Advice/Help What's the best way to gain attention to a thread?

Hello! I've been trying to find out ways to get better with writing out posts that will get responses from other rpers and anyone interested in the field of rp I'm interested in. Anything I can do when writing a post that will grab other people's attention would be helpful. I know it should be something not too long or too short, but I'm not sure how to interact with people on this website? Can someone help me please?
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Psychology says "catchy avatar, short paragraphs, good grammar, and being down to the point".

But I cannot tell about the website, though, people here might be exceptions from the general rule, heh.
Well, all of that makes sense with what you're trying to say from Psychology, but I'm not sure how short or how long people will be able to read my thread. I've already made a thread for someone to react to, and lots of people have probably viewed it...haven't recieved any attention for almost a month now I believe...
An rp starter would be nice with a few rules to be provided in the chat. I did a great job with laying out the rules, but not sure if I put too much detail or not. If you want to see an example from a recent thread I made, I can send it on here if that will help with my problem.
Well, sure, send it over. I might throw an idea or two at you.
But there's always a chance that people aren't just interested in a game you provided, and are looking for something entirely different, you know.
Got the link! And I suggest adding it in to the thread, so people who reply know what you're asking exactly.

OK, I've read through it, and the first thing that caught my attention is lack of formatting. There's a lot(ish) of text, and people are probably getting bored reading through it. I'd suggest at least making bold titles, or create a system of:

text itself
To make it look nice and neat.

Second, I might suggest keeping it in one style. You kind of start like a futuristic ad that gets you into the mood, and then switch to acknowledging it's a RP, and then switch again, discussing what characters you'd like to see in your game and what you'd expect. why not try this one:

Short intro describing the world and hooking interest. Like in-film narration, witch is cheap, but gets you in the mood (avoid pronouns, don't address yourself or the potential player).
A few paragraphs of possible scenarios (avoid pronouns, don't address yourself or the potential player).
A bit about yourself.
Some rules (avoid pronouns, don't address yourself or the potential player).

Might look better and draw the eye onto you.

Third... and you might've noticed this already in previous point... maybe it's a per peeve, but I generally dislike when people go with "I think", "I want", "I do" in the ad. It kind of looks like it's all about themselves. Again, this might be a pet peeve, but keeping it neutral, without addressing yourself or the other person... or address only the other person, unless it's "about me" section. As in, instead "I want you to take a role of a brutal barbarian", try "brutal barbarian is wanted". It kind of more... politically correct, for the lack of better word XD
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Yeah...formatting is pretty obvious. I don't know a think of formatting, so maybe some help would be nice. I can bold my text, I can attempt to do that format. It would be nice, but I guess I didn't really take my formatting seriously when it comes to organizing text.

I'm not sure what you mean when you specify by making it futuristic, maybe I rushed my thread too quickly when I first made it. Good suggestions, I appreciate it. No one has been helping me for the past few weeks, so I appreciate all the help I can get.

Yeah...I use too much "I" in the thread...but haven't really thought of keeping it neutral, I'll try to work on that. So you're basically saying through all of this, include myself out of the thread unless it's talking about me and my interests, and keep it universal with everything else right?
I'm not sure what you mean when you specify by making it futuristic, maybe I rushed my thread too quickly when I first made it.

Yeah, I realized just now I didn't use proper language.
When I started reading the ad, I kind of got a little "Blade Runner" feeling. As if it was a large hologram screen, and a robotic lady voice narrating me the first sentence. And I thought "Oh, cool, a themed ad!", but that wasn't the point.
If that's not clear enough, I can write a short example from the top of my head to show what I mean by that.
Talk to me in the thread about all of this, I'd appreciate it. Otherwise, I'm willing to hear other suggestions on this issue if anyone is willing.
Just to let you know, my scenarios are pretty simple, but I'm not sure how exactly you want me to elaborate in detail about these situations. Mind giving me a few tips?
I just feel like the thread needs to start over, so that others won't be annoyed by me replying saying 'bump!' so many times.
Alright, thanks for the help dude. You're awesome! If you are interested in any sort of roleplay, I'll be willing to comply. Hehe

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