Other Worst Pain You've Ever Felt

For me it was the first tike my arthritis acted up. I was about 14 years old and as I jumped over one of those low benches you have in PE the joints in my hip somehow just froze. As I landed back down I just fell to the ground unable to get up. I was hysterically crying and they had to carry me out into the locker rooms. I was more or less on crutches for the coming 6 months and I could hardly walk for more than 2-3 hours a day without having to be on heavy painkillers.
That feeling when you’re drawing a character and one hand turns out perfect but the other looks like it was ran over by a cheese grater.
Kidney stone about 10 or 11 years ago. It was 7 mm lets say after that I started to call BS to many people claim about pain they feel from almost anything (except burn and birth)
Accidentally got a decent bit of deodorant lost in my eye when I was younger, the pain was so severe. Washing it out with water seemed to only make it worse, seemed to make it stick to my eye more. Eye was so red and swollen. Constant throbbing pain that could probably make a grown man cry. I was alone and thought calling an ambulance to go to the hospital for deodorant in my eye would be dumb. I couldn't blink and it got to the point that opening my eye made me want to throw up. Cold sweats. Probably lasted for about an hour of constant pain before I said screw it, took an ice cold shower, held my eye up to the top of the shower head and let the cold water pound my eye until it stopped hurting. That moment in the shower felt like hell. I don't know how long I took that cold shower for honestly, the pain was making me experience time so much differently lol I was positive I was going to go blind in that eye. I can't describe how painful it truly was. It was like a different kind of pain, similar to how a burn and a cut are different kinds of pain, it's just one of those things you won't be able to understand until you experience it.

This coming from someone who broke their ankle clean in half and had to sleep with it like that until the morning. I haven't experienced too much pain but deodorant in the eye hurt way more than a broken ankle. Definitely.
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Kidney stone about 10 or 11 years ago. It was 7 mm lets say after that I started to call BS to many people claim about pain they feel from almost anything (except burn and birth)
Kidney stones have been compared to giving birth. It's is easily one of the most painful.
I didn't really have straight teeth when I was little so from 9th-12th grade I had braces. The pain was bad, yeah, but nothing compared to when I had to get some teeth extracted. My mouth was a little too crowded with teeth so the dentists recommended that I get my premolars extracted. They showed me pictures of what it would look like so I knew what the procedure would be. I read online If anyone had ever gotten much pain from during and after the extraction but I didn't really get a straight answer. While I was in the chair, I didn't feel any pain at all during it, they had me under a lot of anesthesia. The most I felt was just a weird snapping in my mouth (I assume this is when they broke the actual bone and took the tooth out) It felt more uncomfortable and weird than painful. After the procedure was done, my dad drove me home and I had the mouth gauzes in a bag because I had to change it every so often. As soon as I got home and the anesthesia wore off, pain. Absolute pain. I have never felt such excruciating pain in my life. I had to go back a second time because they only extracted 2 at a time to lessen the amount of pain I'd be in after. This is why I wear my retainer every night because I never want to go through the pain of braces or extraction ever again.
Back in my early 20’s or late teens... I was helping move a railroad tie from one spot in the front yard to another around back however had obstacles in the way and one caused me to lose control and drop my end on my right foot. The pain was unbelievable and I was left with a few broken toes, a lost nail on the big toe. Sadly that foot hasn’t been the same since big toe wise especially after a couple years later at work, I was unloading a pallets off a truck got to the last two and the decline from the back of the trailer down to the back room was a bit much for the weight on this particular pallet for one person to control completely. Long story or medium story short... 3,000 plus pounds went over that same foot namely the same toe. (Twice I’ve had this happen at that job with a heavy pallet and slick ground or in the described case too much speed on the decline. Both times same foot and same toe taking most of the hit)
Pain as far as skin and bone? Almost two years ago, end of 8th grade. The junior high was close to this water park, so on the last day of school, we all went over there to swim as a final treat. I had a fun day, all-things-considered. Slides, hot dogs, ice cream, just floating around the pool alone since my only close friend at the time wasn't a big swimmer. It was roughly about two hours from the day wrapping up when I realized I hadn't put on sunscreen the entire day. So I got the worst sunburn ever on the shoulders my bathing suit exposed. Now I'd gotten sunburned there before, my dad forgot to reapply sunscreen to me one long day at a waterpark. But I don't recall that being as bad, though thinking back on that it was nearly as bad as this one. Red all over down to midway down my back up to the lower bit of my neck. Peeling all over my shoulders. Painfully feeling the heat of the burn every second it healed. I couldn't wear shirts without being in complete agony for days, and even once I could wear clothes up there it was hell on earth taking them on or off. My shoulders are still tanned and heavily freckled from that to this day.

Pain as far as the gunk inside the body? Stomach flu also about 2 years ago, lasted nearly two weeks. The first day of it I woke up at my alarm with my stomach feeling completely awful. Tried to pop into a warm shower to try and cool down the pain but to no avail. I ended up laying on the floor of the bathroom that morning, spewing from both ends as the hot shower ran in the background, eventually setting off the fire alarm leading to my parents finding me curled up in a puddle of my own bodily fluids, stomach feeling the worst it had ever been in my entire life. I couldn't keep down water for more than five minutes without puking it back up during some of the days that followed. My dad made the mistake of taking me out to eat once I started to recover, and that's why I can never eat HuHot again. His mistake extended my sick by a couple of days. I drank so much Gatorade during that time that I can't drink it now without thinking about stomach flu. To this very day, I get extremely nervous whenever I so much as feel slightly sick to my stomach.

Pain as far as vital organs? I thought I was invincible when I was 4, and I wanted to jump off all the stuff in the living room to prove it. I decided to jump off the back of the couch as the ultimate test. My little baby teeth went right through my tongue, and apparently, there was an ER visit afterward where I got some stitches. I remember the jump and the pain, but not the visit.
Knowing the moon is made of cheese
but I can’t taste it.
As an ambitious child, I once jumped from the top of the stairs and landed directly onto a DS charger that had the metal prongs extended, facing outwards. It fully impaled my foot and frankly, the sensation of having to pull one of those out from your flesh is unlike any other feeling in the world. I have never fully recovered from this terrible, traumatic event.
I haven't experienced anything near to what most of you guys have, but I suppose I'll give it a try. The worst physical pain I've ever felt was actually two occurrences. Back in high school, maybe 9th-10th grade, and sometimes even recently, I can have very bad stomach cramps. Whenever my stomach hurts, I tend to feel incredibly hot. Well, two times, both right after I got to school, I had really bad cramps. Not even going to the bathroom helped. It was so bad I literally vomited both times. I have no idea what caused it, but I guess I'm fine.
Absolute worst pain I have ever felt was either getting my tooth taken out in a trailer in Mexico with literal pliers and no anesthesia by a dentist that didn't speak my language... OR it was when I completely severed one and a half tendons on my right wrist and had to get the cast taken off. I was literally in tears. I have quite a high pain tolerance, but these two experiences take the mark for me. Surgery repaired the two tendons and they're like a fork in the road now, but still have yet to get full strength back and it's been about three and a half to four years ish since.
Two...or is it now four years ago? I had a kidney stone that was really hard to pass. At the same time too I had a ovarian cyst. Combined I could not consume anything really for two weeks and was basically bed ridden most of the time. I had to go to the hospital even though this was as my last resort. I had to be given muscle relaxers to pass the stone and it made all my muscles cramp up and hurt in my body. I was in so much pain day and night it was horrible. Nothing I think will ever top that.
In recent memory having a tooth implanted. They had to cut away my gum, expose the bone and drill into my (googles) ah, Maxilla, the upper jaw. Sure I was numbed but the pressure created so much pain elsewhere, and even afterwards I hurt for over a week. The numbing did start to fate too so I felt them stitching my gums! That was less painful and more pin prick but at that point everything else hurt so much that even that prick was too much.

I remember crying as they worked and they felt so bad, and I was like it doesn't "HURT" but like it's a lot.

I have a few other trauma incidents but like adrenaline is amazing for numbing what should be very painful. I've sliced open my legs, one down to the bone felt nothing, I broke my mandibular felt nothing (until later).

OH OH OH the next worst pain I had to endure, how could I forget, having my eye scratched. My friend jumped on me and we fell over the edge of the bed, and her finger went into my eye and her nail cut a crescent shaped. I couldn't close my eyes without excruciating burning, having it opened burned, tears burned, even the medicated eye drops burned. Just imagine your eye on fire that is what it felt like. There was no relief until it healed. I've had that happen three times now.

Not my story but similar endless burning pain but it happened to my brother. He got wielder's flash, and welder’s flash is similar to a sunburn on the skin, but it affects the corneas of the eyes. They gave him good drugs for that!
Got hit in the head with a metal baseball bat. Knocked me out for a good minute, and when I came too it felt like someone had ran my head over. (I am okay, lol, just a concussion.)
Enduring the aftermath of a stroke/electrocution was an excruciating journey, surpassing any other pain I've encountered, including broken bones and surgical awakenings. The source of my torment stemmed from a brain bleed on the right side, resulting in paralysis on the left side of my body. Remarkably, my youthful resilience allowed my brain to forge new pathways around the damaged areas, a silver lining in an otherwise harrowing situation.

Yet, the true agony manifested in the nerve pain that accompanied the gradual healing process. No conventional pain medication could assuage the relentless surge of pain as dormant nerves reawakened from the trauma. My only refuge was my bed, where I lay in a state of helplessness, my screams and tears providing a haunting soundtrack to my ordeal.

Witnessing the dilemma, doctors wore contrasting expressions – a mix of joy for the returning functionality and helplessness knowing that no medication could alleviate the torment without compromising the healing progress. It was a paradox of despair and hope, a surreal blend of emotions for both patient and physician.

The physical manifestation of the pain was relentless, inducing full-body sweats, uncontrollable vomiting, and relentless shivering. The torment was unparalleled, a sensation akin to being electrocuted repeatedly. In those moments, the absence of a recommendation was implicit – the ordeal was so excruciating that no one should willingly subject themselves to such suffering.

Reflecting on this experience, I can only convey the sheer brutality of nerve pain during the recovery from a stroke/electrocution. It transcends the physical, searing through one's very being, etching a vivid memory of agony that remains indelible.
I was peeing on a tree stump and was stung by a bee. Hear me out.

This bee had motives and there was definite intent in the precision of its aim. I've been stung by bees since then. Granted, in far less sensitive areas, but I am sure that I could handle the pain and shock better now than I did then.

You see, I was two years old and that is my earliest memory. It's as if that sting struck a nerve that dispelled the joyful ignorance of my youth and gifted my mind with the cognizance of a cruel and uncaring world. It was like my brain connected to the world Wi-Fi and threw me into the deep end of the Internet without a filter. Aside from sea creatures, insects and other bugs have inspired eldritch horrors and I understand why.

Oddly, I never developed a fear of bees or other bugs as a result. I do, however, keep urination to a strictly indoor activity.

If I'm being honest, that wasn't the worst pain of my life. But when talking about physical pain, I can't help but bring up that experience.

Truly the most physical pain I've ever experienced was about 13 years ago when I was walking through the grocery store. I was chewing a piece of gum when the most horrible tooth pain I've ever had dropped me to my knees. I haven't chewed a piece of gum since and have also taken a keener interest in dental care.
A 22-hr long wrist surgery after the local anesthetic wore off. That was quite unpleasant - to put it mildly - because I was awake for all of it.
A 22-hr long wrist surgery after the local anesthetic wore off. That was quite unpleasant - to put it mildly - because I was awake for all of it.
Over Christmas and New Years I experienced something much worse: acute pancreatitis. I was given hydromorphone for two days straight and still complaining about how much it hurt.

0.25mg of hydromorphone is much stronger than morphine and, when administered by IV, will knock you on your ass in a few minutes. I was still complaining about pain.

It took more than that. The doctors prescribed multiple very strong Schedule II narcotics. A morphine injection did nothing. Oxycodone - which I was sent home with a prescription for - is useless for that much pain.
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Anyone else have gallstones before? I consider myself to have decent pain tolerance. Not much really phases me & I find it easy to shake off physical pain.However, I was completely immobilized by this pain. Imagine having multiple kidney stones stabbing and ripping through your chest. That's what it felt like. Every second was so excruciating that it felt like hours and I was shocked it was possible to even feel that much pain - and that I was somehow staying concious through it.
Anyone else have gallstones before? I consider myself to have decent pain tolerance. Not much really phases me & I find it easy to shake off physical pain.However, I was completely immobilized by this pain. Imagine having multiple kidney stones stabbing and ripping through your chest. That's what it felt like. Every second was so excruciating that it felt like hours and I was shocked it was possible to even feel that much pain - and that I was somehow staying concious through it.
I can only imagine.

From what I understand gallstones and acute pancreatitis (points up two posts) are comparable in terms of pain intensity and with where the pain is.

I was hospitalized for 12 days. It took three CT scans, an MRI, an Ultrasound, and an Endoscopy to completely rule out gallstones.
one time when i was like 12 i almost dislocated my shoulder and my mom didn't believe me until i couldn't put on my shirt for school the next day bcs it hurt too much to lift my arm. she sure let me go to the doctor after that. so its that or a tennis ball to the face.
The worst pain I've experienced is being stabbed through the neck, multiple cuts through my stomach and a stab to the head that almost killed me.

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