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Fantasy Whisper Wood (A fantasy adventure rp)

Emberly was impressed. "Did you find out why they brought these things here?" She wondered the girl's opinion, "Do you think they are tiny weapons or do they have some other purpose?" The queen paced back and fourth, "How is the questioning coming along?" She very curious to find out the strangers' intentions.
She pulled out the other things. "I don't think they would use them as weapons, maybe just to start fires?" She pointed to the small knife. "They seem to have weapons similar to our own. Damian seems to be still questioning the leader, and I don't know about the others."
The blonde shifter stared back at the thing, no, human, in disbelief. This was a human? After all the myths, the legends, this was it? These weird, grossly dressed, hostile, weak things were it? She blinked rapidly a few times, trying to recover from her shock quickly. “Lila is a beautiful name. Does it mean something special?" She said conversationally, unsure of what else to say in light of her mixed feelings about real live humans, but still very curious.
"Thank you Seera, you've done well," Emberly praised her. "Please tell Damian to let me know as soon as he is finished with the girl."
"Nothing special. It means night in Hebrew, and purple in Arabian, but that's about it." For the first time since they had arrived in the room, she glanced at her surroundings. It seemed to be a nicley furnished room, with several comfertable chairs. "Would you tell us where we are?"

Seera nodded and turned on her heels. She again opened the door where the girl was being questioned. "Hey Damian? Her majesty told me to have you tell her as soon as you are finished with this one. Do you know what she is yet?"
Scarlett waited patiently for whatever was going to happen next. She was curious about Damian's tattoos and wished he would let her ask her own questions. She wondered what was going to happen to her and if this was all just a crazy dream she would eventually wake up from. Maybe someone did drug them. Either way the whole situation seemed to go better when she stayed calm and did what she was told which is exactly what she planned on doing for the time being.

@Cyber Wolf
Since Damian wasn't answering her, she stepped into the room. She closed the door behind her. She turned to face the girl and said "So? What in the world could you possibly be?"
Azure glanced away uncomfortably, unsure of what to say. “Right now, you're in a reception room usually used for informal meetings. Beyond that, I can't really say." She said, giving a shrug. The armor she wore gave a soft clang as she did, which she ignored. “The queen well decide how much information will be shared with you." She added in explanation, glancing at the door. She had been preparing to make a new sword for herself, trying for lighter but still strong and durable, but now that seemed out of the question until these humans were dealt with.
"My name is Scarlett," she answered unsure of what the girl expected her to say. She didn't seem angry or upset mostly just curious which Scarlett thought was odd but better than being scary. She didn't want to upset anyone, mostly Damian, who looked like he was lost in thought, by asking any questions so she just kept quiet, sneaking the occasional glance at him.
"That's a pretty name." She tilted her head to the side slightly, curious. "But that doesn't answer my question. What are you? You don't smell like us, or dress like us."
"Im just dressed like a normal teenager," Scarlett said politely. "Jean shorts and a tank top, I have a bathing suit on underneath because we were swimming yesterday?" she said questioning what the girl was saying. "I'm just a normal girl, there's nothing special about me," she said, tucking her some of her hair behind her ear. She didn't understand what she was supposed to say to these people, it seemed like they wanted something from her she just wasn't sure what it was.
"A shifter? What's that?" she asked confused. "I'm a human... I guess humans are technically animals but most people don't really consider them to be." Nothing was making sense.

A sudden realization hit her. Scarlett whispered, "Are you not human?" she then mumbled to her self, "That can't be possible... Can it?" Something weird was happening and she had no idea how to react to this.

((Night night talk you tomorrow!!))
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Seera laughed out loud upon hearing that this, weak pathetic thing was the feared human from childhood stories. "You can't be serious! You are what kept us awake at night as children? The thing we all feared? There is no way!" As she said it, she realized what she had just reviled to them. Her hand went over her mouth. She cursed her self for being so reckless. Seera stared at the thing, which had just now reviled it self to be human. She tried to contain her self, but in her excitement, ran to where the queen was.

Nathalia and Zero's shopping trip was interrupted by the sound of a piercing howl behind them. With worried eyes, she whipped around to see two pitch black wolves diving towards them, and skidding to a halt in front of the two nobles. They bore the Cawthorne family emblem drawn in a deep red paint on their foreheads. In seconds, their spines realigned, their fur became skin, and they stood up on two legs in front of them. Zero had sensed the two guards before they had even neared them, and was staying close to his sister.

"You're mother wants you back at the castle immediately, lady Nathalia." One of them said in a stern, deep voice. Nathalia dared not to question their authority, especially when her mother was the one responsible for sending them. With a slight nod, she followed them back to their home, where her and Zero's mother waited impatiently.

When they had arrived at the castle and stepped into the luxurious space that was their mother's bedroom, they found her pacing back and forth frantically. Their father was trying to calm her, but none of his words received a response from his wife. As soon as she saw her children, their mother stopped.

"There you two are! Do you have any idea what's going on?" She spat towards Nathalia, completely furious.

"Are you speaking of the humans?"

Their mother froze in disbelief. She turned her gaze towards Zero, who hid slightly behind his sister. His head was down, and his eyes were evading the feel of his mother's glare from across the room. An eerie silence filled the area around them, until their mother broke that silence with a scoff.

"Was I talking to you, demon?"

His hand squeezed Nathalia's tighter. Zero shook his head, but didn't dare say a word.

"Don't call him that." Nathalia suddenly murmured, locking her gaze with the harsh woman standing in front of her. She didn't break eye contact. Her mother squinted her eyes, and slowly stepped towards the white haired girl. When she was only inches away, she spoke.

"Take Nathalia and Zero down into the chambers." Zero's eyes widened at her words, and shook his head immediately. Nathalia did not budge, but anger slowly began to creep into those sapphire blue eyes of hers.

"For how long, my lady?"

"Seven days."

"As you wish."


Two guards came up behind the two and grabbed them gently, leading them away towards a cobblestone spiral staircase that led into nothing but blackness. One of the guards grabbed a torch to light the way. When they were at the bottom and inside the chambers, a large wooden door stood in front for them. It swung open with a loud creak, and inside was nothing but stone walls and a few rats scampering about. They threw the two inside roughly, slammed the door, and they were engulfed in darkness. Everything was silent, until Zero murmured:

"Will the queen hear about this?" He asked softly. Nathalia rested her head against one of the hard, cold walls and closed her eyes.

"I don't know..."
Seera felt it her personal responsibility to inform the nobility of the situation at hand. She first traveled to the Cawthorne house. She knocked quietly on the door. As soon as it was opened, she stepped inside. She nodded to the guards, but continued through the house. Soon enough, she found the Lady and Lord of the house. She informed them of the current situation, of how the humans wee harmless, and how the queen had everything under control. She ended with "And there is no need to worry. We are completely in control of the situation." She asked if the children were home, and was led to the door, handed a torch, and escorted down the steps. As they turned a corner, she came face to face with the two children in the cell. She turned to the guard, and asked to be left with them. The guard looked uneasy, but she convinced him, by allowing him to search her for weapons. While he was searching her, she tabbed the keys to the cell. As he left, she held the key behind her back, so the two in the cell couldn't see it. She bowed deeply. "Hello there. I belive I saw you earlier this day? I wanted to apoligize for my rudeness twoards your brother, but it seems I am in a postion to help you."

@The Velveteen Rabbit
Nathalie's glowing blue eyes flicked upwards towards the woman standing in the doorway of the cell. She rose slowly to her feet, with her brother doing the same. He stared at where he could sense the woman's body, and looked into her eyes with his piercing white ones.

"Help... us?" The dark skinned boy whispered to himself after she was done speaking. Nathalia glanced over to her younger brother, and than towards the mysterious woman.

"You're apology is accepted.." Nathalia bowed her head in gratitude. Her gaze changed to a more serious one shortly after her gesture.

"Helping us can lead to many things, both good and bad. Defying our mother is a death sentence..." Her voice died down to a whisper in hope no guards or person nearby would hear her. She stepped towards the woman until she was directly in front of her.

"What is it you have in mind? I'm curious." Nathalia murmured in her usual angelic voice. Zero stood behind her, listening to them talk silently.

(Whoa... I logged off for the night at almost three in the morning, and still I miss 4 pages!

"Azure!" Kalora called sharply, looking up from the notes she had been taking as Azure spoke with the three strangers. "You're talking too much."

And then she watched Azure excitedly run out of the room, she assumed back to the queen to share this bit of information with her. Kalora sighed and looked at the three, especially the one who was sitting in a not very polite way.

"Is that one sleeping?" she asked the other two with some surprise. Again she sighed and shook her head. So... Humans had found their home... Weird... Really weird. The hard look on her face made place for polite friendliness. Those humans... They didn't quite look like they had to be feared. Rather, it seemed they were terrified of them. There was no need for a hostile interrogation style as of yet.

"Well, since I have heard all of your names, and Seera has introduced herself as well... I can't really stay behind, now can I?" Kalora chuckled lightly. "My name is Kalora. And while Seera gave her position away, I will not follow on that one."

She put her quill down, yet again taking a closer look at the humans in front of her. "Would you like some tea whilst we talk? Seera might have ran off to tell what we have learned so far, but I still do have questions for you."
Lila pulled her head up out of her hands. "Do you have anything with caffeine in it? Like green tea?" She rubbed her temples, and planted her forehead on the table, then groaned. "Do you people have advil by any chance?"
"Green.... Tea?" Kalora said slowly. "Tea is just tea, dear girl. I wasn't aware there were various kinds... Although I do assume large places would have variations... And where you came from things would be entirely different. Now that I have mentioned that, where is this place the three of you came from?"

She blinked again and watched the girl groan as she rubbed her head. "What in the world is advil...?" Humans were such weird beings.... Talking about things that were probably normal to them, but so strange to people like her.

"Is that something agains pain?" Kalora tried to conclude, seeing as how thegirl looked when asking for it.
"Umm yeah, it is. What tea do you have?" She cursed under her breath. 'Why did we have to be stuck in the medieval era? Modern times were so much better…."
"As I said, tea is tea. Therefore the tea i have is... well... Tea," Kalora said. It wasn't that awfully hard to understand, was it? She poured herself a cup, sipped it, and frowned as she heard the girl cursing about eras. "I understand things are different where you came from. So how about you finally answer my question and tell me where you came from?" Kalora said sharply. There still wasn't a need to turn hostile, but her question was being avoided, and she could not allow that.
"Earth" Dysis replied, though not sitting up or moving in general. Getting an idea, she continues "Guys, you realize this could have been something like in 'Gulliver's Travels'. Got swept away in a storm and landed on another planet of sorts." With a sigh she finished "yet unlike the book, it's kinda backwards here...." Sitting up now, she pushed off her hood and smirked "Dont worry, you will live without your cell phone. Also, I wouldn't mind being in this era. I mean, yeah we could fall over and die any second, but think of what we could do here..." Here voice faded a bit while she relived every single time she had played Skyrim.

(Anyone else think of it this way?)

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