Viewpoint What do your rp partners do that you love?

I appreciate chats and also remarks about my writing style. I aim to improve it constantly; writing is a hobby that I thoroughly enjoy, and have actively taken time to shape via classes, contests, etc. I also write several paragraphs each response, so sometimes it's nice to hear that they liked a metaphor or how I structured a sentence/phrase after I put quite a bit of effort into my response.
We gush together about how stupid cute our characters are toward each other. I love when I talk to someone who is as excited as I am to write our story. The best thing is when talking to them is even better than what's going on in our rp.
I love subtext/foreshadowing and slowly revealing pieces of my character. I often feel like the effort and over-thinking I put into my ocs and posts often goes completely unnoticed, especially in group rps where people don't have the courtesy to fully read interactions they're not involved in, and especially when they are interacting with me and still skim the post! It's really obvious when they say something that contradicts something I wrote clearly. Sometimes it's my fault and I'm too subtle. So when I find someone as passionate as I am, who's also into subtext, and we can get into each other's writing and analyze each other's ocs and posts its really fun.
Oh, gosh! Here's a list!

I love it when my players are simply getting along with one another, each contributing to the harmony and fun around this incredible virtual table that is RP Nation.

I love watching them communicate and share ideas in OOC chat. I love it when they do their best not to bring in drama and take my games as the safe havens that they are.

I love it when they come up with ideas and solutions to in-game challenges that I never saw coming!

I really like it when they pay attention to the small things in my stories. The details. I don't know any Game Master that doesn't like it when their Players are taking notes because it means they're have a real interest in the game they're making! These are the people that you never have to remind what the honest barkeep's or the friendly police officer's name is. It shows me that they're really interested in what's going on and not taking anything for granted. That feels nice!

I really like it when they come in and vent. Get stuff off of their chests. It might not even be game-related, but it shows that they're comfortable enough with you to share things like that, you know? Plus it helps them!

I love it when they post memes and funny things in the OOC channel! It's always good stuff!

Yeah, my Players bring me a lot of joy. Can you tell? =)

Honor and fun,
Dann =)
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There's a lotta things I love, some of them as simple as "they just write real gud idk ;;"

But one thing that I love, and that I'm trying to do respectfully and not obnoxiously, is creating headcanons for each others characters and offering exciting suggestions for their development. Headcanons are fun since they can always been approved or disapproved, yet the discussion can still be enjoyable regardless of the outcome.
When folks offer suggestions or interpretations of my character, it makes me feel so fluffy inside ;-; and of course is a great help for character development! I try to do the same fairly often, always saying that it's just an impression I got and can easily not be used.
And as others have said I'm sure, I enjoy tiny details in people's writing. Especially when we end up building upon each other's writing.
I personally love writers who collaborate with me! We can build on our plot together, consider each other’s ideas, and get to really synch our visions to what it is that we’re writing.

I also enjoy people who share their hobbies and out of role-play experiences. When I first started getting into role-play, it was my goal to make friends with my writing partners. I think when we take the time to get to know each other, it translates to better chemistry between our characters, just like magic!

The one thing that I’m really keen on, at moment, is people who understand that some of my characters belong to the LGBTQ+ community so they use different pronouns. I really can’t express how important this is. For example, if my character refers to themselves as “they” and my partner uses “she”, I tend to be a little put off. I understand that not everyone is used to it, but at least make an effort.

Also, patience! I appreciate people’s graciousness in this way because I really take my time to write a proper response. For me, it’s almost like a fun creative writing assignment so I proof read and rewrite paragraphs sometimes. I’m so grateful to anyone who understands my turtle-like pace! 🐢💕
Also, patience! I appreciate people’s graciousness in this way because I really take my time to write a proper response. For me, it’s almost like a fun creative writing assignment so I proof read and rewrite paragraphs sometimes. I’m so grateful to anyone who understands my turtle-like pace! 🐢💕
Seems to me like RPers these day have very short and lively attention spans, so it always surprises me when you find the patient groups who can sit for months and still be about it. Diamonds in the rough.
I love the easter eggs when bringing back an old OC into a new RP. We had a wolf character who's best friend was a bird named Kevin back almost 10 years ago, and my friend randomly brought him back and I just lost it with laughter.
I absolutely adore talking about our characters. I love it! Compare, contrast, show what kind of dumb thing they do, it's amazing when an entire group of rpers are just going back and forth with their characters with ideas, comments, and just general stupidity! I love it
from personal experience, what i love most is just having somebody be there to listen to me, talk to me or even just encourage me by telling me that some part of the content i've made is good.

it absolutely sucks when the people you're rping with aren't responsive or they just ignore/mock what you say/write. when people belittle your efforts, it gets incredibly discouraging, and it makes me sad to realize that so many roleplays (especially on discord) tend to fall into the trap of such toxicity in the first place.

what makes a roleplay enjoyable is just having that one person be there to listen to you ramble and tell you that you're doing a good job. in addition, just having a partner in a roleplay that both IRP and OORP does interact with your characters makes me incredibly, incredibly happy. when roleplaying is all about interaction and collaboration, the feeling of inclusivity is absolutely vital.
Just now I got that wholesome moment when a former RP partner sent me a fanart of my OC. Made even more wholesome considering we were in a group RP and I'm still in there now.

Yes salti salti , I'm talking about you and this cute fanart:
Thanks again for that. 😊

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