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Fantasy Wuldir OOC


What a delight to have you with us Doosk

What a delight

a fucking delight

Haha xD What Jays is trying to say is that BBCode can get pretty complicated fast, so you must tediously go through and make sure you have a closing tag for every opening tag if the code goes wrong. Experimentation is the best way to learn, though!
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That's not what I said

I said don't bother with BBCodes, it will ruin your day, your friendships, your marriages, your job, your life expectency and you entire fucking existence.

Jays said:
That's not what I said
I said don't bother with BBCodes, it will ruin your day, your friendships, your marriages, your job, your life expectency and you entire fucking existence.

Quit being such a negative poop
Bbcodes are for chumps who cant write proper nice things, and need something pretentious and loud to hide behind.
Coin said:

Calvin Haveron


View attachment 265759

no slide

Were I less the wiser, I'd garner she were preparing to make a mimickry of me. Her inquisitive spirit did remind me of you.

"Oh, so you are a soldier. Fine job, that. They send you out and you come back in a casket, eeheehee..."

"I've to see the inside of m'own casket yet, I prefer to sustain this."

"You must get this a lot, but I have to ask: did you volunteer or were you drafted?"

"You insult me, of course I volunteered. Every good'n capable man should volunteer in times likened to now."

"Will you be working your way up the ranks, then? How far along are you, dearie? I know very well they don't award anything until you've seen action, so don't pull me any fast ones about being born into it, pah."

"You're speaking to a Lionsguard, m'dam. I'm lucky to have all my fingers to count the battles I've sallied forth to."

"Have you bled yet, hm? Ever get sick to your stomach? Wake up screaming with the sweats and the tears all cold, all burning? Do you regret what you are? Hate what you've become? Or are you some unnatural force of purity that still sees man with a soul?"

"Now, I wouldn't be a very good soldier were the blood and viscera made me sick, eh? M'lord entrusts us Lionsguard blood t'hold at all costs. I find it shameful should something as vile as regret spawn from our duty."

"Ooohoohoo, what's this on your belt? And in your hand? My, you are prepared."

"This here is m'only sweetheart now," Calvin pats the scabbard of his falchion hanging off his belt. "'er name's Marcene. Loyal'st dame in the country, with an edge of steel. T'match, I've also made acquaintance with a small shield here, bathed in the brightest moonlight."

My dearest Leah, how I miss you terribly so. No dawn nor dusk passes without you gracing my thoughts. I shall join you once again in due time, I imagine.

"We haven't got long now. So sad, yes, yes, very sad... Before we part, please, please humor me once more..."

"I'm listening..."

"Thrown at the harpies like rocks, some hit the mark, some shatter. But why you? Why do it? Such a bloody, thankless job, you'd think you'd have some misgivings about how the council treats you. No? No thoughts of your own hiding behind the tough boy face? Pah."

"Iff'en I could answer the question of 'why' as confidently as you ask, I could not guarantee that I may'nt flee as cowards do. Perhaps I am a vengeant spirit -- but I guess we'll all find out when I succumb to death and if my spirit carries on fighting."

"Oh dearie, do give it some thought would you? Now this blind old bat has to rest her old bones. Bye, honeypot. Come see me if you're still breathing tomorrow."

"Come what may, m'dam... come what may."
My nickname is either Ana or Leah xD I find this amusing

Also, fab char
[QUOTE="Ryuuko Shin]Bbcodes are for chumps who cant write proper nice things, and need something pretentious and loud to hide behind.

Excuse you >.>

Jays said:
Stfu Jays

Nice post. Quite enjoyed it.

No sweat, but I do believe Ash is on the Patrol (average soldier), right? In which case, they've been ordered to watch the sky from all sides for a distress signal (black smoke in billows.) My wording may have been too vague.

Hmm... I wouldn't want you to delete your writing if possible. Maybe your character missed the order while she was being treated for her wound? Or perhaps she has been relieved of duty because she's wounded. Or maybe she's sent as a messenger to retrieve Gavin for some Lionsguard meeting?

Oh! Also, the Lionsguard are referred to as Generals rather than Captains. There are captains among the patrolmen, and commanders that report directly to the Lionsguard. Sorry! There was no way for you to have known x)
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I'll go ahead and edit everyone's CS to include their military title before their name. ;p do correct me if I'm wrong, haha.
QuestingBeast said:
I'll go ahead and edit everyone's CS to include their military title before their name. ;p do correct me if I'm wrong, haha.
Oho lots ofdetails, :) i like it. Okay i will remember alll for next time xD sorry

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