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World's View (Miyuki & ViAdvena)


Schrödinger's cat
Set in the modern world where everything was completely normal...or is it?

Well, some of people here secretly have an extraordinary ability, but beside that, everything is normal...for now.
It was winter already. Surya realized it when the first snowflakes fell on his hand as he was standing in the street. Well, since this morning the temperature was cold, so it shouldn't be a surprise, really. But with his hectic schedule, time went so fast for him he almost lost track on it.

The street was quite crowded despite the cold. Perhaps because today was weekend. He looked around, one hand in the pocket while the other hand was holding a warm drink that he just bought.
Like every other day, Kimura was sitting outside her home, curled up in a pure white blanket. She looks up at the snow beginning to fall. "Perhaps someday, I could shine as beautiful as snow... Forever falling down the same path as everybody else... If only the eyes weren't how they are... That's why I like them, though... They make me different than everybody else, both good... and bad..." She sits there, waiting for the day somebody takes her away from this life, yet at the same time, wishes that day never comes. She practically lives alone, her parents paying for the house, yet not even bothering to visit her, with the exception of that one time two years ago. All she ever had was her piano, and the eyes she so loved, yet ever so hated. "I wonder when that day will come... The day I can truly be accepted in this world..."
After walking for a while, his feet brought him to the less crowded path, path that lead him to the quiet suburbs. This was a beautiful yet lonely place, with the houses located quite far from each other. As he glanced on the houses, something in one of the house caught his sight.

He moved closer to get a better look, and then frowned. Is that a...blanket? Why someone left the blanket in such odd position outside? He observed it more, and realized that the blanket looked back at him. Wait, wait, that sound strange. More precisely, the person under the blanket looked back at him. With the most unusual yet strangely enchanting red eyes that he had ever seen.
"Even at home... These eyes truly are a curse... Even though I wish I did not have them, I seem to love them at the same time..." She keeps under the blanket, ready for him to approach her, possibly even bully her like the rest. Her eyes are filled with sadness, yet at the same time, show no emotion towards the world, her soon slowly covering her face with the blanket, closing her eyes to let go of all thoughts. Her hair, white as it is, makes it seem as though the red eyes were never there, just a blanket, or a pile of snow out in the front of a house.
Surya tilted his head as he saw her buried herself further under her blanket. She looked scared. But why? Did he looked threatening to her? He wondered whether it's better to approach her or leave her alone, but after some thinking, he decided to approach her. So he walked slowly, then knelt in front of her. He gave her a friendly smile.

"Ah...I'm sorry miss, do I bother you? It's just that I see you outside..." he rubbed the back of his head. Okay, for what reason I am approaching her? Oh right... "Don't you feel cold?" he looked at her, "This is for you," he took something from the paper bag he held, that turned out to be a hot cocoa drink. "Don't worry, the cafe's staff where I get it accidentally spilled a drink on me, so I get it for free," he grinned.
She lowers the blanket from her face slowly, her red eyes almost piercing his soul, both in a bad and good way. Every single person met with her gaze is tempted towards despise of the eyes, which are of a most unnatural color. With little emotion, as though she had been sitting there for her entire life, she replies to him. "I have no need for anything but this blanket, and my piano... The cold air is nothing but a comforting existence, the sole reason I sit out here..." Her eyes continue to gaze in to him, sadness filling them, yet at the same time, giving off a lack of emotion and purpose. Her hair gleaming with the snow, even more pure white than his.
He stared back at her with his bright blue eyes, which sometimes looked as warm as summer sky, and sometimes as cold as frozen sea. Right now they looked warm as he gaze at the girl in front of him. He thought those eyes were strange, but lovely. He couldn't comprehend why they were filled with sadness. "But isn't it lonely? Just sitting here? I've done that in the past," he moved to sit beside her, "It give you temporary peace, being alone. But after some times the silence began to weigh you down... " he trailed off, "Ah, and winter air like this can give you cold. It's better to get something warm to eat," he said lightly, the smile came back on his face, "Here, drink the cocoa. They said chocolate can makes you happy, you see."
She looks at him as he sits down, her eyes staying the same, regardless of what words are said. "It has always been lonely, yet I have always enjoyed it... Since ten years before, this has become my eternal key among the piano we call life. I always sit among this black key, though with my foot pressing down on the white key below. It is forever a note, held in place."
"Then do you know that piano can be played by more than one person?" He spoke to her, "The music become richer when played together, the harmonization between people makes the music even more beautiful." He stand up, "Hey, you really like piano, aren't you?" He extended his hand, "How about we walk together? I know one place that you sure will like," He gave her the warmest smile that would melt any heart, "You'll love it, I promise."
Kimura looks at him, her eyes not even changing in the slightest. "It is not beautiful if one hand is constantly getting in the way of the other... Keys are played, neither hand able to tell which is doing what... They both reach for the same key, only to find there be room for just one... Lives are separated, each forced to play another key..." She stands up, the blanket still wrapped around her completely, not even so much as showing her face. "I will go with you, but I will not play this piano with you. I play alone, this being the fate of the hand that wishes play a beautiful melody." The blanket was thin enough to see through it from inside, her reason for hiding her face being that just about everybody picks on her for the eyes.
"Hey, life of each person migh be separated, but they always go side by side. Just like every key on the piano. They're separated from each other, but together they create a beautiful melody. It won't be as beautiful if there's only one key on the piano." He looked happy that she was agree to go with him. "And I'm not a piano player," he smiled, "but I play other instrument that usually sound good while played together with it."

He looked at her blanket, "...Are you really want to go out with that?" seems that for some reason she want to hide her face, "You could tripped on in while you walk. How about you wear this?" He offered her his own jacket, a dark blue jacket with a hoodie on it.
She declines the jacket, as it would simply keep the cold air away from her. The blanket was all she ever needed, since she started this life ten years ago, possibly even more. "The piano I play is meant not for the enjoyment of others, nor the playing with the rest... It is a single performance, designed for the player to let out their sorrows, leaving it to the river to carry them away..." The blanket, which was folded up until now, suddenly drops down, tripling in size as it goes from merely covering the upper half of her body, to covering some of the ground as well.
Surya blinked as he saw the blanket was now draped on the ground, "Oh well...at least let me do this for you," he knelt and took each ends of the blanket, then tied it in front of her, somehow made the blanket looked like a legit cloak instead of...well, blanket. "You remind me of my sister when she was little," he chuckled slightly, "although that time she didn't want to let go of her blanket because the air is too cold. So I did this to her." He stood up, "Good. Nice white cloak for a lovely lady," he said, slightly teasing, "Alright, let's go." He began to walk.
She followed behind him, disliking the idea of turning the blanket into a cloak, though at the same time, finding it easier to keep it on this way. She keeps her distance from him, making it look like they're both just headed to the same place, in the event a person were to find out who she is. She lets one of her fingers out of the blanket to catch some snow, it seeming to melt before touching her, as well as a few of the snowflakes that go past her finger turning to water, then freezing in to tears of ice, lightly shattering as they hit the ground, going unnoticed by Surya.
At first Surya had no problem of Kimura walked behind him, since he just need to turned around whenever he want to check whether she was still there. But as they went to the more crowded area, it became harder for him to see her, and since she didn't seems to be the type to go out often, it made him worried that she would get lost. As he looked back once more, she seems to be swept away by a wave of people from other side. So he turned back and grabbed her arm before she was really swept by the crowd, "Whoa, that was close," he said, now walking on her side, "perhaps we need to choose less crowded path..." he looked around. He actually know the swift way to reach their destination, but he didn't know how to do that without raising some suspicion.
She breaks her arm free, not liking the idea of somebody grabbing her, as last time somebody did that, she ended up on top of a broken fence. "Please, never touch me like that..." She continues to walk, now close enough to him to not get swept away. She was unsure of where they were going, but knew one thing; he was different than everybody else. While everybody made fun of her and picked on her for having red eyes, he didn't mind them.
"Ah, I'm sorry," Surya looked a little surprised by the sudden break of contact.

They kept walking until they arrived in front of a certain building. It was a large and beautiful building, with most of the exterior covered with glass pane. Surya walked up to one of the glass pane. "You know," Surya looked at her, his smile was somewhat mischievous, "This place is actually closed at weekend. But," his smile widened, "not for me."

He touched the glass pane with one hand, then the other hand reached to her 'hood'. "Sorry princess," he said playfully, "You need to cover your eyes for this."

He tugged the blanket a little to cover her eyes, and then there's a flash of light. When the light disappeared, suddenly they're already inside of the building. To be exact, now they're inside a huge room, with a high ceilings adorned with intricate patterns and the big stage surrounded by ascending chairs. It was empty now, but one could imagine the chair full of audience when a performance was held here. But the one that capture the most attention was what's on the stage. There's many music instruments arranged on there, from cello, saxophones, drums, to harp and one grand piano.

"This is the concert hall," he said lightly, "for today, all of this is yours, princess."
(I would believe that he just teleported them, correct...?)

Kimura, no longer wearing the blanket, walks over to the instruments, picking up a violin, pulling a large harp, then sitting down at the piano. She starts to play, using her feet to produce a beautiful sound with the piano before using her right hand for the harp, then switching to using both hands for the violin. A xylophone sits next to her, her at some points using one foot to use it as the other continues to play the piano. On parts where she returns to playing the harp, she uses her right foot to play, still somehow playing the violin and piano without so much as a mistake. The beautiful sound echoes throughout the open space, her playing the three instruments for an entire two and a half minutes without stop.

(Here is pretty much what she is playing. Took it straight from one of my favorite anime c:)[media]

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((Teleport? Sort of, but not really xD ))

Surya stared at her as she played the instruments alternately, couldn't help but fascinated by how she played each instrument flawlessly, forming a beautiful music that was sound like it's played by several people, when actually it's just played by one girl. She looked immersed in her own world, with instruments surrounded her, giving her the melody she wanted. Her own paradise.

As she finished playing, he clapped his hand, "Génial!" he said enthusiastically, unconsciously slipped to his parents' language, French, while praising her. "Have you considered a career in music?" he asked, "You'll do it brilliantly! I mean, I think your music is beautiful," he then grinned, "and believe me, I have a very good taste."
She looks over at him, still playing a little piano with her feet. "As I have already said, my music is not for the enjoyment of others, but the translation of my own emotion... It is the sole reason I still stay upon this world..." She continues looking at him, her red eyes looking as though the slightest glow upon them. She places the violin down, switching to using her hands on the piano.

(Just what she plays right now.)


"Ah, I know that," said him, "but still, I can't help but think people will love that music," his voice became gentle, "and they will love the person who play the music too...like-"

His words were interrupted by the sound of someone stepped into the room.

"Who is that?!" an old man in his late forties apparently hear the sound of music and decided to inspect it. He walked between the chair to the stage, eyeing the one on it suspiciously, "This place is closed. How did you get in?"
Kimura keeps playing the piano, as though ignoring the man. She knew she would probably get thrown out if she didn't do anything, but at the same time, doing something would just end with the same result- her being kicked out of the place. All she really cared was that she could keep playing her music. The man gazes off into nothing, the sound of her piano somehow taking him to a world of unknown calmness. Whenever she plays, the music itself seems to have some magical effect on everybody that listens, carrying any emotion or state of mind with it, such as the calmness running through her now.


Surya stood off from his seat and approached the old man, "Hey, hey," he said, waved his hand in front of him because for some reason, the old man seemed dazed off, "she is with me, okay. So there's no problem."

The old man blinked as if awakened from trance. "Huh, master Surya?" He looked at the young master, "So it's you again..." he shook his head, "I'm sure the other staff has checked and confirmed that all of entrance has been closed. How do you keep come in?"

Surya grinned, "I have my way, okay? Don't ask."

The old man decided to not push the matter further. This one young man has always been a little strange and unpredictable. He looked at the girl who was playing the piano, noticed the strange red eyes, and then the white hair, "Is she one of the Soleil? I don't remember if I have seen her before..."

"Thanks God, no," Surya shook his head, "Aside from my parents and my sister, they're all sick. Good things she isn't one of them." his voice dropped cold for a moment. Then he looked at Kimura, "Well, whoever she is, she certainly is better than most people that usually surround me..."
Kimura slowly comes to a stop on playing the piano. She stands up, her eyes glowing ever so slightly, as though a flame dances deep inside of them. She focuses her attention on the eyes of the man who had walked in, as though staring directly at his soul. Before today, she had nothing but hardships due to her red eyes, though all of a sudden, two people see her eyes, yet treat her like a real person. She walks over to the harp, sitting down to play it. It sends a feeling of calmness through the air, nearly producing the same effect of others letting their mind wander the world lacking worry, filled with the calm resonating sound of the harp.

(Yes, I like my anime music c:)


He hair floats upwards a moment, spreading out; an illusion of wings there, but only for a second. Soon, the music comes to a slow stop, the hair floating back down. With that, Kimura stands up, ready to leave. She puts the blanket back around her, holding it up to look like a cloak. "I should be going now... Would you please open the nearest entrance for me, so I may head home...?"

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