What makes you excited about a roleplay?


New Member

What gets you excited to role play? Is there something in a roleplay that just gets you hyped? Maybe link a certain roleplay that you're hyped about or that got you hyped when you started. The kinda thing you signed up for without a seconds doubt.

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i'd hate to admit it but i'm a sucker for rps with fanservice plots or concepts.

and no, i'm not talking about erotic or intensely romantic stories.

i mean the edgy angsty stuff that every emo teen secretly wants to get into. kidnapping, manhunts, people being used as testing animals against their will, life-changing incidents or mutations.

all about shit like that. (but since i've only taken part in one rp so far i ain't got anything juicy to link here)
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What truly draws me in, as cliché as it will sound, are plot twists. Sure, I'm a sucker for romance and supernatural role-plays with some mystery and drama, but as soon as you throw in some really unexpected plot twist (that won't be too ridiculous and completely unrelated to what's been going on in the role-play) that's when I know I will love a role-play.

Another thing that I love are well develop characters and writers who make their character not only have good traits, but flaws as well. Flaws that are realistic and won't make the story become some sort of emo-ish or depressed person (unless that is the whole point of the role-play).
worldbuilding. i love worldbuilding more than i love most people in my family. the ability to create a new world and intricate and beautiful characters to traverse it is the greatest hook in the world.
Oh fuck.

The ability to bend and mold a world to your will.

And i love deaths in ww2 rps, mainly because i can run at a Machine-gunning emplacement and don't have to be super detailed with my death.

I can literally get mauled by bullets and it doesn't have to be emotional. Like in Saving Private Ryan at DDay death everywhere but no care for it, just trying to focus on an objective.
Arion said:
And i love deaths in ww2 rps, mainly because i can run at a Machine-gunning emplacement and don't have to be super detailed with my death.
I can literally get mauled by bullets and it doesn't have to be emotional.
This is like 300% more hardcore than I expected. Still new to forum roleplay here...

So you have WW plays with... battles? How does that even work...? Wow.
Fandoms I'm really into, intense amounts of action, or a pre-plotted moment I can't stop thinking about.
Hmmm... Roleplays that I can really sink my teeth into?

Ones with players that are easier to connect with. There's nothing better than with the ideas are rolling and I can tell the other person is just as into it as I am. When that happens, everything just falls into place.


You can take the most lackluster plot in the world and if the characters involved are unique and interesting, I'M SOLD.
I love some worldbuilding and plotting, and I like it when a roleplay has a defined goal in the end, though keeping the end open is extremely fun as well and can lead to some fun twists.
It varies depending on my mood. I got a lot of ideas and I can expand on them all fairly enthusiastically when given a chance. Sometimes it's something I saw in a movie/tv show. Sometimes it's just the odd muse that hits every now and again.

When it comes to other people's roleplays : your enthusiasm = me being enthusiastic.

If it's something your excited about than chances are I'll be excited about it.

Even if I'm not like exactly fond of the storyline/genre/etc I'll be much more likely to say yes if you are enthusiastic and excitable when pitching it to me.
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When someone gives a new unique spin in a fandom RP, or AUs of fandoms. I like playing in what-if fandom RPs.
Plots that seem so interesting and exciting that I can't help but want to join. I don't have a specific preference, but a good plot is key.
I may be in the minority here, but I love the GM that takes charge (Borderline Controlling). There is something exhilarating about a storyteller just telling you to be quiet and taking your hand as they pull you through the fantasy springing up from their own mind. When a role-play has the environment of being committed to living and exploring the world it's set in to its fullest potential, that will get me every time. RPs that offer philosophical questions and make you think carefully about your own character's actions, possibly even challenge your mind set in real life; those are the ones that get my blood going.

Show me, take me through the world you see, grab my emotions, and the RP will have me forever.
[QUOTE="Fatal Striker]What truly draws me in, as cliché as it will sound, are plot twists. Sure, I'm a sucker for romance and supernatural role-plays with some mystery and drama, but as soon as you throw in some really unexpected plot twist (that won't be too ridiculous and completely unrelated to what's been going on in the role-play) that's when I know I will love a role-play.
Another thing that I love are well develop characters and writers who make their character not only have good traits, but flaws as well. Flaws that are realistic and won't make the story become some sort of emo-ish or depressed person (unless that is the whole point of the role-play).

I agree one hundred million percent with this ^^^^ I'm all about the plot twists and the unexpected and crazy and danger. And definitely the crazy character flaws that usually churn up the plot even more :D
When it comes to roleplays, I really love putting my ideas i into a preplanned plot that's why I always go for fandom ones especially when they put a wicked twist to it.
1.Fun and Distinct Characters. I enjoy taking a new character or one from a movie or book and creating a whole new backstory or adding on to the one they currently have.

2. Kind partners. I am more likely to be more interested in a role-play with someone that is kind.

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