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Fandom What Remains: End of the Multiverse

Shafaqat: Seoul-Don, Gladius I
Shafaqat can feel the intensity of this man’s eyes on her, and shudders slightly. If there’s one thing she learned in her world, it was how to recognize someone more powerful than herself. And she’s certainly getting this feeling from Sandrino, something that makes her hair stand on end like static.

She forces herself to remain on task. If this guy is running, it must be something big. “Well, do you have any idea what- Ya alqarf almuqadas, la yuhimu, 'aetaqid 'anani wajadatu dhlk!” (Oh holy s•••, never mind, I think I found it!) Her speech switches to high pitched, panicked Arabic as she spins around, pressing her back to the wall, and pulling out her silver dagger faster than most humans would be able to see. Super speed is a real advantage.
Rysesaka Rysesaka

Kiara: Latveria, Gladius I
Kiara looks confused for a moment, wondering how Doomsday could be anything to smile about. Especially after what just happened to her. Thankfully, she’s distracted from wondering if everyone here is some kind of monster that was waiting for the end of her world, by Mark gesturing to a golden dog that rests at his feet. Kiara brightens up immediately, and gets off her chair, crouching down to get at Chica’s level. “Can I pet her?” She asks eagerly, looking up at Mark. The silver haired demigoddess has a thing for animals.
The Mad Queen The Mad Queen

Namorae: Western Graveyard, Gladius III
The elf tilts her head, swallowing the bite of apricot to speak. “The twilight? What’s that?” She asks. She and her father have done their best to keep to themselves, so she doesn’t know a lot about this world. Her eyes narrow slightly at the mention of rogue mages taking advantage of this, and she hisses softly through her teeth. If she sees anyone try that, they will have a murderous Dhampir to contend with. Not an ideal situation, by any means.​
Sandrino Imperial
Trap Street, Seoul-Don, Gladius-I

The demonic laugh mostly came from his evil counterpart as he use to mindtrick the woman. Upon hearing the demonic laugh, she began to speak something Middle Eastern with a high tone and pressing herself back to the wall made Sandrino confused. Sandrino and his evil counterpart also see every inch as the woman grabs her silver knife which prompt Sandrino to be very wary to this woman as Sandrino's weaknesses are weapons that is made out of silver.

Ano to terrorista?! (What is this, a terrorist?!) His evil counterpart asked Sandrino as he implied that this woman is a terrorist (because obviously)..

At saka meron siyang kutsilyo na makakapatay ng isang bampira! Hahayaan mo na bang saksakin tayo niyan?! (And she has a knife that can kill a vampire! Do you want us to be stabbed by her?!) His evil counterpart said.

Kasalanan mo to. Natakot tuloy sa tawa mo. (This is your fault. She got scared from your laugh.) Sandrino replied.

Gusto ko lang makita ang kakayahan niya kapag nakipaglaban tayo sa kanya, alam kong hindi yan mortal. (I just want to see her strength if we fight this woman, I know she isn't a mortal.) -evil counterpart

Tayo?! Ikaw lahat may kasalanan eh! (We?! You're the one who's behind all this!) -Sandrino

Tinutulungan na nga kita tapos ginagalit mo ako! (I'm already helping you and yet you are making me mad!) -evil counterpart

And then his evil counterpart attempt to take over his body which Sandrino suddenly kneeled down to the ground as he felt the pain. Sandrino attempted to pacify his evil counterpart which is a success although Sandrino knew that his evil counterpart doesn't want to lose which means that in any moment, Sandrino wouldn't be himself but his evil counterpart controlling the entire system of Sandrino's body.

He attempt to straighten up god posture, trying to focus on his surroundings. He look at the woman and said,

"Something hit me, help me! It must be some apparition that lingers in these streets!" Sandrino said as he seeks help from the woman.

Eliasdagood Eliasdagood
Shafaqat: Seoul-Don, Gladius I
The thing is, most djinni are incredibly good at manipulating people, and especially at telling if people are lying. Unfortunately, Shafaqat is so young and inexperienced that she doesn’t have that advantage, and believes Sandrino entirely after that illusory laugh. She shoves her blade back into its place in her jacket, and darts forward, and grabs hold of him, sprinting out of the street and into an alleyway, knowing that while the route isn’t the most straightforward, it’s hidden, and it will get them to her shack.

She carries the larger man in her arms easily, not bothering to behave as a human. This is further made obvious by the fact that she’s running at least twenty miles an hour. She can run faster, but then she might crash into a wall, and she doesn’t want to harm this man she’s decided to protect. For some reason. Her emotions got ahead of her logic again, something that happens a lot.
Rysesaka Rysesaka
The Sole Survivor: The Wasteland, Gladius-III
"One." He replied "Vault-Tec killed everyone through some kind of cryogenics experiment. I was the only one to come out alive."
He didn't want to mention Vault 81, or share the full story of Vault 111 to the Brotherhood. Even if they were some kind of less-radical faction, he still didn't trust them.
CJ would have been shot on sight for pointing a gun at the Brotherhood he knew and Tax was still alive, so they were off to a good start. However, that wouldn't stop the likes of the Minutemen, the Railroad or just settlers in general targeting Maria's soldiers.
"We need a parley." Harry stated "Look, even if I know you're not like the other Brotherhood the Commonwealth has seen, the people here don't. Your men might get attacked, and that will just lead to a war neither of us want." He sighed "I have a few friends waiting for me in Diamond City. Place used to be a baseball stadium before the bombs fell."

If Maria was lying to him, they'd be deep into the Commonwealth, his territory. Trying to hurt people wouldn't go down too well. He also needed to get to Diamond City ASAP too, so he was killing two birds with one stone. Or two Radroaches with one bullet, as they said in the Commonwealth.

Rysesaka Rysesaka Donder172 Donder172 ChazGhost ChazGhost Morbuskid Morbuskid

Taako (From TV): GravityVale, Gladius-II
"Gotta love those exchange rates." Taako smiled, twirling the Umbra-staff.
"Alright, if you two doods wanna follow me inside, we'll start the tour." Soos smiled, using one hand to open the door. Just before he entered, he turned back to the two children that were standing outside.

Star had used her dimensional scissors in an attempt to get home, and had vanished from view. Unbeknownst to the rest of the group, and possibly to Star herself she had accidentally left her best friend behind.
(As Star's player left the RP, she is currently a Limbo character. More details on this status can be found on the sign-up page).
"Shame. I really wanted to know where she got that wand. It looked..." Taako stopped himself
"Don't worry about it dood. She can't have gone far. Now, the tour?"
"Lead the way, my dude!" Taako smiled

As the group went inside to explore the Mystery Shack, something was happening across town. In a lake, just beyond the trees and desert of the strange town a two people sat in a fishing boat as the sun started to go down and mist surrounded the wooden vessel.

Watching the waters and holding a microphone Toby Determined sat next to an intern from the radio station.
"Mr Determined, are you sure this is a good idea?" The intern asked
"Of coouursseee it is!" Toby snapped "Now follow my orders, intern!"
"Umm...My name's Oscar."
"Quiet, intern! I hear something!" Toby cried
"But your microphone is a turkey baster. How could you possibly..."

Before Toby could come up with a response, probably just bossing the intern around again the still waters of the lake started to shift. It started with subtle, small ripples across the surface. And then, after a split second of absolute stillness the water's thrashed around violently, like a wild animal that had been released from it's cage...A wild animal that had been starved and beaten by it's captors.

Something in the water grabbed a hold of the boat, and pulled it along the lake. While Toby held onto the side of the boat (and to his turkey baster/microphone), Oscar the intern grabbed an oar and prepared himself for a fight. His internship had not prepared him for fighting water monsters, but like any good intern he was taking the initiative and tried to fight off the beast below.
"If you eat my mentor, it'll look really bad on a resume!" He cried, letting out a loud grunt as he plunged the oar into the water to try and fight the beast off. For a moment, he smiled but the look on his face was replaced with one of horror as the beast beneath the boat started to pull back against him.

"Just let go of the oar!" Toby cried, shaking his arms up and down
"Mr Determined, stop moving about in the boat or you'll tip her over! And then we'll both be sleeping with the fishes!"
"Oh, I haven't got a good night's sleep in years! Not since that..."

He was cut off as the boat rocked again, nearly tipping onto her side.
"Oh fu..." Oscar tried to speak, but something in the water grabbed him by the arm and dragged the intern under. He emerged to the surface for a second, reaching for the side of the boat only for the creature to grab him and drag him beneath the depths.

Toby sat in the boat, alone, surrounded by mist and armed with nothing but a turkey baster as the waters went still again.

Freshet Freshet thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore

Harleen Quinzel: Mega-Gotham One (Gladius-III)
"Just because you didn't know it was a crime, doesn't mean that you're gonna get away with breaking the law." The Judge spat. He turned to his fellow Judges, and to the two ED-209 units "Round them up. They'll be put on trial later."
Another Judge walked into the room
"Rookie, report." The senior Judge asked
"One of the guards outside, he might pull through, sir. He's lost a lot of blood, as well as his entire a..."
"Will he pull through or not? We'll need to question him about tonight's events."
The young Judge nodded in response "I got to him just in time."
"Good job, rookie."

He pointed to Victor "Now, I want you to take that man in for questioning. I'll take the..."
He groaned "Oh, for God's sake. Pigtails, mallet, facepaint...All she's missing is the damn Hyenas."
"Oooh, am I famous?" Harleen asked with a grin
"You've been on our radar for quite a while. Well, your vigilantism ends tonight, Quinn."

Douglas Ken: Seoul-Don (Gladius-I)
Despite Ginny's advice, Douglas followed after the screams, and then the demonic laughter. Another distraction, great. Just what he needed.
"Well, most humans aren't me." He told Gordon with a shit-eating grin "I have a certain charm about me that..." He stopped himself, seeing Imperial kneeling on the ground, but that wasn't the most important thing, not to him.

Ginny held a silver weapon, causing Douglas to immediately reel back. He almost growled at the sight, but was able to compose himself. The witch's magic still hid his true nature, and he could easily just pass off his extreme reaction as something else. He'd learnt from a good liar, after all.
Following Ginny back to the shack, he caught up with Gordon and Pucca.
"Ginny! Keep that man alive. I need to talk to him!" He barked

Before anything else happened, he needed to get the girl out of the Trap Street. She was a liability. Taking a few looks back, he led her towards an alleyway and pressed his hand against a dead end.
"Jessica. I don't know." He whispered under his breath, performing the opening ritual.

Handing her a card, he promptly moved Pucca out of the Trap-Street and back into the human world. The number, of course led to the office of the Prime Minister. She would have to explain things to the child.
(Pucca is in the same boat as Star.)

Making his way back to the shack, Douglas leaned his hand against one of it's walls.
"What the hell is going on here? Were you attacked?!" He asked Imperial frantically

Eliasdagood Eliasdagood

Venkman: The Western Graveyard (Gladius-III)
"Ghost realm. Well, a ghost realm." Venkman explained "It's the inbetween for this world and whatever lies beyond. It reflects the world to a small degree and it's where ghosts who end up stuck here go."
Placing his hands in his pockets he began to gently pace around "But as I'm sure you're aware, not all ghosts are friendly. The Twilight homes them too, making the place pretty dangerous if you don't know what you're doing."

With an open palm he gestured to Brian "He knows what he's doing and I'm just a really good improviser with some magic up my sleeve."

Markiplier: Latveria (Gladius-I)
"Sure." Mark smiled, a goofy grin on his face.
Chica rested her bum on the ground, looking up at Kira as her eyes demanded attention.
Looking behind him, Mark noticed that the bar's (very) few patrons were distracted and took a step closer to Kira. His goofy grin turned into a look of concern.
"Are you sure you're alright?" He asked
Tax Scalin/The Dragonborn, The Wasteland, Gladius-III

Tax was confused as he was being ignored at first as the two people in front of him talking about minutemen, the brother hood of steel, and blimps. Tax could barely follows the conversation. Then finally the sole survivor acknowledge him."Of course I'm not human, I'm an argonian but I'm not abomination." Tax said calmly. Once Tax began understanding what was going on then CJ began talking Tax had no idea what he was saying. Tax looked confused at CJ as him and Maria began arguing. "What is he saying?" Tax asked pointing at CJ. Then finally an idea came up Tax could get behind, the sole survivor suggested going to Diamond City. "Sounds good to me, I've been wanting to go to town sense I got to this waste land" Tax said clapping his hands together and smiling.
The Mad Queen The Mad Queen Rysesaka Rysesaka Donder172 Donder172 Morbuskid Morbuskid
Kiara: Latveria, Gladius I
Kiara starts rubbing Chica’s head gently, smiling warmly at the dog. “You’re a very pretty girl, huh?” She murmurs. She looks up at Mark to listen to him, and pauses, having a hard time figuring out if she can trust him, trust anyone here. After a long moment, she makes her decision, letting out a breath. “Mark… where in Hades am I?” She whispers, praying that he won’t turn respond badly.

Namorae: Western Graveyard, Gladius III
The woman nods, understanding. “I see. In my world, we referred to it as the ethereal plane. Please forgive my confusion.” She says, and picks up her flute again, wanting to keep her audience around so that maybe more of them can be saved.
The Mad Queen The Mad Queen
"One." He replied "Vault-Tec killed everyone through some kind of cryogenics experiment. I was the only one to come out alive."
He didn't want to mention Vault 81, or share the full story of Vault 111 to the Brotherhood. Even if they were some kind of less-radical faction, he still didn't trust them.
CJ would have been shot on sight for pointing a gun at the Brotherhood he knew and Tax was still alive, so they were off to a good start. However, that wouldn't stop the likes of the Minutemen, the Railroad or just settlers in general targeting Maria's soldiers.
"We need a parley." Harry stated "Look, even if I know you're not like the other Brotherhood the Commonwealth has seen, the people here don't. Your men might get attacked, and that will just lead to a war neither of us want." He sighed "I have a few friends waiting for me in Diamond City. Place used to be a baseball stadium before the bombs fell."

If Maria was lying to him, they'd be deep into the Commonwealth, his territory. Trying to hurt people wouldn't go down too well. He also needed to get to Diamond City ASAP too, so he was killing two birds with one stone. Or two Radroaches with one bullet, as they said in the Commonwealth.

@R-Breezy @Donder172 @ChazGhost @Morbuskid
"That's already more than I have seen besides 101. All other Vaults had no survivors. They were never made to protect." Maria answered, perhaps somewhat blunt. "I also don't think our numbers will do any good. I could come along with Fawkes while keeping the rest at a distance. The last thing we need right now is another war. Especially in times of great opportunities. However, I think it's better to speak elsewhere about that." Maria suggested. She knew she would make herself vulnerable. However, it did not seem the Commonwealth have ever seen power armor like the one she wore. It might also be that if she was the only one wearing it that she could get away with salvaging. It wouldn't be a lie as the armor was indeed salvaged, but not from the Brotherhood of Steel.

Tax Scalin/The Dragonborn, The Wasteland, Gladius-III

Tax was confused as he was being ignored at first as the two people in front of him talking about minutemen, the brother hood of steel, and blimps. Tax could barely follows the conversation. Then finally the sole survivor acknowledge him."Of course I'm not human, I'm an argonian but I'm not abomination." Tax said calmly. Once Tax began understanding what was going on then CJ began talking Tax had no idea what he was saying. Tax looked confused at CJ as him and Maria began arguing. "What is he saying?" Tax asked pointing at CJ. Then finally an idea came up Tax could get behind, the sole survivor suggested going to Diamond City. "Sounds good to me, I've been wanting to go to town sense I got to this waste land" Tax said clapping his hands together and smiling.
The Mad Queen The Mad Queen Rysesaka Rysesaka Donder172 Donder172 Morbuskid Morbuskid
"I suppose you're not from the wasteland then. Perhaps not even this continent." Maria said after looking towards Tax
The Sole Survivor: The Wasteland, Gladius-III
The Sole Survivor raised a hand "I never said you were an abomination, Tax. I said that some members of the Brotherhood of Steel might view you that way." He calmly and clearly explained. He did not want to offend a potential ally. With how he acted in the fight against the Slavers, Harry knew that Tax had good intentions, and he could handle himself in a fight. In not just the Commonwealth, but the Wasteland as a whole, there were only a few who fitted into both groups.

"You just follow along after me, Cait and Dogmeat here and we'll all get to Diamond City in one piece."
He looked to Maria "You and your men might want to stay close. Otherwise folks might shoot at them."

Rysesaka Rysesaka Donder172 Donder172 ChazGhost ChazGhost

Venkman: The Western Graveyard (Gladius-III)
"Different cultures got different names for it." Venkman shrugged "I just used to call it the Ghost Dimension."
"Pretty dumb name." Brian cut in
"Yeah, I know. But I've heard people come up with stupider names..."

His smile faded as the Mage stopped in his tracks "We're being watched." He whispered "And not just by the dead."
Eliasdagood Eliasdagood

Markiplier: Latveria (Gladius-I)
"Latveria." He whispered "But, there's more to it than that."
He glanced around again, making sure that no one was listening in "Latveria used to be...Fictional, where I came from." He whispered "But something happened, something awful and the survivors were transported to places like this."
He wasn't sure if he wanted to tell her the whole truth, as it was crushing but she still had a right to know. If she asked, he'd try to tell the whole story, at least from his perspective. Otherwise, his lips were sealed
Namorae: Western Graveyard, Gladius III
Namorae pauses, listening very carefully. “Hm.” She says softly, and brings the flute to her lips, deciding to act as if she’s unaware of the spy observing them. She starts playing, but she keeps her eyes open, sitting still and attentive.

Kiara: Latveria, Gladius I
Kiara’s eyes widen with fear. “Where are the others?” She whispers, starting to panic. He doesn’t like the word he used. Survivors. That means that a lot of people died, and with what was going down when she was brought here, that scares the living hell out of her. “What about the gods? Surely they’ve done something about this?”
The Mad Queen The Mad Queen
Victor Zsasz
Mega-Gotham, Gladius-III

"My former boss have seen your movies, what's this called? Judge Dredd? I didn't know such tin can strike force would exist in this world." Victor chuckled as he mocked the suits of the Judges.

And then one of the Judges began to talk about the guard who lost a lot of blood and lost an arm which Victor prompted to react tsk tsk tsk.

"The guard you are talking about isn't a nice guard. I can't believe guards in this world would attack innocent people too which is why I'm here at the first place. I hope that guard dies." Victor grinned like an evil person.

And then a Judge complained when he talks about Harleen's description which Harleen replied sarcastically with a grin. Victor turn to her and say,

"You don't fit as a vigilante but a criminal. Anyway, you remind me of a cultist member of the sadistic criminal I've known back in my world. What's his name?" Victor began to think as his eyes were on top. "Jerome? Jeremiah? Whatever. Anyway, I hope you're not crazy as the cultist members of Mister J!" He'd chuckle a bit until his smiles died out as he need to focus what will happen next. Victor hoped that his equipments wouldn't be confiscated by these Judges.

Jim Gordon and Sandrino Imperial
Trap Street, Seoul-Don, Gladius-I


"About what?" After Douglas paused, Jim too saw Sandrino kneeling down to the ground. Jim noticed that Douglas was acting weird, he also see that Douglas almost growl. Is he some sort of a werewolf? Well, Jim began to believe that such things exist because of Indian Hill experiments back at Gotham. Well his Gotham.

As Ginny went to the shack with Sandrino, Jim followed too. As they enter the shack, Sandrino was on the ground, feeling not too great, then Douglas came as he speak to Sandrino frantically. Jim noticed that the kid isn't here.

"Douglas. Where's the kid?" Jim asked.

Sandrino felt uneasy as he was kneeling on the ground, then this woman used her super speed to help Sandrino and seconds later, they were inside the shack.

Napakagaling. (Impressive.) His evil counterpart said.

And then Sandrino kneeled down on the ground as he can't fight against his evil counterpart anymore. His energy weakened him from the series of pacification of his evil counterpart. Then the man who is well-dressed with a police badge came and just look at him. Sandrino and his evil counterpart smell Jim's scent which Sandrino coughed.

Anong amoy to, lason?! (What smell is this? Poison?!) his evil counterpart would complain.

Tumahimik ka nga! (Just shut up!) Sandrino replied back.

And then Douglas came who smell like a werewolf. This caused Sandrino and his evil counterpart to react although Sandrino tried his best to cover his fangs and yet again, his evil counterpart attempt to control his body and he did, it was a success.

"NOOOOOOOOO!!" Sandrino shouts.

After he shout, Sandrino freezed like a statue. While Sandrino freezed, a man which looks like Sandrino but looks more sinister would reveal himself to the three individuals. It was his evil counterpart.


Evil counterpart (left), the original Sandrino (right)


He looked at Sandrino as his black red eyes examined him who freezed like a statue, shaking his head as he chuckled. He looked at the three and said,

"You know, I didn't even know how our timelines, me and that weak dog, was able to merge into one. Anyway, I temporarily freezed him." the counterpart continued,

"The smell of the werewolf and that poison disgusts me." He said as he shows his disdain towards Jim and Douglas.

"While I'm asking nicely, where the hell am I?" He said as he releases his demonic voice the moment he said 'where the hell am I?'


The sudden appearance of Sandrino's evil counterpart made Jim unslings his pistol although Jim knew that his pistol would be no use when fighting against the evil counterpart. He will rely with his powers coming from the virus when he start to fight Sandrino in hand-to-hand combat or some sort.

Jim also listened about his and the original Sandrino's timeline were merged into one and his disdain with his scent and Douglas' scent. Jim had no comment with that since it's true.

"Look, whoever you are, there's no need for a fight, alright?" Jim said.

"There will never be a fight unless you ignorant Westerners provoked me. Understood?" his evil counterpart replied with a demonic tone.

Jim had no comment on this one, Jim hope that Douglas and Ginny would be cooperative with this man.

The Mad Queen The Mad Queen Eliasdagood Eliasdagood
The Sole Survivor: The Wasteland, Gladius-III
The Sole Survivor raised a hand "I never said you were an abomination, Tax. I said that some members of the Brotherhood of Steel might view you that way." He calmly and clearly explained. He did not want to offend a potential ally. With how he acted in the fight against the Slavers, Harry knew that Tax had good intentions, and he could handle himself in a fight. In not just the Commonwealth, but the Wasteland as a whole, there were only a few who fitted into both groups.

"You just follow along after me, Cait and Dogmeat here and we'll all get to Diamond City in one piece."
He looked to Maria "You and your men might want to stay close. Otherwise folks might shoot at them."

@R-Breezy @Donder172 @ChazGhost
"All of us?" Maria asked "I don't think that's going to work at that point anymore."
Shafaqat: Seoul-Don, Gladius I
Shafaqat was doing her best to calm down Sandrino, kneeling beside him to try and find the problem, up until his counterpart shows himself. At that point, she stays very, very still, glaring up at the vampire with flaming blue eyes. Unfortunately, this level of stress means that she’s subconsciously preparing to fight. Which probably means that Sandrino and his counterpart will smell a whole new kind of poison-the hallucinogenic sedative that lurks just beneath Shafaqat’s skin.

She still doesn’t move, afraid to do so and set off what she sees as a demon possessing Sandrino. “Well for starters, hello, and welcome to my home.” She says with all the cordiality of vinegar. “And as for your question, basically your universe got destroyed, but you survived and ended up here rather than being obliterated. So congrats on that.” She waits for his response, practically oozing enmity toward him, but knowing better than to attack.
Rysesaka Rysesaka The Mad Queen The Mad Queen
The Operator, Gladius IV
Ah... whew. Jeremy made it. The creatures appear to be stuck to the water-
Oh, you have to be kidding me. Cori and John both are reporting new life forms. 4 clicks east of their position.
I have John turn east, while Cori remains still. I consult the console, reading Cori's motion scanner. Where are these things headed?
I soon realize that, in my initial panic, I failed to check the console for my next course of action. Best do it now while things are as calm as is.
I consult the console for the ideal next course of action.
The Mad Queen The Mad Queen
Tax Scalin/The Dragonborn, The Wasteland, Gladius-III

"From this continent? I don't think this even the same world" Tax said before looking at gun everyone else had. "Were I'm from we don't have anything like those, not even the Dwemer had things like those." Tax pointing at the one of the brotherhood's guns. Then the sole survivor explained his comment earlier more. Then Tax looked to Maria. "Is that true? Would the brother hood view me as an abomination?" Tax asked wanting know if it was true or not. "Lead the way, it be a long time sense I've been to town with friendly faces" Tax said following the sole survivor.
The Mad Queen The Mad Queen Rysesaka Rysesaka Donder172 Donder172
Elizabeth-G115, Wakanda (Gladius-II)
Within a flash, it was over.

A sphere spanning a five meter radius materialized into existence, depositing a foreign object and dissipating into nothingness shortly after. The single anomaly was a slender, olive-armored soldier lying face down in the Wakandan forests, not too far off from Birnin Zana. The form shifted with a hoarse cough, and the visibly armed soldier rolled onto her back with a groan. Slowly but surely, a pair of light green eyes opened beneath the polarized golden visor and surveyed the environment from her supine position. As birds flew across the sky, the soldier began to realize she wasn't dead. The creeping feeling of a full-body car accident coupled with this realization promptly made the armored figure bolt upright into a sitting position with a light gasp, looking around the area. The first thing to pop into her head was a smooth, female British accent. Hailey survived. "...Where are we? Local topographical scans indicate we're not on Reach- we're not even in a geographically recognized area.." The soldier remained silent and looked around the area, still in a sitting position and flickering her eyes over toward her HUD's motion sensor as she pushed herself upright. The Mad Queen The Mad Queen
Tax Scalin/The Dragonborn, The Wasteland, Gladius-III

"From this continent? I don't think this even the same world" Tax said before looking at gun everyone else had. "Were I'm from we don't have anything like those, not even the Dwemer had things like those." Tax pointing at the one of the brotherhood's guns. Then the sole survivor explained his comment earlier more. Then Tax looked to Maria. "Is that true? Would the brother hood view me as an abomination?" Tax asked wanting know if it was true or not. "Lead the way, it be a long time sense I've been to town with friendly faces" Tax said following the sole survivor.
The Mad Queen The Mad Queen Rysesaka Rysesaka Donder172 Donder172
Maria shaked his head "The way it goes with the chapter I'm part of, no. But I cannot speak for the Brotherhood as a whole. There are multiple chapters across the continent formerly known as North-America."
The Heir, Gladius III
The clinking of glasses and the sound of conversations resonate in the bar, as I muse on my thoughts.
It has been a week since I found myself on this blasted planet. One day, I was tending to my daily duties of slaying the evil within my relative's lands. One blue flash later, I find myself here, with only some supplies and a party of heroes. Reynauld, Dismas, Paracelsus, and Junia. The old crew.
After mulling over my thoughts, I review a list of bounties and contracts. Going to need money if I wish to survive-and maybe, one day, return to my world.
The Mad Queen The Mad Queen
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Bjornson Gudrun: Gladius III- The wasteland

Bjornson sighed before standing up, his lower abdomen and up was now potruding from behind the vehicle as he wheeled his massive claymore around to fit snug onto his shoulder. Finally the rather tall scotsman made his way from behind the vehicle before approaching the lot, his appearance became much more detailed, his dark blonde hair sat widly upon his head as his beard was done up in braids, his eyes were a deep blue, his face came aged fro experience and yet he wasn't out of his 20's. His leather armor had a fish or dragon scale design to it, each peice of tough leather lapping over each other with a oval-like shape forming the basis of his chest armor. He had a large leather belt which firmly secured his Kilt and his haversack to his body. His boots were nothing more then leather shoes covered by a burlap wrap that was supported by leather tie. His claymore's blade was clean and straight as if it had just been crafted, the hilt was stained a greyish-gren color and the pommel had a diamon shape.

He looked around at the cast of characters which had been much more wild then he could have imagined, one of them were a walking talking cat. It became evermore apparent to Bjornson that he was no longer in England, and instead a much different place, one that seemed to bend reality to a certain extent. He walked to the side of and looked to the man who spotted him, promptly stating, "Ye can neer be too carefree, specially in a pla' lie tis," his scottish accent making his english sond more like incoherent drunk babbling. Still slightly embarressed from missing a fight, then hiding, this wasn't Bjornson at all.

He silently followed the conversation that was had, though he could make little sense of the majority of the contents of each statement, he did have a good idea that they were going to be headingto civilization, although the one known as 'Maria' who was apparently leading these soldiers known as the 'Brotherhood of Steel' was opposing the thought of traveling together, especially since the Catman wouldn't be so fondly welcome by other members of this Brotherhood.

Clearing his throat he made an attempt to pronounce his english a little better, "So you would have us travel separated? In much smaller groups?" he asked Maria in his still rather thick but more understandable accent.

ChazGhost ChazGhost The Mad Queen The Mad Queen Donder172 Donder172 Rysesaka Rysesaka @
Venkman: The Western Graveyard (Gladius-III)
"So, what's the play here?" Brian asked Venkman, whispering under his breath
"Act natural. Wait for an opportunity I guess."
"How many?"
"I can only sense the one, but..."

Using his Interconnections spell, Venkman followed the set of eyes as pieces of golden thread stretched over the graveyard. Who, or whatever was watching them seemed to have allies. He counted each thread, rounding the total number up to twenty five. Luckily for the group, the majority of them appeared to be miles away, with only five or six in range.

He held up six fingers behind his back to Brian and Namorae.
"Can't risk it if they're human." He muttered "I could open a gate right now and do a little recon, but..."
"Paradoxes, I know." Brian replied "Huggin and I will go. Hold back and wait for our signal."

Eliasdagood Eliasdagood

Markiplier: Latveria (Gladius-I)
Mark found some of the woman's words confusing, but decided not to question her. She needed help and he didn't want to make the situation more difficult for her.
"Everyone on this planet, and on the others is a survivor of what happened. We were all brought here by this..."
He stopped himself "Flash of blue light. That includes me and Chica."

Harleen Quinzel: Mega-Gotham One (Gladius-III)
In response to Victor's insults, the rookie Judge took a few steps forwards, a look of anger visible through his visor. His senior raised his arm, holding him back.
"We'll just see what the security footage from this place has to say when you go on trial." He spat
Harleen clenched her fists at Victor's words, trying to keep her cool. Right now, she needed an out and getting into fights with another criminal was just going to allow the Judges to take her.
"That Joker clan are a bunch of loonies." She said with a shrug

She bit her lower lip. She had an out of the situation, but knew that Batman wouldn't like it. Then again...Batman wasn't here.
A grin crept across Harleen's face as she marched forwards, her hands outstretched as she appeared to surrender herself to The Judges.

Rysesaka Rysesaka

Douglas Ken: Seoul-Don (Gladius-I)
Douglas had returned to a scene of chaos. While on the outside he stood with a stern expression, his hands by his sides as he prepared to defend himself, on the inside he was smirking, just a little bit.
With everything going on, and the way Imperial was acting. His sudden shifts in mood, the way he babbled about poison and Werewolves. There was a very high chance that he was the killer. The man was some kind of Vampire for sure, which would explain the absence of blood and possessed some kind of magic that allowed him to copy himself.
Perhaps his talk of Werewolves was him trying to scapegoat someone? Thanks to the Witch's spell he had paid such a heavy price for, his Werewolf side was hidden unless Douglas decided to use it.

"The kid? I got her out of her and handed her over to the authorities. They'll help her, don't worry." He reassured Jim. His eyes turned to Imperial "Feck." He smiled "As if things can't get any worse, now there's two of you."
He threw up his hands "I'll answer your questions, Vampire. If you answer a few of mine in return. Sound fair?"

The Sole Survivor: The Wasteland, Gladius-III
Harry shook his head sternly at Maria's words "No! Not all of you. I don't want an army setting foot in the Commonwealth until we agree to some terms. It'll just be you and the few men you've got behind you. If you want to parley, follow me. Otherwise, get the hell out of the Commonwealth while you still can. If your men try to travel alone the people of this region will attack them."

He turned to Tax as the group started to walk "You're right. You're not in the same world as you were before. I have a few answers, but I'm not sure if you'll like them."

He had initially pointed his sidearm at Bjornson when he approached the group. How many newcomers was he going to meet today? Between CJ, Slavers, the Brotherhood, a Lizard man and now what appeared to be some kind of Scottish raider he'd seen enough for one day. Seeing that the supposed Raider was only listening in to the conversation, he had holstered his sidearm but kept a close eye in case he was going to try anything.

"Who are you?" Cait asked Bjornson "In all this excitement, I think we forgot to make introductions."
"And where the hell did you get that sword?" Harry asked with a grin. Even from a distance, he could notice the skill it had taken to create such a weapon. He wanted to find the man behind the blade, so that he could pick up a few things.

Donder172 Donder172 ChazGhost ChazGhost Morbuskid Morbuskid
Elizabeth-G115, Wakanda (Gladius-II)
Within a flash, it was over.

A sphere spanning a five meter radius materialized into existence, depositing a foreign object and dissipating into nothingness shortly after. The single anomaly was a slender, olive-armored soldier lying face down in the Wakandan forests, not too far off from Birnin Zana. The form shifted with a hoarse cough, and the visibly armed soldier rolled onto her back with a groan. Slowly but surely, a pair of light green eyes opened beneath the polarized golden visor and surveyed the environment from her supine position. As birds flew across the sky, the soldier began to realize she wasn't dead. The creeping feeling of a full-body car accident coupled with this realization promptly made the armored figure bolt upright into a sitting position with a light gasp, looking around the area. The first thing to pop into her head was a smooth, female British accent. Hailey survived. "...Where are we? Local topographical scans indicate we're not on Reach- we're not even in a geographically recognized area.." The soldier remained silent and looked around the area, still in a sitting position and flickering her eyes over toward her HUD's motion sensor as she pushed herself upright. The Mad Queen The Mad Queen

Within Birnin Zana, an alert was sounded the moment the foreign object entered Wakanda's atmosphere. At first, it was mistaken for meteorite, but from within a lab in the capital, a scientist with royal blood was able to run scans. Her conclusion: The object was some kind of humanoid, possibly an alien who had fallen into Wakandan airspace.

With knowledge of the meteor's origins, a party of three dozen Wakandan soldiers, accompanied by four medics and a single Jedi were dispatched to the crash site to investigate.
They surrounded Elizabeth, but did not engage.
"Who are you?" One of the soldiers asked
Bjornson Gudrun: Gladius III- The wasteland

Bjornson sighed before standing up, his lower abdomen and up was now potruding from behind the vehicle as he wheeled his massive claymore around to fit snug onto his shoulder. Finally the rather tall scotsman made his way from behind the vehicle before approaching the lot, his appearance became much more detailed, his dark blonde hair sat widly upon his head as his beard was done up in braids, his eyes were a deep blue, his face came aged fro experience and yet he wasn't out of his 20's. His leather armor had a fish or dragon scale design to it, each peice of tough leather lapping over each other with a oval-like shape forming the basis of his chest armor. He had a large leather belt which firmly secured his Kilt and his haversack to his body. His boots were nothing more then leather shoes covered by a burlap wrap that was supported by leather tie. His claymore's blade was clean and straight as if it had just been crafted, the hilt was stained a greyish-gren color and the pommel had a diamon shape.

He looked around at the cast of characters which had been much more wild then he could have imagined, one of them were a walking talking cat. It became evermore apparent to Bjornson that he was no longer in England, and instead a much different place, one that seemed to bend reality to a certain extent. He walked to the side of and looked to the man who spotted him, promptly stating, "Ye can neer be too carefree, specially in a pla' lie tis," his scottish accent making his english sond more like incoherent drunk babbling. Still slightly embarressed from missing a fight, then hiding, this wasn't Bjornson at all.

He silently followed the conversation that was had, though he could make little sense of the majority of the contents of each statement, he did have a good idea that they were going to be headingto civilization, although the one known as 'Maria' who was apparently leading these soldiers known as the 'Brotherhood of Steel' was opposing the thought of traveling together, especially since the Catman wouldn't be so fondly welcome by other members of this Brotherhood.

Clearing his throat he made an attempt to pronounce his english a little better, "So you would have us travel separated? In much smaller groups?" he asked Maria in his still rather thick but more understandable accent.

ChazGhost ChazGhost The Mad Queen The Mad Queen Donder172 Donder172 Rysesaka Rysesaka @
"No, I just don't think it's a good idea to take a company of men along. If you understand how much that is." Maria answered.

Venkman: The Western Graveyard (Gladius-III)
"So, what's the play here?" Brian asked Venkman, whispering under his breath
"Act natural. Wait for an opportunity I guess."
"How many?"
"I can only sense the one, but..."

Using his Interconnections spell, Venkman followed the set of eyes as pieces of golden thread stretched over the graveyard. Who, or whatever was watching them seemed to have allies. He counted each thread, rounding the total number up to twenty five. Luckily for the group, the majority of them appeared to be miles away, with only five or six in range.

He held up six fingers behind his back to Brian and Namorae.
"Can't risk it if they're human." He muttered "I could open a gate right now and do a little recon, but..."
"Paradoxes, I know." Brian replied "Huggin and I will go. Hold back and wait for our signal."

Eliasdagood Eliasdagood

Markiplier: Latveria (Gladius-I)
Mark found some of the woman's words confusing, but decided not to question her. She needed help and he didn't want to make the situation more difficult for her.
"Everyone on this planet, and on the others is a survivor of what happened. We were all brought here by this..."
He stopped himself "Flash of blue light. That includes me and Chica."

Harleen Quinzel: Mega-Gotham One (Gladius-III)
In response to Victor's insults, the rookie Judge took a few steps forwards, a look of anger visible through his visor. His senior raised his arm, holding him back.
"We'll just see what the security footage from this place has to say when you go on trial." He spat
Harleen clenched her fists at Victor's words, trying to keep her cool. Right now, she needed an out and getting into fights with another criminal was just going to allow the Judges to take her.
"That Joker clan are a bunch of loonies." She said with a shrug

She bit her lower lip. She had an out of the situation, but knew that Batman wouldn't like it. Then again...Batman wasn't here.
A grin crept across Harleen's face as she marched forwards, her hands outstretched as she appeared to surrender herself to The Judges.

Rysesaka Rysesaka

Douglas Ken: Seoul-Don (Gladius-I)
Douglas had returned to a scene of chaos. While on the outside he stood with a stern expression, his hands by his sides as he prepared to defend himself, on the inside he was smirking, just a little bit.
With everything going on, and the way Imperial was acting. His sudden shifts in mood, the way he babbled about poison and Werewolves. There was a very high chance that he was the killer. The man was some kind of Vampire for sure, which would explain the absence of blood and possessed some kind of magic that allowed him to copy himself.
Perhaps his talk of Werewolves was him trying to scapegoat someone? Thanks to the Witch's spell he had paid such a heavy price for, his Werewolf side was hidden unless Douglas decided to use it.

"The kid? I got her out of her and handed her over to the authorities. They'll help her, don't worry." He reassured Jim. His eyes turned to Imperial "Feck." He smiled "As if things can't get any worse, now there's two of you."
He threw up his hands "I'll answer your questions, Vampire. If you answer a few of mine in return. Sound fair?"

The Sole Survivor: The Wasteland, Gladius-III
Harry shook his head sternly at Maria's words "No! Not all of you. I don't want an army setting foot in the Commonwealth until we agree to some terms. It'll just be you and the few men you've got behind you. If you want to parley, follow me. Otherwise, get the hell out of the Commonwealth while you still can. If your men try to travel alone the people of this region will attack them."

He turned to Tax as the group started to walk "You're right. You're not in the same world as you were before. I have a few answers, but I'm not sure if you'll like them."

He had initially pointed his sidearm at Bjornson when he approached the group. How many newcomers was he going to meet today? Between CJ, Slavers, the Brotherhood, a Lizard man and now what appeared to be some kind of Scottish raider he'd seen enough for one day. Seeing that the supposed Raider was only listening in to the conversation, he had holstered his sidearm but kept a close eye in case he was going to try anything.

"Who are you?" Cait asked Bjornson "In all this excitement, I think we forgot to make introductions."
"And where the hell did you get that sword?" Harry asked with a grin. Even from a distance, he could notice the skill it had taken to create such a weapon. He wanted to find the man behind the blade, so that he could pick up a few things.

Donder172 Donder172 ChazGhost ChazGhost Morbuskid Morbuskid
"Fair enough." Maria answered before looking at one of the Knights. "Report back to the rest. Tell them to set up camp outside the Commonwealth. Do not engage unless you identified the attacker as a raider or other identified hostiles." Maria saod and the Knight exdcuted his orders.
The Spartan looked up and around as her motion sensor flared up like a Christmas tree. Something didn't seem right. These people... were oddly ceremonial in their attire. The eliminated the first conclusion: they weren't Covenant. Nor did they appear to possess Insurrectionist weaponry or armor for that matter. Elizabeth had to speak louder than she was used to in order to address the man who questioned her. "Spartan One-One-Five, Gamma Company, United Nation's Space Command NAVSPECWAR Group Two." The woman didn't dare try and pull anything; this army clearly outgunned her by a longshot. She stood in place and awaited her verdict, all the while with Hailey attempting to access any trace of a network to gain locational information. The Mad Queen The Mad Queen
Dejama looked pleased. Not only was she getting the information she needed without even having to attempt an interrogation, but this human was attempting to get her good favors by buying... something for her! What was 'neo kobe pizza'? It was probably food, or drugs. Either way, consuming it would be an opportunity to enhance her experience here.

"Yes, that sounds like a good idea," said Dejama, "we will speak about the Judges, and also about how best to end them."

Dejama stepped into the elevator and waited for Yamada to join her. "I assume you know the way to the neo kobe pizza dispensary, and so I will follow your lead."

Zeed Zeed
It had appeared that the Magician of Mystery had no need for an incantation to provide them access to the Mystery Shack. Upon this sight, the Girl With Silver Hands could not hide a bit of surprise at how mundane the entrance was. She was expecting some sort of mythical incantation of some sort which would levitate the door upwards, or something to that effect. Perhaps it was a change made by the regime change as the Sorcerer Stan transferred his title and ownership of the artifacts and other magical secrets to the current Magician of Mystery. Well, that wasn't an issue right now.

She didn't seem to notice the discussion of someone missing as she was entranced by the shack which was told to have such a great mystical collection. Surely that was going to be the case, after all why would a strangely dressed foreigner who was a magician lie about such a thing like that? So with that said, Silver went into the Mystery Shack.

The Mad Queen The Mad Queen
Namorae: Western Graveyard, Gladius III
Namorae makes a show of being overheated, and unties her cloak, letting it fall around her to reveal a lithe, muscular frame, clad in black leather armor. Her eyes are calm and focused as she plays her soothing melody. Hopefully she can stop the spirits from getting too distressed from what seems like an inevitable fight.

Kiara: Latveria, Gladius I
Kiara closes her eyes, taking a long, deep breath. “You two came through together.” She whispers. “Some of the others might have come through with me.” She’s talking to herself again, trying to calm down. She opens her eyes again, her jaw set as she moves into her less panicky, more task oriented kind of crisis mode. “Have more people been showing up recently? They’d be teens, maybe my age.”
The Mad Queen The Mad Queen

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