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Fandom What Remains: End of the Multiverse (OOC)


The Mad Queen

Memento Mori. Unus Anus
For all your OOC needs.
RP is up and running now.

Furthermore, this is a Discord sever for this RP. If you want to join just let me know.
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I haven't been able to give him a proper look over yet as I've been writing up lore and prepping arcs.
Gotcha. I won't bother you about this again. Being the GM of GoH right now I know it can be a pain sometimes when players keep poking.
I'm pensively watching, but I'm feeling a strike of demotivation coming on, so I probably won't be able to hold myself to timely and quality posts.
I was wondering if I can throw my hat into this and join up (And can I reserve Bowser (Mario franchise) and have a link to the discord)
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I mean, that sounds very OP. What's to stop her from changing a big bad's powers into something like jellybeans?
I've seen the show and can say with certainty she's not that powerful. By changing, it's more like: "change this bottle into a giant, sentient jellybean" or "open a giant hole in the ground."
Well that sounds about enough time for me to get a character done, if you still have room.

There's always room at the start. It's only if things start to get crowded as the RP goes on (I know that's been the case with a few I ran in the past).
Yeah, but I was looking for the soundtrack. It's weirdly hard to find soundtracks for the BGM in old shows.
So, how about the sheet? Anything you want to discuss over PMs or your Discord or something of the sort?

I mean, I do have a few problems. Nyarlathotep for one thing, just in terms of what he is. Sure, he's been restricted to a human form but the potential for him to regain his true form (that of a very powerful, world-ending Eldritch horror) isn't ruled out.


Is that Adolf Hitler with sunglasses? Not how sure I'd be with accepting Adolf Hitler as an actual player character.

Persona [Moon Howler]
Not so much a 'Persona' as it is an echo of one of his many forms, manifesting as a phantom that fights at his side. Moon Howler wields a projection of the Spear of Destiny, allowing Nyarlathotep to attack enemies normally beyond his reach. The 'Persona' serves as a conduit for magical spells, with a specialty in electrical/lightning (shooting lightning bolts and the like) magic. In addition, Moon Howler provides the following spells:
  • Holy Grail: Imbues Nyarlathotep with the power of the Grail, briefly rendering him nigh-invulnerable to harm.
  • Holy Ark: Imitates the light of the Ark of the Covenant, melting the bodies of those unworthy to gaze upon it.
  • Vril-Blitz: Releases a burst of lightning bolts around the user, draining those struck to heal Nyarlathotep.
  • Omega Cluster: Upon removing his Hugo Boss sunglasses, the unfettered gaze of Nyarlathotep becomes an instrument of unimaginable terror. A normal human will lose consciousness immediately upon making eye-contact, and even those possessed of immense mental strength must struggle greatly to triumph against his will.

Wouldn't say that the Blitz or Cluster abilities are too OP (maybe if the Cluster ability was restricted to work on the weak-minded?) but the Ark of the Covenant and the Holy Grail? Okay, maybe a power that makes him temporarily nigh-invulnerable (friggin' JoJo characters are in the RP, so I could accept it) but the Ark of the Covenant alone is probably OP.

- True Spear of Destiny/Lance of Longinus
The lance used by Saint Longinus to pierce the side of Jesus Christ at his crucifixion, now serving as Nyarlathotep's weapon of choice. Wounds inflicted by the lance are especially grievous, and will not heal without the use of magic or other supernatural forces. Coincidentally, the spear also seals the magical/spiritual abilities of anyone it wounds. Biological abilities are unaffected. Furthermore, due to the spear's status as a holy relic, it is particularly deadly when used against 'unholy' entities such as demons and vampires.

A weapon that inflicts damage that can only be healed via magical/supernatural means would be okay (would like to point out that paradox-related dmg to Mages can only be fixed the opposite way, so...) but it also steals the power of those it hits and deals a fuckton of damage against unholy creatures? I mean, if there were a weapon with one of those qualities it wouldn't be OP but the spear is just a blender of power.

-The torso contains a collapsible silo armed with a low-yield nuclear warhead, intended as a desperation and/or self-destruct measure
A nuke? I mean I didn't even give the Sole Survivor a Fat Man for the very reason of them being very powerful. Perhaps if this low-yield warhead was like a mini-nuke in terms of dmg and blast radius, I would be alright but even a small nuclear detonation is enough to kill a lot of people.

Crystal Skull of Heaven
Sounds important and would like more details. Only Crystal Skull I can think of and the only one that comes up in Google search results is well...One I'd rather forget, so do elaborate. Is it the same Crystal Skull as the alien head, or something different altogether?
I mean, I do have a few problems. Nyarlathotep for one thing, just in terms of what he is. Sure, he's been restricted to a human form but the potential for him to regain his true form (that of a very powerful, world-ending Eldritch horror) isn't ruled out.

I probably should have clarified, I have no intentions of him actually getting to 'full power'. I was going to roll with 'most of his essence was still in the home universe' which is, well, gone. So he's stuck with what he has. Also, I think you might be overestimating him just a wee bit. While he does want to enact an apocalyptic event, he can't actually do that with his own power. He has to rely on a (really, really) convoluted plan and operate entirely via human pawns (up until the very end, and only because his plot came apart at the seams due to Mystery Incorporated) to come close to destroying Earth. (Even within Lovecraft's original work, he's less of a threat to mankind's existence and more of the cosmic equivalent to a guy taking a dump on your lawn.)

Is that Adolf Hitler with sunglasses? Not how sure I'd be with accepting Adolf Hitler as an actual player character.

It looks like Adolf Hitler, but due to international (and Japanese) media laws, it's not.

Wouldn't say that the Blitz or Cluster abilities are too OP (maybe if the Cluster ability was restricted to work on the weak-minded?) but the Ark of the Covenant and the Holy Grail? Okay, maybe a power that makes him temporarily nigh-invulnerable (friggin' JoJo characters are in the RP, so I could accept it) but the Ark of the Covenant alone is probably OP.

Technically not the actual Ark or the Grail, plot-wise it's probably just him being smug and giving threatening sounding names to the spells. There's no indication within Persona 2 that he acquired either. Functionally, think less of the Indiana Jones Ark, more of a localized wave of heat/light (despite being classed as Dark element in the game, for some reason).

That was the idea with Omega Cluster, with it mainly being 'gives you an awful migraine' if you're of the heroic willpower sort.

A weapon that inflicts damage that can only be healed via magical/supernatural means would be okay (would like to point out that paradox-related dmg to Mages can only be fixed the opposite way, so...) but it also steals the power of those it hits and deals a fuckton of damage against unholy creatures? I mean, if there were a weapon with one of those qualities it wouldn't be OP but the spear is just a blender of power.

The spear is depicted rather inconsistently within the game itself, to the point where the 'unhealing wounds' is only really relevant once at the very end. Also, there's nothing stopping you from healing the wounds it causes in-game whatsoever (magic or otherwise), so ehh. That and I may have mis-read it to begin with, as the wording is 'never fully heal' as opposed to 'won't heal without magical aid'. So we could roll with 'it leaves scars that are quite ugly, ensuring their self-esteem will never fully heal.'

I'm also not sure what metric you used to derive 'fuckton', but I was thinking more in the range of how silver hurts vampires/assorted night gribblies (I'm not familiar with WoD, so I have no idea what that translates to for White Wolf's take on vampires. More of a Stoker guy, to be honest.).

A nuke? I mean I didn't even give the Sole Survivor a Fat Man for the very reason of them being very powerful. Perhaps if this low-yield warhead was like a mini-nuke in terms of dmg and blast radius, I would be alright but even a small nuclear detonation is enough to kill a lot of people.

I'm not feeling it either, and I have something more suitable in mind to replace it with.

Sounds important and would like more details. Only Crystal Skull I can think of and the only one that comes up in Google search results is well...One I'd rather forget, so do elaborate. Is it the same Crystal Skull as the alien head, or something different altogether?

It's a glorified key (out of five) to activate an ancient Mayan spaceship (see the backstory). I threw it in for the off chance I'd be able to make an Indiana Jones joke (or several), and maybe do a plot arc with the Xibalba down the line. It doesn't do anything other than look pretty on its own, though.

Edit: nuke replaced
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(Even within Lovecraft's original work, he's less of a threat to mankind's existence and more of the cosmic equivalent to a guy taking a dump on your lawn.)

Yeah, the worst thing he directly did in the original stories was pretend to be Satan and taught an old woman how to glitch out geometry to teleport if she sacrificed a baby to him once a year.

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