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Fantasy What If

Anna's head still hurt, and she started to notice the weird feeling in her hands and chest. "Great, drugging," she muttered. "I wonder what the hell is going on," She looked around at the others in the room. A group napping she wondered. As she scanned the room, her eyes locked with a white haired kid. She flashed him a smile.

@Captain Azulium
Ky looked up sharply as the girl mentioned the button.

"You...know to?"

He stretched himself and stood up, waving unsteadily on his feet.

"So...it's not the drugs?"

"3 cups flour, 4th cup pig, mmm pig, or turkey?"

Elli spoke softly in her sleep about something crazy, probably just some dream she was having. before her words started to awake her, and her eyes fluttered open. Only to be met with complete darkness. "huh?" she questioned, feeling the floor obviously wasn't her bed. She tried to sit up, feeling a few bones in her back pop, and her entire body stiffen up. This was not good, she felt lost for a second. before she noticed the flashing of light from a phone and some people talking. She cleared her throat the best she could from the dryness before speaking "H-hello? W-where am I-I?" she asked gently, but could already feel the water works beginning. She knew this wasn't home, home? Her mind seemed foggy for a second trying to remember anything before the dark room.A few things passed her mind, but everything was to blurry to think straight. She sat back on her legs, her hands in her lap and started to cry. Not sure what was going on, this probably wasnt the best place and time to cry but her instincts told her it was best.​
Alex quickly turned his attention to the newly awoken girl. He followed her voice and sat down next to her. "We don't know..." He said, using his best pronunciation. He noticed she was crying, and looked down at her face. He didn't know what to say, though. Literally. Again, to his English classes, he wasn't paying attention.

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She held the light pointed at the middle of the room, thinking. " W-Where do you think they kept the button?" She said. " On the walls? Or roof?,think they hid it?" She was cracking her small shell as she spoke, opmeing up a little more. They couldn't see how she looked, the light didn't shine on her. It only shon on the rest of them. She thought, and looked up blankly in the darkness.

Elli noticed new man come crawling over her way, and tried her best to wipe the tears away. She noticed his English was alright, but he didn't seem comfortable with it. then noticing his German accent she remembered she had actually took some German classes. Wondering for a moment if everyone else in this room could actually speak English, she wasn't the great translator, she only knew English and a good amount of German. Then she noticed a girl speak in English and was relived, at least hopefully only one person is unable to speak with everyone. Looking at him she nodded "Sie wissen nicht, gut Englisch?"

@RedRider I gave elli the ability to speak with you, so someone can understand you better if thats okai. and I'm using google translate cause idk actual German xD​
Cool! But um, could you leave translations in parenthesis please?

Alex gasped. She spoke German. "N-Nein..." (No...) "Ich habe ein paar Klassen, a-aber nicht viele..." (I took some classes, but not many...) He was almost unable to speak clearly. Finally, he could talk to someone.

She nodded and smiled "verständlich, ich weiß nicht viel Deutsch, ich denke? nahm Unterricht"

understandable, I dont know much german, I think? took classes

Elli then started to look for her purse, if she could find it. hopefully her phone would be in it and she could bring some more light into the place. "crap" she whispered under her breath as it didnt seem to be here. the only thing she knew she had on her was lip balm, and she was sure that wasnt gonna help anyone out.

Yea no problem xD sorry people I usually rp with just Google it
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Yeah, but I'm lazy.

"Nun, ich kann immer helfen." (Well, I can always help.) He replied with finality. He stretched his arms and legs, and put his hands in his pockets.
(Papa Franku's Here Baby)

Nobody knew Tonada was there,He was sleeping he was dreaming about something as he layed there he rolled and snored a lot but still nobody could hear him it was as if he was trapped inside the dream,Then suddenly out of nowhere he screamed "Help!!"opening his eyes almost instantly and making everyone's eyes turn towards him
Ky scratched the back of his head, trying to take in everything that was going on.

"Uh, I don't know. It might be under the padding even...who knows."

He distantly noticed anger girl wake up, and heard her and another speaking gibberish, or at least to him. This was going to be a problem. Suddenly another boy screamed out, the loud noise even louder in the small room.

"What the...dude! Do you mind?"
The Button

The button is hidden in the top right corner of the room, surrounded by red padding on all sides, making it hard to see. It is approximately 3 of the teenagers put together tall.
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"True..." He sighed and leaned back on the wall behind them "hey" he leaned back up "I know we're both kinda lost, and this might be entirely useless but, what if we teamed? Y'know?" He smirked.

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Alex looked up at the others in the room, and then back at the girl next to him. "Was sagen Sie?" (What are they saying?) He asked, wanting to be able to help.

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Jayson Fauth

Jayson hugged his knees, thinking hard. Another light shone through the room, and it made him a bit more calm. The more he heard about a button, the more he remembered about it. It was true, there
was a button in this room, but no one knew where it was. He also heard someone speaking German, and someone speaking more broken German.

He lowered his eyes, and wondered if he should use own knowledge of German. Learning a new language was part of the training he needed in order to become a new heir of his family. Even though he hated it, it was quite useful in some situations. Gave his books a little more flair.

He couldn't really see where the voices were coming from, but the teenager decided to turn his head and spoke quietly, "Es gibt einen knopf hier." (There is a button here)

((okay i really dont know german so i'm using google translate so plz forgive ty ;A;))

@RedRider @Calalily

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"Malin" he smiled, thinking about the name Anna "but you can call me Malin" he said without thinking. He facepalmed himself in his mind and hoped she'd take it like a joke.
[QUOTE="Captain Azulium]"Malin" he smiled, thinking about the name Anna "but you can call me Malin" he said without thinking. He facepalmed himself in his mind and hoped she'd take it like a joke.

"Smooth," Anna said with a small chuckle. "Anyway, you have any idea why we're here? And what this weird feeling is? If this this is a drug, it's a new one."
FireMaiden said:
"Smooth," Anna said with a small chuckle. "Anyway, you have any idea why we're here? And what this weird feeling is? If this this is a drug, it's a new one."
Ky looked around at everyone, cursing their socializing. They had to get out of that room, a strange constant urge kept telling him. He overheard a nearby conversation and turned to join.

"You sound like your used to drugs," he said, raising a single eyebrow
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[QUOTE="A Simple Egg]Ky looked around at everyone, cursing their socializing. They had to get out of that room, a strange constant urge kept telling him. He overheard a nearby conversation and turned to join.
"You sound like your used to drugs," he said, raising a single eyebrow

"This isn't the first time I've woken up in a dark room," Anna said with a shrug. "I'm Annalee Smith, nice to me you." She gave him a pleasant smile, "And you are?"
" If I were someone hiding a button.. I would hide it up high.. Maybe.." She pointed up her phone and raised both eyebrows and she spcirled the room, them bam, there it was, the hardly noticable button. It was up high, that was the problem. " Uhm, I found the button guys!" She called out unsurely. She stared at it, wandering it was so high, and thinking about how to get up there.
FireMaiden said:
"This isn't the first time I've woken up in a dark room," Anna said with a shrug. "I'm Annalee Smith, nice to me you." She gave him a pleasant smile, "And you are?"
Dibbydoo said:
" If I were someone hiding a button.. I would hide it up high.. Maybe.." She pointed up her phone and raised both eyebrows and she spcirled the room, them bam, there it was, the hardly noticable button. It was up high, that was the problem. " Uhm, I found the button guys!" She called out unsurely. She stared at it, wandering it was so high, and thinking about how to get up there.
"Ky, nice to meet you." Ky said, grinning and wondering just how many times she had woken in a dark room. "So if your an expert at this-"

He was cut off by the girl who had been crying earlier, the one with the phone.

"What?" He said, whirling around. "Where?"
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