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Dice Worm: World War III, The fall of society


Jibba!! Jibba!!
This is a superhero role-play with a simple mechanic using six-sided dice. the rules are simple for creating a character.

The first is creating your power. since the system is flexible all you need to do for power is to be creative. describe how your power works and give it a limitation that isn't ridiculous but reasonable.

Second, the way to assign your character points is simple. You have 6 points to assign and each rank is worth 1 point. the skills that are available is this; Combat: This skill is your characters ability to fight (that also means being able block, dodge, and anything involved with fighting), Athletics: This represents how fit your character is and how the keep in shape (its also used for initiative for combat order), Other: this skill is for anyone who doesn't see a skill they want as a option (like you can use other to be your stealth, perception, engineering, etc. also when you say what you focus in that's where you put in your skill Other (stealth) ), Medical: your characters knowledge of healing, Power: your characters skill and knowledge of using their power.

Powers are gained in three ways. One is going through a traumatic event known as trigger event. The second is that if you have a parent who is a cape who are most likely to gain a power similar to their parents power. And finally there are very few people who are known as case 53 capes who have the following signs of being one, They have no memory before waking up somewhere random, they have a physiology different to normal humans (sometimes extreme but sometimes not so extreme until your right up close to them) and the tattoo somewhere on their body that is a stylized omega symbol upside down on them.

The ranks go in this order (basic, trained, Adept, and Obsessed).

for rolling dice you always get to roll a d6 but for each rank you have you get to add another d6 to the roll

Here is the character sheet

H.P. : (4d6+10)


Cape Name:

Bio: (this is your characters history, physical description, the trauma that they experienced that triggered their power, and costume they wear when doing criminal activity)

Power Description:

Power Limitation:

Power Classification (GM needed to fill this out only if your character has a criminal record)














put rank here (Your focus here)

Athletics: put rank here (Your focus here)

Other: put rank here (Your focus here)

Medical: put rank here (Your focus here)

Power: put rank here

If you have any questions just ask and I'll answer them

Example Character

H.P. : 27

Name: Joe Melvinnich

Cape Name: Halitosis

Bio: Joe is a proud man and has wide blue eyes that are like two pools of water. His thick, straight, charcoal-colored hair is worn in a style that reminds you of a seashell. He is very tall and has a broad-shouldered build. His skin is light-colored. He has a hooked nose. His wardrobe is businesslike and attractive, with a lot of green and white. In costume he wears a green hoodie that has a modified gas mask. He gained his power from being tracked down by a loanshark and when joe tried to snap back they made him have battery acid in his mouth and make him spit out whatever is left. After that he rarely talks but when he opens his mouth people will quickly tell him to shut it.

Power Description: Joe can generate a powerful breath attack that is so sickening that it can cause anyone to feel so sick they will vomit.

Power limitation: The range is 20 feet and he isn't protected from his own power.

Power Classification (No criminal record)

Mover: -

Brute: -

Master: -

Blaster: -

Striker: -

Trump: -

Shaker: -

Breaker: -

Tinker: -

Thinker: -

Changer: -

Stranger: -


Trained "3d6" (Boxing)

Athletics: Trained "3d6" (track)

Other: None "1d6" (none)

Medical: None "1d6" (none)

Power: Trained "3d6"
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((requesting aid from GM))

H.P. :

Name: Kaid Kalnuth

Cape Name:

Bio: (this is your characters history, physical description, the trauma that they experienced that triggered their power, and costume they wear when doing criminal activity)

Power Description: He has the power to manipulate what he touches, specifically making it either more brittle and easier to break, or more flexible and pliable, like Play-Doh.

Power Limitation: He must be touching the object he wants to change, with nothing between him and said object. After too long, the item will change back to its original state if not being manipulated by his power.

Power Classification (GM needed to fill this out only if your character has a criminal record)














put rank here (Your focus here)

Athletics: put rank here (Your focus here)

Other: put rank here (Your focus here)

Medical: put rank here (Your focus here)

Power: put rank here


H.P. : 21*

Brian Yung

Cape Name: TBD

General Info:
Brian is 20 years old, weighs about 180lbs, and is 6 feet tall. He did not attend public school until high school. Brian skipped a lot of his classes to practice his freerunning, which dropped his normally excellent grades to merely passing. While Brian is intelligent, he has devoted most of his smarts to life on the street instead of academics. Between freerunning and T'ai chi ch'uan, Brian's body was built on speed and endurance, resulting in a wiry but well toned physique.

In a way Brian lives in his own little world. He prefers to not to deal with situations or people outside his little world unless it directly affects him. Normally, Brian is confident, analytical, and witty. He is usually open-mind and has a live and let live outlook on life. While he not materialistic, he does desire to live as comfortably as possible without treading or relying on others. Given that he tries to live in his own world most of the time, Brian tends to be very picky about people he trusts. He also known to become very protective of the few friends that he makes should they be in danger.

Brian Yung is a first generation Chinese-American. His grandparents and his mother were immigrants that came to the U.S. in hopes of a better life, however his grandfather died shortly after arriving. This left the his family in debt and lead to his grandmother's death a few years afterwards. This left his mother with even more crippling debt, forcing her to work at a brothel guised as a massage parlor and this eventually lead to birth of Brian. Due to his mother's occupation, Brian was taught from an extremely young age to be quiet and remain unseen. These skills led to skill of picking pockets, but his life of crime was cut short at the age of 9 when he tried to pick the pocket of a master practitioner at a local T'ai chi ch'uan dojo. Fortunately, the teacher decided that his retribution was that Brian would have to learn to better himself through the teachings of T'ai chi ch'uan. It was through these teachings that Brian learned of honor, respect, and tranquility along with the martial and mental techniques to protect himself from harm. Over the next decade, these aspects were reinforced on a daily basis. But sadly all good things must come to an end. Brian's mostly peaceful life came to an abrupt end when he was 19 when a number of people, including his mother, were killed in a parahuman incident. Brian quickly fell into a deep pit of grief. Over the course of a year that grief evolved into despair and desperation as the death of his mother left him with the family legacy of debt which led to return to crime. Brian's emotions were already in great turmoil when he decided to rob that small convenience store as it went against many of his teachings, but his fate was sealed when he bungled the robbery and ended up with the barbs of a policeman's taser in Brian's chest. It was the shock of the taser on top of Brian's mess of emotions that pushed him over the edge and activated his Trigger Event. Brian doesn't remember what happened after the taser hit him, but ended with two police officers in the hospital, him in jail, and the label of "Parahuman".

Power Description: Shocking and Unnoticeability

Power Limitation: Brian's unnoticeability only affects sight and hearing and can nullified once a person acknowledges his presence. Brian's shocking is directly proportionate to his level of pain** and can only be applied via direct contact. In an unwounded state, his shocking ability is practically harmless. Brian's powers can't be utilized at the same time.

Power Classification

Mover: -

Brute: -

Master: -

Blaster: -

Striker: 4

Trump: -

Shaker: -

Breaker: -

Tinker: -

Thinker: -

Changer: -

Stranger: 4


Trained "3d6" (T'ai chi ch'uan)

Athletics: Adept "4d6" (Freerunning)

Other: None "1d6" (Pickpocketing)

Medical: None "1d6" (Personal Stamina Regeneration)

Power: Basic "2d6"


HP% - Effect

100% - Static shock that one can acquire from friction.

90% - Warm to the touch and a slight numbing sensation around the area of contact.

80% - Very warm to the touch and applies numbing to a large part of limb that was effected.

70% - Slightly hot to the touch and applies numbing to the whole of the limb.

60% - Hot to the touch and applies numbing and causes partial paralysis of the limb affected.

50% - Very hot to the touch and causes complete paralysis in affected limb and numbing the entire affected body.

40% - Inflicts 1st degree burns on area of contact and complete paralysis of affected limb and partial paralysis of the entire body.

30% - Inflicts superficial 2nd degree burns on area of contact and complete paralysis of the entire body

20% - Inflicts deep 2nd degree burns on area of contact and minor nerve damage and paralysis to the entire body.

10% - Inflicts 3rd degree burns on and around area of contact, with major nerve damage and paralysis to the entire body.

5% - Inflicts 4th degree burn on and around area of contact, the target suffers extreme neurological damage and possibly death.

Note: Power usage at 20% and below require special circumstances and the GM's permission to use.
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"You better keep silence.....im not the one with best temper"





{Cape Name}



Yuriko [REDACTED] Personal and/or Historical Information is to be kept secretive at all cost,due to the recent event all Known Info has been releas to the Public,do information such as last name and [REDACTED] can only be Viewd by high Ranking P.R.T Personal and admins,the Public Information release on [REDACTED] is 100% real do public opinion is at Cival view.

Yuriko "Omega" was Born from father named Jhon and mother named Ashley,both were NOT parahumans do wen Yuriko was born she present odd Psionic powers at a very Youngh age,at just the age of 6 she could lift a house cat in the air with her minde,she was a happy girl and very gentle,do the Goverment discoverd her ability and Took her away from her family as doctor
[REDACTED] spend years reserching her psionic Powers and even trying to enchance hem by showing her how,do the Doctor has shown to be "Crazy" Of his actions after tried to cunduct experimentations on the female,giving her a permenent shock on her brain sh wont forget,Changing who she was,the P.R.T Recoverd the defensless parahuman,do her abilities like any other has shown to be greater and "Out of the chart" due to the overwhelming power,to avoid any hazard a device was implanted in her to control her power,the Great P.R.T have Yuriko under supervision.Yuriko has shown to be hostile but she is harmless so no need to worry,the devise will keep all safe,as Yuriko can freely roam but will be Under watch!.

Re-Calling the "Lab" Event were Yuriko Cause the death of Over 30+ Lab personal could have been avoided if Doc.
[REDACTED] have not tried to cunduct any experimentation,this event shoold be Forgot,all info regarding this event have been "None existent"

Records"]This Girl....has shown to have Pass anomaly! Her brain is like a...a Maze! Full of passages that lead to the Unknown! seems [REDACTED] Gave her such powers..I was worried of the way [REDACTED] ..its a combination of Offensive and defensive making the- [DATA NOT FOUND----PUBLIC REMOVAL]

Yuriko is a Tall 5.10 FT tall female with asian Facial Complexion,and Body,Posses Light Blue eyes and Odd Jet black hair with a Natural "Glossy" or "Metalical" Like shine to it that dosent seem to effect its soft texture,Body Build seems slender in apperance,Her hair reaches when releas reaches to her waist,but its tied up always in a dual Ponytail Facion,Yuriko seems to wear oddly as a cape and Onverral wear a "female japanese school wear" Its unknown why she wears such Uniform and even as a cape Brings thoughts why she would in the first place,do no onw is sure,wen ask she just replied
"Do you minde your own Buisness?" meaning she wont say reson behinde such very-Ussless Uniform.

On to personality,Yuriko has shown to be rather seriuse,silent,hostile and Unpredictible cape,Most of the time her face always in a seriuse Look,rarely any other emotion is shown after
[REDACTED] Event she has change Dramatic ways,rarely she uses words but wen she dose they are mono and slightly silent making is hard to sometimes have a conversation with Yuriko,she has shown to have trust issues and been Very hostile towards people she has not interacted with,but wort of all its Unknown what she would do next or after that,making her hard to predict,do she has shown to be slightly respectfull and kinde personality with people she has spoken with alot,

{Power Description}

Yuriko is a powerfull Psionic User with great empowerment in her [REDACTED]

Telekinesis=Yuriko is abble to controll anything matter with her minde,abble to Lift,Move,lunch,Float any Object using her minde,her telekinetic aura can be manifested and manipulated in many ways,from on herself by say for example she can use her mental powers over matter to enchance her own ficical strength,Or she can manifest herself with it and Levitate off the ground at will,the list of uses depends on the user,s creativity and aswell ability to do it,such other examples is being abble to creat a Force-field to deflect Kinetic projectile or Blunt force like a blade.Yuriko is very fused with her power do because of the chip it has been limited to a great degree.aswell her body is completely surrounded by an invisible field of telekinetic energy, protecting her from light harm and enhancing their physical abilities. This can also be used to manipulate objects that are on the same surface as the user (such as the ground) or to fly by pushing their own body through the air.do this is how she Manipulates herself,she can use her minde to do so with Objects that are not in the field do have limited range,those inside the field mean her power will be much more effective than if its outside.

Clairvoyance=Yurikos Oher half from the [REDACTED] she is abble to use her Own aura and Minde to seans and know without needed to do any eye or ficical contact,to make it easy to understand she is abble to use her Minde and aura as a "eye" to "see" things around her,for example some one throws a apple she can seans it coming towards her and gives her the Uperhand to react sooner,a Nother example there is a sign behinde her out of sight,if she consetrate enought she can "Read" It without using her eyes do such things like reading and knowing WHAT takes much more work.

{Power Limitation}

1.The chip=the devise installd in to her removed and aswell dose not allow her to use some of her power,and slows her minde function,in short this small chip reframes her from using her FULL potential as a Psionic user.

2.Emotions=Her power is greatly manifested with her brain and her power depends on her emotions,if she is sad her power is weak,if she is angry her power is stronger do harder to control ans so on,her emotions effect her combat and sometimes her emotions means life or death,that is why she is always seriuse to maintain balance and "Normal"

{Power Classification}



Master: --

Blaster: --











































Master: --

Blaster: --

Striker: 8









Combat: 1d6 (Sikaran)

Athletics: 2d6 (Agility Training)

Other: 1d6 (Spotting)

Medical: 3d6 (Mental Health/condition)

Power: 4d6

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H.P. : Roll:19 Total: 29

The Bio-Weapon

Cape Name: Daemon Engine

Bio: /File:Classified....Running I.D.:Access_Granted The Bio-weapon was a weird discovery, He ( It is assumed that it is male, it refers to itself as such) was discovered when he strode from the ocean, looking very angry with the world. The machine like creature appeared some 4 miles offshore and walked to land on the ocean bottom, apparently not needing to breath. He is one of the strangest 53's to date, having nothing in common with humans, the only thing similar is the decayed head in the center of the chest. The creature stands some 9 feet tall at it's highest horns and exhaust ports, and weights some 2500 ibs, It moves very slowly, but has tank armour across the entire body, as the flesh seems to be just as tough as the metal it grows out of. It was noted that it regrows injuries, even to the metal areas, like a lizard, rendering it entirely self sufficient. Another major note is that the creature( Machine?) Eats radioactive material and drinks crude oil. The Tentacles, both mechanical and biological, are its only manipulators, it lacks hands. They are primarily weapons, not having the greatest dexterity possible. It's Omega symbol is in the center of the face that the creature has. It is noted that the thing is totally insane. While lucid it seems very "Joker" like, very smart and sociopathic. In " Slaughter" Mode the thing attacks any and everything, BUildings, teammates, anything

Power Description: Weapons. The Daemon has a gun, it fire blood-oil that has been superheated. This primarily serves as anti vehicle, while it has a Splash radius it melts armor very well and is slow firing. The tentacles are strong and fast, used as close combat weapons and hands. The creature bears very heavy armor across its whole body.

Power Limitation: While a good fighter the Bio-Weapon struggles to do anything other then fight, and fights itself constantly. Easiest way to avoid or fight him is go somewhere very small with tough walls. He either won't fit, or will struggle to bring his weapons to bear,He is similar to a human in his joints are weak points, as is the center console of his back.

Power Classification (At discretion, his rampages might have earned him a record)














Combat: Rank 4=5d6
(Obsessed-Close range)

Athletics: Rank 1=2d6 (Basic)

Other: Rank 0=1d6 (Really struggles with most of this)

Medical: Rank 0=1d6 (None)

Power: Rank 1=2d6 (use of gun and tentacles)

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