Other What kind of energy do you have?


The Living Script
Before you ask "What do you mean Yappi? That's kind of a stupid question that can be interpreted in many ways" I'll tell you.

How does your energy work. I'll give an example.
I'm the energetic sort but my energy is like a bucket in the rain. It collects quickly enough but I have to pour that energy into projects. If I pour all that bucket away well then I'm out of energy.

Some people work like lightening. Hard and fast for only a moment.

So what kind are you?
I guess in that case I'd be a bit more like lightning. Although in truth I would be more like a round stone on top of a hill. Needing a push to do much of anything, and with many directions or paths to go done. Once it starts rolling it's rather hard to stop or at least stop focusing on it for a time.
Like a credit card. Can spend more than I actually have for long periods of time, but I pay that back with high interest. And as I overspend, I can see the bills pile up in the distance.
Sometimes I feel like I just have too much energy. To use your bucket analogy, my bucket tends to overflow and I’m often all over the place
I'm kinda like a metal detection device energy-wise. Start pinging when I encounter something that catches my interest. But if I start getting too far apart from it, I can be a bit of a drag.
My energy is like the tide.
Higher at some times than others, usually affected by the moon, and can turn into a tidal wave under the right/wrong circumstances.
Mine is like a rainbow. If everything aligns then perhaps I will have some energy but it is pretty rare and fleeting so once it happens I need to capture it as soon as I can.

Also I try to create the conditions needed but it isn't easy.

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