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Fandom What Remains: End of the Multiverse

Tophat, The Wasteland, Gladius III
After quite a while of walking and mumbling from the archers, Tophat finally spotted the first sign of civilization since he came to this new world, a worn down gas station clearly on the verge of collapsing. "Go find out if they have maps. Now!" He barked his order out to his followers and they complied with minimal complaints. With them out of the way, Tophat was now free to investigate what had really interested him.

A sharp dressed being with nice shoes stood before the gas station. It was shaped like a man, a man Tophat had encountered once in the past, but it was something more than that. No matter how hard he watched, he just couldn't unravel the secrets behind him. It was as if something from beyond the realm of mortals had touched him, or took his place. "The actor, no, the artist has changed in this world." Approaching from behind the hideous, ape-like station attendant, Tophat waited in silence. Surely the artist, or whatever strange being that took his shape, would be able to recognize what Tophat was.

Meanwhile in the gas station, the three archers bumbled their way through the aisles in search of a map for their dark lord.
"Do. You. See. A map?"
"No. But I. Found. Chips."
"Chips. Now. Map. Later."
Despite their utter devotion to Tophat, they were easily distracted and prone to unnecessary, in Tophat's opinion at least, snack breaks. After having their fill of stale chips and flat soda, they continued the search.

FistOfTheBorkStar FistOfTheBorkStar
Victor Zsasz
Mega-Gotham, Gladius-III

Victor notice Harleen clenching her first after he said that she looks like one of those radical cultists of Jerome although he was confused why she would do such fist when Harleen isn't even from Victor's world.

"You take it seriously, life is precious, be happy, if you value life." He'd grin a bit as he'd shake his head.

And then Harleen stated that this so called Joker Clan is a bunch of loonies which made Victor confused.

"What's a Joker Clan? I'm talking about the Cult of Jerome, Quinn. Quinn, right?" He'd ask as he wants the confirmation of the clown lady's name. He just stayed in his position as Harleen marched forward.

Jim Gordon and Evil Sandrino
Shaqafat's Shack, Seoul-Don, Gladius-I

Jim nods as the female kid was handed to the authorities as what Douglas said. He then shift his attention back to the man that looks like Sandrino but looks more sinister than the original Sandrino who was temporarily freezed by the evil counterpart. He eyed the originals Sandrino who freezed just right in the corner for a moment and shift his attention back to the evil counterpart. He was ready to use his powers just in case the evil counterpart decides to attack.


"Is this the reason why we are here because our universe got destroyed and transfer to here?" The evil Sandrino wasn't impressed but he just nod to Ginny.

Meanwhile, the man who smell like a werewolf began to have a negotiate with himas he threw up his hands.

"Sure, I will answer your question, wolf. So, what's the question?" the evil counterpart began to listen to Douglas as he shows his fangs to the three individuals although his stance wasn't aggressive, he was just showing off his fangs.

The Mad Queen The Mad Queen Eliasdagood Eliasdagood
Last edited:
Gladius-III Mos Eisley

Ridley heard the tiefling say

"Just five more minutes. The world won't end in that time"

Ridley smiled and said to himself

"It's time to show this place who's the new boss then"

Ridley stood up to full height, spotted a fairly large building, opened his mouth and charged what was presumably a fire ball, the ball grew in size rapidly and then with a loud terrifying shriek a beam of plasma streamed fourth from Ridley's mouth and hit it's intended target, the building blew up in a horrific display of flames and smoke, Ridley said

"This space port now belongs to lord Ridley, any who have a problem with this step forward"

The cantina owner and a few others armed themselves and began a fire fight with Ridley, fire and plasma bolts soaring through the air, Ridley started to show signs of damage, the resisting people and aliens felt spirit's rise, to which one of the resisting residents shouted

"Keep it up people keep it up!"

Ridley began to get annoyed at the resistance and lashed out, the ensuing combat took some buildings with it and the chaos was more than enough to put a smirk on Ridley's face, after crushing, impaling, burning and eating the rest of the resisting people and aliens Ridley looked over the chaos, the cantina was untouched thankfully, after the fire fight was resolved Ridley said

"Would anyone else like to try?"

The silence echoed through out mos eisley

The Mad Queen The Mad Queen
Venkman: The Western Graveyard (Gladius-III)
Brian vanished as he entered the Twilight, and Venkman sat next to Namorae. He tried to act natural, just in case whoever was watching them would react to sudden movements.
"So, who taught you to play?" He asked
Eliasdagood Eliasdagood
Markiplier: Latveria (Gladius-I)
Mark shook his head, a sympathetic look on his face "I've seen teens here, but none of them seemed lost. Probably just Latverians."
Giving her a reassuring smile, Mark started to speak again "But, if some new people came through I know where we might be able to look."

Her friends could have been on one of the other planets for all he knew, but looking in Latveria would be a good place to start.
His other mission could wait.
Harleen Quinzel: Mega-Gotham One (Gladius-III)
"Jerome, Mister J, The Joker...That monster has a few names. I'm in Mega-Gotham trying to stop 'em."
"The Joker's been dead for years, Quinn." The senior Judge cut in "You've been wasting your time. Those lunatics who wear his face worship him as a martyr. We don't need vigilantes like you. You cause trouble and you fight against the Judges trying to bring the law into your own hands."
"Alright, I get it." Harleen sighed, rolling her eyes "Just take me in."

One of the Judges cuffed her. The cuffs lit up upon locking, with a beam of electricity flowing through them.
"You try to get those off without a Judge's authorisation and they deliver a painful shock. You somehow get them off and they explode." The Senior explained

With Harleen cuffed, the Judges turned towards victor and the other criminals.
Rysesaka Rysesaka

Douglas Ken: Seoul-Don (Gladius-I)
Douglas smirked "Alright, arsehole. Have you killed anyone recently? Looks to me like you have. Have you killed since you got here?"
If he caught the killer in his first few years of the investigation, he'd be in the good books of the government for years to come. Currently, Imperial seemed like the only logical suspect but, the Trap Streets were a lot larger than many people realised. Perhaps this Vampire could at least point him in the right direction, if he wasn't the killer himself?
It was worth a shot.
The Sole Survivor: The Wasteland, Gladius-III
With Maria agreeing to his terms, Harry smiled at the group before he started to lead them towards Diamond City. He started to fiddle with his Pip-Boy, locking onto the Diamond City radio station and tuning in.

Cait could only roll her eyes as the Sole Survivor started to lead the way, a grin on his face.
"CJ, Tax. They got music like this where you come from?" He asked "Maria, if you're a Vault-Dweller, you've probably heard tracks like this, right?"
He wasn't sure what to ask Bjornson about the music, considering how strange he seemed. He was still going to ask him about the sword, when he got the chance but for now his eyes were on the road.

Donder172 Donder172 ChazGhost ChazGhost Morbuskid Morbuskid [/QUOTE]

Taako (From TV): GravityVale, Gladius-II
The first step was the gift shop, but like a true master of his trade, Soos skipped that. It would come later, after his guests had been drawn by the other items of the Shack.
The first item was a piece of wreckage from what appeared to be a yellow helicopter. The symbol of an S was on it.
"Ah, here lies the all that remains of a wicked and evil cult known as StrexCorp." Soos announced proudly "Look closely, my Doods.

As Soos expected the three of them to take pictures, the door of the Mystery Shack swung open and a soaking wet Toby Determined stood in the doorway.
"Hey dood, you can't come in here like that. You'll get the merchandise wet." Soos called over

Freshet Freshet thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore

The Spartan looked up and around as her motion sensor flared up like a Christmas tree. Something didn't seem right. These people... were oddly ceremonial in their attire. The eliminated the first conclusion: they weren't Covenant. Nor did they appear to possess Insurrectionist weaponry or armor for that matter. Elizabeth had to speak louder than she was used to in order to address the man who questioned her. "Spartan One-One-Five, Gamma Company, United Nation's Space Command NAVSPECWAR Group Two." The woman didn't dare try and pull anything; this army clearly outgunned her by a longshot. She stood in place and awaited her verdict, all the while with Hailey attempting to access any trace of a network to gain locational information. The Mad Queen The Mad Queen

"United Nations?" One of the soldiers asked "Did you fall from a GDF ship?"
While the soldier questioned her, he had a cautious look on his face while the others held back, aside from one of the medics. He was a young Wakandan man, with short hair.
"My name is Igwe." He introduced himself, showing a hand to Elizabeth to show he wasn't a threat "Are you injured."
The Spartan relaxed her stance, stepping forward slowly and extending her right hand to shake his firmly, but comfortably. It would be an odd sensation as if there was a millimeter of frictionless surface preventing their hands from actually making contact. Elizabeth spoke up again. "I don't know what GDF is, Sir. United Nations Space Command, part of the United Earth Government... I come from the year 2552." She explained, hoping that would at least clear up the confusion on their end. She could feel the blatant distrust of the others, but Igwe trusted her to take the initiative. Hopefully, she could repay that in kind, wherever she was. The Mad Queen The Mad Queen
Victor Zsasz
Mega-Gotham, Gladius-III

Finally, Victor now knows the name of this kind of Gotham. Mega-Gotham. Although Victor was so confused about what Harleen said that Jerome, Mister J, and this so-called the Joker are the same man. Jerome was already dead but Jeremiah; colloquially known as Mister J was more sadistic and more intelligent than his twin brother Jerome. As for the Joker, Victor can't seem to think of a person who uses that kind of alias. Victor then listened to their conversation, staying silent as he glare to the scene like the usual Victor Zsasz.

Victor really wanted to escape by blasting these Judges with another sticky bomb but he decides not to as he doesn't want to further tally his skin, at least he killed five people. Victor felt relieved as he was free from his desire. Victor insisted himself to be cuffed since he has no other choice anyway.

Carl Johnson
The Wasteland, Gladius-III

After that long conversation, Harry finally lead these Brotherhood of Steel and the others to this "Diamond City" which CJ was part of. As Harry began to put a music, CJ shakes his head, implying that he didn't like the music since it is so old as fuck and then Harry asked CJ if they have this kind of music back from his world.

"No offense, Harry, but yo music is shit! It's so old as fuck like yo music is in the 50s or sum shi'." CJ continued, "If chu' a local from dis world, does this mean that we're in the year fuckin' 2000?! Then these Russians destroyed our country? I mean-.. THIS WORLD?! Damn!"

ChazGhost ChazGhost Donder172 Donder172 Morbuskid Morbuskid

Jim Gordon and Evil Sandrino


As the wolf began to insult Sandrino's evil counterpart, he teleported in front of Douglas as small its of black fiery began to appear from his body.

"Watch your mouth you Western filth. You need to turn down your judgemental attitude because it can kill you. Me and my other self over there." He pointed the original Sandrino who was temporarily freezed by him.

"Just got here, you understand me? And why would I kill a person? Do I look like I'm a monster that kills for fun?" The evil counterpart moves closer to Douglas, invading his personal space, "Don't be so hypocrite, wolf, because your kind also kills mortals for fun."


Jim heard everything from what this demonic like individual have said. Despite the fact that Jim doesn't trust the evil counterpart, his diction was there which Jim somehow believes that what this man said was true.

"I don't trust this man but I don't think he's the killer. Do we have the description of this killer already?" Jim asked Douglas.

"Now this man that smells disease has a brain! Unlike your werewolf buddy here. We need people with common sense like you." the evil counterpart replied as he back away from Douglas a bit.

Jim just shakes his head but all he have to do is to wait for Douglas' reply.

The Mad Queen The Mad Queen Eliasdagood Eliasdagood
Tax Scalin/The Dragonborn, The Wasteland, Gladius-III

Tax looked at the new arrival to the group and smiled. The man remind him a little bit of home. Then the sole survivor confirmed his guess of being another world, Tax was thinking of asking him more questions but decide to wait until they got to diamond city. Soon after they began heading to city. As they did Tax noticed the sole survivor messing with some device on his arm when music started coming out of it. Tax blinked a few times in confusion of were the sound was coming from at first before he figured out it was coming from the device. Tax was about to ask how the device was doing this when he was asked if he had music like this back home. "I've heard many bard play their songs but not anything like this one... Also how is the music coming from the that device?" Tax said after CJ said his peace, with Tax still not sure what he was saying.
Rysesaka Rysesaka Donder172 Donder172 Morbuskid Morbuskid The Mad Queen The Mad Queen
Shafaqat: Seoul-Don, Gladius I
Shafaqat hisses softly as Sandrino’s counterpart gets close to Douglas, more than prepared to attack if she believes the perceived human is in danger. She doesn’t necessarily like humans, but Douglas seems alright, and if he dies after coming into the street, it could be the end of this tenuous peace.

Thankfully, Jim intervenes in time to distract the vampire. Shafaqat looks at the frozen Sandrino, sighing. “Any chance you could let him go so we can all talk about this?” She asks, irritated.

The Mad Queen The Mad Queen Rysesaka Rysesaka

Namorae: The Western Graveyard, Gladius III
Namorae smiles, taking the flute from her lips to answer him. “I taught myself. Carved this myself as well.” She says, looking proudly at the flute in her hands. She’s a bit nervous about the personal questions, but she’s pleased that thusfar, he’s neglected to ask her for her name. It can be hard to keep all the identities straight sometimes.

Kiara: Latveria, Gladius I
Kiara sighs, trying to manage her nerves. “Thank you.” She says softly. “Where do we look? If they’re anything like me, they’re going to be terrified right about now. If any of the Ares kids made it, they might even try attacking someone if they feel threatened. We need to find them.”​
Karla/Khanfusio: Mos Eisley, Gladius-III
Karla bit her lip.
"Just hope that my broker wasn't caught in that." She muttered, watching the carnage. Though some of Gunther's words, and with a look at a few of the destroyed buildings that lay before her, an idea burnt like a small flame behind the Tiefling's eyes.
Ridley would continue to fight against the bounty hunters, pirates and smugglers until either he, or everyone in spaceport was dead. She couldn't risk her only lead getting killed in the carnage, and it was only a matter of time before the residents formed a counter-attack.

"Hey!" She called up to Ridley "I appreciate all this fire and explosions, but...In a few months, weeks...Fuck, maybe even days it'll all be for nothing."
"Karla, please be careful."

She ignored Gunther and kept on talking "There's something in the far north of this planet. Something big and like, world-ending. I need to find out what it is, and the only person who knows lives in this place."
She shook her head "Let's just hope, pirate to pirate she wasn't in that group you just blew up. They'll be no plunder for anyone in that case."

Vermin King Vermin King GearBlade654 GearBlade654

The Spartan relaxed her stance, stepping forward slowly and extending her right hand to shake his firmly, but comfortably. It would be an odd sensation as if there was a millimeter of frictionless surface preventing their hands from actually making contact. Elizabeth spoke up again. "I don't know what GDF is, Sir. United Nations Space Command, part of the United Earth Government... I come from the year 2552." She explained, hoping that would at least clear up the confusion on their end. She could feel the blatant distrust of the others, but Igwe trusted her to take the initiative. Hopefully, she could repay that in kind, wherever she was. The Mad Queen The Mad Queen

"Gladius Defence Fleet. A big naval instillation above the nearest planet." He explained. Turning towards his fellow soldiers, he started to speak again "I believe this woman is an outworlder."
"It's okay." Igwe took another step "I just need to ask you a question...Did you see a flash of blue light before you fell here?"

Harleen Quinzel: Mega-Gotham One (Gladius-III)
Harleen, Victor and the remaining robbers were escorted towards two heavily-armoured vehicles. They were similar to a police armoured car, but lacked tyres. These were replaced with a hovering device. The robbers were pushed into the back of one first, with Harleen and Victor following along in the second one. The doors were shut behind them and the car started to move, taking off to fly in the skies above Mega-Gotham One.

She looked to Victor and rolled her eyes "Prison ain't gonna be easy on either of us, but I guess you gotta prepare yourself now. 'Cause all it will take is that guard living or the Judges looking at the security footage for them to get ya."

Rysesaka Rysesaka
Douglas Ken: Seoul-Don (Gladius-I)
Douglas chuckled at Imperial's words "A Werewolf? You might want to check again. Has immortality rotted your brain? I didn't realise you Vampire types could develop something like Alzheimer's."
He reached into one of the pockets of his jacket and pulled out a glasses case. Opening it revealed a silver tableknife.
"I keep this around just in case I ever run into those things. If I ever get grabbed, maybe I can pull a quick one and stick in through the throat. Or eye. Whichever gets them to let go quicker."

He smiled as he took the handle of the blade. It burned like he had stuck his hand straight into a furnace, but Douglas did not let go. He showed no signs of pain on his face. He twirled it before putting it back in the glasses case and pocketing it.
"Now, if I was a wolf. As you think. That would have burnt right through my skin. I'd be on the ground screaming like the animals those things are right now."

Pocketing his hand clean hand, he did not allow anyone to see it twitch violently from the pain.
"Now, can we move on? Let's face it." He smirked again, shaking his head "I've seen your type killing people for fun. You like to lure them back to your homes and drink 'em dry. But then..."

He pointed to himself using both hands "I mean, are we humans any better? Look at the wars we've started for fun. World War I was just a bunch of inbred cousins playing a big game of chess with human lives...And that led to World War II, and well...Fuck. Both our kinds are shit. Vampires are just humans with an extra taste for blood and a bit of immortality thrown in. And if you live long enough, you develop an enormous ego. It's just like humans who have a lot of money."

Shrugging again, he placed his second hand into his pocket "Alright maybe you're not the killer I'm looking for in particular. You seem like the type who either hides a body or gets some younger Vampire to do it for you...But, maybe you know a Vampire or a Werewolf around here who is the killer I'm looking for. The kind who's intentionally trying to start a war with humanity that'll get a lot of people killed."

The Sole Survivor: The Wasteland, Gladius-III
"It wasn't just the Russians." Harry replied, grimly "The Chinese invaded Alaska because they ran out of oil like the rest of the planet, and then we invaded them...A few months later, the entire world was on fire. I don't know who fired the first nuke, and to be honest I don't care."
He pointed to the world around them "This is the result. That's all that matters."

With a heavy sigh, he turned back to Tax and raised his Pip-Boy "It's called a radio. Though I assume, that word means nothing to you. There's a lot of technology on this planet you won't be used to that I've seen for as long as I can remember. Adapting isn't going to be easy, but it won't be impossible."

Cait stepped towards Tax "He's telling the truth, dear. He was frozen in an underground vault before the bombs fell. 'Is biggest challenge before being thawed was probably lookin' for good parkin' space."
"Well." He smiled "She's not wrong."

Donder172 Donder172 ChazGhost ChazGhost Morbuskid Morbuskid
Venkman: The Western Graveyard (Gladius-III)
"Completely self-taught?" Venkman asked
He was never really any good with small talk, and he could tell that the Elf girl was keeping something from him. But, he could tell she was only in the Graveyard to help the dead, so decided not to press it. There were too few, even among the Mages that wanted to help ghosts so he didn't want to scare her off.

Brian reappeared in front of the two. He held up five fingers and then pointed to his eyes.
"There's a problem, though." He sighed "One of them saw me?"
"How?" Venkman shook his head "You stuck the Twilight, right?"
"She still saw me. She looked right at me, smiled and said my name."
"Is she another Mage?" Venkman asked
"Maybe. She wants to talk."

Eliasdagood Eliasdagood
Markiplier: Latveria (Gladius-I)
"We start at the police station. They sometimes get reports when people are transported here, so it's the best place to start if we're gonna find your friends. Now, I don't want to frighten you but they will probably ask you some questions. Are you ready for that?"

The Operator, Gladius IV
Ah... whew. Jeremy made it. The creatures appear to be stuck to the water-
Oh, you have to be kidding me. Cori and John both are reporting new life forms. 4 clicks east of their position.
I have John turn east, while Cori remains still. I consult the console, reading Cori's motion scanner. Where are these things headed?
I soon realize that, in my initial panic, I failed to check the console for my next course of action. Best do it now while things are as calm as is.
I consult the console for the ideal next course of action.
The Mad Queen The Mad Queen

The life-forms appeared to be moving in the direction of the drones, with one in particular slightly moving ahead of the others. The ones by the water remained where they were, and the plantlife attached to the hull of the crashed ship only made some slight movements.
Suddenly, the closer life-form started to move rapidly towards Cori's position.
The Spartan nodded. "Yes, I did. I was on Reach when The Covenant began glassing the planet. As soon as the light enveloped me, I believed that was it. Then I woke up here." She explained. All the while, Hailey whispered inside her helmet.
"Security is unlike anything I've ever seen. Cracking it would trip multiple alarms. We're on our own, Elizabeth." The Spartan sighed, looking to Igwe once more. "Where are we?" It was a bizarre question, seeing as she was the only known anomaly in the area. The Mad Queen The Mad Queen
The Sole Survivor: The Wasteland, Gladius-III
With Maria agreeing to his terms, Harry smiled at the group before he started to lead them towards Diamond City. He started to fiddle with his Pip-Boy, locking onto the Diamond City radio station and tuning in.

Cait could only roll her eyes as the Sole Survivor started to lead the way, a grin on his face.
"CJ, Tax. They got music like this where you come from?" He asked "Maria, if you're a Vault-Dweller, you've probably heard tracks like this, right?"
He wasn't sure what to ask Bjornson about the music, considering how strange he seemed. He was still going to ask him about the sword, when he got the chance but for now his eyes were on the road.

@Donder172 @ChazGhost @Morbuskid
"Not this one, no. We didn't really listen to the radio in 101. Instead, I found one when I got outside. It's also the only one left that wasn't propaganda. Radio GNR with Three Dog. Without a doubt the radio host in the Wasteland." Maria answered with a grin of her own before looking at her own Pip-Boy and locked her radio to GNR. Thanks to Mothership Zeta, she did have some connection with Radio GNR, but it wasn't the best. She does try to tune the signal to the most optimal strength. Having just missed the news. "This is the Ink Spots, with their timeless classic, "I Don't Want to Set the World on Fire"." was heard just audible from the radio.

Carl Johnson
The Wasteland, Gladius-III

After that long conversation, Harry finally lead these Brotherhood of Steel and the others to this "Diamond City" which CJ was part of. As Harry began to put a music, CJ shakes his head, implying that he didn't like the music since it is so old as fuck and then Harry asked CJ if they have this kind of music back from his world.

"No offense, Harry, but yo music is shit! It's so old as fuck like yo music is in the 50s or sum shi'." CJ continued, "If chu' a local from dis world, does this mean that we're in the year fuckin' 2000?! Then these Russians destroyed our country? I mean-.. THIS WORLD?! Damn!"

@ChazGhost @Donder172 @Morbuskid
"It probably is, but no one gives a fuck about it here. It's not like we have had the time or the equipment to make new songs the last centuries." Maria said towards CJ. "That is also with quite a lot of food. I have no idea what they pumped into the pre-war food, but it's still edible after two centuries."

The Sole Survivor: The Wasteland, Gladius-III
"It wasn't just the Russians." Harry replied, grimly "The Chinese invaded Alaska because they ran out of oil like the rest of the planet, and then we invaded them...A few months later, the entire world was on fire. I don't know who fired the first nuke, and to be honest I don't care."
He pointed to the world around them "This is the result. That's all that matters."

With a heavy sigh, he turned back to Tax and raised his Pip-Boy "It's called a radio. Though I assume, that word means nothing to you. There's a lot of technology on this planet you won't be used to that I've seen for as long as I can remember. Adapting isn't going to be easy, but it won't be impossible."

Cait stepped towards Tax "He's telling the truth, dear. He was frozen in an underground vault before the bombs fell. 'Is biggest challenge before being thawed was probably lookin' for good parkin' space."
"Well." He smiled "She's not wrong."

@Donder172 @ChazGhost @Morbuskid
"Yep. They invaded America through Alaska, but they were beaten at Anchorage. Unfortunately, the US was not able to use its secret weapon. So instead, they brought Power Armor. The first deployment of them, to be precise. Though on the other side, I believe the Crimson Dragoons were deployed as well." Maria added to Harry "After everything I have seen, that is still something that surprised me. You guys got working cars?"
The Operator, Gladius IV
My heart freezes for a second. It's like those Leapers on the ships I used to salvage. Run straight at your drones, and if they catch a drone... that drone is as good as dead.
For the first time in an unknown period of time, I move Cori. The drone makes a break for it, attempting to escape back to the ship. The motion scanner turns off, but I don't care.
A couple of prompts later, and John and Jeremy are fleeing back to the ship, all while keeping their camera faced towards the inbound life sign to understand what precisely was charging Cori.
I do this purely to understand what to expect next time I see a life form that does that... if I make it out alive.
The Mad Queen The Mad Queen

"Two Neo-Kobe Pizzas, firm noodles, easy on the garlic."

"Any toppings?"

"...You got sardines?"

Yamada and his saurian buddy sat on a bench outside a small cart, the stand's overhang shielding them from the district's everpresent rain- it had something to do the bacterial cloud that covered the city, Yamada had never been to keen on the details of it. As the old man popped two slices of dubious-looking pizza into a toaster oven, Yamada made a crude sketch of the city's layout on a napkin.

"Alright, big guy! Time for your crash course in city living. We'll start with the Judges. Now, what we call a Judge is closer to a state-sponsored banger than anything else- they got their little factions and power struggles and territories, just like anyone else. Beat patrol is basically the same wherever you go; Lone Star goons, GCPD remnants... They're basically just chumps with a gun, same as anyone else. You find 'em under every rock, but nobody really takes 'em seriously."

He circled the bottom-left corner of the city.

"Now, we're in district ten, Neo Kobe- that's somewhere around here. Districts nine and ten are mostly populated by androids, hollow children, voomers... robots, basically. Apparently it used to be under quarantine, which is why the only ways in and out are the tunnels. The AD Police and Junkers claim this place as their home turf, along with some of the more loyal merc groups. These guys are probably the most diverse of the three, in terms of manpower."

Yamada moved his pen to the bottom-right, tracing them around three more blocks.

"Then you got districts eleven through thirteen, collectively known as The Cloud on account of having smog so thick you need a mask and filter just to walk down the street. The cops here are disorganized and understaffed - barely better than a street gang, really - but they're armed to the teeth and like to hold grudges. Most of their forces and equipment are drawn from old ESWAT or Tank Police offices, but I hear even some of their beat patrols can kill a man barehanded. Even a big guy like you would have an easier time just ducking them, trust me."

He made a large square around the northmost block, leaving an untouched gap in the centermost portion of the city.

"Finally, districts one through seven are the most 'civilized' parts of the city, though that isn't saying much. The Judges - that's actual real-deal Judges, not the general term - lay claim to it as their turf. Now, a Judge isn't worth much on his own... They're, like, kind of an elite version of your generic beat cop, with a nicer gun and a bigger ego. The real issue is that for every Judge you kill there's another five waiting in the wings to replace him, sort of like roaches. That's the main reason they can hold so much territory, and also the biggest issue with cleaning 'em out: Even for a big guy like you, it'd take a good year or two of full-fledged war to put a dent in their numbers. I'd suggest-"

"Two Neo-Kobe Pizzas, comin' out!"

The old guy dropped a pair of oversize soup bowls on the counter, staining Yamada's makeshift map with broth. Shortly following were two slices of fresh(?) pizza on a cheap plastic plate, one with sardines.

"-That we dig in, in both senses of the phrase."

DrBones DrBones
Berserker Dejama, Neo-Kobe District, Mega-Gotham 1, Gladius III

Dejama tapped her chin as Yamada explained the situation the city was in. Finally, when the stall owner dumped their meal on the counter, Dejama spoke up.

"So," Dejama spoke slowly, rolling each word around in her head before speaking, "your city has been divided into micro-states, managed by ragtag militias composed of civilians. You have... three police forces, as well?"

Dejama scratched at the dent in her helmet. It hadn't been punctured yet, which was good news. If she had to pass through The Cloud, she would at least be safe from whatever heavy metals and toxicants the humans' industry belched out. Still, none of these districts looked like they could provide a good target to begin with.

"No centralized government makes things challenging. Your segregated police won't all simultaneously stand down in the face of an assassination, either. The only solution I can see is rapid, efficient defeat in detail."

She tapped the middle portion of the map Yamada had left unexplained. "What about this part?" Dejama queried, "Who is in here?"

Zeed Zeed
Kiara: Latveria, Gladius I
Kiara grimaces, not liking the thought of going to the police, but if this is normal here, than the police won’t be as utterly useless as they usually are for demigods. “Alright.” She says softly, running a hand through her hair, aware that it probably doesn’t look great. There were a lot of reasons to panic when the darkness was approaching, and it whipped the monsters into a frenzy. “I’ll answer whatever questions they have.”
The Mad Queen The Mad Queen

Namorae: Western Graveyard, Gladius III
The elf nods, smiling, and is about to answer before Brian shows up. She listens to the men talk, trying to understand the bits she has no context on. She sighs, getting up, and putting her flute back in its case. “Well, it would be rude to keep them waiting.” She says, with a slightly nervous smile she’s already having to argue with her father so he won’t come out here.​
Victor Zsasz
Mega-Gotham, Gladius-III

Victor sits quietly as he observes his surroundings especially looking at Harleen who looked back at Victor. Harleen rolled her eyes and began to converse with Victor. Victor listened every bit what Harleen said and he replied to her by saying,

"This is not the first time I'm going to outsmart these police although this is my first time going to a prison." He'd grin as he'd shake his head.

"Where are my manners? Since I already know what your name is. My name is Victor Zsasz. I may not be popular here in this world but I'm quite impressed that you are popular here." Victor smiled a bit as he compliments Harleen.

The Mad Queen The Mad Queen

Jim Gordon and Evil Sandrino
Shaqafat's Shack, Seoul-Don, Gladius-I

The evil counterpart laugh at the werewolf as he said that he is no werewolf which he lied since he can smell the scent of the werewolf but what's surprising is that as Douglas holds a silver spoon and touch it on his skin, i guess he was wrong but he was so sure that he smell like a werewolf in the first place.

"I guess I'm wrong but you do know that I don't die unless you kill that man over there. If he dies completely, I too, will die also." The evil counterpart said as he chuckles, pointing at the original Sandrino.

The evil counterpart chuckled after Douglas said that vampires kill for fun and lure them back to their homes and "drink them", the reason why he chuckled because it's true but the evil counterpart himself isn't that kind of vampire, he only manipulates and wants power.

"I guess I'm wrong about you, arrogant mortal, you do have a brain although I'm not that kind of person who lures mortals to the homes and drink them because that is so cliche, it disgusts me." The evil counterpart as he smirked to Douglas.

And then Douglas starts babbling about how humans kills for fun especially the First World War and then he implied that both Vampires and Werewolves are shit and vampires have an extra taste for blood and is immortal and blah blah blah.

Then Douglas said that he may not be the killer but he is the type of a vampire that hides a body or tells another vampire to do the bidding.

"Did you just hear what I said? I SAID, we just got here. Do I need to grab your brains out and said WE JUST GOT HERE?" The evil counterpart was irritated at the wolf since he didn't understand what the counterpart said earlier.

"Not yet." The counterpart replied in a stern tone towards Ginny.

"Now have I answer your question, Westerner?" The evil counterpart asked.

"You still have not answered my question, Douglas." Jim said.

Eliasdagood Eliasdagood

Carl Johnson
The Wasteland, Gladius-III

"The Chinks invaded Alaska and y'all invaded them back?" CJ continued, "That's fucked up. The Chinks back in my world were isolated to the rest of the world, many Chinks migrated to America and build communities and organized crime n' shi', kno' wha' I mean?" CJ said.

He then turn his attention to Maria and said,

"The fuck you talkin' bout? Does yo world's music doesn't evolve for two fuckin centuries? Look I kno its post-apocalyptic shit in dis world but before the war started, did yo music evolve? Cuz as what I'm hearin rite now, it's a 50s song or less juss say it's a music from the 1950s. Kno what I'm sayin?" CJ said.

Donder172 Donder172 ChazGhost ChazGhost Morbuskid Morbuskid
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Big Boss, Mega-Gotham Warehouses, Gladius-III

"...Hrrrrgh." Big Boss grimaced at the two men, before coming to a realization. He barked at one of the downed security droids. "You there! Start digging! I'm not leaving here without my take!"

He turned to the two men with... well, the exact smile Taskmaster would expect from a sleazy head promoter. "You... gentlemen are correct. With the absence of my usual muscle, my organization is in dire need of legbreakers and troubleshooters."

He stuck out his cybernetic arm, indicating his limo parked nearby. "I'm the Big Boss of crime in Empire City, see? And I'll tell you right now, I'm proud to pay more than Mon-Starr's mob, Max Grecko's mutant brigades, and the Robot Mafia put together. So, why don't you gentlemen come with me and we'll discuss the terms of your employment?"

Zerohex Zerohex Freshet Freshet
Harleen Quinzel: Mega-Gotham One (Gladius-III)
Harleen looked puzzled the moment Victor revealed himself "Ain't you suppost to be dead?"
She started to laugh "Oh, prison is not goin' to be fun for you. At least I can take one good thing away from this mess. You won't last long, and considering how many lives you've taken..."

She looked up to a security camera "Ya hear that, Judges? This man's name is Victor Zsasz. Look him up on the GCPD databases ya got." She giggled.
There was also a lot of blood on her own hands, buckets full...But that was in the past. As far as she could see, Victor was still a sociopath.

Rysesaka Rysesaka

Across Town
The sound of slow applause erupted from a nearby alleyway and a figure wearing a suit, tie and hoodie emerged. The hoodie covered the person's face, and they appeared to be equipped with a sidearm. Despite this, they made no sudden movements towards Dejama and Yamada.
"Relax, I only came here to talk. And to warn you. Your plan, which you've taken no care to hide from anyone, discussing it in the open like amateurs ...It's going to fail. Spectacularly."

Their gaze appeared to be fixed on Yamada, before they turned towards Dejama "I represent...A more professional approach, my friend. I know this city better than your amateur friend here, but...Don't let my harsh words dissuade you from working with him. I'd very much like to do the same. He knows what...Half the districts? Not even that? I can tell you about the others, and about the gangs that roam within. I can tell you about the dirty Judges and more about their society so that you may survive in this war against them."

They turned back towards Yamada "You're going to get yourself killed if you try this alone, knowing as little as you do. Let us work together."

Zeed Zeed DrBones DrBones

Douglas Ken: Seoul-Don (Gladius-I)
"Well..." Douglas paused "You're clearly a madman so I'm not sure I should trust anything you say. You still think I'm a goddamn Werewolf despite the fact that I literally just held a fucking silver knife to my skin and it didn't burn me...And, for some reason you think I give a damn about your non-evil counterpart..." He squeezed his nose ridge "Until I can find evidence, you're off the list of suspects but I've got my eyes on you."

Goddamn Malkavians...He thought.

He turned to Jim, letting out a heavy sigh "Well I was kinda busy what with the crazy Vampire and all. But no, we don't have a description. The killer has been leaving these bodies outside of trap streets well after he's drained them dry and mutilated them. They've left the bodies just lying out there, making it look clumsy while at the same time hiding their tracks like a professional."

He shook his head "Also, I've got less than a week to solve this. That's how much time the government reckons they can cover this shite up before it goes public. Four people were killed in the past four days. If this is some kind of cycle, that means we're dealing with at least one dead person every night."

He passed Gordon the tablet Naomi had given to him, showing holographic images of the victims. The first was a large, young, Caucasian woman, with short and dyed red hair. Based on the crime scene photo, she also wore glasses as a shattered pair lay next to her body.
The second was a middle-aged male with a balding head of dark hair. Although he wasn't too physically large, he was a rather tall man who was well-dressed, at least when he was alive. His suit was in tatters in his crime scene photos.

The third was difficult to make out, due to the fact that the killer had targeted his face. But he was a Caucasian male, at least. The fourth, as Douglas had show to Ginny before was a large man of African descent. Much like the third victim, other parts of his description were hard to make out due to damage the killer had down to the top half of his body.

"One female and three males. Perhaps our guy has a soft spot for women? Look, her body is less mutilated than the male ones. Still drained of blood, though which tells me that the mutilation in some of these cases is postmortem. The fact that he applies the same level of brutality regardless of race and age is worth noting though."
He shook his head "No kids yet though. Not sure what our guy's stance is on that."

Eliasdagood Eliasdagood

The Spartan nodded. "Yes, I did. I was on Reach when The Covenant began glassing the planet. As soon as the light enveloped me, I believed that was it. Then I woke up here." She explained. All the while, Hailey whispered inside her helmet.
"Security is unlike anything I've ever seen. Cracking it would trip multiple alarms. We're on our own, Elizabeth." The Spartan sighed, looking to Igwe once more. "Where are we?" It was a bizarre question, seeing as she was the only known anomaly in the area. The Mad Queen The Mad Queen

"You are in Wakanda now." The leading soldier announced
"And on Gladius-II. It's one of four planets within this system." Igwe said, softly "There's no easy way to say this, but...You lost Reach. It's gone. I wish I had good news for you, but you deserve the truth."
The air was silent, as if time had stood still.

The soldier didn't reply outright; the polarized visor obscuring any form of expression as the Spartan stood motionless. Her mind was racked with more unsolved questions than answers, and the next hail of questions were met with a wavering undertone of panic and uncertainty. "No. No, that's not... We had to abandond the operation, the automated MAC defenses would have-... Is Wakanda a UNSC-affiliated location? How do they-...my home. How do you know." The Spartan's tone dipped, but it didn't border hostility. The Mad Queen The Mad Queen
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Yamada dropped his pizza slice into the ramen, the snapped his chopsticks apart. Bits of sardine bobbed to the surface as he watched.

"District eight, huh? That's a tough one..."

Yamada's brow furrowed as his pizza bobbed to the surface, deftly plucking it from the broth. He took a bite.

"...Just right. Anyway, district eight... It's got a lot of names. The Barrens. No Man's Land. The Walled City. You get the idea: Basically, it's a total shithole. Now, I've never been in there personally, so I don't put much stock in this myself, but..."

Another bite. Chew. Swallow.

"...You hear stories out on the street, right? Like... Mutant bats that walk like men. Subway cults and human sacrifices. Guys so chromed up they ain't even alive...", He shuddered. "Creeps me the hell out. District eight's where people go when they piss off the whole city at once. And just between you and me?"

Yamada tilted down his sunglasses and leaned in close.

"I've never seen one come back."

He took another bite of his pizza, pointing to Dejama's bowl with his chopsticks.

"But seriously, big guy, eat your pizza noodles. They're gonna get all, like, cold and soggy if you let 'em sit like that. Oh, and uh-"

He leaned out of the stand's side, where a banger wearing a suit over a hoodie had stepped out and begun mumbling something.

"Hey, buddy! I wouldn't stand in front of that alley if I were-"

Just then, some sort of enormous mechanical spider lunged from the alley, pulping the man's spine and dragging him away into the darkness.

Yamada shrugged as if to say "I tried" and sat back down.

"Tachikomas... I hear they used to be secbots, but went feral once their command network died out. Now they got a nest under Asimov block."

DrBones DrBones The Mad Queen The Mad Queen
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Carl Johnson
The Wasteland, Gladius-III

"The Chinks invaded Alaska and y'all invaded them back?" CJ continued, "That's fucked up. The Chinks back in my world were isolated to the rest of the world, many Chinks migrated to America and build communities and organized crime n' shi', kno' wha' I mean?" CJ said.

He then turn his attention to Maria and said,

"The fuck you talkin' bout? Does yo world's music doesn't evolve for two fuckin centuries? Look I kno its post-apocalyptic shit in dis world but before the war started, did yo music evolve? Cuz as what I'm hearin rite now, it's a 50s song or less juss say it's a music from the 1950s. Kno what I'm sayin?" CJ said.

@Donder172 @ChazGhost @Morbuskid
"No idea. You also have to keep in mind not all music survived the nukes." Maria answered
Victor Zsasz
Mega-Gotham, Gladius-III

He was confused about Harleen saying that he was dead and then she started to laugh as she implied that prison will not be good for him which he got confused since he was never in the prison before and not even the GCPD can stop him, well, in his world at least and she knew that he have killed many people, the many people that go against to Carmine Falcone's rule, the Penguin's rule and Sofia Falcone's rule. It seems Harleen knows Victor which he began to wonder if Harleen is also from Gotham from his world or from another world that has Victor Zsasz in it.

And then she said to the camera that check Victor Zsasz's records in the GCPD database which Victor leaned forward to Harleen.

"It seems I got betrayed." Victor grinned at her. "So you do know me which means you are a Gothamite, no wait." Victor paused as he remembered the lecture of Doctor Hugo Strange when it comes to the Multiverse Theory, specifically counterparts.

"Don't mistake me as your Victor Zsasz, Quinn. I don't know what he does in this world or your world but to summarize what I said, you don't know me, especially that you aren't from my world." Victor said in a cold tone, he was serious. He then lean back to the wall looking at the security camera.

"I hope you heard what I said, tin cans. I am Victor Zsasz but I'm not that Victor Zsasz in the GCPD database." He said as he glare to the security camera.

The Mad Queen The Mad Queen

Jim Gordon and Sandrino Imperial
Shaqafat's Shack, Seoul-Don, Gladius-I

"I've already agreed that you are no wolf but I was so sure that you smelled like a wolf earlier." The evil counterpart said as he touch his nose, to make sure his smelling sense works.

"Well, since you don't give a damn about that man over there, I guess I can take his body for a while." The evil counterpart began to dart to the original Sandrino who is paused in the corner, he then integrated himself to the original Sandrino. Seconds later, the original Sandrino's facial features transition itself the same as the evil Sandrino's facial features. This is "Sandrino Imperial" for now, back in one of his very first personalities.

"Whatever, Western mortal but like I said, I've just got here."

Sandrino (that is taken over by the evil counterpart) began to eavesdrop their conversation, they were talking about how many people have died in these streets and since the evil Sandrino doesn't have a choice, he was planning to help them in one condition; if a land full of vampires such exist, he'll go there and take over as his own but he needs allies of course. The evil Sandrino isn't some madman but a vampire that is born in a wealthy family which he have decency and cultured. He's more liked a mixed Ventrue when it comes to his style, a Tremere when using his powers and a bit Gangrel when it comes to his facial features.

"You need help? You are making a big deal about these murders I don't even know. It seems you look worried which makes me laugh." The evil Sandrino chuckled demonically.


After the commotion between this 'vampire' and Douglas, he let a heavy sigh and began to explain to him about the bodies lying on the streets but no descriptions of the killer which Jim nods however as Jim began to piece the killings, he remembered the Don Juan Killer who killed sixteen attracted women and put them either on the streets, the alleyway or in the building.

"You know, this killings looks familiar odd to me." Jim replied as Douglas passed the tablet to Naomi.

And then the evil counterpart suddenly integrates to the original Sandrino and the original Sandrino became the evil counterpart himself.

"What the hell.." Jim said.

And then the evil Sandrino asked if they want help and laughs demonically when Douglas is worried. It would be great if there is another one who'll help the murder case but Jim wasn't sure if he could trust this vampire. Betrayal can happen anytime. That's what he learn when he became a popular figure in Gotham, in his world.

"I'm not sure if I could trust you, especially that you somehow integrate yourself with that man's body and your damn mannerisms." Jim replied to the evil Sandrino.

"And I'm not sure if you are a mortal or not because you smell like a disease that is ready to kill anyone in this room." The evil Sandrino replied as he grinned, his fangs would be exposed.

"Would you shut up?!" Jim yelled as he was irritated from Sandrino's insults, his eyes turns pitch black and his veins appeared on his face. He raised his arms as he was ready to fight the evil Sandrino.

Meanwhile, the evil Sandrino raised his arms and two red orbs appeared on his hands, the two crimson 'pentagram' logos within two red orbs would shine a bit. He looked at Jim and he said,

"I don't want to fight you but if you really want to fight me, it will be your death."

The evil Sandrino and Jim who is using his infected powers would have an intense standoff. The atmosphere is intense that in any moment, they would fight but one of them are waiting for them to attack.

Eliasdagood Eliasdagood

Carl Johnson
The Wasteland, Gladius-III

"Alright." CJ said.

"I'm sorry if I'm being rude to ya' earlier, whass' your name beautiful?" CJ asked as he flirt Maria with his usual manly actions.

Donder172 Donder172
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Clint adjusted his flowing mane with a wave of his hand and flashed a practiced, confident smile, a quick show of his perfect pearly whites that glinted under the megacity light, tilting his head just enough to push his shades down and give the big man in front of him a straight look with his piercing blue eyes. Aw yeah, it was a killer effect 'cause Mister Handsome had found himself a killer opportunity. A big fish right off the bat and one that prided himself on proper compensation to boot, now this was how you got business started.

Nevermind that he had no idea what Empire City was, who those other gangs were or what proper, fair compensation would be in this mess of a world. And yea the guy was a mobster but Clint'd dealt with way worse, that wasn't an issue. Time to see what he could work out. "Well, Big Hoss, I'd be glad to do business with, but if we are driving someplace I would rather follow along on my own", he gestured with his head towards the now mostly vacated parking area where his tough red chopper, truthfully a stolen motorcycle, still sat unmolested.

"We all have our favorite rides, I'm sure you understand, and The Taskmaster here said something about a van of his. If we're using it for an office, well, that's swell. Lead the way my friend". Aaaand finger guns to finish. Oh yeah, future was looking good.

Freshet Freshet zontar zontar
Tax Scalin/The Dragonborn, The Wasteland, Gladius-III

"A Radio... Ya this isn't going to be a strange experience if you have more strange devices like this..." Tax said with the word radio completely over his head. "...By the way you guys keep saying nukes destroyed the this world and turned it into a waste land... So what is a nuke? it sounds very powerful to destroy the world. There is not many weapons in my world that can do same." Tax asked wanting to know more about the powerful weapons of this world.
Rysesaka Rysesaka Donder172 Donder172 The Mad Queen The Mad Queen

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