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Fantasy Whisper Wood (A fantasy adventure rp)

Lila shifted from leg to leg, nervous. She was worried about the matches she had left on the beach. What if they were found? Would they be considered hostile by these strange people?

Seera turned to object to the queen, but Numi pushed her out the door. "But Numi! We won't get know what those weird things are now! Urgh!" She walk unhappily down to the beach.
Damian's crimson glare met Scarlett's, he looked up at the queen. "Very well." He spoke in a deep, rough tone that was similar to a growl. "Come." He said to the young girl, before placing a large, firm hand on her upper back, and guiding her toward another room. The room was white, and incredibly clean.

With a firm hand he put the smaller female into a chair, he shut the door and sighed. "So what are you." He asked in a deep tone
Azure escorted the things out of the room, quickly and quietly bowing to her queen. She walked silently, moving them to a side room. The shifter barely looked at them, until one spoke. “Claw?" She asked, turning her gaze to the girl that had said it. “Animals have claws." She said, her confusion showing in her expression.
Scarlett was terrified. "What do you mean what am I? I'm a person just like you," she managed to get out while staring at the floor. She was trembling, "I just want to go home, and I want to be with my friends." She wrapped her arms around herself feeling very small. She was a small girl, a gymnast before she became a cheerleader because that was a "cooler" thing to do. Her long dark hair was tangled from the sea and sand and she still wished she had an advil. She was afraid to meet his eyes and she was nervous she would do something wrong. "Can you tell me where I am?" she said finally looking up.
Dysis responded to holding up her right arm reveling her prosthetic hand. "Due to it getting wet, it is now nonfunctional until repairs can be made. I am also aware that animals do have claws." Rolling her eyes, Dysis continued in an annoyed tone "Don't start acting all intelligent. We are smarter than you think." Dysis then added with a smirk "Deary"

(I'm gonna get the shit slapped out of meh xD )

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Damian raised an eyebrow, "a person?" His crimson eyes stared at her, with intent. "Like, a human?" This was shocking, the queen must know immediately. Humans were mere myths to shifters, stories told by elders to frighten the young.. if the city found out there was humans, they'd go insane.. this must be kept a secret.

The light danced over his bare shoulders, and kissed at his dark skin. His crimson eyes were rough, and deep. He leaned against the table slightly, every muscle in his body clearly defined. He was large, and quite handsome, yet scary in his own way.
Lila turned her gaze on Azure. "What did you do with Scarlet? Why are you treating us like criminals? We just got lost! We didn't do anything wrong!" Lila's voice got louder and louder and her sentce ended with her yelling. She pulled away from the group, and did the best she could to plant her feet firmly on the ground, but it didn't end that way, as her walking stick had been taken away earlier, by Seera, so she couldn't stand without wobbling. She tipped slightly from side to side, until she leaned into one foot to much and went crashing into the wall next to her. Her head hit the wall with a dull thawk. As this happened, her eyes opened wide with fear, then fluttered closed as her knees buckled below her, and she fell to the ground.
Scarlett looked at him closely, if this was a different situation and she wasn't confused and afraid for her life, she might think he was attractive, and definitely the kind of guy her parents wouldn't like which was a bonus to her. She quickly looked away not wanting to be obvious. "Yes a human! What else would I be? And do you have a name mysterious captor or is that some confusing riddle too?" She put her hands in the pockets of her jean shorts holding onto the boat key as a last resort of defense just in case.
Damian's gaze flicked toward the door, with the sound of a possible scuffle. He growled softly, the more defensive 'humans' should have been killed in his opinion. He looks down at the young woman, "I'm Damian. Head guard." He spoke softer, not with pity, yet almost as if he no longer saw her as a threat, or a possible pet, yet as a younger being, or one that simply needs to learn. "Human..." He mutters softly, that's why they smelt do strange..
Hearing his softer tone she sighed and let go of the key in her pocket. "I'm Scarlett," she simply said looking at him.

"Wait- Guard? of what?" Things just kept getting more and more strange. "And why are you saying human like you're not? Where am I?" she demanded standing up her eyes shifting between him and the door. She knew she was fast but he also looked like he was fast and he was definitely stronger than her. Really she just wanted to flop onto her bed and cry but she was trying her best not to show fear.
Lila awoke from her unconscious state, and stood up, far too fast. She stumbled down the hall a bit, before slamming into a door with her shoulder. She promptly sat down on the ground, trying to get her bearings.
Dysis quickly walked over to Lila, kneeling down next to her she asked "Are you alright?"


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Lila put her head in her hands. "In all honesty, I don't know. I think I'm still hungover from last night though, and I think I broke my leg when we were washed ashore, so I cant stand on my own. I hate feeling this dependent."
Sighing she helped her up. Dysis had to agree with her though, there was still a strong need for a bottle of Advil. "You are down a leg and I'm down a hand. We're falling apart" she finished with a dry, half hearted chuckle.

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Damian's gaze went stern as she became slightly hostile. He growled, a deep noise erupting from his chest, and his nose and lips twitched back slightly, showing his elongated fangs. "Sit." He orders, his crimson glare burning into hers. "I was ordered to ask the questions, not be questioned." He growls.

Joel mutters under his breath, he quickly kneels beside the two. "Hey, yeah. This isn't the best time to wallow in self pity. I get you're in pain, we all are, yet I'm not trying to get killed cause of this. So could you like, shut up and do what they say?" His gaze was worried, yet serious. If she kept messing up like this, they might kill them all.
After seeing what looked like fangs Scarlett sat back down. She was shaking again. She looked at the table too afraid to look up at Damian and too afraid to say another word. A few tears dripped down her cheeks but she bit her bottom lip to make sure not a sound escaped from her lips. She hoped that her friends were okay, they had been taken away by two girls who looked a lot less scary than Damian. Scarlett thought for a minute, he only seemed to get upset when she got defensive so she would do what he asked and try stay calm and maybe it would be alright. She quietly waited for his next question.
Seera walked unhappily to the waters edge. She shifted into an otter, and dive under the waves. She swam to the oceans bottom, and looked around. What she found was: A small pocket knife, a semi precious necklace, a pencil and notebook and half of a beer bottle. She gathered them up, and swam to the surface. She set the things out on a rock in the sun to inspect them. What she noticed next was a small box of matches. She picked one up, and as it was moved against the rock, was lit on fire. She dropped it and gasped, knowing better than to scream. She hurriedly gathered everything up, including the matches, and rushed back to the castel, without waiting for Numi. As she burst through the door she ran to the room where she knew Damian would be questioning the girl. She reached the door, and skidded to a stop. She gathered all the things into on hand and knocked on the door.
Damian shifted uncomfortably, her scent became upsetting. He grunt softly, and his gaze softened. He opened his mouth to speak, when a knock on the door stopped him. He looks up and sighs slightly, his gaze becoming hard once again, "enter." He spoke loudly, and clearly so Seera could hear him.
Azure's eyes widened at the sight of the contraption in the place of the girls hand. “That is fascinating!" She exclaimed, her liking of metals taking over. She was taken aback by the things sudden rudness, and her excitement turned to a glare. “Your world must be a very lonely place, since youre so hostile to someone who simply lacks knowledge of your condition. We don't have things like that here, nor do we use the word claw for something that is not, deary." Her voice was bitter, but mostly out of confusion from the girls rudeness. And as soon as she stopped talking to one, another was yelling and ended up hurting herself. Her face softened, and she stepped forward to open a door. “I know you're all confused and afraid, but this is for the protection of our kingdom. Please try to understand." The shifter bent down, pulling the injured girl up and heloing her into the room. It was a lot comfier than where Scarlett was, with several cushy chairs and low tables. She took the girl to one chair, then turned. “Im afraid I can't do any more for you until you have spoken to the queen. Please just sit." Azure pulled the door shut one all were inside, standing in front of it casually.
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Sitting down, munching on an apple, a young man sighed in annoyance. "You know, it would be nice if there were a bit more action. I'm getting tired of have so little money-- that I can't even afford an apple!" He looked up to the sky and sighed "Well, whatever, as long as I can do some good, I'll be set." The man said and laid on the ground into the grass, continuing to munch on his apple.
Seera turned to face Damian. "Do you know where her majesty is? I have something that I have the feeling she would like to see."

Lila let herself be helped into the room and chair, but hated every second of it. She really didn't want to have to depend on others, but she had to. She sat in scilence, sulking.
(Last post for the night)

Dysis entered the room, sinking into a chair she sighed. It was comfortable, maybe a tad too much yet her fatigued body didn't mind. Laying across it, letting her feet dangle over the other arm rest, Dysis put her hood up. It was a struggle with only one hand, yet she managed. As soon as it was, she drifted into a much needed sleep, thought she could have used some Advil.

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Emberly had left the throne room to wait for news of the strangers. She would be alerted when the questioning was finished. She needed to know who they were, where they were from, and why they had come. She had already decided that she wouldn't have them killed, they appeared to be young and she did not feel they deserved death. However she would call for a vote on whether or not to let them stay in the kingdom or exile them to the neighbouring lands. As soon as she had the information she needed she would assemble her court.
Seera stepped back, away from the doorway. As she walked through the halls, she questioned the first guard that approached her, which ended with her finding the queen. She walked up in a quiet manner, then pulled the items she had found out from her bag, one by one. The first was the box of matches however. She held one out to the queen. "I found this on a rock at the beach. When you strike it on something, it lights on fire." For example, she moved the match along the side of the box, fast. The match's tip burst into flame before it quickly died out.
Azure stood at the door impatiently, wondering what was happening at the forge now. She tapped her fingers on the grip of her sword absently, leaning against the door. She had misset out on her swim and the rest of her day to babysit strange and rude new beings. Great.. Suddenly, she had a thought. “Do you have names? You know I am Azure, but what are you all called?" She asked, looking between the injured female and the male. The other one, with the metal hand, appeared to be asleep, but who knows what she was really doing. “An what is your species?"

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