Experiences Who was the first character you roleplayed as?

I was 11/12 at the time so can’t 100% remember but my very first RP that I can remember was an arena fight back on AOL. It was probably DBZ or anime inspired. The people I knew back then were mostly into Anime. My character won her first fight (and so did I OOC wise) bc the player didn’t follow an OOC rule but I felt her character should’ve won. We were closely matched and I was so nervous bc it was one of my first RP experiences and character matches and you got all these people in the chat room watching y’all’s character fight haha

It was all one liners and inexperienced RPers but it was good times. It felt like a transitional stage bc you could tell there was a blending of IC/OOC for the most part but moderators tried to keep us all IC lmao
That sounds really fun!
AOL was fun. Such good times. Hehe it’s more funny than cringe thinking back on it. We could all barely stay IC with our one liners and the chat room was so chaotic! Haha

After that phase it was a lot of other fighter style RPs or warring stuff like Amazonian tribes and medieval stuff. Then I got sick of the imbalance of too many good characters as well as female characters and started playing mostly villains and morally gray male characters. I actually prefer playing male characters ever since despite being female. But after RPing for so long now I RP any gender or sexuality bc a story is a story. Doesn’t really matter as much as before.
A God-fearing Jewish boy named Joseph, the sword-apprentice of the GM's Viking king character. Who met his end via decapitation by the Viking king's crazy Elsa villain ice queen niece (also played by the wonderful GM).

All witnessed by a moon goddess, a Viking girl, and an enemy Roman general (played by yours truly) who was captured during the final battle of a war between the GM's Viking king & the Romans, led by King Midas

Lmao as you could probably tell, the RP was just a very cool mesh of different time periods and mythological characters.
My first character was a dwarven fighter / thief named Laehcim. AD&D 2nd edition. First experience with fantasy period. Never even read Tolkien. I had always been hardcore sci fi. Needless to say I annoyed the crap out of the group and they wanted me dead. The GM obliged.

That said, the GM decided to run me in a small solo game with me playing myself. What he ran me in was basically his version of Monty Python's Quest for the Holy Grail. I had never even heard of it. Let's just say I did a LOT better in that. He saw that when I threw myself into a part and had to think, I did just fine. (I even survived the rabbit! Nearly sacrificed my arm though.)

Third character ...

I guess I should stop there. I still haven't made it to 1981.
oh man. if you count rp in the sense that I had a fully fleshed out character I was pretending to be on the playground in elementary school, I was a golden dragon named Rebecca the Wise. forum-wise, I first started rping Hetalia characters, namely America, Germany, and France...

the first oc I started forum-rping with is actually a kind of funny story. I made a friend who was into rping on a forum (I think she was into Warrior Cats; I was not), and we found out there was a forum-making-website that was not blocked by our middle school's internet safety protocol. so she made a website for just the two of us to use. but since we knew about Internet Safety and Stranger Danger, we thought it was best we didn't use our real names, but we still wanted to rp as ourselves in dramatic love triangles with Hetalia characters (we did the "I-rp-your-love-interest,-you-rp-mine" thing; I rped Germany and France for her, she rped Canada and England for me).

we chose fake names to call our "characters" (which, once again, were really just self inserts). I had just watched 2010's Alice in Wonderland movie for the first time, and really liked it, so I called my "character" Alice.

I then chose to use the name Alice for the next 10+ years of my online social existence - and still for the foreseeable future. funny how that works out!
Like, an old fisherman whose name was lost, everyone calls him Bonepicker. He was a comic relief character lol, who regularly fished and then misplaced his fishing basket
Short and simple but probably one of the Koopalings from the Super Mario Franchise when I was like 8 years old lol.
Like, an old fisherman whose name was lost, everyone calls him Bonepicker. He was a comic relief character lol, who regularly fished and then misplaced his fishing basket
Oh I love that! That's super fun!

Short and simple but probably one of the Koopalings from the Super Mario Franchise when I was like 8 years old lol.
How cute! I love those little menaces!

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