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Where Am I?

Kat sighed and then looked at him. "I believe its traditional to wait for such things." She said, referring to him wanting to go into her room. "And please keep your thoughts to yourself."
"Hm... you're being cold again." Kwon said feeling jealous of Victor. Princess care about that wizard even after he being shamed as a criminal who had tried to kill her. "I understand that you're not in good mood today, then see you tomorrow." He said with a little sarcasm before leaving her.
Magi joined Kat after a few minutes. She sat on a chair and hugged her knees. "Wihtou him I can never find the princess... what should we do now?" She asked, hoping that the girl from the weird world could help her find the answer.
"Something like... finding him and escaping together? I can't think of anything else because in dungeons... he is a wizard so probably another wizard is going to make him confess..." Magi said and sobbed even more. "Most of them are horribly cruel and dangerous... I can't imagine what terrible tortures he has to go through... I'm sure they'll make him talk somehow soon and when they find out about you... we should run before they come and kill us..." She explained with fear.
Kat thought again and nodded. "Yeah. And I have a hunch about where the princess is. I might have heard things I was probably not supposed to hear." She explained.
Magi wiped her tears with excitement. "Really? Where? If we find her and bring her back she can help us to save Victor and then you can go home in no time." She said happily. "Where do you think she is?"

While girls were plotting, Victor was facing his life's fear in front of him. Magak had chained the young wizard to the stone wall with chains that runs had been carved on them. "This... these words, they are forbidden dark magic. How do you dare to use them in palace?!" Victor asked with shock. Jupiter had never let him learn about that aspect of magic but he know it was too strong and nasty. "Don't pain your mind, kid. I don't need stupid ways of soldiers to torture you. I can take your memories... still them for myself..." The middle aged wizard said and laughed loudly. His voice made Victor sweat cold. "No... that's too dangerous. Even you shouldn't perform this kind magic..." He said with pale face. "Oho?! You tell what can I do and what I can't? I'm going to be safe but if you resist and your mind cracks, that's your problem." Magak teared his victim's clothed open on his chest and draw symbols on his chest with a nail. Victor pressed lips and held back from showing pain as a nail wasn't supposed to hurt him that much but what Magak was going to do was what he feared. The dark wizard pressed a crystal ball to the center of his drawing. The ball glowed bright then started absorbing blood from scratches. "Yes... like this your memories are mine!" he said and Victor struggled and shouted desperately but couldn't stop his memories from being cleared from his mind. The last thing he forgot was princess's smile when they met for the first time and then his head was blank. His body fell hanging from chains like a soulless puppet and finally Magak stopped the process. "All done. If it works well with this boy then I'll try it on the real princess. Then the queen can control her by using her memories and I can control this country using the queen..."
"I think maybe..the queen has her somewhere. Wherever the queen imprisons people she wants to be kept hidden." She said slowly, recalling what she had heard.
Magi gulped. "She is very powerful..." She whispered and tried to remember every places that only the queen could go then shook her head. "In that case, she is using a servant to take her way... because the king can go where ever queen goes... so she can hide something there safely... I guess her most trusted servant is keeping the princess..." She forced her brain more and suddenly slapped her forehead. "Witches! I've heard she has close friends among witches... they live in forest and no one dares to get close to them..." She said and frowned; something wasn't right. "Wait... witches weren't around when princess disappeared. I've to remember everyone who could get close to this room that night... a stranger... a friend of queen... Oh, I know I know; Magak! He has been too active lately... he is queen's special wizard in service and he is the one who has kept Victor in his grip now..." She said and shivered in fear. "How on the earth can we get info from that demon? Even if he has abducted the princess, I can bet he has sent her to witches... what should we do now? Should we investigate Magak's dungeons and save Victor first or should we go to the forest or find the princess? How can we face witches without Victor?"
"I don't think we can because I still don't know how magic works very well. And I think we should do whatever you thinks best."
"Me? Why me?! I'm just a maid..." Magi started pacing the room up and down. "How can you be so relaxed? I'm dying from stress..." She murmured as tried to make decision. "Ok... if we save the princess without Victor then who can explain who you are? Of course she can order to release him... but what if he has been killed before? Oh... it's very hard... I think we should get ready to run and find Victor then we can flee together." She said the result of her analyzing.
"That's right... if we face Magak there we're done... they say he even uses blood of maidens in his potions..." Magi said then asked Kat to go to library with her. Once there, she took her to a table near the window and they sat at it. "Look, right in front f this window is the window of tower's library. To go to his lad, Magak has to pass the library so when you see him pass, means that we can go to dungeons. But before going there... I thought there is something that we can use. Once Victor told me that Jupiter has an invisible cloak. He said if the princess is in trouble I can use that. Jupiter has left it with griffin... so we must meet griffin and ask him to lend it to us." She explained.
Girls went for a walk in the garden. Magi took Kat behind flower house and showed her a large tree. She took wooden key that Victor had given to her and pressed it on a knot on tree's trunk. The key pushed the wood inside and pierced the hole that had appeared. Turing the key, Magi opened the door inside the tree and they went in quickly closing the door behind her. Holding hands, they walked in darkness till entered another garden. "This must be the hidden garden." She said and called the griffin loudly. At first wind blew and then a large creater with long wings appeared in the sky and landed in front of them. "What has brought you here?" He asked with a deep mighty voice then Magi explained everything and asked for the cloak. "I only give that to the brave and wise. Are you wise and brave?" He asked then looked at Kat. "Prove me your braveness!" He demanded.
She looked at Magi and then back at the Gryffin. "How do I do that?" She asked. I mean, she figured what they were trying to do was brave.
"If you're smart enough you'll find the answer. I can't give the invisibility cloak to a person who wishes to hide due to fear." Griffin answered. Magi met Kat's eyes and felt that she needed her support. "She is new to our world. For her, just living in the palace should be very stressful but she is always calm." She said but it seemed that Griffin wasn't affected. "Maybe she has no emotions!" He said then looked back at Kat. "Were you a brave girl in your world? I'm ready to hear your story."
"Well..." Kat sighed and then began. "When I was little my parents beat me nearly to death. When I was little I didn't know what to do about it, but when I was older I decided to stand up to them. They tried to throw me out, but I left on my own instead. And I was living alone currently. I still went to school on my own and got my own job. I paid for my own place and food as well as keeping my grades up. But I can't say that I actually did anything that was extremely brave. However, I can prove my story is true." She replied then showing an abundance of scars on her upper arms and shoulders that could have only come from sharp objects hitting her at high speeds.
Magi hugged Kat and cried. "I didn't know... I wish you could stay a princess forever..." She sobbed. "Honest enough. Now you're the owner of cloak for one year." The Griffin said and flied away. Magi stepped back and looked at Kat with amazement. "Oh, look! The silver cloak... the invisibility cloak is on your back!" She said and hugged her again but this time kissed her. "We will save both of them for sure~"
Kat blinked for a minute to process all that had just happened. "It's alright. I'm fine and I've gotten out of the situation haven't I? If I go back I'm still going to be living alone. Yeah it's hard, but it's not that bad. Id say my alternate self has it worse." She replied and then took the cloak off, looking at it for a moment.
"Hide it in your clothes. Now we can go back to the library and wait for Magak..." Magi said.

Magi had his her face behind a book to cover her nervousness. Secretly, she was watching the window of the tower's library. Each minute passed like a year to her till finally saw her subject passing the library and going to the labs. "He finally came... let's go and start searching before he is back"
Magi nodded. Despite of a moment ago that she was pale with fear, she had more confidence in his eyes and didn't look scared any more. They went to the courtyard casually and walked between large status in the end of the yard, then stopped behind one of bigger ones and both of them hid under the cloak. The invisible pair cautiously walked to the dungeons. The stopped here and there for guards to pass and eavesdropped to hear about Victor's whereabouts till found his cell. At first they ended up in an empty cell with strange chains attached to the wall. Magi thought Victor had already died and taken out so was about to fall on her knees in disappointment, but the something caught their eye; a faint trace of blood. It was so shocking but they followed the trace and ended up to a locked slammer. right when Magi was checking the lock, they heard voices and hid in a corner. Magak was coming back to visit his prisoner. He opened the slammer and entered. Behind him, girls sneaked in. Victor was there, lying on a bed. The cell looked like a small cold furnished room. Magi had to cover her mouth so that the dark wizard couldn't hear her heavy breathing. Magak spoke to Victor but there was no answer. "I see... so if I take all the memory they forget their language and their manners to the point that won't react to anything. It's find, lad. Because I've brought back some of your some memories that you need in order to become my loyal servant." He pulled a necklace make of red crystal beads out of his robs and took a few bead out of it then wore it again. He pressed each bead he had taken on his forehead ans each time a small light shinned and the bead turned clear and colorless. In the end, Victor sat up and looked around in confusion but before he could ask where he was, Magak forced a large black bead into his mouth and made his swallow it. Victor fell on bed like a corpse for a while. When he woke up for the second time, looked up at Magak with fear and respect then fell at his feet. "Master, what happened to me? I must be on my duty instead of resting here..." He said with shock. Magak smiled nastily and patted his head. "No problem my faithful puppy! You were guarding the princess when were attacked by a sinful wizard. Let me take you to your post again..." Saying this, he gave him a black cloak. Obediently, the young man stood and wore the cloak. He pulled its hood down on his head and followed the elder wizard out. Magi and Kata had to follow then as well. The walked and walked thought secret passages till reached the forest. Inside the cottage of three witch sisters, they saw the real princess in a crystal coffin. "She's under magical sleep. But once I make a doll out of her the way I've done with this wizard, I'll wake her up. And the queen will pay for your great services." Magak talked to one of witches. They left Victor to guard the princess and went off for other preparations. Magi took Kat behind some large trees and they took the cloak off. "I'm confused... are his memories in those beads? Magak is controlling him now? Oh... we have found both of them but can't even get close to them..."
Kat nodded. "To the first question... I think so. He's not him right now. But we still need to get the princess out of there so the same thing won't happen to her...somehow." She replied, thinking aloud.

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