerberus
Giant dogs. Massive dogs. Their hearts are as big as they are. And the best- and sometimes- worst thing about them is when they still think they're lapdogs.
so i love animals, its just a thing i have, i feel like i have to nurture them like a mother would a baby, i have had so many cats in the past that i have loved, so thus my favorite animal is cats, how about you guys?

Elephants cuz I think they are cute
so i love animals, its just a thing i have, i feel like i have to nurture them like a mother would a baby, i have had so many cats in the past that i have loved, so thus my favorite animal is cats, how about you guys?
I can't decide from such a huge world of animals, really.
Cows are my favourite animal xD yep the black and white things that stand in a field not dolphins not bears just cows lol
Everyone who has not replied goat is a liar, or a dog. Dogs are notoriously envious of goats and how amazing they are. They a literal angels with hooves and sometimes horns. I love them so much my eyes tear up when I see goats.

Oh I forgot to mention, my favorite animals are goats.
These lovely little creatures

If mythical creatures count, I’m going to go with dragon. If not then a killer whale is my favorite.
Lions are very powerful symbols of courage, leadership, and pride. Horses are graceful, intelligent, and understanding. Also, both are heraldic symbols, and Western European history is somewhat of a passion of mine. I think these animals describe me best.

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