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Fandom X-Men: Runaways

Could I make two Hunters? c:
It will be a little before I can reply. I'm at work and I don't get any down time except 30 minutes and I will post then
DemonKitten said:
It will be a little before I can reply. I'm at work and I don't get any down time except 30 minutes and I will post then
I'm actually the same way. However, when it is slower, I am able to pull out my computer and work on it a bit. I love it when I am able to do that. ^.^
It's been alright, it's already 11 pm here though. How's your evening been?

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Question: In the Runaways IC, I assume it is nighttime-ish. I don't know what the plans are, or if there are any, but should we be winding things down soon to speed time to the morning? Or are we still good to be going the way we are?
EvilFishy said:
Question: In the Runaways IC, I assume it is nighttime-ish. I don't know what the plans are, or if there are any, but should we be winding things down soon to speed time to the morning? Or are we still good to be going the way we are?
I have no idea, I think we should wait for shattered

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