• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Fandom What Remains (Survival Multi-Fandom)

Senshi and Take: Rush Valley

Senshi nodded to Mark as he ran with him looking for a safe place to hide, that is when he heard some very loud snoring. Senshi looked towards the source 2 roofs over was a rather large man, sitting criss cross with his arms crossed, his head slightly down, and sleeping. He looked back towards the creature before looking back at the man, immediately he recognized the design. "SHUGOKI!!!!!" He exclaimed to Mark as he pointed towards the large, wooden armored man. That was their diversion, or hope that perhaps would scare the creature away and allow them to pursue. To Mark he may have recognized the man, or may have thought he beared a resemblance to a famous game character. Senshi looked back, the creature was gaining some speed, it was their only chance to create a long enough diversion.

Immediately, as soon as they made it to the Roof where the Shugoki sat, Senshi stopped before quietly apologizing and yanking on the large man's ponytail. The Shugoki awoke in a fit of rage, he quickly rocked on his back, jumping up, which was impressive for a man his size. He grabbed his bat from the ground before swinging it around at Senshi, Senshi managing to escape each attack. Senshi quickly yelled as he pointed towards gluttony "It was not me! It was that creature who dare disturb you!" Immediately as the Shugoki looked towards the creature and readied his attack, Senshi grabbed Mark and jumped off the roof with him onto a cart of hay. Whatever Mark was going to do next Senshi was right behind him. The Mad Queen The Mad Queen
Moments before
Take had found a nice spot on a roof that had quite a nice view of a nearby garden. Take set his large kanabo down before gently sitting in place, he crossed his legs and arms before looking upon the garden. A large commotion was going on but he decided to drown it out. The large man after a it had finally begun to drift to slumber, snoring quite loudly. He dreamt of his home, what it was like now especially in this strange and unusual chaos.

As he was pleasantly dreaming he heard a soft, "I apologize for this," before feeling a sharp pain on the top of his head. It angered him so, he quickly jumped to his feet by rocking onto his back and forcing himself up, he leaned over to grab his bat and began to swing wildly at Senshi, "Amai! (NAIVE!)" he yelled as he continued his attack. Immediately Senshi yelled, "It was not me! It was that creature who dare disturb you!" he said pointing towards gluttony. Take looked back at the creature who had closed in so rapidly. Take reeled his bat behind him, and shouted "Waga suchuu ni ari! (It's in my hands!)" as he let loose a powerful strike, once so strong that it knocked Gluttony 4 feet in the air, and 12 feet backwards, forcing Gluttony rolling back towards the edge of the roof. Take watched the creature, as he began to breathe to calm himself. The Mad Queen The Mad Queen

Dallas Grove: Diamond City
Siding/Interacting with Characters.
Dallas looked at all the wounded and dying, he knew that every one of those so called minutemen were american. He had heard the explanation made by Preston of what exactly they were up against, "everything got it's weaknesses, the so called 'tank' of my time also has a few minor kinks in it's, it's just the way it works. And if you say those mechanized soldiers are filled with blood, then my friend you are about to witness me make metal bleed." Dallas was gonna make this Vortex fella pay in defeats he would suffer for the innocent people he has killed. If it was true about what was said, Dallas felt it his responsibility to lend his effort to the cause. Dallas immediately put his shotgun at shoulder arms, "Mr Preston, whatever your rank, the Minutemen have officially received the support of a shock trooper, I look forward to fighting with the Minutemen on the field, sir." Dallas saluted Preston before doing a left face (Sharp 90 degree turn), and walking off. The Mad Queen The Mad Queen

He had stopped at Nathan Drake, he felt that if he was going to fight, he would at least know the names of his fellow comrades. Dallas put his hand out to Nathan, "Dallas Grove of the 6th Marine corps, and you are?" he asked Nathan in a rather quick introduction, not even bothering to say hi or good day. Fran DeArc Fran DeArc

Bjornson Gudrun: New York

Bjornson stared off into the cloudy skies, he was wet, cold, tired, he could go for some mead, a dry change of clothes, and a bed hell maybe even a fur roll at least. Bjornson weakly rolled over, he picked himself up onto his knees as he cracked his neck and rolled his shoulders. He patted his sword still sheathed on his back. His face had a rather 'over it' expression as he weakly picked himself up, he sluggishly made his way back to the group until he had come into viewing range of the gang (essentially anyone who has went through the breach on his on the ground level.) and saw strange large metal flying objects, almost as strange as D.VA's. He waved to who ever truly saw him as he approached, a weak smile on his bearded face. He still believed that had done it, not knowing of the ever worsening situation. The Mad Queen The Mad Queen Zamasu Zamasu MainEventMan MainEventMan
Anna - Metro-Gotham

Anna accepted the money that was given to her by the costumer. The Merchant then examined the coins for their authenticity, "Hun, these aren't dollar coins, they're quarters which would mean you've given me $1.25 which isn't really enough to pay the bill."
Anna then sighed, "I knew I should have I should have asked for the payment first... I just wasted a good drink on someone who can't even afford it." She muttered.
Thepotatogod Thepotatogod
Carl "CJ" Johnson
Below Seoul-don

CJ slowly wakes up after the great celebration that was held by Madd Dogg, the famous rapper in San Andreas. The celebration was held at the Johnson family household at Grove Street. He would smell that is the scent of a hobo which he got a bit distracted. As he was fully awake, he was shock that he is indeed on some hobo place. He is also surprised that he is in an alleyway that is so unfamiliar to him, especially with its neon lights. He was thinking he is kidnapped by Yakuza and he is here at this unfamiliar place. A hobo beside him noticed that the gangster is awake.

"Oh, you're awake." the middle-aged beared hobo said.

"Ey, man, where the fuck am I?" CJ asked the hobo as his expression was a bit worried.

"You're in the below level of Seoul-don, my friend." the hobo replied.

"What the fuck? Am I in Korea or sum' shi'?"

"Uhh-.. what's Korea?" the hobo questioned him.

"Whatever, juss' tell me how the fuck did I get here?" CJ asked him.

"I don't know, my friend, you just appeared beside me out of no where. I thought you are some ghost, I guess I was wrong."

Suddenly, a person who was running from someone would bump onto CJ. An iron metal object would fall to the ground coming from the person.

"Ey, watch where you going-.. holy fuck, what the fuck are you?!" CJ yelled as he was surprised it was not human but an alien.

"What did you say?" The alien thug replied as it was going to grab its knife, this cause CJ to react in self-defense. He punch the alien's face quickly before the alien could stab him, it cause the alien to drop his knife. CJ punched him in the face again and also kneed the alien's groin. The alien would fall down on the ground as he was stunned by the pain. CJ grab his Desert Eagle and clicking the safety off. He raise his right hand downward, aiming at the alien's head.

"No one fucks with the OG from Grove Street, alien bitch!" CJ pulled the trigger. The alien thug is now dead.

The hobo looked at CJ with fear which cause the hobo to ran away.

"Chea', dat's right, run away like a fuckin' pussy!" CJ laugh as the hobo ran away from him.

He would look at the Iron metal object (lightsaber) as he put his Desert Eagle on his waist belt. He grab the object and observe it.

"The fuck is this?" CJ continued to observe the object more.

(Open for any interaction)

(@RoxanProoxicus, I have Rey's lightsaber).
Phantom Thief of Hearts Phantom Thief of Hearts (Anna)

"I'm sorry." Stella apologized, glancing at her drink then back to the bartender. "I don't have much more though, is there any other way I can pay you?" She asked, taking the cherry from her cocktail and popping it in her mouth, chewing it. Stella's a seasoned fighter, so perhaps she could do some errands for the barkeep or something.

~Mewnisse - Mewni Area~
Phantom Thief of Hearts Phantom Thief of Hearts (Whoever's managing this joint)
-Gong Draco-

The only thing that Gong remembers being is somewhere near his old man's home at the Oran Forest before suddenly losing consciousness. It was nearly christmas after all, and, well, he thought to visit his old folks. Though it appears that it won't be happening anytime soon.

A young, red haired man was clad with nothing but a blue coat with a small G amulet on it's pocket and brown shorts and boots resembling that of a dragon's foot claw. His hands decorated with red gloves with claws as a means of self defense. The young Druddigon yawned as he finds himself lying on a bed of grass in a forest of somekind, and some strange looking planetoids in the sky, one he hasn't seen before.

"What in Giratina's distorted ass is that?" Gong muttered, hopping to his feet as he stared at the strange planet, surrounded with various rocks like a ring. He had never seen such a thing before. Something worth exploring. But that has to come later, soon noticing something important missing. "Hold a goddamn second, where's Blaise? Isn't she with me?" Gong muttered as he turned around, thinking that it will be his sister since she was walking with him. But to his surprise, she's not there. "Dammit..." He sighed, adjusting his gloves. This is the first time Blaise has up and left him like this. Usually she'll be somewhere near him but...Looks like she'd grew out of him or something.

"Okay, calm your ass, Draco. Think. We woke up in like, the dead of summer or something. Strange shit is on the sky, and I'm in some random ass forest in the middle of...I don't know." Gong began to knock his head using his own fist, as if trying to piece together what's going on. "Is this. a dream?" As he ask that, he let his free arm began to glow green as a mass of energy coats it into a larger Dragon's Claw. "CLAW!" He swung his glowing arm on the ground, scratching it as a large amount of ground dirt flies to the skies with a large bang, allowing everyone in a distance to see his location. Upon jumping back to see the hole his Dragon Claw had created. It's a big hole, I'll give you that, but it's no bigger than an average superhero landing crater.

"Gah!" Gong winced, grabbing his wrist as the Dragon Claw energt fades away, his veins still glowing green, a minor side effect of using Dragon Claw. "Okay...This is real alright." He concluded, soon looking around to determine his next move. "So what now?" He questioned himself as he looked in the distance, seeing a castle. Perhaps taking visit there would give him a hint as to where he is...
Lucina: Metro-Gotham
Lucina would do her best to explain her complicated situation to Rachel. Surely someone like her would understand the circumstances of her arrival.

"To keep things short, I originally came from the future, a future where my father was slain by my own mother. I do not blame her, however. She was influenced by the Felled Dragon Grima and did her best to resist him, but it was all in vain."

As Lucina continued to describe the situation, her right hand gripped into a fist.

"With no other options, I donned the name of "Marth" and conferred to Naga to send my friends and me back to the past to prevent the rise of Grima, but it appears I've landed in the wrong world altogether. I do not know how I'll return to my home country, but regardless of where I am, I will protect as many people as I can."

Phantom Thief of Hearts Phantom Thief of Hearts

Akira Kurusu: Metro-Gotham
Akira stood firm in his battle position, facing the monster before them.


With Arsene behind him, he could do some sort of damage to the ugly creature. He doubted that the other three could see his persona and they probably thought he was just some kid, but that didn't matter right now. The goal was to take this monster down. Since Snart hit the buzzclaw hand first, the Phantom Thief aimed for one of the heads.

"Arsene, ravage them!"

Phantom Thief of Hearts Phantom Thief of Hearts MainEventMan MainEventMan The Mad Queen The Mad Queen

Nathan Drake: Diamond City
Drake took Karla's hand. It was nice to know that she was willing to work with him, even though they just met. He did raise an eyebrow when Karla turned around and was basically talking to nothing (or at least that's what he thought) but he wouldn't ask before he got another batshit answer. He's still trying to process what's going on in his head.

It was good to know that Karla had some support from the mercs, but it did bother him that both he and Dallas were being ignored. He could've said something, but it probably would've been something offensive and insulting, so it was a good thing that he stayed quiet for now. Speaking of Dallas, Nate might as well introduce himself to the soldier.

"Drake. Nathan Drake. Fortune hunter, lost-city raider, and part-time scuba diver."

The two shook hands quickly while Nate took a good look at the marine.

"So, what's with the uniform? I know the military doesn't issue World War II uniforms anymore..."

The Mad Queen The Mad Queen Morbuskid Morbuskid The Omen of Death The Omen of Death

Morrigan Aensland: New York
A giggle escaped from Morrigan's lips when Ash took her up on her offer. There was no doubt that the succubus has taken a special interest in him than she did with that book he was trying to hide. Morrigan can feel the evil energy resonating from the book. No human should be able to possess something as demonic as that book, but perhaps Ash had his reasons to keep it. Either way, it wasn't a huge concern to her. Just as long as he didn't do anything incredibly stupid with that book, he could keep it.

"Morrigan, but you can call me whatever you want, hon~"

She then summoned a mirrored version of herself and the two slammed their heels into one of the symbiote's head.

"What's better than one?" The original asked, readying her wings.

"Two~!" The mirrored one said, copying her counterpart.

A barrage of missiles was shot from their wings, obliterating any nearby symbiotes.

MainEventMan MainEventMan

Mantis and Lucky Chloe: Mos Eisley Cantina
Chloe's eyes sparkled when Harley brought out her pets. Note to herself: ask the G Corporation to invest in some pets of her own. Unfortunately, the fighting came to an end when the woman in the red cloak had a massive meltdown and Harley was incapacitated. Chloe simply cocked her head to the side like the innocent idol that she was.

"Nya~? Over already?"

Meanwhile, Mantis excused herself and touched Harley's shoulder and then did the same to Scarlet Witch, "Everyone, calm down."

She wished for no more violence and hoped her powers would calm everyone down.

The Mad Queen The Mad Queen Particle9 Particle9 @RoxanProoxicus

Bayonetta: Metro-Gotham
Her left eyebrow twitched a bit, but Bayonetta kept her composure.

"I'm no princess, honey. Besides, I could go for a mani right now."

Bayonetta then took a quick look at her fingernails, acting as though Axel wasn't even there anymore. She wouldn't play his games, but she was interested in what he had to say next. He was pushing his luck, and it just might end with a gunshot wound to the head.

Sleek Sleek

"Your homeland, do tell me what its name is," Rachel asked Lucina, "I shall take you there."
Lucina's story fascinated Rachel. A battle with a Felled Dragon does sound rather exciting and Rachel would not want to waste the opportunity in partaking in such an affair.
Fran DeArc Fran DeArc


Scarecrow's voice rang in Snart's mind.
"Nightmare on Elm Street?" Scarecrow's voice echoed, "I like that idea... let's pluck something from your nightmares..."

Suddenly an image of Snart's Sister appeared before him.
The Mad Queen The Mad Queen


Sebastian couldn't believe what he was seeing, some kid in a halloween costume just swooped in and summoned some sort of demon and he's not trying to kill the detective.
Sebastian shrugged as he continued to fire at the Guardian, "Just keep the pressure on it!"
MainEventMan MainEventMan Fran DeArc Fran DeArc
Magnus Burnsides: New York
Magnus looked at the two girls, still short of breath "You heard the professor. We don't have a lot of time."
His body ached even more now, and he had used up his Second Wind ability. He knew the next fight would be tough, with the symbiotes throwing everything they had left at anybody who tried to stop them. They had been defeated in New York, and Magnus knew they would be frightened and desperate, holding nothing back.

He leaned against the wall "I won't force you to go." He said "But if we don't do anything, a lot of people are going to die."

Reed jumped back slightly as Ms Fortune sat at his feet.
"I-I'm sorry, I thought you were a symbiote." He sighed in relief "How did you get in here?"

Zamasu Zamasu Morbuskid Morbuskid

Karla: Diamond City
Preston returned the salute, glad to have Dallas aboard. He didn't like being called sir, nor was he even used to it. He just saw himself as another Minuteman, doing his bit to help the people of the Commonwealth.
He had given the order to allow Vortex into the city. He had been the one to trust him.
Preston cursed under his breath and tightened his grip on the trusty laser musket, gritting his teeth. He noticed his hands, still stained in blood were shaking.

He took a moment to compose himself, taking several deep breaths as he turned to address his men. He had to hold it together, as whether he liked it or not his men needed him to keep a cool head. Vortex would face justice, but Preston could not afford to be rash.
He would tell the men the same.

Karla enthusiastically shook Nathan's hand, a grin on her face.
"Kanfusio, but you can call me Karla! Pirate Queen in the making, Tiefling bitch and fire enthusiast."

She looked over at Dallas as he walked over "Nice gas mask, did somebody fart?" She asked

Fran DeArc Fran DeArc Morbuskid Morbuskid
Cerebella, Carol "Painwheel", & Filia Medici (And Samson)
-New York-

Cerebella and Filia, along with Samson, both sighed in disbelief. Carol, however, didn't seemed to mind the situation, though she is willing to help them. "Alright..." Filia says "Where are we supposed to head for again? Didn't here what he said correctly."


Nadia "Ms." Fortune
-New York-

The catgirl gave the professor a chuckle before getting and say "I've just happened to have stumbled upon here while scratching and slashing my way through hordes of Parasite-infested people. They are a total nuisance ever since I was finding a trash bin to go to sleep. Anyways, I'm Nadia, and who might you be?" She then ends her sentences with a big smile on her face.

The Mad Queen The Mad Queen Morbuskid Morbuskid
Harley Quinn: Mos Eisley
Harleen continued to pace around the room, examining each and every patron that had been affected by the mental attack. Even the bartender himself was shaken up, hiding in a corner. Her attention was drawn to a group of people who were seemingly unaffected.

The woman in the red coat seemed a bit shaken, but Harleen added her to the list of suspects. The rock biter, the alien lady and Chloe seemed unaffected as well. Before she could start interrogating, a hand rested on her shoulder and a wave of calm washed over her.
She hadn't felt that relaxed in years, and taking a deep breath she turned towards the alien lady while holstering her gun.
"Okay..." She said "Now does anybody want to tell me what just happened? I'm not looking to hurt anybody, but the person that did this to these people..." She gestured to the room behind her "And to me." She pointed at her chest "They could be dangerous. I have to make sure they don't do that again."

Fran DeArc Fran DeArc @RoxanProoxicus Particle9 Particle9

Markiplier: Rush Valley
Mark didn't have much time to react to the sleeping giant, or to his attacks. However, the moment the two landed in a cart of hay Mark immediately jumped out, dusting himself off.
"I'm not leaving that fat guy to face Gluttony alone!" Mark shouted "We just fucking left him to be some main course!"

Mark groaned as he tried to run, noticing how he'd dislocated his shoulder in the fall. He let out a yell as he pushed it back into place and started to run for the roof again.

Gluttony had a look of shock, perhaps even pain on his fat face as he was launched into the air but he was able to steady himself and charge at the warrior. Despite him being bigger than Gluttony, he was able to pin him against a wall. His mouth opened and he started to snap his teeth, going for the warrior's throat. He was a lot stronger than he looked, putting as much pressure as he could onto the man's arms in an attempt to keep his bat away from the monster's face.

Jason was able to take blow after blow, only slightly slowing down after each hit was delivered. However, speed was his own main disadvantage as the group were able to avoid his blows rather easily. They were trained fighters, many of who had mystical powers.
Jason was kept back from Noodle and the coroner, who he seemed to be going for as his prey. He was focused more so on the coroner, but occasionally he would turn towards Noodle.

As the butcher of Crystal Lake started to march towards the coroner again, he stopped in his tracks as a voice filled the room.

"Mommy is very proud of you, Jason. But now you have to rest. We have so much more work to do. You're my special boy, now come and give mommy a hug."
The voice was soothing, warm and welcoming and it seemed to be all the killer needed to stand down. He tried to walk around the group.

"Thanks." The coroner told the others "You really think..."
A crossbow bolt pieced the coroner's skull, going right through the back of his head and sticking out of his left eye socket
"...It's over."
His body fell to the ground, the shotgun still clutched in his now cold, dead hands. A look of relief was on his sweat-covered and tired face.

Jason's head tilted to the side at the sight of his mother
"Good boy, Jason."

She looked towards Noodle and the Samurai, giving them a wink. As she did so, her eye flashed a different shade, turning from their natural brown to a deep blue. It matched the eye colour of the High Elf woman the two had encountered in the alleyway.
It lasted for a split second, not long enough for the butcher of Crystal Lake to notice but she took extra care to make sure that the group facing her would pay attention.

Morbuskid Morbuskid Sleek Sleek The Omen of Death The Omen of Death

Captain Cold: Metro-Gotham
Snart was preparing another quip in response to Scarecrow, but was thrown completely off-guard as his sister appeared in front of him. The last time Leonard had seen her, it was after leaving her back home. The Time Masters had held her as a bargaining chip and it was before she had been abducted by their father.

He immediately lowered his cold gun and removed his goggles, a look of shock on his face. It quickly turned into relief as a smile grew on his face. He didn't think he'd ever see her again, and he knew that the Vanishing Point was a one way trip.

As Snart saw it, not a lot of men got second chances, but he'd been given a fourth. There had been Barry, although that was mostly due to blackmail, there had been Rip's team and now he was seemingly back from the dead, starting just meters away from his baby sister.

"..L-Lisa?" He stammered


"Hello, brother." She said with a grin
He dropped the cold gun to his side and ran up to her but managed to snap himself back into focus.

"We can talk about this later." He said, returning to his usual demeanor and grabbing Lisa by the arm "We have to get the hell out of this city. Freddy Kruger's releasing nightmares all over the place and I don't think it'll be long before everybody loses their damn minds."

He pointed towards the monster with a buzzsaw for a hand and tugged on Lisa's arm "Do you still have the gun Cisco donated to you?" He asked with a sly half-smile
"Never leave home without it." Lisa replied with a similar smile
"'Atta girl." Snart grinned

He turned towards the others "Well, boys and girls. I must be off. Family emergency. I'm afraid that takes priority over being a hero. Let's just say last time I tried to be the hero, I died...Long story. So my lovely sister and I are getting the hell out of this city."

He turned to leave, tugging on Lisa's arm. The two Snart siblings ran away from the Asylum, with Snart waving back at them.
"All I can say is, good luck."

The two turned down some of the streets surrounding the Asylum, coming across a car.
"The usual, then. I'll hotwire and you keep a lookout..." Snart said
"Leonard!" Lisa snapped "What the hell's going on. You told me you died. Do you mean, you faked your death or..."
"Six feet under, I'm afraid. It's a long story that involves Time Travel...Longer story."

He cocked his head to the side "Oh, screw it."
He walked up to Lisa and wrapped her in his arms. Shock filled her eyes but she eventually hugged him back. There was silence between the two, and for Snart time seemed to slow down. He did not want to let go.

That was when he felt it. The warmth of the embrace quickly turned to an intense heat. Snart opened his eyes to watch Lisa burst into flames, a smile on her face.
"What makes you think you deserve another chance?" She asked with a laugh. As she spoke, the welcoming and soft voice of his sister was being replaced with the gruff and angry voice of his father.

Snart grabbed her, burning one of his hands in the process as the flames consumed his sister. Snart let out an almost animalistic scream in horror and fell to his knees as he clutched part of the charred remains in his hands.

Snart looked up to see two familiar faces. One was of Mick, wearing his Chronos outfit and wielding his flame gun.



With tears in his eyes Snart glared up at the two "Why!?" He screamed
"I told you I'd kill everybody you loved." Chronos replied grimly "You shouldn't have left me...Everything the Time Masters did, everything they put me through. It's all on you."
"But, we saved you. I saved you."
"Saved me? You've never saved anyone, Leonard. You're a thief and a cold-blooded killer. Nothing more."
"Okay, I get you being mad at me, but Lisa was like family to you!" Snart screamed

"Was. Now she's ash." Snart retorted

Leonard jumped to his feet and charged at Chronos, screaming in both rage and agony. He tackled the Time Master's Assassin to the ground, pulled of his helmet and held the Cold Gun to Mick's face.
"Do it." Mick said

Before Leonard could pull the trigger, a hand grabbed him from behind and he was thrown against the car, shattering it's windscreen. He looked up to see a face he thought he'd never see again, or at least he hoped.


"Hello son." He said with a Smirk
"I killed you!" Leonard spat, gritting his teeth and with hatred burning in his eyes
"You died too, and yet...Here we both are." He replied sarcastically

He grabbed Snart by the scruff of his neck and held him up to his face. Leonard, with pure hatred in his viens tore into the side of his father's face, biting a chunk off of his head and spitting it out. Lewis yelled in pain and stepped back, clutching his bloodied ear.

"Right then." He said "Looks like Mr Rory and I are going to have to teach you how to behave."

The blood from the left side of Lewis' face ran along the ground, touching Mick's feet as Chronos stood to his feet. The two began to walk closer and closer together, eventually starting to merge together. With both faces combining into an armoured, shadowy body of fire and gold.

Snart reeled in horror as the creature stood to it's full seven feet, revealing even more faces. Every single inch of the now eight-limbed creature was covered in a face. Snart recognised each one as the faces of men he had killed, as well as the charred remains of Lisa's face.
The black shadowy parts of it's body formed into more of an ooze that shaped various arms. Leonard saw guns, including Lisa's Gold Gun, Mick's Fire Gun and the pistol he had used to put down his father.

Crawling away and reaching for his Cold Gun, Snart stared at the creature with his mouth open and horror in his eyes.

It tossed a large fireball towards him from one of it's clawed hands but Snart was able to roll out of the way just in time. The car behind him was consumed by the flames instead.
Snart stood to his feet and started to run, cursing under his breath.

Phantom Thief of Hearts Phantom Thief of Hearts MainEventMan MainEventMan Fran DeArc Fran DeArc
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Caesar laughed, pleased at the news. As much as he'd love to have a human guinea pig, it would be a waste to use one for this since it would be used on a plant. He'd been rather dismissive of the soldier before, but now she actually had his attention. "Oh? Well I'm glad someone would volunteer to be the first beast soldier here. In fact I've never asked your name, what is it?"

The Mad Queen The Mad Queen
Senshi, Shimazu, and Take: Rush Valley

Take was taken by surprise of this obese creatures strength. As Take hit the wall he let out a grunt, the Monster was focusing on trying to kill him with a bite to the neck. In a step of precaution Take focused into his hyper shield as he began to free his other arm from the monster's grasp, his arm wielding the bat was just under too much force to pull without some equivalent force. The monster successfully got a bite through to Take's neck only for it's jaws to be forced open again, bouncing off the Hyper-Shield, as this was happening Take headbutted the creature, his head was encased in a redish aura as he slammed the forehead of the monster with his own.

It caused the Monster to stumble back and as it happened Take swept the Monster's leg from the front, causing it to fall face down, Take spun slightly to the Right side of the creature, his back turned to it as he sat down on Gluttony. "Nuiriwa. (Weak.)" he said as he sat atop the creature, all of his weight had pinned it in place. The Mad Queen The Mad Queen
Senshi grabbed Mark by the not dislocated shoulder, "He is a Shugoki, he is more than capable of fighting such a creature, his mass is greater than the creature's that I can assure you of, which means he has a fair advantage. If you do not believe me go look." He followed Mark up the side of the building for them to see the Giant of a man sitting atop the once fearful creature.
The Mad Queen The Mad Queen
Shimazu watched the Coroner drop dead, his face was touched with a look of anger, hidden behind his wooden mask. He look towards the old lady whose eyes had changed shade, inquiring that she was not who she seemed to be. Shimazu's eyes were trained on her, he was ready to strike her but at the moment she had seemed to be the only person keeping the undead slasher calm, he kept his guard up.
The Mad Queen The Mad Queen Sleek Sleek The Omen of Death The Omen of Death

Dallas was slightly disturbed by Karla's appearance, she looked like a hellspawn if he had ever seen one. Dallas immediately shook out of it when he heard her speak, quite vulgar for a woman but this is no longer the world he once knew. Dallas tilted his head slightly at her remark. "I wear a gas mask because of an incident that happened in the month of March, we were on watch and most of our guys had their gas masks hung up. It was night, we didn't expect an attack. But it came, gas filled the air, choked them, burned their lungs and the skin of their bodies, I had been sleeping with my gear on, I was lucky. That's why I keep my gasmask on, if you were wondering," Dallas responded loud enough for the two to hear through his muffled voice.
The Mad Queen The Mad Queen Fran DeArc Fran DeArc The Omen of Death The Omen of Death
Asriel turned to face the newcomer, his sabers ready. Even if Jason attacked, Asriel could force him back.
But his softly glowing eyes were filled with worry. This newcomer had power over Jason, but did that mean she had powers to fight them all?

He kept his distance, but motioned for Noodle to get behind him. Asriel figured if it came to a fight he and the other samurai could take Jason long enough for Noodle to get out.
"I've got a bad feeling about this...."

The famous last words
The Mad Queen The Mad Queen The Omen of Death The Omen of Death Morbuskid Morbuskid

Axel just kept grinning
"Well, then why dress like this? What are you gonna fight with, your umbrella?"

He chuckled, trying ti imagine it
"You don't scare me. Cause I know that look, spending time around hollow shells that have one look and then act a different way."
He gestured towards her
"So, what's your name? You're not as quite as bad as a few people I've known"
Fran DeArc Fran DeArc
Josuke Higashikata
New York

Josuke watched as D.Va picked up the civilians and left, thankful that she didn't try to convince him to come with her. She would need someone to keep the symbiotes, as well as their large, beastly leader distracted while she got them to safety. However, he did breathe a sigh of relief when she finally did return. He didn't feel like drowning to death. Josuke was ready for a fight when the abomination appeared...but was surprised when the beast just lumbered off after D.Va had finished taunting him. He smirked when she mentioned this team she was a part of. "As long as it means saving people from those things...you can count me in." He said, combing his slightly disheveled pompadour back into place. He cringed however when she once again referred to him as 'hairgel'. "Josuke." He said quickly, fighting his rage back down into the pit of his stomach. "Call me Josuke. As for how much power I got left?" He balled his hand into a fist, holding it up in a determine fashion. "You don't have to worry."

The Mad Queen The Mad Queen


Batman hung back for now, observing the situation while his allies fought back, doing the best he could to try and factor in the new fighter who had jumped into the fray. Whoever he was, he seemed to be on their side, for now. He gritted his teeth as he watched Captain Cold succumb to Scarecrow's toxin. "SNART!" The Caped Crusader shouted, hoping he would be able to hear him despite being knee deep in his own fears. "THE ANTIDOTE! YOU HAVE TO FIGHT BACK!" He shouted once again, seeing an opening and tossing three exploding batarangs at the creature, each of them hitting their mark blowing up. He drew two more, using his free hand to grapple up to a better vantage point up in the rafters, where he could better observe the battle.

The Mad Queen The Mad Queen
Phantom Thief of Hearts Phantom Thief of Hearts
Fran DeArc Fran DeArc

Ash Williams
New York

"Morrigan...I like it~" He said with a smirk. So far it seemed she really was attracted to him rather than the Necronimicon. Looks like for once his luck was finally changing. But what if the evil came for her and turned her into a Deadite? 'She's a demon already, ain't she?' Ash thought to himself. 'Can demons possess other demons? Question for another time...' He thought to himself as he watched Morrigan create a near perfect copy of herself. "Woah mama..." He muttered in amazement, his mind immediately being flooded with all kinds of deviant fantasies that could be brought to life nnow that he knew that she could create an exact copy of herself. The explosions of the missiles were enough to snap him out of his attraction enduced trance. 'Right...fight time!' He said in his head as he held his chainsaw-hand back up in front of him. "Thank you for shopping at Ass-Whoopins R Us!" He shouted, cutting a symbiote's head clean off with one swift swipe of his chainsaw.

Fran DeArc Fran DeArc
"My name is Komaru Naegi."

"I'm a completely normal high-school girl..."

"...Who lives an abnormal daily life."



A girl in a plain-looking high school uniform sat cross-legged on a chair, reading a magazine as she faced the barred-up window of her apartment's living room. It's not like she could see anything beyond the window, though—the glass was completely opaque. And her door? It was always locked.

For the past three weeks, she had been holed up in this one-bedroom apartment with no form of social interaction. The girl really only had her thoughts to keep her company.

When she started getting hungry a couple of days after waking up in this place, she stumbled upon a massive stockpile of imperishable instant meals and water bottles tucked away in one of the closets—left there just for her, it seemed.

The black-haired girl took a good swig of water, about a quarter of the bottle. Her thoughts went back to the time she discovered the rations that were left for her here...and how years worth of memories came flooding back to her because of that. At the time, she was overwhelmed by these sudden memories and tried to sleep them off that night, but to no avail. She woke up with heavy eyes, having only gotten a few hours of sleep. And when she was out of bed that morning...it didn't feel like she had been captive here for a few weeks. It had felt like she had been imprisoned for years instead.

Ever since she had finally recovered from all of that sudden memory recall, she honestly thought that having all of that experience under her belt now had put her more at peace than before. She had actually gotten used to these conditions, and she even had her own kind of daily routine, despite her entire life being limited to walking around in two rooms. Isn't it frightening how quickly humans can adapt to their circumstances?

Komaru set her wattle bottle down on the table and walked toward the locked front door of her apartment-style prison cell.

She stretched her arms and legs a bit, and then began to take action once more. She ran towards the door, attempting to take it down with the impact of her whole body. After that failed and she felt her shoulder start hurting a bunch, Komaru started pounding at the door with her balled-up fist, screaming in between strikes to cause as much noise as possible.

"HEY! Open...up...won't you?!"

"Let. Me. OUT already!"

"Are you even listening to me?!"

"I know you're out there!!"

"I'll knock this door down one day! You'll see!"

Truthfully, Komaru already knew that doing all of this was a total waste of time. Why was she doing this in the first place she knew how useless it was, then? At this point, screaming for release from this apartment was as much a part of her morning routine as brushing her teeth or reading something by the window was.

Komaru backed up from the door with mild disappointment, rubbing her aching shoulder tenderly as she did so. Now that her daily plea for help was off her to-do list, she had to figure out something to do to entertain herself...

She brought a finger to her chin. While she had always wondered what the outside world was like, it was also true that she had come to accept her new life of solitary confinement, however hopeless that may sound.

Whenever Komaru tried to remember things about her life right before waking up here, it hurt to think about. She had always looked fondly back on her memories of living with her parents and her brother, Makoto, as she grew up, and she thanked whatever stroke of luck that had left those precious childhood memories of hers intact. It had only been just recently, when she discovered her lifetime supply of rations, that Komaru learned to recall things about her past that happened when she was 14-to-16 years old. Shockingly, all of her life from then until now had been spent in an apartment eerily similar to this one. That was what shocked her the most at the time—the fact that she could never get those one-and-a-half years of her life back. She'd wasted them...just being stuck in a stupid place like this. That shock later led to a deep, cold sense of sadness that just wouldn't leave her alone for days on end. Even now that she had since calmed down, she couldn't stop thinking about the idea of seeing her family back home again, and it was slowly going to drive her crazy...

...And yet, she had completely accepted the gruesome possibility that she might be stuck here forever.

Komaru shook her head.

"Jeez...there's no use thinking about stuff you can't change. Right, Komaru?" She said in an awkward attempt at comforting herself. What else was she supposed to do but talk to herself, after all?

"Oh well. Back to reading, I guess."
She said with a half-smile as she turned away from the door.

Phantom Thief of Hearts Phantom Thief of Hearts


Marco dragged a huge load of bags with him as he made his way to a portal with Star waiting for him.

"Uh, Marco..." Star tilted her head then pointed her wand at the bags, "What's all of that?"

Marco wiped his forehead of sweat and answered, "Oh these are our supplies for when we get to IaTowa! You can never be too careful!" he said before he dug his hand into the pile of bags to pull out a jug of water, "I brought water and snacks to last us the whole trip!"

"Why?" Star asked as she was unsure why Marco need to do this.

"Well, IaTowa's a Robot City and I'm pretty sure I can't drink Energon or whatever they call it..." Marco explained, "And as your squire it's my job to keep you safe!"

Star blasted the pile of bags with her wand which caused it to turn into hoards of butterflies that all flew away.

"HEY! OUR FOOD SUPPLY!" Marco panicked as he looked at the butterflies that flew off to the distance.

"Don't worry, Marco," Star reassured her friend, "We're going to be staying at the human district where they eat people food... And Gladius 2 is like a Utopia planet... We got nothing to worry about."

Marco nervously chuckled, "Oh, yeah... I forgot..."

Star's mother, Queen Moon walked up to the pair.

"Star you know you don't have to do this," Queen Moon said.

"Well you're busy with Eclipsa's trial and the whole trying to get the Pigeon kingdom to not plan attacks on Norh thing... So I think it's only fair if I should do your meeting with the IaTowa High Council," Star said, "I mean if I'm gonna be queen, I gotta learn how to do the politics stuff."

"Well... I suppose you are right..." Moon muttered.

"Bye, Mom and wish me luck!" Star said as she and Marco prepared to enter the portal.

Before Star and Marco could enter the portal, Queen Moon waved her daughter off, "Do be careful, dear! And remember what I told you!"

Star turned her back and synced her lips to her mother's warning in a mocking way, "Don't ever trust a Starscream!"

"I get it mom..." Star sighed.

Star turned back to face her mom and waved her goodbye, "Don't worry, mom... I mean you said the same thing about Eclispa and she's doing fine!"

Moon glared at her daughter for the comment about Eclipsa

"Uh... Bye!" Star said as she and Marco both entered the portal to IaTowa.

A Loud Banging was heard from Komaru's apartment door.
Count Gensokyo Count Gensokyo
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The young merchant tapped her chin as she began to think what her customer can do as payment, then suddenly a small group of lost appeared and started banging at the door.
"You could keep the is bar safe while I think of something," Anna said as she reached her sword from behind the counter.
Thepotatogod Thepotatogod
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A Loud Banging was heard from Komaru's apartment door.

As Komaru turned her head, she suddenly froze in place.

"Is this the answer to my prayers?!" Komaru blurted out loud as she carelessly stumbled forward into the door.

"Help! HELP!! Please, open the door! I've been trapped in here for weeks!"

Komaru rapidly slammed her open palm against the door as if the fate of her life hinged on how hard she could hit it—like this was the only chance she had for the rest of her life to escape this place and live as someone free again.

Phantom Thief of Hearts Phantom Thief of Hearts

As Komaru turned her head, she suddenly froze in place.

"Is this the answer to my prayers?!" Komaru blurted out loud as she carelessly stumbled forward into the door.

"Help! HELP!! Please, open the door! I've been trapped in here for weeks!"

Komaru rapidly slammed her open palm against the door as if the fate of her life hinged on how hard she could hit it—like this was the only chance she had for the rest of her life to escape this place and live as someone free again.

Phantom Thief of Hearts Phantom Thief of Hearts


Suddenly three large claws pierced through the door and tore it open.
Then from the darkness from behind the door way came forth a red light.

"Pupupu," laughed the bear as it slowly made its way towards the ordinary, normal and dull girl.

Count Gensokyo Count Gensokyo

Suddenly three large claws pierced through the door and tore it open.
Then from the darkness from behind the door way came forth a red light.

"Pupupu," laughed the bear as it slowly made its way towards the ordinary, normal and dull girl.

Count Gensokyo Count Gensokyo


Komaru yelped and fell back as she witnessed the door suddenly tear apart in a cacophony of shredding noises. A red light gleamed from the other side of the dark hole as an inhuman figure stepped through. Komaru thought she would've been thankful in a moment like this, but as she watched the machine...

...As the nightmarish teddy bear came closer to her, Komaru couldn't shake the urge to move her legs and flee from it. In a subconscious decision, Komaru hurried back into her bedroom, trying to close and lock the door between the two rooms behind her in an effort to buy some more time.

Phantom Thief of Hearts Phantom Thief of Hearts
~? ? ?, Nyx's Seal~
The Seal of Nyx had been standing for several years now. It has almost been a decade, he believes, since he sacrificed his soul to lock a giant door that bars the path between mankind's desire for death and Nyx himself. The Seal's been dead for a long time, and trust me, it's not gonna come of any soon. Just as he was doing his usual door stuff, he noticed strong gusts of wind coming from inside and outside the door, shaking the door he's on rapidly. He thought that it was just a short ride but he thought wrong. All of a sudden, the wind stopped. The sound of a door rattling faded as he felt a warm glow in his stomach, and a faint voice in his head.

'Remember that you are mortal.' The voice spoke as he suddenly began to see light. 'The Seal of Nyx has been broken. The end of worlds has begun. Your time is uncertain.' The light soon devours his entire vision, blinding him as a quiet voice whispers in his ear. 'Memento Mori...'

Minato Arisato
Phantom Thief of Hearts Phantom Thief of Hearts

The light soon fades, revealing a brown ceiling and a plain looking light above him. The floor seemed to be rough enough to be something made out of leather, a carpet, perhaps? Wait...How is he able to feel this anyway?

"What...?" Minato muttered, regaining the ability to speak. He let out a surprise gasp as he looked at his hand as he raised it; he regained his senses...Somehow. Without a word, he stood up, shoving his hands on his pockets once more. Quite a nostalgic sensation, to be honest. As he does so, he felt a hard metal resting near his pockets; a familiar gun-shaped object resting on a holster of somekind. Pulling it out, Minato seems to have his Evoker on him...Somehow. Does one's personal belongings return to them when they come back from the dead? That's mystery for another time.

Minato looked around the room; it looks a bit empty, but filled with necessary items. A bed, some chairs, a table, a kitchen, a clock, a mirror, even a rack filled with cliche looking magazines on it. He can't help but wonder who brought him here...Or what brought him here. That voice mentioned something about Nyx being free again, meaning that Tartarus should be up again...Somewhere. He sighs, walking over to the mirror.

Minato appears to be the same as he had always been. Short, blue hair covering one eye like an emo, black open suit, white polo, red armband, gun and belt, and a pair of blue headphones. It's nice that he still has his music to listen to.

"Where is this...?" Minato muttered, walking towards the apartment door to wander around for a bit.

klick klack!

The door appears to be locked. Clearly shown by the sounds it made when he tried to open it...Why is it locked though?

"Hello?" Minato asked, knocking on the door three times. "Anyone there?"

No answer. Not even a single whisper.

"Whatever." Minato sighed, turning around to spot a window towards the other building, there was a window too, but it looks like nothing can be seen there. It's completely opaque. Now what can he do...?

He took his headphones and plugged it on his ears, soon clicking a button on his MP3 that was hung like a necklace to play a single song.

Penny Polendina
Phantom Thief of Hearts Phantom Thief of Hearts

Penny finds herself in an alleyway of sorts, different from what she has experienced thus far; which was crashing from a plane where Vortex was...Perhaps this is where she flung into? With that thought in mind, she stood up from the pile of trash she was on, with some scrap lying ontop of her head and went out of the alley, only to be greeted with a strange sight.

"What in the world...?" Penny gasped in awe as she spots robots; varying in shapes and sizes, walking around this mechanical looking city. The infrastructure seems far too futuristic to be that of remnant, and she doesn't recall seeing giant neon lights everywhere either...Just where is this?

Anna( Phantom Thief of Hearts Phantom Thief of Hearts )

"Roger." Stella responded as she grabbed her cannon, aiming it at the door where the banging was. The tip of the cannon began to glow, as blue energy began to converge and grow on it. She pulled the trigger, the shot bursting through the door along with several rotten looking humans...No, they look different than a normal human. Soon enough, a few of these 'humans' began to enter through the broken down door, with Stella aligning herself at the door with a light hop, she began to pelt the incoming humans with burning rocks, which appeared to be blue. As she took down more and more of the Lost, smoke began to emit from her body, causing her to stop. Before she could do any more damage, she has to cool down, knowing that firing consecutively for a continuous amount of time would cause her to overheat...
Locking the door did not help the young and boring girl... The Monokuma's claws tore through the door.
"PUPUPUPUPU!" The Monokuma laughed as it slowly approached the girl.

Count Gensokyo Count Gensokyo


The door of the apartment room was unlocked as it slowly creaked open, to reveal.

"What?! What are you doing here? This Room's reserved for the Bowman -- <FZZZT> -- Crewman -- <FZZZT> -- Mewman Ambassador!" the Robot spoke to the strange blue haired humanoid.
Thepotatogod Thepotatogod
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"Oh don't think I'd forget about you, Batman..." Scarecrow's voice rang inside Batman's mind.

The Guardian quickly turned its attention to Batman after it backhanded Sebastian aside.

"I hope you have fun, with this one," Scarecrow's voice spoke as the Guardian giggled as it raised its Buzz-saw over Batman.
MainEventMan MainEventMan The Mad Queen The Mad Queen Fran DeArc Fran DeArc


"Ready to get gouged?" Anna said as she slashed at one of the Lost with enough force to kill it.
Anna then realized she probably should check up on how Stella is handling herself, these monsters were a handful for Anna, after all.
Stella's attack mowed through the Lost quickly much to the awe and shock of Anna.
"Well, I think I know what you can do for me," Anna said with a smile
Thepotatogod Thepotatogod
~laTowa : Side Despair~
-Minato Arisato-
Orange Machine( Phantom Thief of Hearts Phantom Thief of Hearts )

"Hmm?" Minato turned to the sound of the door opening, uplugging one of his headphones off his ear. It appears to be a machine of some sort, looks human, but not at the same time. It even has tires and all. It...No, he? He mentioned something about an Ambassador, and the room he's in being reserved for them. It explains why the kitchen looked so...Elegant. "Sorry. I didn't know how I got here." He apologized in a blunt manner, expressing his concern on his current location. "If you don't mind, do you know the current time and date?" He asked curiously as he walked towards the orange machine...

Anna( Phantom Thief of Hearts Phantom Thief of Hearts )

Stella lowered her weapon when she saw that the strange looking humans were no more, only corpses laying on the bar's interior and exterior grounds. Just as she does so, she cooled down.

With the notion of the barkeep saying that she knows what she has to do, Stella holstered her cannon behind her once more, and turned to the barkeep with a curious look...
"It's the 23rd of December and the time is 5:41 PM," Fixit explained, "I know this because I looked at the flock --<FZZZT>-- Luck <FZZZT>-- Clock!" the robot then pointed at a digital clock that was right behind the human.

Suddenly another robot walked over to Fixit from behind and whisper something into his ear.
"What you mean Queen Moon had to cancel!" Fixit exclaimed in shock.

"Hurry, hurry, hurry! The greatest deals in all of IaTowa City can only be found at Swindle, Swindle and Swindle! Need a hand? Or a leg up? At Swindle, Swindle and Swindle, your entire exo-frame can get that upgrade you always wanted, at the lowest prices imaginable! Got an itch under that ID bolt you just can't scratch? Swindle, Swindle and Swindle can help you reach those hard-to-get areas!" an ad played for a shop that's relatively close to where Penny is at the moment.
Thepotatogod Thepotatogod
~laTowa : Despair Side~
Minato Arisato
Fixit( Phantom Thief of Hearts Phantom Thief of Hearts )

'No sign of a year...' Minato rubbed his chin, nodding in response. Soon enough, another robot went behind the orange robot and whispered something, causing him to mention something about a Queen cancelling her trip or something.

"'Queen Moon'?" Minato asked in a fit of curiosity. "What's the occasion?" He asked, demanding to know what's happening.

-Penny Polendina-
Swindle x3 Shop!( Phantom Thief of Hearts Phantom Thief of Hearts )

As Penny begins to wander around, she begins to hear a silly little ad with various repeating words. Mainly, 'Swindle'. Apparently owned by Mr. Swindle, Swindle and Swindle...Odd name for three people. Perhaps they could tell her where she is. With a short gulp, she heads for the shop, not knowing what to expect...

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