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World's View (Miyuki & ViAdvena)

"Ah, you want to go back already?" Surya looked a little disappointed. But he still said to the old man, "Frank, would you open the entrance for us?"

"Well, fine," the old man shrugged, "although I wonder why you don't use the entrace where you enter before..."

Surya grinned but he didn't say anything. He then walked with Kimura to the nearest entrance- which was surprisingly far. This building was a huge building after all.

In the middle of the walk, Surya slowly stopped and then moved to in front of Kimura, looked at her straight in the eyes.

"Can I ask you something?" He looked serious, "It might sound weird, but...do you believe me?" It was a strange and loaded question
Kimura looks straight ahead as he talks to her. "What...? Oh... What do you mean by believe you...?" She was unsure what he meant. She didn't know that there was something to believe or not believe. She lets her blanket cover her entire body, some of it dragging behind her. "It's about time I go home... It was a good little bit of time, but I must return to the life I was destined to have..." With that, she walks out the door of the building, beginning to head home.
"Ah, wait!" Surya went after her, "I mean, do you at least believe me enough to visit you again? And..." he rubbed the back of his head, "Perhaps hearing your music again?" He smiled, "Right, we haven't even introduce ourselves yet," He extended his hand, "I'm Surya. Well...Surya Soleil, for full name." For a moment there's a little dislike in his expression when he said his full name, but it disappeared as quick as it came, "What's your name?"
"Kimura... Kimura Yuki..." She doesn't bother shaking his hand, as she's very cautious about physical contact at this point. "If you want to hear me play more, you can come to my house..." She starts to walk off again, this time not stopping for anything. The wind blows the blanket just enough to make it lift up behind her a little bit.
Surya quickly walked beside her, "Great!" He smiled, "Perhaps I'll come to your home next week, since in regular day I'm really bus-" He paused talking while he saw a car stopped in front of building, right before them. The car's door opened and someone got out of the car. The person was a little girl, perhaps no older than thirteen, with dark hair that reach to her shoulder. Many strands of her hair had turned white, made her hair looked more gray than its initial jet black color. She waved at Surya, "Hello, brother."

"Angkasa?!" Surya looked a little surprised, "Why are you here?" he looked at her sister's clothes, "and why are you wearing school uniform in Saturday?"

She shrugged, "There's some extracurricular activity today. Father called you, by the way, and I predict you will randomly wander to here again, so I come here." She then looked at the person beside her brother, Kimura. Then she stared at her. And stared. And stared. And stared.

((Yay Angkasa cameo xD ))
Kimura looks at Angkasa, her red eyes now starting to glow a little under the blanket, making them visible. A single strand of white hair falls from under the blanket in front of her face. The normal feel red eyes and a strand of hair under a cloak would give off is anger, though she seems to simply transfer the same feelings as always through her eyes; filled with sorrow, yet emotionless, looking for purpose. A nearby radio begins to play one of the most famous songs in the city, sang by an unknown person, who never lets people see anything about how she looks. Kimura starts to sing along softly, her barely able to be heard by Surya, her voice matching the voice almost perfectly, though different from the amount of noise being produced by her compared to how the song was sang. Kimura had already been singing and making music for the public, though unlike how Surya proposed her do it, the past four years, she had done it purely for her emotions to reach the world. She makes sure only Surya can hear her light singing along, as though trying to tell him something. "This is the only other way I can contact him... Through my singing that's been flowing through as the top singer for the past four years, though anonymous as it is... I hope he can understand that I'm telling him that's me... Would be a waste of trying to tell somebody for the first time who I really am to one who doesn't even understand..."

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"Angkasa," Surya reprimanded his sister, it's not polite to stare."

Angkasa blinked, "Oh, sorry. I thought the red eyes were contacts first." She shrugged, "And you see, not everyday brother walk willingly with a girl..." she said casually.

Surya sighed, "We met by coincident, Asa, she is not one of the girl that's 'arranged' for me."

As he spoke, the radio in the car began to play one of Surya's favorite song. At first Surya didn't notice, he was used to hear that song everywhere. But then he realized that Kimura was singing along with it. Their voice were really matched. Too matched, Surya thought with surprise. It as if the song was sung by the same person. It couldn't be...could it? He looked at Kimura with realization.

Meanwhile, Angkasa still looked oblivious to the whole thing. "Since I bring car, why don't you come with us?" She said to Kimura. Of course, she didn't drive the car herself. There's chauffeur with her, "It will be faster anyway."

"Yeah, it is," Surya smiled brightly to Kimura, understand the secret that both of them just share.
Kimura turned her head towards Surya, curious as to whether or not she should get in the car with him. She looks back at Angkasa, deciding that it's best she just go along with Surya, should he get get in the car himself. She walks up to the car to get in with Surya, yet another of her songs playing on the radio, though this one, she herself didn't like, for the fact of the emotions that were poured into it. The actual emotion behind the somewhat upbeat tone were sadness deeper than anybody should ever have to feel in their entire lifetime combined. The words and sound were her way of expressing what she wish she could feel at the time she made the song. While everybody who listens to it thinks it's a happy song, it's really to cover her sad emotions at the time. A slight sadness overcomes her face hidden by the blanket as the lyrics begin to the song. She gets in the car, hiding her face on the way in.

Kimura curls up, still wrapped by the blanket. She unknowingly sits real close to Angkasa, her waiting for the song to end. She looks over at Angkasa, not even noticing ow close she really is to her. "This song... Are you a fan of "Snow"...? What do you think the meaning behind her songs are...? What do you think she sings for...?" Snow was the name Kimura had used for everybody that listened to her anonymous songs to call her by. She wanted to know how others truly felt about her songs, if they understood why she sung without revealing who she really is.
Angkasa glance at her, "fan of Snow...?" the little girl pondered for a while, "Not exactly a 'fan'...but I think her song are nice..." she looked at her brother who now seemed sleepy near the window, "I hear many of her song because my brother like to play them..." she then spoke to her brother, "Hey, bro, what do you think the meaning behind Snow's songs are?"

"...Huh?" Surya woke up from his sleepy state, not listening to the two girls conversation before. He glanced at his sister, "I think all her song...always has a longing feel to it..." he mumbled, still feel sleepy, "It's like...she has a wish...and hopes for someone to hear it and granted her wish..." he looked back at the window, "I don't know, it feels like her songs speak to me. That's why I like it...beside the beautiful music..." he then remembered that the singer of the song was pretty much sat in the same car with them right now. He coughed, feeling a little embarrassed, "Why did you ask anyway?"

"Nothing," Angkasa said lightly.
Kimura wonders what she should do. Her identity as "Snow" had been revealed to Surya already, him reacting to the fact very well. "Would she react the same, or would she do something a little... 'drastic'...?" Kimura pulls the blanket off of her, the pure white hair now revealed completely. "I no longer need hide my hair, seeing as I am with others of white hair... One less thing to worry about..." Her hair shines a little, as though a thin layer of ice cover each strand of hair. Her eyes now a showing a slight happiness in them for the first time in around ten years.
Angkasa looked at Kimura's hair, "You look like you can belong to Soleil family. Are you sure you aren't related to us?"

Surya slightly winced at this statement, "Argh sis, don't say that!"

Asa blinked, "Okay, belong to the non-rotten part of Soleil family." she shrugged, "although yeah, not all white-haired people are Soleil."

They now had arrived in front of Kimura's house. They got out of the car. Angkasa observed Kimura's house. "It's nice," she said, "to be honest, it looks like a type of house that a newlywed will buy."

Surya raised an eyebrow at this statement, "And I wonder how did you know this..."
Kimura wraps herself up with the blanket, though keeping her ace and hair uncovered. "I live here alone," she said, her now standing in front of where she was sitting just hours before all of this. "This loneliness of mine is peaceful... It lacks something though... I lack the one wish I have left in this world being granted... The only wish I've ever truly had..." She looks at her house for a moment, wondering what her life has really meant all this time. "Would you two... like to come inside...?"

She walks up to her door, using a key around her neck to unlock it and enter, the entire house just an empty space, aside from the various

instruments sitting in the middle of the room. She picks up her violin, a harp and xylophone laying on either side of the piano in the middle. She get ready to play just as she had earlier in front of Surya.
"Yeah," said Surya, "we would like to." He and Angkasa followed her into the house. This house is...empty... he thought as he looked around it. He looked at the instruments in the middle of the room. They said the house represent the life of people who live in it... he thought, so her life is empty except for her music? He inwardly sighed, Why I'm not surprised?

He looked as Kimura assembled her instrument to play, approaching her slowly. "Can you...tell me your one true wish?" He asked quietly. Then he quickly added, "only if you want to tell it, of course..."
"You should already know by now... These here are my wish... A wish that'll probably never be granted fully... Though, at least one person tried granting that wish..." With those words, she begins to play, once again using her feet for the piano, xylophone, and harp, her hands occupied by the violin. The music resonates throughout the house, as though it was designed to enhance the sound of the instruments.

Surya listened to her music until the last note. "If that's really what you wish..."

There's no other chair around, so he knelt beside her seat, "You know...after this," he looked at her, "I will visit you again every week. And if I have time in weekdays, I'll also visit you. And in weekends, I'll take you out to wherever you want or to the place that you'll like. Or if you didn't feel like go out, I'll accompany you here and listen to your music- I mean-" He took a deep breath, "I don't know if you like me being here or not, but after this, I swear," He gently put his hands on hers, "I swear I'll never let you feel lonely again."
Kimura looks back over at Angkasa, hoping to see that she enjoyed the music, She keeps playing the piano with her feet, waiting for any possible comment or opinion from her. The piano lightly echoes through the house, her putting the violin down as she keeps playing. "I just hope she liked it... I honestly want to have something to use to become friends with her..." She switches to playing with her hands, managing to avoid so much as stopping for half a second between using her feet to using her hands. Surya tells her that he'll visit her often, making a slight smile appear on her face for a second, then returning to her normal expression. "You're welcome to visit me any time," she replied, actually liking the company a little. "I know you probably won't, even without me telling you, but I'd prefer you not tell anybody about that," 'that' referring to her being Snow.


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"That?" Surya raised his brows. But then he grinned, "Oh, sure~ it'll be just between you and me."

Angkasa sat nearby, hands swinging to the rhythm of music, obviously enjoying it. The little girl then looked at Kimura playing, "I don't know how you can manage to play four music instrument at the same time," she commented, "I barely can play one."

"Well, sis, maybe if you weren't so often skipping your piano lesson..." Surya mentioned with a chuckle.

Angkasa puffed her cheek, "I prefer guitar more, but the music teacher said it isn't too 'ladylike'," she slightly pouting. "Whatever."
Kimura stops playing the piano, getting up and walking over to the single closet in the house. "You prefer guitar, do you...? It seems I've found reason for this then..." She opens thecloset, a guitar sitting on a stand inside, right next to a pair of drums. "I've been wanting a reason to play these... It seems I have one; playing for my newly-found friends..." She moves the drums to the middle of the room, then picks up the guitar, sitting down, getting ready to play. "This is the first time I've played either of these in around a year... I might not be all too good anymore..." She begins to play, using the drumsticks with her feet to play the drums. She starts to sing at some point without realizing at first. The song she's singing is one that was released by her anonymous name of Snow around a year ago with about four other songs, her voice matching snow's perfectly. As she sings, she realizes it, thinking while keeping up the lyrics. "I hope she doesn't find out who I am from this..." She plays for almost five minutes straight, hoping that Angkasa likes her guitar and drum skills. After the song finishes, she looks up from the guitar to see how Angkasa thought her playing was. "Am I... good at playing...?"

(Yes, "Snow" (Kimura) can play anything from piano to guitar c:)

Angkasa clapped her hand, "Yes, un musique génial," she said. Like brother like sister, after all. "You can play any kind of music, can't you? Why don't you have your own show?"

"That's what I said," Surya commented. "she'll be perfect on stage, don't you think?" he then shrugged, "but oh well, not everyone like to perform publicly, after all."

"Hmm?" Angkasa now was laying on the floor, "Whhyy not~?" she rolled on the floor, right now looked like an ordinary child instead of her usual reserved self, "unless you have a stage fright or something...oh right, brother," she sat up, "Do you remember those kid who said that my hair is ugly when I'm on stage?"

"Oh, those sad excuse of human being?!" Surya frowned, displeased by the memory, "They don't bother you again, do they?"

Angkasa shook her head, "No."

"Good, what did you do? Did you beat them up?"

"Nope," she said. Then she pointed at her brother and said with a completely straight face, "I only did just as you advice me, brother. I took videos of their most embarrassing moment, and then blackmails them with it."

Surya brightened, "Great! That's my sister!" and then they high-fived.

The driver who just came to call them witnessing this exchange and facepalmed, "Those Soleil children...God help us all." he sighed. Then he spoke to them, "Sir, Miss. Master requesting for you two to be home now," he referred to their father.
Kimura looks at Surya, a slight look of sadness on her face. "I wish I had an actual place to call home... Not even my parents bother to provide me with a home at this point... Would it be possible for me to... go and see your home...? If possible, I would like to live there, as well..." Her parents had stopped paying for her house a while back, so all her money had been going towards the house the past three years, which was the money she had been given by the people who had put out her music for her, and even then, she tried to decline it up until it was needed to pay for the home.

(We could still do the plot twist, Kimura being their sister, her current parents being two who took her in by request of their father. A little bit of incest would hit the table, of course. I see no problem with them having incest, though your choice on if this idea's fine or not.)
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"Oh," Surya looked at her in surprise, "Of course! Of course you can come with us," He then glance at his sister and the driver, "although you probably need to wait for some time after we get there though. Apparently our father want to discuss something with us."

Angkasa stand up and yawned, "Probably he just want to tell us that there will be another formal party this night or something," she said, "Won't take too long."

"Yeah, maybe," he shrugged, "Well, then," he extended his hand to Kimura. She probably won't take it, like the last time, but it was worth a try, "let's go."
Kimura takes his hand, slowly walking with him to the car. She looks a lot happier compared to a few hours ago when they had first met. "Oh, I almost forgot... I have a little present for your sister," she said to Surya. She ran up the stairs in her house, grabbing an old, but mint condition guitar, as well as on her way back down the stairs and out the house, grabs her guitar she had just played earlier.

She walks up to Angkasa, presenting the ten-year old electric guitar. "This is for you," she said with a smile on her face. "I can teach you to play it, if you need me to." She gets into the car, holding on to her guitar a little tightly, leaving enough room for Angkasa and Surya.
"A guitar!" Angkasa said excitedly- well, as excited as a precocious child could be, "Thanks, sis!" she smiled at Kimura, "Yes...I would like to learn this..."

Surya looked a little surprised that she took his hand this time. Despite her snow-like appearance, her hand was surprisingly warm. He smiled widely and lead her to the car. The car took them outside of Kimura's neighborhood, into the street, and then to the plush part of the town. They entered a luxury residential complex and then arrived in a mansion. The mansion was beautiful, if not a little bit imposing. It was shining white, with a large garden in front it and, if someone walked to behind the mansion, they'll find a tropical-themed swimming pool behind it.

Surya get out of the car. "Oh, well...welcome," he said to Kimura, "to the Soleil mansion."

((In case you want to see how Soleil house looks like ))

Kimura gets out of the car, being careful to keep her guitar from getting damaged in any way, even so much as an invisible scratch. "Such a beautiful home," she said in an astonished, yet calm voice. She walks towards the front door, holding on to Surya's hand, while her other hand keeps the guitar up in the air. "Once you two finish talking with your father, I'll be more then happy to teach you to play," she said, looking over at Angkasa with a smile. She had somehow become a lot happier in just a few hours, and she wanted to stay this way.
"Okay~" Angkasa skipped to the mansion's door, "We can do it in my music room. It has piano and violin, and now it has guitar~" she said happily.

Surya chuckled at his sister excitement. He was still holding Kimura's hand, walking behind Angkasa. As they enter the living room, their father, surprisingly enough, had waited in there.

"So there you are," Their father, Adalard Soleil, turned around to see them, "it took you long enough-" he stopped talking as he saw Kimura. At first he just saw how his oldest son holding a girl's hand that wasn't his sister's- a rare occurrence. But then he saw the white hair, and the red eyes, and his eyes narrowed in recognition, "You..."

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