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Fantasy What If

[QUOTE="A Simple Egg]"Ky, nice to meet you." Ky said, grinning and wondering just how many times she had woken in a dark room. "So if your an expert at this-"
He was cut off by the girl who had been crying earlier, the one with the phone.

"What?" He said, whirling around. "Where?"

" Up there." She said, pointing her finger. " Look, can you see it?" She asked, raising an eyebrow
[QUOTE="A Simple Egg]"Ky, nice to meet you." Ky said, grinning and wondering just how many times she had woken in a dark room. "So if your an expert at this-"
Dibbydoo said:
" Up there." She said, pointing her finger. " Look, can you see it?" She asked, raising an eyebrow
He was cut off by the girl who had been crying earlier, the one with the phone.

"What?" He said, whirling around. "Where?"

"Button?" She asked with a cocked eyebrow. "For what? To open the door?" She looked up, and well, saw a button. "Well, I'm out, I'm short."
Alex desperately wanted to socialize, and the fact that two people spoke his language was amazing. "Woher?" (Where?) He asked, knowing they probably didn't know.
Ky strained his eyes.

"Nope, I'm blind as a bat. Short sighted." He grinned. "But if you guys can see it, I trust you. And yeah, don't you just...know? Cause everyone else I've talked to has. It's weird."

He stood up and stretched, still looking the general direction of the button.

"Ok, listen up everyone, we have found the button!"
" Hey, I used to be a cheerleader, you guys could throw me at the button and I'll press it, or try to? I don't know, you guys might have a better plan." She chuckled nervously. She was a cheerleader, it's just Thats its been so long
So he did know that there was a button too. What could that mean? Something too vague of a reason to learn now, I suppose. Anyway, Nitori heard the announcement of a button. She glanced at the ceiling the girl was shining her light with and did find one. That was easier(?) than she thought. Now she needed someone to boost her up. She would obviously not be told to do just that so she stayed aback.
"Hmmm, we could but...I dunno. It's pretty high. Maybe..."

He caught sight of a boy with blonde hair who was built quite a bit better than the rest of them (Alex).

"Hey! You look like the strongest, try throwing her up to the button!"
Nitori looked over to the boy Ky called towards. He simply looked over to some others he seemed to have become friends with. Shouldn't he be coming over by now? ...Maybe he didn't understand what Ky said?

"Hey, he said we need someone to help her climb up to the ceiling because there's a button we need to press!" Nitori repeated to the boy as she points at the ceiling where the button was located. Repeating it won't hurt if he wasn't listening in the first place.

Jayson Fauth

Jayson squinted into the dim room, and found the person who could only speak German. He looked very relieved that he was able to speak with someone that understood him. That made Jayson pretty happy, he wanted to be as helpful as he could. Jayson told him that the button was in a corner of the room, and that they needed to reach it. "Sie müssen ihr helfen," (You need to help her) Jayson added, pointing towards the girl that said she used to be a cheerleader.


"Danke" Alex looked back at the person who had tried to talk to him and nodded, standing up. He walked over to the girl, got down on one knee, and cupped his hands together, waiting to boost her up.
She s,lied at the boy, and walked, putting her foot in his hands. As she was boosted up, she jumped, and was flung in the air. She reached for the button, and hit it. The button was pressed, and she fell from the air, squealing as she dropped, hoping to be caught.
Alex lifted his arms up, boosting her quite a bit into the air. He waited until she was finished, caught her as she fell, and put her down.
Part 2: The Maze

Suddenly the floor below you begins to disappear, beginning from the middle. You huddle towards the end of the room, but eventually the whole floor is gone, and you are left to fall.

And fall

And fall


You can see the grey floor coming towards you. You slam your eyes shut, preparing for impact...

And it never comes. Slowly your eyes open again. You, and the others, are sitting, perfectly safe and definitely not squashed, on a plain grey floor. A dark corridor, lit only by a few old fashioned lamps, looms before you. At the end of the long, long corridor is a fork, and so the maze begins. Just keep right, watch out for traps and what ever you do, don't get separated from the group.
Malin had stayed quiet since " ky" had taken over his conversation. Mumbling curse words to himself was the only he saw he could calm himself. Then he watched a girl pressed the button and the walls disappeared. "what the?" When he opened his eyes again he was laying on a gray floor. Malin searched hectically for Anna.

Captain Azulium]Malin had stayed quiet since " ky" had taken over [I]his[/I] conversation. Mumbling curse words to himself was the only he saw he could calm himself. Then he watched a girl pressed the button and the walls disappeared. "what the?" When he opened his eyes again he was laying on a gray floor. Malin searched hectically for Anna. [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/32473-firemaiden/ said:
Anna was looking around nervously. "W-well, that's a first," She stammered. She felt a small twinge of panic, seeing that they were in the beginning of something. "Malin? You ok? Hell, is everyone ok?" She asked, taking a shaky breath.
"I-Im fine" Ky said shakily. "I think. But...why the hell aren't we dead." He lay back down and stared at ceiling in shock, cursing all his life decisions that led to this moment.
In a panic she looked around, just to notice how dull her surroundings were." Shit,." She muttered to herself mass he bit her nails, standing up with shaky arms and legs
"No freaking clue, but I have a feeling we shouldn't stay here to long," Anna said, getting a bad feeling about where ever they were. "This seems a bit....odd don't ya think. I mean, doesn't it feel like there a bit of air coming from that direction?" She asked pointing down the corridor. "I mean, I'm no expert on creepy horror movie situations, but I don't think k that air should be coming from place where there's two differnt hallways."
Both her eyebrows raised. " Fuck!mits a maze. The air is where the exit is, because it would be hollow.." She said, flicking her hair back as she put her hands on her hips,msighing.
Malin stood up and wavered his hands around to feel the change in wind. "Oh? She's right" he looked down the hallway hoping he could find the end.
Ky hmmed from where he lay on the ground.

"In that case, let's get going" he groaned, despite making no attempt to move. "Just...after a quick nap maybe"

Jayson Fauth

Jayson's eyes widened as the group fell fast towards the ground. He was never good with heights, and falling down so suddenly was definitely not the best experience for the young teenager. Strangely, there was no impact. He opened his eyes, and stared down the bleak corridor. It seemed that they were being toyed with. But who would do such at thing...?

He listened to the sounds of uncertainty and panic from the group, and he decided to speak up. "We need to move. 'Whoever' is messing with us like this, might do something drastic to get us moving again," He got up slowly, still trying to register what was happening. "It might not be as 'nice' as the trap door we just fell through."


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