Other Which do you think is worse- physical pain or emotional pain- and why?

So what do you think? Which is worse, and why?

  • Physical pain

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  • Emotional pain

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LegoLad659 said:
You make some good points, but I have to disagree with you that you can just cry out emotional pain. Sure, most milder cases of it, you can do that. But look at @UmbreonRogue above. Do you think she could've just cried all that out? We're comparing two extremes here - Say, a broken leg versus a broken heart, not a a stomach virus versus a sad story you read online one day.
...Okay, there are probably better examples than that, but you get the point xD It just feels like you're looking at the latter case, and not the former. Which I understand, since as far as I know you've never experienced the former case. Correct me if I'm wrong here.
Yeah. I guess you're right. I haven't exactly been through as much as some of the other people on here. But it's just my opinion. I'd much rather have a broken heart than a broken leg, I'm just saying. Physical pain is just a no, for me. I get so much anxiety when I get hurt. Which.... Huh... Would anxiety be considered psychological pain? I honestly have no clue xD
Daisie said:
Yeah. I guess you're right. I haven't exactly been through as much as some of the other people on here. But it's just my opinion. I'd much rather have a broken heart than a broken leg, I'm just saying. Physical pain is just a no, for me. I get so much anxiety when I get hurt. Which.... Huh... Would anxiety be considered psychological pain? I honestly have no clue xD
The way I understand it, the anxiety as you experience it is a kind of mental overreaction to physical and mental pain, as well as sickness. Basically you get it whenever something feels wrong, be it in your body or in your mind. But I'm in no way a psychologist, that's just my theory.
LegoLad659 said:
The way I understand it, the anxiety as you experience it is a kind of mental overreaction to physical and mental pain, as well as sickness. Basically you get it whenever something feels wrong, be it in your body or in your mind. But I'm in no way a psychologist, that's just my theory.
I guess so. Though the word 'Overreaction' makes it sound like it shouldn't be taken seriously. At the time you have a panic attack, it is the most serious thing, at least the time. There's literally no way to put into words how much a panic attack affects someone. It's terrifying, to be honest. And sometimes, they happen for literally no reason. At least, that's my experience. :/

Anyway, opinions are opinions. And even though everyone brings up some really good points, I'm still going with physical pain being worse.
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Daisie said:
I guess so. Though the word 'Overreaction' makes it sound like it shouldn't be taken seriously. At the time you have a panic attack, it is the most serious thing, at least the time. There's literally no way to put into words how much a panic attack affects someone. It's terrifying, to be honest. And sometimes, they happen for literally no reason. At least, that's my experience. :/
Anyway, opinions are opinions. And even though everyone brings up some really good points, I'm still going with physical pain being worse.
Hmm. I didn't exactly mean it like that :/ I don't really know what better word there would be for it, though. Maybe "Overcompensation"? But your brain isn't really compensating for anything - It's reacting to what's happening to you. So I dunno...

And hormones could be considered a reason, even if you yourself don't feel it ( :P ) Just a thought.
LegoLad659 said:
Hmm. I didn't exactly mean it like that :/ I don't really know what better word there would be for it, though. Maybe "Overcompensation"? But your brain isn't really compensating for anything - It's reacting to what's happening to you. So I dunno...
And hormones could be considered a reason, even if you yourself don't feel it ( :P ) Just a thought.
Ah. Either way though, life is absolutely terrifying. We're going to be experiencing both sides of the spectrum, and in heavy measures, as well. So we try and do our best to ease everyone's pains, physical or mental. And push our way through it, ourselves. (Yay, inspirational, quotable speech time! Let's get a picture of a sunset and caption our words on it. :P )
Daisie said:
Let's get a picture of a sunset and caption our words on it. :P
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/roflbot.jpg.3fa725608bafd744927523a23db85c12.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="134868" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/roflbot.jpg.3fa725608bafd744927523a23db85c12.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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LegoLad659 said:

For me, I think I'd prefer physical pain to emotional. In my experience, physical pain tends to heal much faster or be easier to deal with, while emotional pain can last years, even a lifetime.
I still deal with Post Traumatic Stress disorder after suffering through domestic abuse..

Emotional pain caused by physical pain. Its that kind of pain that makes you remember more pain.. and thise kinds of memories you simply cannot dispose of so easily
Emotional Pain is far worse. Physical Pain is normally temporary. Once it is over you no longer have to suffer. With emotional pain it takes longer to completely get rid of. One minute you might be fine and then the next your broken and lost. It impossible to completely avoid anything that might trigger the pain.
Emotional pain is much worse for me. Plus, I get really bad panic attacks and honestly, emotional pain brings physical pain to me as well.
You can recover and rehab from a broken arm, but a broken heart is next to impossible to heal.

Coming from a person that has gotten rejected multiple times, at this point I'd rather break a leg over getting rejected. With a broken leg, I'll know it will hurt-a lot-but I can recover. With rejection, I would be stuck in my room, pondering about the events of what would've happened if I didn't get rejected/why I got rejected.

Pondering on this is so, so much more painful. You wake up in the morning, and wonder why you're still alive at certain points, and if anyone outside your family loves you. Couple all of what I said above, and when you see other people in relationships, it just brings you down so much.

When this stuff happens, your chest starts hurting, and you just feel really down.

I know this is one example, but it's one that I've gone through. I've been up and down, and I would take physical pain vs reflecting on my mistakes.

I didn't write this for you guys to feel sorry for me-I wrote this to prove the point that physical pain is much better than emotional pain.
The stress of emotional pain can age you, too. I have an elder who suffers from PTSD. He is only 44 years old and he is entirely gray-hair..
Emotional hurts. A lot. When my aunt died 2 years ago, my heart felt like I got shot 7 times in a row.

Why? Just because I'm bored! Personally, I think "emotional pain" is worse. For physical pain, you have painkillers, band-aids, ice packs etc. Emotional pain can't really be helped. I mean, it depends on the person and situation, but there's no "painkiller" for your feelings. I also have a very high pain threshold, so physical pain is something I, personally, can handle relatively well. I know people, though, who can't handle physical pain at all.


Emotional pain. For sure.
hm, i would say emotional pain is worse because you can do lots to fix physical pain. but sometimes no one knows when you're hurt or upset when it's emotional.
Ear infection. You can't sleep, think or do anything else without being deaf and feeling that monster pain hammering your ear bones... It's like hell.
Self inflicted pain is the worst. Physical or psychological? Most would say they work in tandem.

Like the shitty bicycle of 'Fuck' and 'You'.
Emotional pain without a doubt. 

First of all, emotional troubles can cause stress which can lead to you not eating or sleeping. They last way longer than physical pain and is much more difficult to heal. 

Its quite literally possible to die from a broken heart. 

Physical pain hurts like hell, but of course you have painkillers and it will heal and you'll just try to not let it happen again. 

Whereas if you get cheated on in a relationship, say you'll pretty much always have that doubt in your mind. 
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Physical Pain is much worse. If you learn to just not give a shit (something this generation seems incapable of doing), then emotional pain will barely even exist. Physical pain will never go away. You can't make a bullet wound stop hurting or a shattered rib stop impaling your organs. There is a reason why torture is done physically. Emotional Pain only breaks the weak, but Physical Pain can break even the strong. Oh, and only one can kill you. 
Also, yes, none death pain can still affect you for life. My dad is confined to a wheelchair for the rest of his life, and it is not because someone broke up with him, called him a mean name or someone he knew died. 
I can't help but scoff sometimes when people dismiss 'emotional pain' as something unique to this generation (as if it's something that people can 'easily not give a shit about') - and simply because we're becoming more enlightened about the nature of emotion and its impact in recent times too (compared to back in the day when knowledge about such was nascent at best). Physical pain might be more... Physical (for lack of better term); however, it doesn't make the emotional pain any less 'physical' - so to speak. Furthermore, as some have already pointed out, physical pain is something that you can manage. Bullet wounds, shattered ribs; those are poor examples. They hurt, but they could receive medical aid and subsequently be further managed with painkillers or pain management methods (E.G. physical therapy).  

That is not to say that emotional pain cannot be managed but unlike physical pain which is clearly more overt and obvious, emotional pain is significantly more latent and potentially more dangerous as a result. I think the difference in the frames of mind is something of greater concern - it seems to me that with physical pain, there is typically a resultant effort to make attempts to manage it. With emotional pain, it seems to me that the resulting debilitation tends to affect the frame of mind in a manner that only an astute external observer (including loved ones or friends) might notice as the person themselves might not even be cognizant of it.

I would also think that death as an argument for physical pain being worse is laughable. Emotional pain could just as well lead to death as well - hence the notion of suicide and the accompanying rationale of 'ending the suffering'. 

Needless to say, there are exceptions and I don't claim that anything can truly apply to absolutely everyone.

TL;DR I scoff at those overly dismissive of the relatively new (from an academic standpoint) concept of 'emotional pain'. Death as a yardstick of measurement for which is worse is laughable - both can cause death. Emotional pain is worse due to its impact on the frame of mind and its latency. 
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