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Fandom Young Justice


Ace of Spades
So, how many of you are interested in a Young Justice RP, including the original team as well as OC's a little after the end of the first season?
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That definitely works with me, and you guys don't have to obey canonicity... is that a word? Anyways, you can do anything that isn't drastically put of a characters ability, story, or personality. If you want to ship Robin and say Aqua Lad, or Kent and Artemis, go for it.

Keep in mind, I'll also be accepting oocs
Ah, alright! And my apologies for not specifying- but, I would love to perform the Dick Grayson Robin that is in season 1, as I adore the character and would love to perform him as Robin. I hope this wouldn't be troublesome, however. Otherwise, thank you for giving us the freedom to not obey the canon too strictly, though for me it is usually more comfortable to do so; so personally I might just stick by it a bit more closely. :)
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Would being a neutral force be ok... he will be a villain, but he will have a set of morals and personal codes he has to follow, which sometimes leads him to fight other villains, or heroes as the settings change.
I have a character inspired by Jinx from Teen Titans, if that would work? I always have trouble finding a decent quality YJ RP, but I promise, Karma is a great character (even if she seems like a bit of an angsty edgelord)
Lol, that'll do. So, as of rn, I don't haveany specific plot details in mind, so who's up for a little brainstorming?
We could do an AU with different sets of characters who face the same threats as the canons.

We could do OCs and Canons that have to fight a common threat. Basic, but can be piled upon.
True, but I was thinking we start Jan 2, this year, as if the events of the first season happened last year.

Our group is the second wave of recruits, and our story will feed into the second season. Two years is plently of leeway.
Alright, I'm going to ask all of you to post your characters name, age, power, and appearance is optional, for now.

Vincent Lewis Gallagher 


Ability to change his appearance and body composition by shifting and adapting a thin layer of machines he controls with an interface connected to his spinal cord

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You okay with me removing the stipulation that a Blue Lantern needs a Green Lantern around to fully use their ring?

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