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Realistic or Modern Young And Reckless (Still Accepting!)

Charlie West
When Luna took his hand, the softness of her skin sent a tingle up his arm and caused his heart to do that funny little jump in his chest again. He smiled at her every time she glanced up at him, loving looking at her beautiful eyes sparkling in the dull moonlight once they stepped outside. As she checked her phone, he pulled her down to the curb and pulled her down to settle on the grass with their backs leaning against his Charger. "This is definitely better, the music was making my head hurt," Luna said, giving Charlie another bright smile. He noticed a glimmer in his eyes that he was sure was mirrored in his own.

"I know. Adam feels the need to blast it so loud that the whole neighborhood goes deaf," he laughed. He rolled his neck and then leaned his head back against the car, staring up at the stars spattering the night sky. He could make out Orion and his bow, and saw the North Star off to his right. He felt all the tension from the night seep out of his body and he closed his eyes, savoring it.

Samantha J Waters
interaction: minajesty minajesty

Samantha immediately nodded as she looked around. "its ok..... first party i go to and im ditched for sex." she said trying to make it into a joke before she nodded to him. "Y-yeah me and my dad moved into town not to long ago." she informed him as she looked around at all the rowdy people before back to him. "Im Samantha." She said back before seeing him get pushed around and spoke a little hesitantly like she wasn't trying to sound weird. "Do you... want to go talk somewhere less rowdy?" She asked him. She knew how other teenagers could be, a girl asks a guy to go with her to a less public or quieter place and most guys immediately think she wants him to bed her. But Samantha just wanted to talk and possibly make a new freind. Sex was the last thing on her mind at the moment and frankly it kinda scared her to think about.
Eve Carroll
Eve grinned, "That's the spirit!" She pecked his lips, then glanced up, frowning, "uh-oh, girlfriend cockblock..." she looked back at Leon. "Let's go? If you still wana..." she batted her eyelashes sweetly, biting her bottom lip.
summerwine summerwine

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IMG_8844.jpg Luna settled down, flicking a piece of grass off her jeans, her other hand still in Charlie's. She looked down at her hand and chuckled nervously.
"This your car?"
Luna turned her head and nodded to the car, smiling in approval.
She laughed with a wink. Luna felt comfortable like this, with Charlie. The young girl stretched out her legs and casually draped one over Charlie's leg playfully.

Tori Bradley Tori Bradley
Ava Blake
"A walk?" She grinned, "You aren't as much of a player as you pretend to be, are you?" She poked his crotch, "Disappointing. I can't stay a virgin forever, y'know." A little of her southern accent seeped into her words, the smoke finally getting to her, despite her high tolerance.
"A walk, hm? Well, alright."
Physiicz Physiicz
Leon Connor Lawrence

Outfit: http://www.polyvore.com/jasper_lawrence_tutoring/set?id=213438393
Chatting with: TragedyWithClarity TragedyWithClarity Rui Rui

Leon twisted Eve's golden locks with his slim fingers when his best friend Lily came walking into the kitchen. He didn't really notice until she cleared her throat and asked what was going on, "We-" Eve then began to speak, leaving Leon's words to go to thin air.
Leon sighed and shrugged, "She's just my bestie." Leon grinned a bit and gave a small wave to Lily and laughed a bit, "Yeah, we might be drunk, just a 'smidgen'." Leon said and put his index finger and thumb close together, to show how little he was actually drunk, but couldn't keep a straight face. But Leon did frown when Lily crossed her arms, "Oh don't be jealous," Leon winked.

Ashton Hayden Montgomery

Outfit: https://www.polyvore.com/ashton_montgomery_party_wear/set?id=219258393
Chatting With: minajesty minajesty

Ashton wrapped his arms around Jessica's waist when she pulled on his jeans, to bring him even closer. Ashton kissed back passionately, enjoying every moment of it, he didn't want to let go.
He still kept his hands on her waist, slowly moving down as he kissed her nose softly. Ashton moved her dark brunette hair from her neck and kissed the side of her neck softly, before kissing back up to her lips. Ashton then lifted her up from her waist and held Jessica as they moved to the bed.
Ashton laid her down softly and hovered over her, continuing to kiss her passionately and lustfully.

Talking to: summerwine summerwine Rui Rui
"I'm not 'jealous' I just want to go home." She used air quotes when she said jealous, uncrossing her arms. "If you don't come with me, I'll just leave you here with little miss. IwanttohavesexwithanyguyIsee over there." She squinted at him with a bit of annoyance. "If you want to stay, you can, I'm just not going to come pick you up later. It's now or never with me, Leon." She said sternly, watching Eve closely.

She pulled her keys out of her pocket, swinging them around her finger by the key chain. She tapped her foot, putting her hood up, covering half of her face.​
Simon Nessman GiF 1.gif
"Well if you're so desperate, there's a nice hedge I've used before just down the street?" he asked with a grin while opening the door and stepping out of the car. All the built up smoke slowly rolled out of the car. Once the neighbours smell that, cops are gonna be called he though to himself. Too bad I ain't gonna be here when they show. He looked up at the house the music still pumping and teens still partying.

Rui Rui

Jessica & Sebastian

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Sebastian smiled slightly and nodded. "Well welcome to the neighborhood. Hopefully you're enjoying it right now."he said. When she mentioned moving out of the crowded space, he nodded and grabbed her hand. When he realized what he had done, he blushed slightly and looked away, leading himself and Samantha out of the crowded area. Looking around, he thought for a moment and then headed for the kitchen. He was getting a little thirsty and he was just assuming that she was to.

"Do you want something to drink?"he asked after letting go of her hand. Leaning over, he opened the fridge and looked inside. "There's soda, beer, vodka, juice..."he said and let the sentence linger, so she could choose what she wanted. [ Daniel Reaving Daniel Reaving ]

Jessica leaned her head up slightly and deepened the kiss as much as she could without looking desperate. Of course, she had missed and craved him but she didn't want to give him the satisfaction of knowing that. She let one of her hands slip up and tangle into his hair, while the other one stayed hooked at the loop of his jeans. Fuck it, she thought to herself and untied the lace of her dress that had been covering her bust. Soon enough, nothing had been covering her except for his body. [ summerwine summerwine ]
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Ashton Hayden Montgomery

Outfit: https://www.polyvore.com/ashton_montgomery_party_wear/set?id=219258393
Chatting With: minajesty minajesty


Ashton turned over on his side to face Jessica as they were tangled in the sheets. Ashton ran his fingers through her hair and smiled, "That was nice." His smile widened a bit as he then turned onto his back as he stared up at the ceiling, "I love you," Ashton whispered and glanced over to Jessica, admiring her facial features.

"Thank god I locked the door." He joked with a small laugh and wrapped an arm around Jessica.

Rick had been desperate to get out of the water, but Jaime was trying with all her might to help him. Rick kicked and pushed to get out, and he finally decided to ask for help. "Fuck!" He yelled and he panicked, as his arms gave in an he slid back under the water. Rick hated big bodies of water and trying to swim, he never knew how and never got lessons. He went under and soon, Jaime yanked him back up. He could have used a little help. ( @Smoaki ) As well as Jaime, she had to get herself and this panicked male out of a sticky situation yet again. Jaime slid herself out only to dive under. How fucking deep could this pool possibly have been? She swam for what in the moment felt like forever as she grabbed his arm and began pulling him up.

"Breath, Rick I got you." Jaime said as soon as the black haired male arose from underwater. "Del!" Jaime shouted as soon as she arose as well. She yelled the name of the first person her eyes laid upon and hoped that Del could hear her. If not, she yelled again, just in case. "Del, Come here!" Jaime shouted, and Rick had dropped his key and wallet under water, for he had lost grip while panicking about getting out. "Rick, hold onto the wall. Del will come over to help you out a little." Jaime reassured and Rick held on for his life. So this was what he got for being increasingly underweight, malnourished and weak. At least that in this moment, that if her were to die; Jaime would be the last thing he got to see other than the chlorine filled water. Rick awaited the footsteps of another being to assist him with getting out. It truly made him feel pathetic and stupid, he was bottom line embarrassed.
((Sorry that this is slightly shorter than my normal posts, ))
Leon Connor Lawrence

Outfit: http://www.polyvore.com/jasper_lawrence_tutoring/set?id=213438393
Chatting with: TragedyWithClarity TragedyWithClarity Rui Rui

Leon sighed and rolled his eyes at Lily and nodded. He then looked over at Eve and continued to twirl and untwirl her blonde locks, "As much as I'd love to continue what you wanted to start," Leon glanced up at Lily with puppy dog eyes but shook his head.
"I think I must go, my ride is going to leave without me." Leon reluctantly said. He frowned to Eve and kissed her cheek, "I'm sure I'll see you around." He winked as he gestured Eve to stand up, he then stopped in his tracks.
"Would you actually like to come to my place?" He said with a raised eyebrow.

Talking to: summerwine summerwine Rui Rui
Lily squinted her eyes in disbelief. "There's no room in my car." She said bluntly, gesturing for Leon to stop.

"Maybe next time though." She fake smiled. She held the keys waiting for Leon, she was about to leave him. "Come on, Leon, we gotta go..." She said a bit annoyed, waiting for him to follow her.​

Samantha J Waters
Interaction: minajesty minajesty

Samantha smiled more and nodded. "Could be worse." She told him before her eyes went to there hands when he grabbed hers. of course she didn't say anything but god was it embarrassing. Silently following him into the kitchen. Thinking it over she smiled. "Soda please?" She asked him with a smile as she watched him. Not able to resist she hopped up onto the counter and crossed her left leg over her right. Running a hand through her hair as she looked to Sebastian before looking away again. she couldn't help but find this boy very very cute and was rather happy he was a nice guy.
Eve Carroll

Eve grinned.
"I have a car, and I'd love to." She giggled and embraced him, "but you'd have to driiiive!" She looked at him in all seriousness.
"I can't crash it again. The insurance would be soooo expensive."
summerwine summerwine


Jessica & Sebastian

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Sebastian nodded and smiled. Choosing one at random, he grabbed the Pepsi and closed the refridgerator door. Turning around he handed it to her. "Here you go. Not sure which one you liked so I just choice the most common one."he explained and smiled. Hopping onto the counter that was close to her, he scooted slightly making sure she had enough room. "So...are you nervous about starting in a new school?"he asked. He wasn't one to start good conversations so he tried to make something up. He didn't like the awkward silence, so he figured that it would be best to talk. [ Daniel Reaving Daniel Reaving ]

Jessica looked over at him and smiled, still breathless from their steamy session. She laid in silence for a little bit, hand pulling the sheets over her bare chest. "I love you to, Ashton."she said in response and sat up a little bit. It had been a while since they last did it, but it felt all new to her. They weren't so lovey dovey before considering their fight, but she felt more relaxed now that they could be together without arguing. "Still the amazing sex-god I know and love"she mumbled low enough to the point where it sounded like random noises. Well at least it sounded that way to her. But honestly, she didn't care if he heard her or not. Shifting a little bit, she moved closer to him and laid her head down. Her eyes searched his as he looked at her. [ summerwine summerwine ]
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Leon Connor Lawrence

Outfit: http://www.polyvore.com/jasper_lawrence_tutoring/set?id=213438393
Chatting with: TragedyWithClarity TragedyWithClarity Rui Rui

Leon sighed and thought about it for a moment. He felt bad, but being partly drunk and not completely mindful of other people's feelings, he went with this, "Well, I think I'll stay here with Eve..." He said and sympathetically looked at Lily, "I promiseee I'll call you tomorrow." Leon smiled and glanced at Eve, "Evie, I would so drive if I actually could." He said and gestured to his wheelchair.

Ashton Hayden Montgomery

Outfit: https://www.polyvore.com/ashton_montgomery_party_wear/set?id=219258393
Chatting With: minajesty minajesty

Ashton smiled softly at the "I love you too, Ashton." He loved the way Jessica said his name, he could listen to it over and over again. He never wanted to let her go.
He laughed a little too Jessica, hearing her little mumble, "Please," He smirked and watched Jessica's beautiful eyes, "I'm so not a sex god."


Talking with: summerwine summerwine

She let her arms fall down and sadness ran through her. "So basically.." She started, walking a bit closer. "You dragged me to a party that I didn't even want to go to, and now you are going to stay with her, like instead of coming with me, your best friend?" She sarcastically laughed, looking down. "You know what, Leon, it just...it doesn't matter. Don't bother calling or texting me." A tear rolled down her cheek as she turned and left. She ran to her car, getting in and starting her engine. She sat in the drive way, waiting to see if he 'tried' to come after her, but realized it didn't matter, so she sped off in the direction of her home.

She finally got home, walking into her house slowly. "Hopefully he's asleep.." She thought to herself, turning the corner to find her adoptive father standing in the kitchen drunk with his arms crossed.​

Samantha J Waters
Interaction: minajesty minajesty

Samantha smiled as she took the soda and opened it. taking a drink before letting out a small sigh before she looked to him and thought about the question before she looked to her soda and spoke. "Very... ive never fit in among teens because my dad.... hes a racer and.... so am I so ive never been one to fit in. While other girls are driving fast cars and getting there nails done.. im building fast cars, racing them, and getting covered in grease." She told him before giving him a shy glance

Character name/Quote/Rp name

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Sebastian smiled and nodded a little bit. He was already starting to like her, despite the fact that he had just met her a few minutes ago. "I can understand how you think its hard to fit in. I haven't met many girls who doesn't mind getting down and dirty."he said "Well at least not in a way that involves a bedroom. Im not really into all of that."he explained and smiled. He hopped off for a few minutes, becoming thirsty and grabbed a soda. "Ya'know, you're not like many of the girls here...I like that."he said in an honest manner and smiled. [ Daniel Reaving Daniel Reaving ]

Jessica rolled her eyes playfully and shook her head. "Oh please Ashton, you are a sex god and you know it."she said and chuckled slightly. "If you think otherwise, tell that to my moaning noises."she said and smiled.
[ summerwine summerwine ]

code by pasta
Charlie West
Charlie lazily opened one eye and looked down at Luna when she asked about his car. A slow grin spread over his face when she called it hot. She wasn't the first. Charlie agreed with them. His car was sexy. It was his baby. When David had come up to visit and bought for him for his sixteenth birthday, Charlie spent months thanking him over and over and over again. He missed his horse, Blaze, but his Charger made up for it in strides. Charlie ran his thumb over the back of Luna's hand, turning his head to look at her when she draped her leg over his. Charlie moved his free hand so it rested on her knee.

Looking back up at the sky, he said, "So tell me about yourself, Luna."

Luna_Marie Luna_Marie
IMG_8848.jpg "Ooh there's not much.... I hate my stepdad, don't prefer my mom, can't wait to escape this shithole.... oh and I love colors."
She pulled at a strand of her hair and grinned. Luna eyed his hand on her knee and her heart raced just slightly.
"Anything else you want to know?"
Luna looked into Charlie's eyes and blushed slightly again.
Tori Bradley Tori Bradley
Charlie West
Charlie rolled his head lazily to the side when she started talking, looking down into eyes that he found he couldn't get enough of. He could stare at them for hours and never get tired of it. He chuckled when she said she loved colors. "Evidently," he said. He watched her twirl a strand of hair around her finger and continued caressing the back of her hand with his thumb. He noticed her eyes looking at the placement of his hand and he contemplated removing it before he decided not to. "Anything else you want to know?" Luna asked with an adorable blush.
Charlie contemplated her questions for awhile. There were a lot of things he wanted to know, but he'd ask one for now.

"What do you see yourself doing in five years?"
IMG_8845.jpg Luna scoffed with a smile, shaking her head and looking down.
"Oh god you sound like my mom."
She looked at the stars and then back to Charlie.
"In five years I will be 22 years old, I plan on finally drinking legally, being in my 2nd year of college, and for once, in a relationship with someone who actually loves me. But we will see, the world is always changing. I may decide something different a week from now."
Luna bit her lip and watched him rub her hand.
"What about you handsome?"
Tori Bradley Tori Bradley

Samantha J Waters
Interaction: minajesty minajesty

Samantha smiled at his kind words as she took another drink. Then when he said the last comment her cheeks turned red with embarrassment as she started to cough. The soda she had drank going down the wrong pipe as she nearly fell off the counter as she coughed. her mind immediately filled with embarrassing thoughts as well as thoughts that she probably seemed unattractive and such.

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