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Fantasy World of Innixus (CS)


__original_drawn_by_tajyador__sample-c8dfa4110244416550f9ce6e1aeb3878 (1).jpg
Age: 63 | Pronouns: She/Her | Race: Dwarf| Occupation: Lady of the Manor | Height: 4'4" | Weight: 172

Aofie, Duchess

~ Likes ~
Extravagant Banquets
Her "Subjects"
All Things Worldly
Fine Clothing

Vengeful Spirits
Letting Others Go Hungry

~ Magic ~
+ Green Magic +
- Aofie can rapidly decompose an already deceased organism, prompting micro-organisms to multiply at an expedited rate, returning the flesh and nutrients to the soil, and leaving behind only ivory bones if it possessed a skeleton to begin with.

Bone Servant - Provided a corpse does not have a lingering soul clinging to the mortal plane, Aofie can raise a cadaver from the earth to wander the land once again. Possessing no will of their own, they are quite effective workers.

Rapid Regeneration - Aofie does not simply heal wounds, but instead forces rapid cell growth to recover from wounds far quicker. This allows her to heal others, but the process is noticeably more painful than if a proper healer was doing it.

- White Magic -
- Aofie can repair broken objects, such as farm equipment or the bones of a deceased creature.

Aofie is an eccentric lass with a taste for the finer things in life. Her ultimate goal is to create a world where no one has to go hungry and everyone is capable of being treated like royalty. How does she plan to accomplish this? Why by making the dead do all the work for them. She believes that life is a beautiful thing. That the arts should be the forefront of everyone's concerns and the pinnacle of civilization. Fashion, cuisine, literature, whatever it may be. People shouldn't need to concern themselves on matters of survival.

She is kindly, perhaps a bit pompous, calling herself a Duchess of a castle (which is an old rundown fort from ages ago). However, she has gone just a tad bit crazy in her solitude, naming each and every "servant" under her care and talking with them as though they are her friends. Its been too long since she's seen another being of flesh, and not just bone.

Aofie's parents were researchers who came on an expedition to the Unknown Territory in search of answers. Why was a child brought along for such a dangerous journey? An excellent question, but a less than excellent answer: sheer lack of foresight. Among their crewmates was a healer, well versed in green magic. She learned the basics of green magic, and was able to animate her old doll. One day a crew of undead stole their ship, leaving them stranded. At the time, they had found an old fort to keep themselves safe in, and that was where they set up camp. Over time, many of the remaining crew grew sick, or eaten by wildlife, or simply investigated deeper and never returned. Soon, by sheer luck or misfortune, however you choose to look at it, only Aofie had remained. She buried the last of the fallen, as everyone else had done. But she was still so sick of all this working she had to do. Everyone had practically worked themselves to death fighting for survival, and now she was the only one left to do anything!... Unless...

The oldest corpse, exhumed, practically just bone by now, she realized there was life still in this decayed body. She could spurn it with what little magic she knew, and then perhaps... Over the next few weeks, Aofie was able to get the skeleton to raise its arm. Then its torso. Then it could walk. Soon after she could have it till the earth. Suddenly, she wasn't alone in her fight for survival. She started exhuming the other corpses from her makeshift graveyard, and soon after she had a wonderful workforce of 12. The occasional wolf, cat, or bear was also conscripted as beasts of burdens, body guards, or just companions.

Soon she wasn't worried about having to survive any more. She had crops growing, security, and most importantly, time. Time to do whatever she wanted. Eventually she took to the loom, which she constructed from wood and bone and began making her own outfits. 10 years of nothing to do but practice on the loom grants people amazing skills in a craft. Soon after, she was quite proficient. Knowing how to command her army, they took to enacting her designs. Then she began cooking. And soon, even her skeletons were fantastic chefs. And Aofie began to feel like royalty. Life was so fun when you weren't under threat of death.




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  • Nickname:
    "Ain't Finch easy enough to say? Sheesh..."

    Werewolf form Alias:
    The White Wolf



    Beastman - Wolf


    Merc for hire
    (Unavailable for hire at night)


Charlotte Lufang (lu-fong)

Char, Lottie, Lu, Fang, Lulu



Human (but is part elf but absorbed no traits other than probably aging process)


Heiress to the LuFang family

+Standing in water
+The Rain
+Her Scythe

-Her Father
-Being lectured
-Forced into things she does not like
-Exposing her feelings
-Talking about being the Heiress

Despite her kind words, her kind nature, and sharp mannerisms, Charlotte hides a lot within her heart. While being hurt inside, lost, stressed, and depressed. Her outside is happy, and comes off as someone who could run the LuFang family with grace. Despite feeling like the whole world was upon her shoulders, she pushes through with the strength of her mother and her stubborness of her father. But there was no way she had been ready to become the leader of the LuFang. Not without feeling some sort of resentment with her father still around. Outside of her home, she does feel a sense of freedom that allows her to relax, enjoy what life could offer, but in the end knew that she'd have to return back home and that's what she dreads most. Without the depressing nature of Lottie: She is a kind person who'll fight and protect what is precious to her, holding them high in regard. Loyalty is where she thrives and when its returned, she appreciates it greatly. She's selfless and will help others in need when she can, even if it means defending a small village from any dangers if and when it came down to it.

Charlotte didn't ask to be born. Quite frankly, one could say she was unplanned despite being the first born. While her human mother doted over her and raised her to the best of her ability. Her shit stain of a elven father was useless, always turning her away when she'd want to play, or would ask what he's doing, or perhaps even join him in activities he'd be doing. It didn't help that he was some sort of worshiper to a god that she didn't understand but still attempted to bond with him somehow, someway. Even if it meant worshiping a god that she saw no benefits from. As she got older, she only saw how much of an ass her father was. Trying to lecture her and force his religion onto her and also forcing her to be the perfect Heir to his family, only making her feel even more lost and suppressed then she should've been as a young child. Due to this, she'd sneak out of the house and find ways to play with other children and feel some sort of freedom. Even made a particular friend along the way who she'd always sneak out with and have a ball running around and playing and even perhaps learning from one another. Now, her mother wasn't bad at all as she always tried to support her and comfort her. After coming down with a sickness, she was left bed ridden but always did her best to get out of bed to do things. Even if it was to get things for little Lottie at the cost of her health.

Quite honestly, her mother did encourage the sneaking out to play with others because she knew that she deserved so much more than a rich life with a shitty father. In Charlotte's mind, she wondered why she stayed with her father but there were just things she wouldn't understand until she became much older. Speaking of, after going through different types of teachings (Ranging between etiquette, dancing, and running a noble household and whatever else her father put her through), she did turn out to be quite the young lady who knows how to put a smile on even when she absolutely feels like shit or would like to murder someone. After Lottie had turned 18, her mother did pass away and left her with not only secrets of the LuFang family but also left everything to her. So anything that had been her mothers, had became her own since her mother's will was for Lottie to have everything. Including her mother's scythe, and not just any scythe: But a WEAPON Scythe. As much as one would look like a grim reaper, a Scythe was pretty nice to have as long as you knew what you were doing.

Funny enough about the weapon, her handmaid actually had taught her how to wield it. How and why? Well none other than Miss Lufang herself teaching her own handmaid to use a scythe and now was able to pass that down to her daughter without being around. At first it was difficult to wield, but eventually it became easier and easier to swing around and even start doing combos and more. This was her self defense.



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Merline Avalon


  • Nickname: Merly, Grand Slacker, Genius Lazy Magus

    Age: 210

    Gender: Female

    Race: Elf

    Occupation: Professor

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  • Nickname: The Caveman

    Age: "Over a millennia above"

    Gender: Male

    Race: Human

    Occupation: Bodyguard


Extra Theme (Shared with Merline):
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Jacqueline Mahonn


Jacques the Reaper


  • Nickname: Two Faced Assassin

    Age: 20

    Gender: Female

    Race: Human

    Occupation: Maid/Mercenary

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Li Shou Long


  • Nickname: Sharp Hand Dragon, Trash Tongue, Dirtiest Player

    Age: 26

    Gender: Male

    Race: Human

    Occupation: Mercenary

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Lawrence A. Wolfmale
The Enternal Prince
Basic Information
Full Name
Lawrence A. Wolfmale
Law / Drac
Former Assassin / Butler
2000 (looks 29)
Pure Neutral
Vampire (Was Human)
Hair Color
Black with dyed tips
Eye Color
6'5" (190.65cm)

Over thousands of years Lawrence has had many different perspectives and personalities. In his youth he was very cocky and arrogant, feeling that he could rule countries with the power that he had at his fingertips. Especially with the loss of his mother, he wanted to make everyone pay. Now in the present time, he has learned to be more calm and collected. Not only to ensure that he could live in one place for more than 100 years but also to ensure anyone who was associated with him didn't die in the process.
Growing up in a rich family may seem like the dream to some people, but for Law, it was living hell. His birth wasn't pure and innocent like most. It was a deal rooted in dark magic. To a long story short his mother was unable to have a child. She went to an old woman who lived south of Altair. She was known for using her magic to grant wishes.

After signing a magic contract months before, Susanna had a healthy baby boy. Weeks later, the old woman showed up and demanded the child as her payment for their deal. Law’s mother refused and turned the woman away. The old woman revealed herself to be a goddess of black magic. She was not happy and cursed the child which would cause him to be more of a hindrance than a blessing. His hair went from blue to black. His eyes turned yellow, and he began to have a taste for blood.

Law's Mother (Susanna Wolfmale)
Law's Master (Charlotte Lufang)
Magic, Abilities, and Weapons
Blue Magic

  • Shadow Manipulation: A stealth spell. The caster is able to camouflage themselves and is nearly undetectable to most.
  • not decided yet
Black Magic

  • Syphoning Sphere - sucks all the blood or life force from dying or recently dead bodies.
  • not decided yet
Vampire Abilities

  • Super Strength
  • Regeneration
  • Super Hearing/ Sight (senses)
  • Super speed

  • A Reaper (sword)
  • A Needle-Tip Daggers
  • Glut wire


  • The taste of Metal
  • Torturing the Living
  • The Cold
  • Soft Piano Music
  • His pet, Crow (Scar)

  • Cold Tea
  • Impolite people
  • Bright Sunny Days
  • The Living
  • Elves

Theme Song:

code by nano
Halsione Halftree
Female / Giant / 128 Years old
Mercenary | Former Captain of the Radiant Blades
Blue Magic Adept / Red Magic Rookie / 8'6" (259.08 cm) / 258 lbs (117.0268 kg)
Energetic and passionate, Halsione is like lightning incarnate. She has learned, through her many years on this floating rock, that her size and ability leave very little she can't accomplish, save for perhaps spelunking, but who needs that when you have the run of the world above? A natural soldier, Halsione has found few challenges that she couldn't meet head-on, and through some grit and determination, overcome. This has led to a work ethic that puts her at the front of every task, raring to get it done and move on to the next. It was this determination, this unyielding nature that led to her eventual promotion to Captain of the Radiant Blades, a mercenary band founded by her Great Uncle.

It was her time with this band of Mercs that developed her into a reliable, sturdy leader, someone that you could always turn to when you needed something done. Dependable. Although, even in the face of failure, Halsione doesn't lose heart, in fact it only bolsters her resolve. She views failure as an avenue through which one learns, though she does understand that on the other hand, failure can lead to catastrophe. She's witnessed it first hand.

Behind closed doors, in quiet alleyways and alone in her tent at night, the giantess can sometimes breakdown into fits of panic and anxiety. Nobody wants to lose something, or someone, and when those losses bear heavy on her soul, it is sometimes too much for her to handle. She would never allow someone to see her in this vulnerable state, though, so she bottles it, locks it away, and faces it another day, when there aren't so many prying eyes ears pricked to witness her descent, her failure.
Born to Killoman Halftree and Linia Halftree, Halsione was always destined to be a headstrong and fearless woman. Her father was a like a natural disaster on the battlefield, always seeming to come out on top, and never something the enemy was prepared for. Her mother was just as capable, though in a much different avenue. Linia was a shrewd businesswoman, and handled all of the affairs and accounts of the Radiant Blades, seeking new contracts for them and always making out like a bandit on negotiations regarding compensation for the band. Sly and tactful combined with unstoppable and hardy made for a lethal marriage, and Halsione was the result.

From a young age the girl trailed after soldiers and mercs, never far from her father's heel unless he was in the middle of battle. The girl could pick up a sword and hold her own in a sparring match by the time she was 15 years old, though she of course was no expert. Such a thing would only come from the determination and time it would take to master this craft. The craft of warfare. Though she was a devout student, although her mother wouldn't stand for her only learning the blade. No, Halsione also had to be sharp and well-spoken, educated by her mother, who was a strict teacher.

Linia's treatment of her daughter's studies soon led to Halsione resenting any kind of negotiation or handling of business, though Linia would not relent even as her daughter griped and moaned. In the end, Halsione would come to appreciate her mother's education, though not until long after she was dead and gone many years later.

By 18, Halsione was allowed a spot within the band as a full-fledged mercenary, and she fought alongside her father in many battles before eventually the man was wounded and was forced to retire. Turns out that years and years of taking beatings was not necessarily healthy, even for giants. And so, having proven herself in countless battles and across several contracts, Halsione was given command of the Radiant Blades. She was taught its history so that when eventually she passed command along, it would be passed as well. She learned of the bravery of her Great Uncle Haltt and how, together with his closest friends, the Radiant Blades were formed. Learning of this only fueled her resolve, and she proudly carried the banner of the Radiant Blade, commanding them through several victories.

You can't win them all though, right? Sure. But you should never have to lose in a way that Halsione did. Never. She was 85 when her day of reckoning would come. The battle of Black Skies, it was called. How was she to know what was to come? She had only been hired to march a caravan from Altair to some backwater town in the west that she had never heard of. She didn't know what was in the caravan, it wasn't her business to ask, so long as she was paid for its care.

As the caravan travelled the skies around them had blackened to almost an impossible shade, and mostly that was because it was impossible. Magic had been at work, magic that Halsione should have been familiar with, had she studied like her mother wanted her to. All around the band of mercenaries and the travelling carts a raging storm started, though unbeknownst to Halsione, it was nothing but an illusion, something to draw her attention away from what was to come.

Everything had seemed so real; wind whipping her face, the pitter patter of rain drops on her hair and the smell of electricity in the air. Lightning struck the ground around her and a cacophony of thunder deafened her to the sound of blades leaving their scabbards. Darkness all around the caravan shrouded a band of marauders, and their cloak was the design of a covetous mage, thirsty for the artifacts that the caravan held.

All around her, bodies began to drop, life fading from her comrades as their throats were slit or the chests impaled with blades. It took only a moment before one attempted to find her own neck, though her quick reflexes saved her and she began to fight, to lash out at the bodies around her through the deafening and raucous sounds of the raging storm. By the end of it all, she was exhausted and wounded, a cut on her cheek, a gash in her leg, and just as she thought it might be the end for her, the storm relented. The shroud of shadow lifted and the scene around her could have driven anybody to tears. Everyone, save for a young rookie merc and the beastman caravan leader, were dead. Their assailants were nowhere to be seen, but it wasn't as though it mattered; Halsione had been defeated, her band shattered and the caravan ransacked.

She was quickly rushed to the closest city by the beastman and her comrade, though she couldn't remember the trip there, she'd blacked out from exhaustion. When she awoke she had hoped the entire ordeal was a bad dream, a nightmare never to be revisited, but reality is a harsh mistress and she was met with the news of the disbandment of her troupe. A letter lay at her bedside and nothing else, nobody else, save for her equipment. The letter was from her father, and its words were harsh, borne of disappointment and ended with disownment. The father that had raised her, that had given his entire life to training her and leading the Blades, now had nothing. She couldn't blame him, truthfully, but that didn't stop the hurt.
Spells & Abilities
Blue Magic (Adept): After taking such a serious loss and knowing after the fact that said loss could be owed to the usage of Blue Magic, Halsione spent the next 10 years studying it and learning how to wield it. She can easily spot when it's being used and can use it herself with some level of mastery.
  • Scrying
  • 3 Second Rule
  • Doubles - The user creates an illusionary copy of themselves that acts as a decoy. Halsione uses this to create a double that mimics her moves in combat to throw her opponents off. The illusion cannot enact change on the real world and cannot be touched, any attempt to touch the copy would result in the physical being phasing through it as if it weren't there.

Red Magic (Rookie): After gaining a decent understanding of blue magic, Halsione undertook the endeavor to start learning red magic in order to bolster her comrades powers.
  • Battle Cry
  • Radiant Blade - A cosmetic spell that makes her sword shine and change colors, can be used to light a dark place. Can be applied to any ally’s weapons as well
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Historian & Journalist
Caelus Corvus
Male / Elf / 326 Years old
Published Historian | Head Journalist (And Owner) of the Innixus Herald
Blue Magic Expert / Green Magic Novice / 6'5" (195.58 cm) / 223 lbs (101.1511 kg)
Text here
Text here
Spells & Abilities
Blue Magic (Expert): Years and years of searching for the truth and attempting to record history has made Caelus an expert at blue magic; it was practically a necessity
  • Scrying
  • 3 Second Rule
  • Hermes Mirror - Using a Scrying Mirror, the user of this spell can broadcast a temporary message to the target of the scrying spell. The message appears in air where the user aims it and disappears after about 30 seconds.

Green Magic (Novice): Magic Caelus pursued for its practical use. He uses it in his everyday life but likely won't dive any further into the magic's immense repertoire.
  • Dictation - The user imbues a book and quill with magic, enabling said objects to float and follow the user whilst writing out what they dictate to the book. The user may also direct dictation to one chosen target, enabling their words to be written in the book, especially handy when conducting interviews.

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