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Fandom World Submersion (Multi Fandom rp) (OOC available, RP about to launch))

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This is a problem in most Multifandom RPs.

Exactly, it's just hard to create a truly fair system either a character is nerfed so much they are rendered relatively useless or a character left unchecked can become overpowered and even a mar sue or gary stu in comparison to the others. The main problem is creating the right balance is always difficult, especially as a GM that isn't familiar with a certain character, they wouldn't necessarily know that characters capabilities well enough to determine if nerfing is necessary, the opposite can also be done where a character within limitations is unnecessarily checked by some sort of misunderstanding on what their abilities really are although the latter is a bit less common.

Wait, so Gilgamesh is too OP, but Goku isn't?

Well I would imagine Goku is nerfed the hell out of (and if not he should be) not sure about Gilgamesh simply because I'm unfamiliar with the character 
Well I would imagine Goku is nerfed the hell out of (and if not he should be) not sure about Gilgamesh simply because I'm unfamiliar with the character 

From what I can get, one of his cheapest attacks is summoning thousands of weapons out of a portal and shooting them all out at once (Noble Phantasm).
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Exactly, it's just hard to create a truly fair system either a character is nerfed so much they are rendered relatively useless or a character left unchecked can become overpowered and even a mar sue or gary stu in comparison to the others. The main problem is creating the right balance is always difficult, especially as a GM that isn't familiar with a certain character, they wouldn't necessarily know that characters capabilities well enough to determine if nerfing is necessary, the opposite can also be done where a character within limitations is unnecessarily checked by some sort of misunderstanding on what their abilities really are although the latter is a bit less common.

Yeah. Especially when the RP runner expects most fandoms to have these "Grails"...
From what I can get, one of his cheapest attacks is summoning thousands of weapons out of a portal and shooting them all out at once.

Yeah, I'm not the GM obviously so I can't make the decisions but that shouldn't be allowed. I see walking dead characters and others that are good shooters and decent in hand to hand combat at best, you should think in terms of the naturally weakest characters and this is (usually) by the fandom or universe as a whole. If the Gilgamesh Character can make good use of weapons then that could be kept but pretty much any special abilities would be overpowered. Think of it from your everyday martial artist with maybe a gun, he should be able to at least have some sort of chance.
Yeah. Especially when the RP runner expects most fandoms to have these "Grails"...

The grails I am a bit unsure of I wouldn't call the GM out on that until I get more information about it. Most fandoms do have at least one item that would be typical of it but most don't per se have an item centered to the plot. Pokemon could have pokeballs or something, Homestuck has the rings of life/void and there are jujus but those aren't too huge a center piece so I left that out as I am unsure, not to mention Dirk would not normally be in possesion of either of those. Most fandoms I can think of have fandom-specific items but the grails sound to me like they have to be relevant to the story or a center piece which not every fandom has, in fact the majority I would think wont
This is almost turning into Capitalism vs. Communism in terms of character power. Keep characters at their full potential, or somehow make everything equal while keeping some characters relevant? 

The way I'm keeping some of my massively OP submissions (Reimu with unrestrained use of Fantasy Heaven, which makes her unreachable for as long as she wants; and I'll probably apply as Tenshi and Yukari later, too, who are stronger than Reimu) in check is through them being in character. In all of the Touhou games, none of the characters are showing their true potential. They're fighting with danmaku—a martial art—and that's what they'll use against characters who want a fair fight. If, let's say, a dictator came into Gensokyo with fanfare and announced his plan to conquer and enslave/genocide everyone inside, he'd be stomped without much trouble. Gensokyo is more concerned about keeping itself in balance than dealing with the affairs of other worlds. Basically, all of these characters come "pre-nerfed" like Crenando mentioned due to in-character reasons.

I think that if it's reasonable for an OP character to restrain his/her abilities, that should be good. Even if OP characters were introduced (mainly evil ones), then by this point we already have accepted OP characters who can combat those OP ones.
A lot of the problems that have been mentioned I am already well aware of and am trying to make sure i handle them well. I am not going to magikarpify anybody,but i will try to nerf any characters as much as necessary to make them far. I will leet characters be powerful but not unbeatable.

From what I can get, one of his cheapest attacks is summoning thousands of weapons out of a portal and shooting them all out at once (Noble Phantasm).

Oh gosh, that is totally getting the axe. :P

The grails I am a bit unsure of I wouldn't call the GM out on that until I get more information about it. Most fandoms do have at least one item that would be typical of it but most don't per se have an item centered to the plot. Pokemon could have pokeballs or something, Homestuck has the rings of life/void and there are jujus but those aren't too huge a center piece so I left that out as I am unsure, not to mention Dirk would not normally be in possesion of either of those. Most fandoms I can think of have fandom-specific items but the grails sound to me like they have to be relevant to the story or a center piece which not every fandom has, in fact the majority I would think wont

A lot of the fandoms that come to my mind do have what i will categorize as grails. That is why I made the categorization so broad. Not every fandom is required to have a Grail anyway, and they can still serve importance to the plot despite that. The Grails are used to gain access to the gates manually in order to travel different dimensions, so it wouldn't be too big of a deal if there was no grail in the fandom.

Yeah. Especially when the RP runner expects most fandoms to have these "Grails"...

I never said i expected most of them too.
Anyway, i am officially opening submissions for new Mods! Either PM me on rpnation or Discord to apply!
"a select number of these universes possess objects that are powerful enough to manipulate the flow of time and space. The Centerons referred to these objects as “The Grails.” What are these? Simply powerful objects that can in the correct hands manipulate the continuity of space and time. You may call them “Chaos Emeralds” or perhaps “The Monado”. Maybe the “Tri-Force” or a “Philosopher Stone”. It may be the “Infinity Stones”, or “Excalibur”.  Maybe it is a person, like “The Chosen One” or “The Avatar”. Every world is different. " - @Truthblade

So the way I understand this is it can be any significant item, or even a person?, so for lets say Skyrim would Dovahkiin a.k.a Dragonborn be the Grail? (if so Skyrim already has that I believe). Whatever the item is should be related to the end goal or be the hero of the fandom in question?, the philosopher stone was what the brothers were after in Fullmetal similar to dragon balls and was an actual center piece relevant to the plot, but if certain characters themselves count as a grail then that opens things up quite a bit. 

If this be the case Homestuck probably would have one either in the rings of life/void or the Signless/Sufferer. As a reference these rings they were after because it was linked to creation and destruction of the universe, thus life and void, the ring of life in particular they were after because it can bring the dead back, and the Signless is a major part of the HS universe lore/history and was a martyr comparable to and often referred to as the fandoms version of Jesus. I would imagine items like this would be used only as Grails though and be null if they were center to some sort of immortality (such as the philosopher stone) and such. Only used as a key of sorts? I'm just trying to really understand what they are and what qualifies.
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"a select number of these universes possess objects that are powerful enough to manipulate the flow of time and space. The Centerons referred to these objects as “The Grails.” What are these? Simply powerful objects that can in the correct hands manipulate the continuity of space and time. You may call them “Chaos Emeralds” or perhaps “The Monado”. Maybe the “Tri-Force” or a “Philosopher Stone”. It may be the “Infinity Stones”, or “Excalibur”.  Maybe it is a person, like “The Chosen One” or “The Avatar”. Every world is different. " - @Truthblade

So the way I understand this is it can be any significant item, or even a person?, so for lets say Skyrim would Dovahkiin a.k.a Dragonborn be the Grail? (if so Skyrim already has that I believe). Whatever the item is should be related to the end goal or be the hero of the fandom in question?, the philosopher stone was what the brothers were after in Fullmetal similar to dragon balls and was an actual center piece relevant to the plot, but if certain characters themselves count as a grail then that opens things up quite a bit. 

If this be the case Homestuck probably would have one either in the rings of life/void or the Signless/Sufferer. As a reference these rings they were after because it was linked to creation and destruction of the universe, thus life and void, the ring of life in particular they were after because it can bring the dead back, and the Signless is a major part of the HS universe lore/history and was a martyr comparable to and often referred to as the fandoms version of Jesus. I would imagine items like this would be used only as Grails though and be nerfed if they were center to some sort of immortality (such as the philosopher stone) and such. Only used as a key of sorts? I'm just trying to really understand what they are and what qualifies.

It would generally need at least one of or all of these

1It has to be powerful in some way

2 It has to be important in some way

3 It must be realistically possible for them to be used to acess the gates of travel (it wouldn't feel too jarring or out of place in order to be used in such a way).
Actually you did... on the Discord server.

You said that most fandoms have a grail

I might have meant most of the ones that we have so far

And anyway, you are not even participating anymore, so why do you care (for lack of a less aggresive term).
It would generally need at least one of or all of these

1It has to be powerful in some way

2 It has to be important in some way

3 It must be realistically possible for them to be used to acess the gates of travel (it wouldn't feel too jarring or out of place in order to be used in such a way).

Well the examples I gave would both fall under the category of powerful and important, the third is the only thing I am unsure of, mainly because I need to know more about the gates themselves then, would this mean that the item in question must canonically have this potential? for example a character that has already had time or space bending powers or an item used to grant a wish or in the philosopher stone's case could be used in a certain way to manipulate these things. Alternate timelines, time travel and the manipulation of space itself are all present in homestuck so would someone with the aspects of space or time be a Grail? I mean it wouldn't be too farfetched for the Homestuck universe or universes similar with alternate timelines or AU's (examples I can think of would be the DC/Marvel, Doctor Who, and Undertale, even pokemon has Arceus, Palkia and Dialga who could theoretically at least be capable of such a feat) 
Well the examples I gave would both fall under the category of powerful and important, the third is the only thing I am unsure of, mainly because I need to know more about the gates themselves then, would this mean that the item in question must canonically have this potential? for example a character that has already had time or space bending powers or an item used to grant a wish or in the philosopher stone's case could be used in a certain way to manipulate these things. Alternate timelines, time travel and the manipulation of space itself are all present in homestuck so would someone with the aspects of space or time be a Grail? I mean it wouldn't be too farfetched for the Homestuck universe or universes similar with alternate timelines or AU's (examples I can think of would be the DC/Marvel, Doctor Who, and Undertale, even pokemon has Arceus, Palkia and Dialga who could theoretically at least be capable of such a feat) 

Also the fact that some characters already can traverse through the multiverse.

The Fantastic Four have done such a feat within the pages of Marvel Comics.

Also the issue with the Infinity Stones being a "grail" is that they only hold power in the universe they originate from...

Meaning even if they can bring you to another universe... they're useless outside of their home universe.

Also the issue with the Infinity Stones being a "grail" is that they only hold power in the universe they originate from...

Meaning even if they can bring you to another universe... they're useless outside of their home universe.

Breaking News: Marvel Performs an In-Universe Self-Nerf

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Right y'all, listen up. The GM, the Co-GM and other mods (including myself) have heard enough of this stupid talking about nerfing and silly things like that. If we say you need to nerf something, it needs to be nerfed. End of, no argument. If you disagree with us, state your reasons but that will not change the fact that your character is OP. OP characters ruin the flow of the RP and make it less fun for people who have actually followed the rules and stuck to fair roleplaying. As a result, we have decided to clamp down on such things. If you don't like it, tough.
In other words, powerful characters is one thing, but characters that can totally obliterate everyone in the rp is quite another. I will not nerf anyone further than needed, but if simply toning down an attack range or cutting an unnecessary  power is too much to ask, than i am not sure what else i can say. I am sorry to be so blunt, but GMs have to put their foot down somewhere.
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That means all of you with the stupid carbon copy clones and the obscure Undertale copies.
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