Other Worst Pain You've Ever Felt

I got a fish hook stuck in my ankle once. It was dark so the person helping me didn't see the fishing line still attached and stepped on it. Several times. I was about 8. Yup, playing with a fishing hook at night. Outside.

I've never advertised myself as an intelligent thing.
Once my aunts dog grab the stick I was using as a fishing pole while I was bating my luck hook and got it caught in my pinky my aunt who was a nurse couldn’t get it out and the hospital cut it out causing me to loose my luck hook and I’d never went to the hospital before
Picture something like a deep cut with a knife on your skin. Only, this one is inside your throat. I think that's the most painful thing I've experienced in my two decades of existence.

I don't know how it started nor how it went away to be honest. I think it was a case of sore throat that went really bad. At the same time, I was also suffering from some kind of nausea. I couldn't taste anything I tried eating. Eating soft, bland food and drinking water was also really painful due to aforementioned cut inside my throat. I'd refuse to eat anything and I would jolt up awake at night reeling from a bad stomachache due to not eating all day. Lost a lot of weight that time.
Six years ago, I went through chemotherapy for Hodgkin’s Lymphoma. On my way home from a chemo appointment, I wasn’t feeling the best (which is ya know, normal after a chemo session - but something felt off). I began to develop a fever once I was home and I felt so cold that my whole body was shaking so violently. I remember sobbing so much because I had two pairs of sweatpants on, and five layers of tops on, and two blankets and I was still freezing cold to the point that i felt like I was burning from the cold from the inside.

We went to the emergency room and I was put through as top priority. They gave me medication to help with the nausea- but gave me medication that I told them I was allergic to and it’s on my file too. So my stupid ass if burning from freezing while struggling to breathe and having a panic attack. They finally sorted me out and it turned out my picc line had gotten infected (which is pretty normal). So they took it out, gave me other medication and told me to come back in a couple of days to get a new one (which sounded like bliss cause it meant I could shower without a plastic sleeve on my arm lol). But I’ve never experienced anything like that burning feeling before and haven’t experienced since - thank God!
Worst pain? Knowing that you will have to put your dog down later that day, so it's already hard enough as it is. But when the time actually comes, it's just the worst thing to see him go. Pet deaths will be the death of me.
I’ve broken/sprained my ankles 6 times and none of it prepared me for tonsillectomy. Worst pain I’ve ever felt - you can’t swallow anything without feeling knives dig into your throat and ears.
It's a tie between grating my own fingers and getting crushed by my dresser when I was 15. Objectively, the latter was much more damaging-I dislocated my shoulder when it it-but I was in shock for long enough.
And boy, a brand new, sharp as hell cheese grater can take a chunk out of an idiots hand.
watching the tickets for the mcr reunion concert i've dreamed of since childhood sell out before i could buy one.

thankfully, i was able to later get a ticket from an official reseller on the site for a MUCH higher price, but tears were shed.
I'm quite resilient to physical pain. Maybe because I am so clumsy I have built up a bit of resistance or something, I'm not sure.

If I had to choose I'd go with the time I badly sprained my wrist after falling down the stairs. Well, I say fell down. It's more accurate to say I fell off the stairs, flew through the air and landed on my wrist because I put it down to shield my face.
Then, because I was home alone I had to pick myself up and walk to a neighbour's house. That was not a fun time.
Then, my mum (who thought I was faking it) didn't take me to the emergency room until the next day instead of, you know...Straight away. That of course made the pain worse.

Only time I've been seriously hurt though. I'd say emotional pain is worse but I'd rather not disclose really painful details.
I had an ear infection when is was little little. Every small pin prick of sound was agony. I remember my mom putting me to bed midday in a room all by myself and I remember screaming because this quiet little room was so incredibly loud.

She brought me into the hospital and, as we were driving there, I remember getting stopped by a road check(we lived near a military base at the time). The people working there were lowkey freaking out because I wouldn't stop screaming and stopped us to search the vehicle because they were worried something was wrong. Which was reasonable, they were just doing their jobs, but my mom was so angry.
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I was attacked by a Molasser dog at the age of sixteen. Lived out in a countryish area in northern GA and the neighbor had a bunch of dogs to guard his chickens and whatnot against the odd coyote or black bear. One of them had a habit of chewing on the chain-link fencing and concerns were raised about it eventually chewing a hole open. Of course, the owner hit everyone with the "I know my dogs" response and never bothered to stop the dog. Out of paranoia, I used to carry a large knife on me whenever I passed the place on my way to school and would hide the knife before actually getting to school in the same spot.

At one point I was walking home from school and I just so happened to hear heavy panting behind me. Now, Molasser dogs can get pretty big, and you wouldn't expect a dog closing in on 200lbs to be as quiet as this one was until it got within a few meters of me. I turn around and all I see is teeth, and by raw luck, I moved my head out of the way of its jaws as it jumped at me. The dog was heavier than I was, without a doubt, and it felt like getting hit by a bag of bricks.

That wasn't even the worst of it though, not even close. As soon as we hit the ground I feel pain in my right shoulder from this dog with a head about as big as a basketball biting into my shoulder (I have the scars still from it!). I literally felt my collarbone pop and thought for sure it had broken. So while I have a serious injury, and this dog is just pinning me down and chewing on my shoulder, I reach for my knife and try stabbing it to get it off. However, the dog's fur was so thick and loose that the knife never really did anything for the majority of the attempt. So I'm getting dragged across the pavement by this spawn of satan for about thirty seconds as I'm trying to get a good enough stab to get it off of me when finally I luck out and the knife sticks in its ribs. The dog releases me and then runs off somewhere, and I'm lying there covered in blood and unable to feel my right shoulder or arm.

I was in the hospital for about three weeks getting medical attention and its left me with some pretty significant scars across the inner portion of my shoulder and upper arm. I thankfully didn't lose any real mobility after that but for about a year after the incident, I always had a fight or flight response whenever a big dog got near me, even if it was friendly. A fractured collarbone and some puncture marks, I think I was lucky.
I don't remember a lot of qualifying memories very thoroughly, but this one, peculiar time just a few years ago, I remember a night asleep and dreaming very vividly. It was not particularly long, and most of the dream must have been insignificant, because I do know there was more to it, but not what there was to it.

There was a rectangular White building, very tall, extending up out of my vision as I walked around it, covered in hundreds of large, rectangular windows. There was a sunny, artificially clear sky colored Pink and Orange, underlined by some kind of tree leaves.

A feeling of control washed over me, and I felt like I did something; Suddenly, a twirling, pitching military-model Helicopter appeared from the corner of my eye and struck the building.

I heard a tremendous shatter, my eardrums popped, huge, broken knives of glass exploded into my leg while I fell over into the ground, and then I woke up, ready to start screaming; Except, it was suddenly gone instead, and I went to school after having a very confused and existential bowl of cereal.
We talkin' physical or emotional?

In terms of physical pain, it was getting my wisdom teeth removed. Currently my first and only surgery.

The initial thing wasn't all that bad. For about 3 hours after the operation, I was just really, really tired. 3 hours and a second later, and my mouth literally felt like it was on fire. I hated every second of it. I don't think I've ever felt so sore.
When I was in third grade I had won some sort of contest. I don't remember all that much of that part of the story. Anyway, it was this sunflower themed little goodie pack type thing. It had some magnets, stickers, ect. It also had a metal calendar. I was so excited to have won and we hung up the calendar when I got home and put the magnets on the fridge. Come dinner time, I wanted to proudly show my brother. So I grabbed the calendar and held it under my armpit. Went to grab the magnets, and oopies, I lifted up my arm to grab them. The calendar fell on one of my toes and I'm honestly surprised it didn't slice it off. Good times. I can't stand things near my toes now and when I touch that one toe it feels kind of sore.

I also had suddenly gotten unexplained stomach pains about a year ago. For months I went to the doctor time and time again just for them to say they didn't know. I went to specialists, missed a ton of school, and pretty much was accused of faking it. I had procedures done to try and find answers that turned up with nothing. One night is gets a lot worse, and it was already pretty bad the months before. I end up going to the er and it turns out my appendix is hours away from bursting. Morphine didn't completely take the pain away as I had to wait overnight for the surgeon to come in. I couldn't sleep that night, kept crying from pain, and at one point the pain meds I got every two or so hours started to make it hurt worse when I was given them. Also good times.
After surgery when I woke up. I was glad my mind was still hazy for a while so it probably helped to tolerate the pain in the beginning. But it was really painful to move the first few days.
So a couple of days ago, I tripped over a block and scraped my foot very badly, I still have the scar on the bottom, but boy did it hurt like hell
Thunderclap migraine.

I was eating and slowly realised I was losing my peripheral vision. Stopped eating. Very confused. I wasn't in pain, I was just very slowly going blind. A little panic sets in and just as I'm starting to go to totally white vision, Bam. It was like my brain just imploded. I couldn't see or smell. Senses just shut down and I was on the floor in agony, literally pleading for it to stop.

It lasted about 5 minutes. Once I vomited, everything calmed down. Sight came back and I was knackered but very chilled.

No idea what triggered it but honestly, always a little worried something like this will happen again while I'm driving or something. It was my first and hopefully the last.
When I was extremely young maybe around 10 I was messing around on the treadmill (old enough to know better to be honest but I was dumb) Let's just say my legs were skinned badly, I couldn't walk, sit comfortably, anything. I would just lay on the floor crying. Worst physical pain ever by far. Went to the hospital and still had rubber chunks in my leg! Gross!!
My knee exploding during a pick-up game of football was probably the worst, but the most intense was the infection I got in my face a few years ago.

One of my teeth got infected back in 2018. It was just some pain so I largely ignored it, figuring it would go away over time like other infections. It didn't go away, it spread. It got into one of my saliva glands and that's when the swelling started. Being stubborn and of the belief that I'm essentially a Kryptonian, I still let it go. Next morning my throat was swelled so bad that swallowing anything felt like a tennis ball covered in razor blades.

I couldn't eat, drink, sleep, or properly dry my mouth. I went to the outpatients to get looked at and was told to wait in line behind the other 30-40 people, despite my throat closing over to the point my airway began to feel tight.

By this time I was just pissed off, and not in the mood to sit there and go through the motions with an outpatients nurse who would probably be just as pissed off and tired as I was. So I went to my mom's, gargled Apple Cider Vinegar, went to sleep.

When I woke up, the swelling was gone, and the infection cleared out completely within a 48 hours.

The takeaway here is apple cider vinegar. It is one of the most powerful natural antibiotics known to man, and it can be found in some people's kitchens. It can only be applied to surface areas like skin and the mouth (no eyes or open wounds), but it has that BOSS LOGIC! I always forget about it until I end up at outpatients looking like I got a basketball lodged in my throat.
I'd like to say breaking my wrist playing basketball was the worst, but I wasn't actually playing basketball. Me and my team were filming for the season (usually what all varsity sports do to introduce the players) and I broke my wrist pretending to fall so yeah. Pride was hurt as well.
Not entirely sure what the worst was, but a good one that comes to mind is pulling down a tooth. Not out- down. I've had ten teeth pulled out so far (including four wisdom teeth), but I'm pretty sure the undescended tooth was worse than all of them xD
Imagine it: first, they pull out the baby tooth that refuses to fall out, hoping the adult tooth will just come down on its own. When it turns out it won't, they open up your gums to attach an anchor to it, letting the gums seal back up over it. Then, every month over the course of a year, you go into the dentist's office and they essentially hoist the anchor (which is attached to your braces), twisting your gums to tighten it, in order to pull the tooth down. No anesthetic of course- fun times ;P
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Not entirely sure what the worst was, but a good one that comes to mind is pulling down a tooth. Not out- down. I've had ten teeth pulled out so far (including four wisdom teeth), but I'm pretty sure the undescended tooth was worse than all of them xD
Imagine it: first, they pull out the baby tooth that refuses to fall out, hoping the adult tooth will just come down on its own. When it turns out it won't, they open up your gums to attach an anchor to it, letting the gums seal back up over it. Then, every month over the course of a year, you go into the dentist's office and they essentially hoist the anchor (which is attached to your braces), twisting your gums to tighten it in order to pull the tooth down. No anesthetic of course- fun times ;P

Holy cow, I can relate to the pain!
I had cavities filled my entire life, and sometimes, the numbing gel, if it doesn't work, makes it that much harder. As soon as they put that needle in, there's no turning back; if the anesthetic doesn't kick in and the put that anchor in, you have to wait till it kicked in.
I was diagnosed with WPW as a kid. The level of pain/panic of having a 217 BPM heart rate I can't really put into words. Definitely worse than getting shot in the ass or stabbed, I can attest.
I think the worst that's ever happened to me is when I got shampoo in my eye. I know it seems pretty minor and there's not much of a story to it but for a few seconds I thought I had blinded myself.

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