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World's View (Miyuki & ViAdvena)

Kimura looks at their father, not knowing who is is, aside from their father. "It is a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Soleil. I deeply apologize for coming here without having asked for permission. As I had yet to meet you or gain any easy way of getting permission, I had decided to come here with them. I do hope I'm not intruding." She currently holds a violin in one hand, which she had secretly brought with her from her home in addition to the guitars. She bows in front of their father, showing only signs of great respect towards him, not even so much as a nearly impossible to see twitch that would seem a sign of disrespect if noticed. She had perfect mannerisms, even though her parents she had been handed over to lacked any form of mannerisms at all.
Their father raised his brows for a second, but his expression quickly changed back to neutral, as if he never recognized her in the first place. "Ah, of course it's no problem. A very polite young lady like you is always free to visit here."

Inwardly he wondered where she got that good manner. Her parents...her parents did have a good mannerism befitting of those upper class society, despite not actually being that good of people. But she wasn't raised by them, was she? He seldom interact with them, but he knew they handed their second child to someone else, for whatever reason. And now that child was standing in front of him.
"Thank you for allowing me to stay. I shall be on my best behavior while here, sir." She slowly raises her head, allowing for Surya and Angkasa to go ahead, while she sits down over in a nearby chair, now looking at her violin, her guitar having been set next to the chair earlier. She doesn't know if their father had even seen her violin and guitar, but either way, she's assuming it's okay to have them with her, as he said she's welcome.
((This post is uber long for the sake of settings and plot))

The Soleil siblings and their father went from living room to another room. In there their father sat on the sofa and began to speak.

"I'm calling both of you to here..." he said, "because tonight there will be a formal party and family gathering, and I want you two to attend."

Surya slightly groaned while Angkasa gave a see-I-was-right look.

"As my children, I hope both of you can exhibit proper manner that you obviously had been taught to before," their father looked at Surya sharply.

Surya instantly straighten his posture, "Of course dear father," he said calmly, his tone and the way he carried himself was now befitting of that of a young master, "We can humbly assure you that we will behave properly and flawlessly in the gathering while still throwing subtle insult and backhand compliment left and right, and even with that they'll still couldn't find any significant fault from us."

Their father sighed, "This party is held," he continued, "to celebrate the homecoming of one of your cousin from German." Take a note that he didn't reprimand Surya of his 'subtle insult' plan, "Perhaps you two remember Kaworu?"

Angkasa shook her head while Surya gave the small "Oh."

"I think I've seen him when I was little," he said, "I don't remember much about him, though. Is he as much of a spoiled br-" he coughed, "as pleasant as the majority of our cousin?"

His father raised his brows, "That's for you to decide," he said, "and by the way," he steepled his hands as he spoke, "I want you to invite your new friend to the party too."

"What?" Surya now looked genuinely surprised, "Why?"

His father shook his head, "No question for now. I'll explain to you after the party." He stood up, "That's all. See you later, child," he patted Surya's shoulder and Angkasa's head before went out of the room, his assistant already there to remind him of his next meeting.

"...Is it just me, or is he planning something?" Surya said after their father gone.

Angkasa shrugged, "Daddy is always planning something." she got down from the sofa, "should we really invite Kimura to the party...?"

Surya sighed, "...Yes," now they walked to the living room where Kimura was in, "...althought I don't want to involved her in whatever mess that might happen..."
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Kimura sits there on the chair, perfect posture as she holds her violin on her lap, giving off this feeling of royalty or something.
"Ah, Kimura," Surya approached him, "Tonight there'll be a party for our family, and..." he ran his fingers through his hair as he was speaking, "Our father invite you to come. Would you come with us?"
Kimura looks at him, his touch very calming, causing her to follow with the manners even further than just looks. "I would be honored to join your family at a party. What might the reason be for inviting me, though? I am but a mere friend of yours, after all..."
"Who knows, maybe to make you get to know my family better?" Surya said. Then he frowned, "Uh, that's what I'll say if our family is normal...but," He shrugged, "Well, we will make sure no one treat you badly there."

"Sis, if you didn't have a dress for party," Angkasa tugged Kimura's clothes softly, "We have many dress and a tailor upstairs. I'm sure there's a dress that you would like..." she turn around, "And I will have someone I can play dress up with," she said, "bro never want to play dress up with me," she slightly pouting.

"Well duh, of course I don't want to if I am the one who wear dress!" Surya shouted to the amused Angkasa, who now leading Kimura upstrairs.
Kimura carried her violin and guitar with her, going to set them down in Angkasa's room when they get there. "I-I would prefer something that's... not all too fancy... Just a plain white dress..." They reach her room, Kimura setting the guitar against the wall and violin on the floor next to it.
"Ah, I think there's some white dress here," Angkasa looked inside her closet.

From the door, a woman that's seems to be a tailor entered, "Young lady, Master said you need to be fitted for a gown..." she looked at Kimura, "...Ah, and your friend too..."

"Yea, Kimura said she want a white gown," Angkasa said, "Do we have white gown? I usually wear blue..."

"Sure we have..." the tailor looked at Kimura up and down, "Your figure is petite, so it won't take long to fit it. And I think white and red suit you..."
"Please, no red... It reminds me of my eyes... I might like some light blue with the white dress though, miss... What is your name, ma'am...?" She waits patiently for her name, not wanting to be rude by calling her anything but her name.
"Aw...but I already think of ruby decoration that will match your eyes very much. But alright..." the woman smile, "The name is Becca. Nice to meet you, Miss...?" she waited for Kimura to say her name.

Angkasa walked back and forth around them, "Come on, let's be quick, so after this Sis can teach me guitar..."
"My name is Kimura. A pleasure to meet you, miss Becca. Also, if you have already thought of a ruby decor, then who am I to turn down your suggestion? I will take whatever you are to prepare for me." She looks back over at Angkasa, a little smile on her face. "You truly do need to learn patience. It is not nice to interrupt two people talking, especially if it is about a dress for a most exquisite party," she said in an overly formal tone.
"Oh...right, sorry..." Angkasa mumbled, looked a little regretful. "But after this we'll learn guitar, right?"

Becca smiled at the scene, "It's not often I see young lady this enthusiast." She pulled out a tailor meter, "Alright, the dress is already there, so we will take your measure, then fitted the dress..."

She measured Angkasa first, "You've got taller, young lady." she said as she measured her height.

"Oh, yay."

Then she measured Kimura, "Slim figure, small waist, designer will love you," she said, "but you need to be a little taller to be a model."

After a while she finished her job. "Alright, that's all for now," she said, "come to tailoring room after several hours, okay?"
"I certainly will, miss Becca. Thank you for taking the time to prepare a dress for me." Kimura walked over to her guitar, lightly stroking it with her hand before she picks it up as she sits down on a chair. As Becca walks out and closes the door, Kimura drops the formal mannerisms and such, looking at Angkasa. "Sorry about that... It's best I be formal when around people other than you and Surya while here, to prevent my being kicked out in the middle of everything. "So, let's get to playing." She began teaching Angkasa for the next several hours, showing her where to place her hands, how to play notes and chords, and even starting to teach her part of a song she'd played under the name Snow, her second most popular song, to be exact.
Angkasa was really enjoying the lesson. She learned quite fast, although she still need to get her fingers accustomed to each key so she could change between note smoothly. When Kimura starting to teach her Snow's song, she said to her, "You know sis, your voice is harmonizing with Snow's, I'm sure you'll make a good duet with her," she said casually.
Seeing as she'd already told Surya her identity as Snow, and the two of them looked quite similar due to being siblings, she just about reveals it to Angkasa. "I'm actually S-" She pauses, then continues; "still not skilled enough to try..." She sighs quietly, having almsot revealed her secret to Angkasa.
"Eeeh? But you're good sis! If you record your voice and sell it you might become as popular as Snow!" said Angkasa, tried to convince Kimura.


Time flies and now was the time to go to the tailor room for the last fitting. After that they'll go to the awaited party.

In the tailor room, it looked like Surya had his clothes fitted first. He wore a dark grey-blue suit that both match his hair and eyes, and when they enter the room he was just finished put on his tie.

"Oh hey, the ladies come," he flashed a grin on them, "Be grateful you aren't required to wear tie. This thing is suffocating," he tug on his tie.

"Are you sure you aren't just wearing it wrong?" Angkasa commented.

"Well duh, I've put tie countless times. I still prefer tie-less shirt." He sat on the nearest chair, relaxing.
Kimura walked over to Surya, fixing his tie a little, which loosened the pain it caused on his neck enough for him to breathe. She did it slightly different than a tie is normally put on, but it looked pretty much the same, without the suffocating. "That should be a little better..." She walked back over to Angkasa to get ready for the dress that they prepared for her.
"Ah, thanks Kimura," Surya said, a little surprised because the tie did feel became more bearable, and because Kimura was so close for a moment, he only could stare at her as she was fixing his tie. "Wow, perhaps you should fix my tie everyday!" he said lightly, "It will be more comfortable that way! Now, what position you should have so you can fix my tie everyday...?" he pondered.

"Wife," Angkasa said simply, "you basically just propose to her. Very smooth, brother."

"Wait what?!" Surya slightly reddened at this statement, "That's not what I mean!"

"Sure you are~" Angkasa expression was neutral, but it's clear that she was amused by this.

"I'm no- oh, whatever," he groaned, if he keep catering to his sister's teasing this will never end, "I'll just wait outside until this fairy godmother turn you two into pretty cinderellas." Becca laughed at Surya referring to her as 'fairy godmother'. "See you," he walked outside the room.
Kimura looked at Angkasa, laughing a little when Surya's out of the room. "Did he really just propose to me...? I never thought my first time being proposed to would be so... funny! I was expecting a romantic proposal, but this is just as good." She calms her laughing, looking back at Becca with a smile. "Are the dresses ready, miss Becca?"
"Well, not deliberately of course. But he said he want you to fix his tie everyday. I can't think of any position beside wife for that work." Angkasa shrugged. Then she looked at the dresses Becca brought, "Oh, look, pretty."

Angkasa's dress was predominately blue, with a touch of white and silver on some place that made it looked like a blue sky and white cloud. On the other side, Kimura's dress, just as she requested, was pure white, except on the waist area which was adorned with sash belt made of red roses. The neck area was decorated with red ruby, arranged in such way that it resembled overlapping necklaces.
"It's... beautiful..." She just stared at the dress she was presented with, just amazed by the beauty of it. It was hr first time seeing such a dress, unable to even return to reality long enough to put it on. She just stood there, her eyes unable to even blink.
"Of course, a beautiful dress for a beautiful lady," Becca smiled, "here, try to put it on." She observed Kimura's appearance, "I wonder whether it's better to put your hair up or just let it down..."

Meanwhile, Angkasa had try on her dress, "It's really light!" She said as she spun around, her dress swirling around her like a mist.
Kimura put the dress on, in love with the way it matched her pure white hair. "This is really beautiful... I might never take it off..." She let her hair flow down her back, just reflecting light as though her hair were made of crystals and snow. "I really like this dress. You have a good eye for dresses, miss Becca..."

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