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Fantasy Whisper Wood (A fantasy adventure rp)

Cerulean nodded, a wistful smile still on his face. He gulped down the cup of tea, then quickly poured another. He gave her a curious look, but waited to answer her question until she had tried that cake. The look on her face made him smile brightly, despite everything. That is what he cooked for- the look of joy when someone tastes something delicious. With her sweet tooth and his ego both being satisfied, the shifter answered her question. "Well, I will finish preparing lunch for the palace, and then clean up after lunch. Hopefully, I'll get a little more sleep before doing the same for dinner." He said, giving a shrug. "But, you should definitely explore while you can. Just take someone trustworthy with you. A guard, preferably." He said, a flash of worry showing in his eyes.
Scarlett finished eating the cake, "Thanks for saving that for me Cerulean. It was the best cake I've ever had." She was hoping he'd want to do something fun with her today since she really didn't know anyone well enough to ask them to go with her but she understood her was busy. The Queen needed him after all and being responsible for the entire palace's meals was a pretty big job. "Okay well I guess I'll see you later then," Scarlett smiled at Cerulean before she left him to his work.

She wandered into the dining room looking around for Dysis to see if maybe she wanted to walk to the beach or explore the forest. She spotted the girl alone and called out to her, "Hey Dysis, I was wondering... do you want to go exploring with me?"
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Cerulean gave Scarlett a smile as she left, not missing the disappointment in her eyes. But there was nothing he could do. If more staff had shown up, he couldve taken a few hours off to show her around the village, but there was no one here and he didnt have the heart to send for them.

Azure woke in the afternoon, feeling relatively rested. She looked at the two tigers on her dresser, finally realizing what she would do with them. One for the Queen, and one for the healer that had been inseparable from the Prince, Novah. Maybe it would only make them more sad, but it seemed like a fitting gift to remember him by. The blonde shifter dressed and grabbed the pieces, stringing them on slim, silver chains before wrapping them carefully. First, the healers hut, for Novah.
Novah yawned and climbed out of the little bed she had slept in. She looked around but there was no sign of Dominic, he must have gotten up early and left. To be honest she still wasn't sure how she felt about him. The healer really did try to see the good in everyone but with everything that had happened her view of the world was a bit tainted. He seemed nice enough but still she didn't quite believe him, there was just something about him she couldn't place.

She went to the bookshelf and took out the journal. Novah held it close to her hoping it would be of some comfort, she couldn't bring herself to read it yet so she placed it back on the shelf. Someday when she could let go of her grief she would read all of their memories.

Novah started to clean up the little hut, making the beds and arranging the vials of potions, cures, salves, and ingredients. Soon her Mistress Healer would be here and then Novah would be off to the palace for the day.
Azure knocked on the door lightly, holding a light brown-wrapped package about the size of her palm in her other hand. She waited patiently for someone to answer, glancing around the outside of the place. She very rarely came to the healer's hut, only the great once in a while when she wasnt careful and burned herself in the forge. Or, in the case of the last time she had come, trained a little too enthusiastically and fallen off a platform, spraining an ankle. But this time, it was an entirely different visit.

Novah was lost in thought when she heard a light tapping on the door, she quickly jumped up and answered it. She was surprised to see Azure standing there, the apprentice blacksmith was usually pretty careful and rarely needed any medicines, potions, or healing supplies. "Hey Azure, come on in," Novah told her holding the door open wide. "What brings you by? Did you burn yourself?"

The young healer noticed that Azure had something small in her hands. That was odd, maybe she wanted to trade whatever it was for healing supplies? She pulled out a chair for Azure gesturing for her to sit and Novah took the chair next to it.
Azure smiled at Novah as she opened the door, already asking her what she needed. "Hi Novah." She said as she walked in, letting eyes adjust to the dimmer inside before sitting in the chair Novah indicated. "No, I did not burn myself," She said with a small laugh before becoming a little more serious. "I came by because I have something for you actually." Azure's crimson eyes showed a little bit of nervousness as she held out the small package for the healer to take. "I was working late last night, and I made two of these in between assigned jobs. I didnt know what to do with the second one, until I remembered how close you and Prince Everestt were. I just hope Im not crossing some kind of line."
"Something... for me?" Novah replied a little confused. She shyly took the package from Azure's hands and placed it on the table. Her hands were a little shaky as she untied the string holding the brown paper on the gift. She wasn't used to receiving gifts, most people came to her to get things not to give things. It's not that people weren't kind, because they were, it's just she was usually the one giving. Novah slowly pulled the paper back revealing a small tiger pendant. Her eyes filled up with tears of joy, "Oh Azure it's absolutely beautiful. Thank you so much," she said putting the silver chain over her head and giving Azure a warm hug. "It's the most beautiful thing I've ever seen and I will treasure it always." It was the perfect gift, she would wear it always to remember her prince and keep him close to her heart.
Azure nodded, smiling briefly when Novah took the gift. The blonde watched closely as the necklace was unwrapped, pretty nervous. She didnt know what her reaction would be, but hopefully she would like it, and it would be a happy reminder. But it could also make her sad, which was not what Azure wanted. Luckily, thats not what happened. Novah's eyes filled with tears, but she was smiling brightly. Suddenly, Azure was being pulled into a hug. It wasnt something she was used to, but after a second of hesitation, Azure returned the gesture, hugging the healer firmly and smiling. Pulling back, Azure shared her smile with Novah. "Im glad." She said, beaming at the other girl happily. "I have to get back to work, but if you need anything, dont hesistate to come find me, even if its something small." Azure said.
Dysis watched Scarlett approach. "Ah, good morning" she greeted her. When she inquired about going exploring Dysis looked thoughtful for a moment then nodded "Having nothing else to do at the moment, sure. Why not?" She replied with a friendly smile.


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Scarlett was glad Dysis seemed to be in a good mood, maybe she was warming up to this place after all she thought with a smile. "Okay let's head to the beach first and from there we can explore the forest." There were so many things to see in this new place she was just happy to have someone to enjoy it with. Cerulean had told her to bring someone trust worthy along with her, he said a guard would be a good idea and after the encounter with Damian the other night some protection probably wasn't a bad idea. However she wanted to have some girl talk with Dysis and get to know her better, they couldn't do that if a guard was around.

Scarlett smiled leading the way out of the castle. "Did you make any new friends Dysis?" she asked cheerfully.
(I figured I'd finally write a post for this RP.)

They weren't natural siblings, but you could never tell. They even looked somewhat alike. Apart from their animal forms and their literal genes, as far as anyone could tell, they were of the same flesh and blood. And there they were, a bored-looking sloth on the back of a smiling young woman, walking through the village. The girl was Xylia, and her default mood was always cheerful. The sloth is Hunter. When he's not collecting and hoarding things that may or may not be ancient, his animal form describes him fairly well. Xylia had a basket of food in her hand, with a somewhat interesting-looking rock in there somewhere as well.
(Time for Dominic's warm welcome :3)

Dominic, walking down the street, still looking around the populated place, grew tired of all this lively place. He decided to leave and relax in the forest and to give him some alone time to think of a good plan. However, while he was walking he bumped into Xylia. He looked down at her with hatred in his eyes. "Look out where your going, Twat..." Dominic complained and walked right passed her.
Taking a moment to think over her comment about there being some truth to these passing words, he fixed his internally imploring gaze on the floral carvings lining the bottom of the bookshelf Kalora had jumped to before trailing his varicolored orbs back toward the slightly parted window. Yes, that may be true, but there are bound to be a few gaps left here and there because of the unreliability of fickle hearsay. Why not go the extra-mile for some solid facts? And even with this in mind, he was a bit hesitant to press the matter. She was right. It was dangerous to keep the ports open for this reason alone, but it wasn't like he intended them to be open for an entire day. Just until they're able to get the ship past the canals. Once that's dealt with, it'll take no less than a few days to a week to get to his kingdom; by then, he would've gotten word of his companion's arrival time. Tapping his chin as he came to a personal deadlock, Kael narrowed his eyes and shifted his vacant gaze back toward Kalora. This might have been too much to ask of her, but there was no way they could get the information they wanted on their own. He being a prince out of his element, and she being a bard... they were really treading heavily on their limited time. Slowly pulling himself onto his feet. Michaelis pocketed his hands and turned toward the large sundial set in the opposing corner. "The only other way would be by a messenger bird... but seeing as the Elven Kingdom is miles across the ocean and foreign to any local birds, I don't see how that would work." He huffed with a defeated tone as he closed his eyes and rested them, the burning sensation of his bloodshot eyes slowly subsiding when he spoke again. "But please do. I can't afford to have Cyprus get to whatever allies I have left before they know the truth."

Emberly sighed, setting her tea cup down. Her quiet moment of peace was short lived, now it was time to head to the throne room to answer any questions or inquiries her people had. Getting up from her chair she realized that she hadn't spoken to Kalora in a while and that worried her a bit considering the situation they were in. The Queen decided to make a quick stop at her friend's office before tending to her duties.

The halls were mostly empty even at this late hour, due to the festivities last night no doubt. Emberly felt almost silly with five guards following her, their footsteps echoing through the palace. She stopped just outside the door to the Spymaster's study, Emberly could hear voices coming from inside. Well at least she had found her friend however she didn't really want to interrupt whatever was going on inside.

"Would you like me to announce you Your Majesty?" a guard asked nervously. He was young and she briefly wondered if he had even seen any blood shed before, still he would not be here guarding her if he was not capable with a sword, she trusted the Captain of the Guard to at least ensure that. "No thank you, I'm fine to knock and speak with Kalora on my own," she told him lifting her hand and knocking on the door. The Queen waited quietly outside the door for her friend to let her in. "You will wait out here," she informed the guards using a tone that meant no questions or argument from them.

@marorda (when you get a chance)
(Well, as it happens, I got transferred which means some more free time :D )

"You seem to have forgotten, Kael, that you're not the only one with contacts in the Elven Kingdom. Even though I have lived here for a while now, I've always kept up the contacts I made there. It seems to be high time to start pulling some strings. And let's not forget we've got plenty of birds here to get the message across. And if not my Shifter, I could always resort to magic," Kalora grinned. But this was no time for joking and fooling around. There were pressing matters to look into, and they had to hurry.

She glanced to the door as she heard the knocking and wondered who it could be. Maybe the librarian had found a useful book after all? Or maybe one of her agents brought some news? Kalora wandered over to the door and opened it just enough to peek around the corner. She was a a bit surprised to see her friend Emberly stand there, surrounded by her guards. "Ah, my Queen," she said with a smile as she saw her. "Please do come in."
Emberly smiled back at her friend entering the room and noticing Michaelis there as well. Putting on a brave face even though she was pretty far out of her element dealing with the possibility of war she asked, "Any news of Prince Cyprus and his plans?" She said his name with venom and hatred for what he was doing to her kingdom. Emberly's father had taught her about ruling and protecting a kingdom but in her life she had never known anything but peace and prosperity. She most definitely needed and trusted Kalora to give her council in these seemingly darker times.

She took a seat in another chair looking around the room at all of the books, "There must be something useful in one of these books or are they all filled with stories of forbidden love and happily ever afters?" It wasn't meant as an insult, Emberly knew Kalora loved a good love story, and no one could tell one better than her friend. She smiled softly reminiscing of simpler times when they giggled at stories of stolen kisses and whispered romance.

It was extremely difficult for Emberly to be in the dark with everything, she wanted intel on Cyprus and his ambitions, on the strange dragon sigil that kept showing up, and she wanted her son's murderer to pay with his life. The Shifter laws clearly stated that those who loved the victim were entitled to vengeance and there was a whole kingdom who loved their Prince. Her son's killer would not have an easy death.
Xylia ignored Dominic mostly and kept on walking. She looked angry, but that's as far as it went with her. Hunter, however, wasn't so quick to dismiss the insult. He immediately threw himself off of his sister and grew back to human form. "Excuse me, but did you just call that girl a twat?" he yelled, ready to throw punches. He wasn't usually one to take action, but when it came to his sister, it was a whole other story. "That's not a very nice thing to call someone." Xylia was grabbing onto her brother and telling him not to worry about it, but Hunter shook her off.

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"Some are," Kalora admitted with a smile. "Others are darker, others have very inconspicuous titles, but its contents are behind imagination of those who don't know me well enough," she briefly glanced at Kael as she said those last few words. She wandered back to the bookshelf, picking one and flipping through the pages.

"It is extremely difficult to find information on a foe who hasn't shown themselves in decades, if not centuries..." Kalora said. "The little information we have on the Dragon Kingdom is more than likely outdated. And as of Cyprus... Kael had a plan, but that might be too dangerous. I would prefer pulling some strings here and there, and send messages to old contacts... But since we have so little time... Maybe we have no choice but choose both plans..."

Kalora didn't in the slightest feel comfortable with opening the ports and possibly bringing the kingdom in danger. After all... Maybe Cyprus had send ships this way, and the opening of the ports would be the perfect opportunity for them to strike?
TheGoldenGear said:
Xylia ignored Dominic mostly and kept on walking. She looked angry, but that's as far as it went with her. Hunter, however, wasn't so quick to dismiss the insult. He immediately threw himself off of his sister and grew back to human form. "Excuse me, but did you just call that girl a twat?" he yelled, ready to throw punches. He wasn't usually one to take action, but when it came to his sister, it was a whole other story. "That's not a very nice thing to call someone." Xylia was grabbing onto her brother and telling him not to worry about it, but Hunter shook her off.
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Dominic kept on walking, he waved his hand back as he kept walking. "I'm sorry kitties but, I need to get to places, I don't have time to be dealing with a twat and a brat that don't know when to respect older people." Dominic said as he started to laugh to himself. He humored himself after being bored through out this time. It felt relieved he got to take some negativity off his chest. Smiling, he kept on walking.
Deep in the Palace Library, Zebulon was dusting the shelves and softly singing to himself:

O Iesu dulcis, O Iesu pie,

O Iesu, fili Mariae.

Miserere mei. Amen.

"Darn it, if those Gregorian chants, don't get stuck in your head! Talk about ear candy," he chuckled ruefully. .
Azure stepped outside of the healer's hut, glancing up at the sky for a time check. She wouldnt have time to take the other pendant to the Queen, it was time to get back to work. She started back to the forge, her hand falling on the hilt of her sword out of habit. It was a nice day out, with a good breeze that would keep the forge cooler than usual. As she walked, she passed a guy that was saying something about "a twat and a brat" going the opposite direction. She subtly, out of the corner of her eye, gave him a look, something between curiosity and disgust. He was not from around here, she knew that much. But as long as he didnt stick around, it wasnt her problem. The kids behind him, however, looked a little pissed. She glanced at them with a small, friendly smile, not wanting to say something, as it was none of her business, but hoping to extend a little kindness.

@Sparkstorm1000 @TheGoldenGear

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