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Fandom "Whoa, man! Quit eating me, that's not cool!" (Alternate Reality/Multiverse?/Zombie Roleplay)

@The Omen of Death What caliber are the handguns? 9mm? .45? And what kind of rounds are they? Hollow point? Full metal jacket?

I'm asking so I can see just how much you fucked this guy up.
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Yeah guns in the middle of a hoarde tho *_* you doomed us buddy
Deadpool is not supposed to be the smartest with thinking long term all the time, also he is a bit mentally insane so he has usual shoot first, ask questions later mentality. Besides with him going to protect you in the coming post, he should be able to hold them off for a good amount of time since he also has those katana's and since he is special ops trained with those pistols with 2 pistols, = many head shots overall I think he can hold off a good amount of them in the time needed, and if it comes to up close he has two Katana's as well.
all she needs is some time to mend the bike.
And that is what I am going to give you! Now I am going to go out there and go make a difference with maximum effort!
BIGBOSS1975 said:
Ah yes, the .50 AE, also known as the "Fuck you" bullet.
Also in the current situation I could probably pull off getting double kills or even higher depending on the position of the zombies and whatnot. And yes it's more of an overkill than the Soviet Handcannon.
Uhm this roleplay seems nice but i've got a few questions okay?

What kind of characters are allowed I mean Wall-E is futuristic but looks old af and is robotic, Groot is a tree and Rocket is a raccoon, Courage is a dog, ect other quirky chars...

How do you feel about natural abilities Man Bat flying, Bowser having fire balls, or Jake having body morphing?

What does the world look like?

As a side note im just trying examples not sure id be any good at these but I'm very interested in this rp!
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ManyFaces said:
Uhm this roleplay seems nice but i've got a few questions okay?
What kind of characters are allowed I mean Wall-E is futuristic but looks old af and is robotic, Groot is a tree and Rocket is a raccoon, Courage is a dog, ect other quirky chars...

How do you feel about natural abilities Man Bat flying, Bowser having fire balls, or Jake having body morphing?

What does the world look like?

As a side note im just trying examples not sure id be any good at these but I'm very interested in this rp!
This is supposed to take place in 1998. I would say, "Not just any 1998," but that would be wrong, because it's supposed to be overwhelmingly similar to the real 1998. Translation? No powers of any kind, and a strict normal human policy. For example, Deadpool has no healing factor. This is meant to give the roleplay a more grounded feel, and to help push the vibe that anyone can die.

I don't mean to sound rude, but I cannot allow characters like Man-bat and Bowser to be played, they simply would not fit into the world that I'm attempting to establish. Humanized, power-less versions are A-OK, though. I did approve a humanized, powerless version of Drawcia, after all. They haven't quite joined yet, but I did approve them.

I hope this post helps you.
Im sorry just recieved my results and was dissappoonted
[QUOTE="The Omen of Death]

This meme was not quite as funny to getting the result I wanted since its that one moment from Monty Python and the Holy Grail with the old man yelling "I'M NOT DEAD!" And the soldiers are like "Everyone here is dead" or "Yes you are" and then punch the guy in the head and then he dies or whatever. Either way it was supposed to be funny.
Due to inactivity (And a shitty intro, on my part) I have decided to cancel this roleplay. Do not fret, my 27 billion loyal fans, for this roleplay will soon be restarted. And it'll have a hell of a better intro. One that will allow everyone to take part in the initial chaos, and it'll make more sense.

It will also allow for people to take control of up to 3 characters. And I'm gonna provide a little more detail into this world I'm building. Essentially, I'm fixing all of the shit that I think I did wrong with this.

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