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Realistic or Modern Whitehall University

Rave let go and responded, "Ok when your ready to meet up with Sio just come outside I'll be waiting out there ok?" With that said Rave headed towards the exit.
He nodded. Before she walked away, he kissed her cheek gently; before parting ways, sorting out his thoughts.
Rave smiled as she went outside for plopping down on the steps of the library and beginning to wait patiently.
From outside of the Library on her way to the Parking Lot, she saw the two kiss. "Gross...Ever heard of getting a room? Good god."
He sighed, walking along the path. He kicked pebbles as he walked. He should be feared. But the only thing that was feared, was him, to himself.
Rave looked up at the sound of Jasmines voice and waved before shouting out, "Hey! Do you feel any better now? Oh and you never told me your name! Where are you going? Do want to come with me and my friend to the Student Union Hall in a few? Let's go to the assembly together! Is that ok with you?" She rambled on with a excited smile.

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