Other What would you tell your 14 year old self?

If you could send a message to the 14 year old you, be it in the future or past, what would you say?

I would tell her that somehow you will make it thru. You will be okay, and you will be happy again. You don't have to change the world. You don't have to do everything, you only have to do what you can. It's okay to be embarrassed. It's okay to feel alone. It's okay to be afraid. It's okay to admit you don't know what is right or wrong. It's okay to mess up, to fail, to cry. It's okay to say no sometimes, when it feels wrong. It's okay to say yes sometimes, when it feels right. Your going to turn out wonderful, not because you got everything right, but because you got things wrong and you learned.

Most of all, I would give her a big hug. I would hug her very tightly and not let her fight me. I know that was what she needed. She wouldn't admit it, but that's what she needed.

I would have told myself that I can change for the better. Back in those days, I used to be a little punk, up to no good, but now I see past that.
I hope that my children won't end up like that.
"You're going to know much, much more English than you do now, and you'll also be posting a lot of memes."
get into more fights and apply to target right out of highschool also dont be afraid to be laugh at for being different but dont go out of your way to appear different.
for god's sake, delete that screamo music. you're not hardcore, you're 4'11.

you also have severe anxiety. it's okay and you're not overreacting!
Stop fussing over people who actually don’t care about you.

That transferee? You two will mostly have the same interests so get out there and befriend her. Two years later, one of your other friends will tell you bad stuff about her. Get her side of the story first before you pass judgment.

And that other friend? Don’t build your life around her ’cause when you guys finally leave that school, she will just end up remembering your existence when she would be in need.

Also. You would have moments when you shut yourself out to the world and break down. Don’t worry, you’re okay. You will get through this, although it wouldn’t hurt to consider asking for help. Especially when it happens often.
Stop worrying about what other people think about you and just enjoy yourself. Your happiness is more important. Don't be so upset when friends leave and instead remember who's really there for you. Stop worrying about finding the right person, he comes along later but he's worth waiting for. Enjoy the old house and take as many pictures of it as you can. Stop being jealous of others and instead learn from them. Keep dying your hair and being a weeb.

Overall just remember everything happens for a reason good and bad. It might not make sense now but it will later. I know I might cringe a lot now but I'm still proud of you.
Don't let other people remember you only when they want something from you, and look for actual friends instead of gripping onto people who barely care if you are around them. Sometimes it is for the best if they leave so you can focus on finding friends that really care about you. Enjoy the moments you have with certain friends before they move, and be open to befriending new people.

Remember to be proud of the art you can create right now. Everyone has there own way of doing things, and your style is just as special. Your skill will improve in the future if you keep working at it.

Also, take some pride in who you are as a person, and never give up on what makes you different. Don't change for anyone in order to get their approval. Just be yourself, and remember the people in your life that favor you as a person.
your skin is fine. your weight and your body is fine. don't worry about other people and how you look. and if anyone cares, screw them!
it's good to care, but not to care too much. otherwise, keep doing what you're doing. but stay away from creeps online please and thanks.
Well, fourteen year-old me was a year ago, so maybe I've got a few things:

"Take POA instead of AMaths."

"Do history instead of literature."

"Lose some weight."

"Russian bias is the only way to play WT. Don't be a freedumb."

"Your PC always had internet connection, you were just trying to connect to the wrong one you fucking retard."
"Shut up about constant nerd stuff. Don't date a single person until you're older and find someone with at least the same beliefs as you. Don't go to college because you're being pressured to; you can't live for other people. Learn to cook and don't buy fast food all the time. floss. You're a virgin and you'll be that way until you're married, sorry, not sorry. spend more time with your little sister. Work really hard, study really hard, love really hard. Hug your mom everyday even if she's pissy; she's raising you and your sister alone, you piss ant. And last but not least....floss, it is essential for good dental hygiene."
Your hair will eventually get less frizzy

No one cares about the way you look

Don't be so mean to your mom

Stop denying your love of the color pink and stop trying to be so damn edgy.
1. Invest yourself in your schoolwork. You will grow to constantly worry about dissapointing your mother and you will. But she still loves you, however you need to show you can be in the top 10%.

2. Spend all the time you can with Grandma. She's gonna die and it'll fuck you up forever. Mom will start taking care of her diabetes and you will start having anxiety, panic attacks, and show signs of depression. Try to talk to someone about it or you will have to suffer through it alone until you find a solution.

3. Heavily invest yourself in politics. You love it. It will help you a lot in debate and in real life. You also read Pew Research Organization Stats and Articles for fun... Nerd.

4. Get into Japanese and Korean a lot sooner. You are amazing at learning languages.

5. You Gain 60 lbs from freshman year to senior year. You should get into hip hop classes like you say you will and excercise every day, go vegetarian, and use pre burn so you can look in the mirror.

6. You love Kpop and Jpop... Its okay.

7. Yep. Don't lie to yourself. That was a crush you had on that guy and not a bromance. But it was also a crush you had on that girl. Have fun with that.

8. Stop being social.

9. You will lose faith and disconnect from religion. Find it and stick with it.

10. Drop 99.9% of your friends. They hurt you bad but you love them too much.

11. High school sucks. Graduate early.

12. Keep Singing and Acting. No matter how long of a hiatus you take, you still love it and you still got it. ;)

13. Stop procrastinating and take care of all your collegeisms.

14. Commit to living and take an active role in your life. You'll experience a huge emotional change. You become jaded and numb. This will be unavoidable, but try to push through it. You used to be happy and it wont be too late. Don't let work affect you. Love your family. And be competitive. Life will be so much easier for you. Love you! <3
Dumbass boooooy stay in Minnesota and learn how to ask out girls and instead of hovering around them, but really stay in Minnesota and don't ask out any blondes
- Don't eat those mashed potatoes during the summer break after you turned 18. You'll regret it direly since the food will be expired.

- You should stay enrolled at that Chinese school or you won't be able to communicate with your dad anymore. Be nice to him even if it might be difficult, it'll be more awkward to create a bond later on.

- Study maths and physics better.

- Think before you speak, please. I know it's hard but at least try.

- Your brother loves you, so does your family.

- One of your friends will make it awkward to be around, another probably doesn't like you, one of them thinks you're retarded, that one friend is definitely not your kind of crowd, and the last one has an odd way of thinking that everyone kind of disagrees with but just pushed the matter aside. You'll meet friends at university so don't mind what they think too much. Don't cry, seriously, it'll be alright. Solitude is not bad.

- PLEASE DON'T GO TO THAT STUDENTRESIDENCE, it's so gross and you'll find out that you're really not that used to broken down and dirty places.

18 year old you
Don't fall in love with your teachers (I mean it, don't. It's so weird, and it makes you so awkward.)

Chill out. It's going to be fine. Be nice to your friends, but don't worry too much about what they think. I won't tell you when or where, but you'll meet a really awesome dude out there who's going to love you. So just don't worry too much about boys.

Keep your head up. It gets better - much, much better.

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