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Fantasy Where Man Dares Not Go (Greek Mythology Roleplay).


Junior Member
Hello everyone! You can call me Wendji. My timezone is PST, I’m a 23 year old multi para writer looking to worldbuild a greek mythology setting taking place on Themyscira, home of the Amazons!

This is an idea that I’ve been really craving to explore and flesh out with someone who loves worldbuilding just as much as I do! You’ll find a sample of the RP’s story down below all of my prerequisites for what I’d like to see from my RP partner.

The basic setup is that thousands of years ago, the original Amazons created their own realm to get away from the war between the Gods over who controlled the human realm. Themyscira is home to only women, the descendents of the original Amazons. It is a massive, fantastical realm full of amazing creatures and magic gifted to them by the Gods.

It’s divided into several regions, each controlled by worshippers of each God. Things have been peaceful but lately there’s been growing tension.

I left some aspects of the world and culture and plot a bit open so we can come up with things together, and everything is also up to change if you have your own ideas! I’d really love to contribute to this world equally with someone and conjure up a setting and story that’ll really set our imaginations on fire!

I’d love for this to have an ensemble cast, I enjoy having multiple character types working off of each other and trying out different dynamics. Obviously we’d still each have mains that we focus on, though.

General Requirements:

•Be an adult. The roleplay will be sfw, but I’m pretty uncomfortable with writing with someone who’s not an adult.

•Be interested in conversing and discussing the roleplay, as well as mutual collaboration. Collaborating and brainstorming together makes the rp so much more fun! OOC chatter is also appreciated.

•Be detailed and multi para.

•Be willing to write multiple characters, I will do the same. We’ll have mains, but I love having side characters and stuff to make the world and story feel more three dimensional and fleshed out.

And that’s it! Now for a glimpse into the story…


Alessa loved the summer. The little place where she’d been born and raised was a boring, sleepy tree village that was all too peaceful and quiet for the young woman. Not to mention filled with the elderly and hardly populated with anyone her own age.

They lived on the edges of the land where the House of Artemis resided but Alessa had never got to really be free like her other sisters of Artemis.

Things were different when summer hit. Every year she made the pilgrimage to the capital Themyscira City for its’ countless summer festivals, all incredibly elaborate and bustling with tourists. Her first year as an adult also meant it was the first year where she could make this trek on her own and really enjoy the festivities to their fullest.

Thousands of women from all over the massive continent flocked to the capital during this time; it was always so exciting seeing all of the children playing in the rolling hills and large fields outside the city walls.

Not to mention all of the important High Priestesses and other officials who’d arrive to Themyscira City with their legions of Priestesses and other followers.

If you were lucky, you’d maybe get to see an Immortal too. Only Demi-Gods, as the Gods didn’t simply let mere mortals bask in their presence. Though considering that they were the original Amazons it was still incredibly exciting.

And in any case, the diversity of the city mixed with the diversity in tourists tended to make the Amazons forget about the…tensions between the various Houses of Themyscira.

Themyscira had once been a place to get away from the wars and squabbles of the gods, but after hundreds of thousands of years of development the continent was split between regions ruled by the different political Houses, each devoted to their own God or Goddess. Even the mortals were all descended from the Gods original creations, so Alessa supposed this made some sense.

But things had been getting worse over the past hundred years and the capital was like a powder keg even during joyous times such as these.

Alessa parked her pegasus Percy about a hundred yards from the front gates of the city, a heavy sigh left her lips as she hopelessly gazed at the hordes of people orderly making their way through the gates. Ugh, it’d probably be hours before she could get in.

She’d hoped she could have gotten there early but Percy’s wings had gone tired. Even then, he found it more fun to prance through the hills and Alessa had to chase him around for nearly a half hour.

“Ugh, this is wonderful. I’d be eating Tarhkaran Squid or watching the Daughters of Artemis marksman contest if we could only just fly over the walls. We’d likely get shot down.” The raven haired young woman rolled off Percy and collapsed onto the soft grass.

Only after a moment of rest was she suddenly greeted by the sound of heavy, thunderous steps. The Warrior Caste that belonged to Argos, home to the House of Ares. Alessa quickly jumped onto Percy and the frightened horse squealed as it pushed itself several dozen feet into the air to avoid the marching battalion of soldiers.

Their carriages were carried by several massive, gnarling beasts that were practically treated as pets where they were from. This was always the most intimidating part of the summer festivities to Alessa, representatives from the various Warrior Castes would gather together in the capital as a show of peace.

Amazons had once been a tribe of exclusively warriors in the early days, but things changed once they’d removed themselves from the violent and warmongering ways of man. For the most part.

She gazed in awe at the hardened soldiers. Black steel armor. Helmets that shrouded their faces. Blades and spears heavier than a normal person could reasonably carry. And glowing with various enchantments.

“Wh-whoa!” Alessa managed to gasp. The entire crowd of civilians parted to let the warriors through.

The Warrior Castes only seemed to show up to the capital more armed every year. She was surprised the Argosians hadn’t come with twice the artillery as anyone else just to flex their might. There really was something eery in the air this year. Some even called for the cancellation of the festivals this year. Alessa truly hoped her suspicions wouldn’t come to fruition.


DM me and we can discuss the plot and characters! Thanks for reading.
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