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World's View (Miyuki & ViAdvena)

"Thank you, miss Kimura," Becca said, "Hmm...I think it looks better with your hair down, but something is missing...ah right!" She went to the nearest cupboard, searching for something. A moment later she came with a red and white feather hair clip. "There," she pinned the clip in Kimura's hair, "Now it's perfect!"

"Ooh~" Angkasa looked at them, "do I need something for my hair too?"

"Oh yes, you are," Becca gave Angkasa a headband with cute small blue hat decoration on top of it, "Now you two are ready to go!"
(Sorry for the late reply...! I forgot it was my turn!)

"The hairpin... It is beautiful... Thank you, miss Becca. I shall take great care of this hairpin." She twirled around slowly once, walking over to Angkasa. "You truly are beautiful. So beautiful, it makes me wonder if I myself am even what one would call cute." She holds Angkasa's hand with one of hers, like the two of them were prince and princess, except both being girls, and it being more to show how much Kimura's gotten comfortable around Angkasa, compared to her extreme shyness most people see. "Shall we see how Surya thinks of our lovely dresses...?"
"But you are pretty too, Sis! You will turn many heads in the party...As for Bro's reaction?" Angkasa pondered, "He will be-"

Surya was waiting outside, leaning to the car as he checked his phone. He looked up as they come out of the house. "Oh nice, you finally finished," at first he looked at Angkasa, "you look as cute as usual sis~"

Then his attention shifted to Kimura. For a moment, he couldn't say anything, he just keep staring at her as if he was-

"-struck," Angkasa said.

Surya blinked, "Struck what? Of course I aren't struck, whatever that means," He coughed and then extended his hand at Kimura, "Well, milady, you look really lovely tonight," he said smoothly like a perfect gentleman, but the shine in his eyes were playful, "Shall we dance? You don't need to run away even after midnight in this party, I promise." he said with a grin.
She lightly takes his hand, moving up close to him. "No matter how much of a gentleman you act to be, I can always see that playfulness inside of your eyes. It is such a wonderful sight." She stands there, awaiting Surya or Angkasa's next words. She knew that Surya's words were true, though the way he choose to bring them about in a gentlemanly manner simply made her heart skip a beat. She looked over at Angkasa, though her words were obviously directed at Surya as well. "I would appreciate if you two were to keep the fight between siblings though, and try not to do so with me here... It makes me a little sad to see the two of you argue."

(@ViAdvena Just in case you didn't get notified ^^ Please ignore if you're just trying to come up with something to post or are too busy ^^)
"Thanks Kimura. Ah, don't worry about the debate, it is a playful kind of argue~" Surya said lightly.

"And bro never win an argument with me." Angkasa continued.

"Only because I'm such an awesome older brother who always relent to his little sister~" He replied with a grin. Angkasa puffed her cheeks at this reply, because if she retorted and he relented, the she proved that he was right, but if not, then she loses. Uh, lose-lose situation.

They entered the car, and it went off to where the party was held, a fancy hotel. On their way, Surya couldn't help but slightly worried about what would happen there. What would happen when Kimura was there. Why father want her to attend the party? He must have a reason, but...what? He thought. His hold on Kimura's hand unconsciously tighten a little. Better always stay near her during the party, just to be safe.
Kimura pulls on Surya's ear as he argues with Angkasa. "A lady is never wrong, meaning Angkasa, is right~" She just completely took Angkasa's side, turning against Surya entirely. When they get in the car, she felt is grip tighten on her hand. She laid her head on his shoulder, looking out the window slightly. She was curious as to why she was invited to a family-specific party for a family she's not even part of.
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