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Fantasy What If

A Simple Egg

Eggs will rule
What if. That's the question, isn't it. That's always the question.

"What if I chose that instead"

"What if I did that differently"

Your life could have been very, very different.

So here's a what if for you

What if you hadn't dismissed your curiosity.

What if you decided to check out that strange noise outside, in the middle of the night.

What if you didn't hear the footsteps behind you, not until it was too late.

What if one day your woke up in a dark room, surrounded by other limp bodies, a strange burning in your chest and a tingling in your fingers.
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Part 1: The room

You wake up in pitch black room. The floor you lie on is padded, and you can hear the sounds of multiple others around you, breathing heavily.

You are, in fact, in a small, square room, with padded walls, floor and roof. Somewhere, hidden on the walls, there is a large red button, not that it matters to you what colour it is, as your can't even see your hand right in front of your face. To get out, you need to press that button, and you'll need to get to know each other, as well as your new found powers, and work as a team to do it.

Somehow, you know all this when you wake up. Your not sure how, as you can't remember anything after being taken, but you just do.

But maybe, you can't help but to think, maybe once you get out of here...it will just be out of the fry pan and into the fire.

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Ky winced as the head ache hit. He was lying down, he noticed, and although the ground he lay on was certainly not hard, it wasn't his bed, or couch either. He sat up groggily, massaging his temples and attempted to make something out in the darkness. Nothing. It was darker than any thing he'd ever seen.

He became aware of breathing and warmth around him. He reached out to crawl across the floor, and accidentally pressed down on something warm. A body.

"Sorry," he whispered, before realising how stupid that was as the other body could be his kidnapper, as he was now sure he had been kidnapped, as the memories came back to him. But somehow he knew this wasn't the case, somehow he knew exactly where he was and what he was supposed to do. And he didn't like it.
Lying in the room was Nitori, who has just stirred from sleeping. She felt groggy but lost such a feeling almost immediately as she feels her way around the padded floor with one hand. This is not familiar at all, she thought. Whatever she was on was definitely not her bed. Nitori opened her eyes but the fact that it was pitch-black in wherever she was in seemed like her effort of knowing where she was did not make progress. Nitori, as she still lays on the floor, suddenly realized she knew no place like this and gained horror, not knowing what was going on and stuck in a place such as this. She wanted to get out or see someone she knew to explain. She almost felt like crying...

Someone or something bumped into Nitori. It felt like a person was here too. Wait, a person? Who? She didn't know and decided to just crawl away from the person in surprise. The person, who sounded like a male, said an apology though. The voice wasn't familiar too. What was going on? Nitori didn't want to respond and her heart raced in terror. Nitori tries to weave her way around the dark area and get away. After just a few inches, she dropped to the floor. Nitori attempted to recollect her thoughts and suddenly the objective of finding a button inside this room and doing that as a team came to her mind. What did that mean?
As he opens his eyes, Reissner is suddenly hit by something in the head.

"Was zum Teufel..." (What the Hell...) He mumbled to himself, before sitting up. He blinked a few times, looking around, until he realized something. There was nothing to see. He tried to stand up, but he could barely feel his legs, so all he could do was shuffle around. He moved to his left, and collided with something that felt like a bed. He put his hand up against it and felt around, only finding more cushion.

"Was ist das?" (What is this?) He whispered to himself, and slumped against the wall in his weakness.
The young girl groaned out, her hair falling on her face. She slowly began to feel the padded floor, to the realisation she wasn't in her room. She felt the humid air from the people's breaths, and peeled her eyelids opened. She realised it was pitch black, and she began to panic. Out of sheer terror she squealed, and jumped up to her feet, instantly getting her strength to her legs. She began to hyperventilate and walk, trying to find a wall to use. Instead, her knees met someone's side, and she toppled over onto someone. She felt the air escape her lungs in a rush. She was ontop of the man, and she was panicking. She felt a hot rush of blood escape into her face, that's when she realised she was shaking and crying , but she made no sounds to signify that she was crying. She couldn't move, she was stuck ontop of the boy.

@A Simple Egg
Ky swore as a small body fell onto him. He was about to push it off but when he felt hot tears running from the persons face onto his, he paused, then pushed himself up and heaved the body into his lap. It was small, and appeared to be female.

"Uh...it's ok?" He tried and patted the girls head gingerly. He heard someone else, a small distance away, speaking in a language he didn't recognize.

"Ok" he said, trying to find method in the madness, "who else is here and, uh, awake."
She whiled her face, letting a small sniffle escape. He could feel her knees shaking against him

Her sleeves were balled up and to her mouth as it quivered. She sniffed and looked around, feeling somewhat comfortable on the mans lap. She turned her head quickly, looking at the voice. She coughed as she felt the tears burning at the back of her eyes. They caught on her eyelashes that held no product. She felt her face and remembered her nose mask. She was meant to wear it over night. She quickly tore it off, dismissing it.

@A Simple Egg
Nitori couldn't relax with such a loss for knowledge, and yet she felt fine that others were here who seemed to know nothing too. She didn't want to let her guard down for such things but she listened anyway. Nitori heard a person speak with an accent(?), a person sniffling, and a person who she recognized as someone who apologized earlier. Were they as lost as her? She didn't know. All she knew was that she was in a dark room with people who she feels she doesn't know. What Nitori wishes is someone she does know appearing right about now.

Nitori scampered to her feet to find out if it was fine to do so and she felt just about right. She waves her arms around so that she won't bump into something as she walked backwards. After her back hit a wall, she slumped down to sit. It felt definitely more comfortable to know that there was a wall she could support herself with. There might still be more others here but she wants to stay hidden from them as long as possible. She doesn't even know them in the first place and can't feel it right to trust them at all, although something in herself said that she needs them.
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Alex felt a slight rush of air as something came down next to him. He looked over to his left, and still, saw absolutely nothing. He slid up the wall, slowly regaining his strength, with just enough to stand. He gulped, and took a step forward, running his hand against the wall. But suddenly, he tripped on something, falling to the floor. He felt around for what he fell on, and it was very... Warm. He felt around some more, and realized that it was a pair of legs. He backed up a bit and, remembering what little English he knew, whispered a quick "Sorry.", and stood back up.
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Malin woke up as he did on any other morning of any day, however, when he opened his eyes he realized something rather peculiar. His room was pitch black and his bed didn't feel right. It didn't take him long to realize this wasn't his home. Then his bad memory faded and he remembered he was kidnapped. What did they want with him? Why wa- The sound of voices startled him. He stood up to find the source of the sounds and stuck out his arms so he wouldn't run into anything. "One,two" he silently counted his steps. Wall? It was soft. "Three, four" he slid down the wall and oddly didn't come in contact with and of the voices. Malin got to around ten before giving up and sitting back down "Hopeless..." He muttered
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A girl who was still unconscious, muttered something incoherent. Her eyes rolled behind her eyelids, and slowly they opened with a groan. She slowly sat her, her head throbbed and her neck stiff, and her body sore. "What the heck happened?" She muttered. Her green eyes seemed to glow a little in the dark, but that didn't help her see anything. Annalee felt she knew why was going on, she had been kidnapped. Again. "Damn," She muttered, not knowing she wasn't alone.
Ky waited for a while, and tightened his grip on the whimpering girl, hoping he wasn't invading her privacy. But when he got no response he sighed.

"Ok then, fine. Look I get we're all in the dark here," he gave a small laugh at his pun, a nervous tic, "but I, for one, do not want to be in here for long. It's cramped, and it feels like there's a lot of us, and if you know what i do, which i'm guessing you all do, then you you know we all need to calm down,"
Alex backed up a bit, being more careful this time, and walked into the wall. He went through his pockets trying to find anything useful, but only found a few Euros, until he remembered to check his jacket. He reached in and, to his excitement, found his lighter. He flipped it open and sparked it, creating a small area of light.
She looked at the light and flinched, drawing nearer to the boy. She was so confused, more confused than ever, actually. She wanted to cry. She wanted to laugh. She wanted to vomit, she wanted to hurl. She wanted to do so many things but she was stuck on one thing. Shaking. It was like she was a wet dog out in the cold. She hated it. She looked to where she thought the man was and put two shaky hands on him, making sure he was still there, THIGUH she kinda new from him basically holding onto the girl

Jayson Fauth

Jayson was terrified.

He sat in a corner, listening to the voices and movement inside the room. He could not see a thing, and he was frozen to his spot. All he could remember was thinking about sneaking out of his room and going out to explore, maybe to find material for a new book he was thinking about. Now he was in an unfamiliar place, with a bunch of strangers that also have no idea what is going on.

The teenager clutched his chest. There was an odd burning sensation. Was he drugged? How did he get here? And why? Thousands of thoughts ran through his mind as he tried to calm himself down, but to no avail. He could hear someone speak up, but the ringing in his ears made it impossible for him to understand what they said.

His eyes darted to a small source of light, and calmed down a substantial amount, but he was still afraid. Jayson decided to stay silent until the others spoke up, and thought of a plan. For now, he kept his eyes on the light while he focused on creating a plan for some sort of escape.
Ky took a deep breath and squeezed his eyes shut when the small light flickered into existence, and more gasps and panicked sounds came from around the room. There was still no answer. He felt the panic set in more too, and he knew if the others didn't calm down he would lose it.

"Calm down!" He shouted desperately, his voice cracking half way through. He sent a mental apology to the girl in his arms for shouting in her ear.
She flinched as he yelled in her ear but it seemed to help her. No matter what she always had her phone on her. She took one hand off him, reaching into her bra and taking out a phone. She took a deep breath as she turned it on. It blinded her, it showed her face and the boys face. She had a doll like face, but she had tear stains on her face. She looked to see if she had any reception. None. She huffed, and looked up.
As a person took out a lighter and ignited it to make a light source, Nitori covered her eyes slightly as her eyes already adjusted to the dark room she was currently in. But, this also calmed her down along with the familiar person's cry for peace among the people in the room. Nitori screwed up her eyes and peered among the people who was in the room.

Two were in a position she can tell that looked awkward, unless she missed the intent with their action. Another person was in a corner and a few were in the middle of the room. They were all unfamiliar that she knew something definitely was going on here. The fact that the others looked as terrified seemed like something was definitely wrong here. She wanted to approach them and tell them to be fine but she knew that won't work. Nitori stood and walked around the room, with her back to the wall and came nearer to two people. She thought of consulting them of the situation first aside from others since they look just as old as her. The girl's cellphone and another's lighter casted two shadows that differ in size and intensity.

"Um, do you both know what's happening? I probably think you don't know..." Nitori asked the boy as asking the girl was obviously more than rude as she was in a crying state. Nitori didn't even know who to approach or why she should but somehow something told her to be with these people...to care for them as a team...

@A Simple Egg @Dibbydoo

Suddenly, the lighter flame vanished. Alex tried to ignite it again, only to realize that it was out of fluid. He threw it onto the floor, and sat back down.
Ky winced as the flame went out, but luckily the light of the phone had now taken its place. He looked up at the new girl.

"No idea." He said shakily. "Or...well actually I do have an idea. But I don't know...if...I don't know." He shook his head. "There's something, a button, but it's probably just the drugs..."

The girl with the phone was really beginning to be uncomfortable on his lap.

"You ok now?" He asked her
She nodded to the boys question,mart ting off his lap and slowly standing up. She slowly began to out the phones passcode, entering the code correctly. After a few taps of the screen, it dimmed and the flashlight at the back took over. She had shined it accedently in the boys eyes that she was with no let than a few seconds ago, quickly turning it to where she saw the light. She shined the torn on them,looking at each person as she shined the torch on them. She ran the torn along the walls,mooing ing it to the floor,mshaking the sleeping body's. She blinked, not sure where to point.
One second they were having a yellow-ish light with good heat and now it gone off and later someone got a flashlight on their phone. This hurt the eyes but she didn't want to complain. After a moment of sitting after the boy's answer and staring at the girl pointing the cellphone around the room, Nitori remembered she had a phone too and tried to check the pockets. After putting a hand in each and every single one, none have been there save for a few candy wrappers which she stuffed in one pocket. Nitori looked at what the girl was shining her torch with and decided not to think about her intentions and instead direct attention to something else.

"Wait, you mentioned about a button... I think I know about a button too..." Nitori said and knew the boy mentioning something about a button out of the blue wasn't coincidence at all.
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Alex barely understood what they were saying. He had gone to English classes in school, but hadn't really payed attention too well. He hoped that somehow, they'd find a way to understand each other. He looked up at the sudden light being shone all over the walls, and squinted a bit, having to adjust to the new, brighter light. He sighed and wondered if they would-- or even could -- find a way out.
Malin remained quiet as thoughts filled his mind. lights? He queried himself as he saw it illuminating most of the room. He patted himself for his cell. "Left it..." He muttered. Well, I should probably try and team with someone. He screened the room for someone that was by themself and came across a girl with green hair that barely showed in the dim light. Malin decided to walk over and sit by her.

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