What do people do that bothers you most on rp sites?

What do people that bothers you most on rp sites

  • When someone posts a sentence in response to my paragraph

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • When rp partners disappear for weeks on end

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • When people are closed off to rp ideas, and will only do a very few things

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • When people don't respond to you for a while, but are responding to other people

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Just being left hanging forever

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • When rp partners expect you to respond way to frequently

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Knowing you have tons of rps to respond too and not feeling enthusiastic about doing them

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • When people have BAD GRAMMAR! *to not *too, sheesh.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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New Member
This, including other roleplaying sites, tend to have some basic things that everyone hates. What is yours?
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i dont mind about late replies, since im pretty guilty in that department. the reason i take ages to reply is because i want to post a single sentence, thus when people post only a sentence to my extensive 900 word essay its frustrating
lack of communication when it comes to the rp, I need some idea of which way to go with it just expecting me to read your mind and know what you want is really frustrating. At least give some hints on what you'd like it doesn't have to be spelled out in big neon letters but just a little nudge would do wonders to help me. It's even more annoying when I try to hint at 'I need some direction here' and they get annoyed/angry at me for not knowing exactly what they wanted from me.
Lack of communication

Refusal to play varied characters, to the point "it's my preference" becomes a catch-all excuse for not leaving one's comfort zone


Inflated prose in and out of character

People who take themselves way too seriously

People who don't take things seriously enough

People who treat roleplay like their monologue yet expect the other person to carry them

People who can't carry a plot

People who put importance on description, but use it only to fluff up their post and not to actually add to the scene

Everything in that poll, save the bits about taking long to reply; if the partner communicates ooc, this isn't an issue

Websites and people that place importance on really shitty "levels" of roleplaying (i.e. literate, 'advanced' literate, elite—wtf lol.)

People who focus too much on word count to differentiate "good" players from "bad" players (focus on one on one here; I understand group expectations to a point)

Too much romance, especially forced romance, and people who go in a tiz when character romance doesn't go down the way they want

Too much focus on oversimplified power dynamics (i.e. master/slave) just for the sake of wish fulfillment

Unrealistic character expectations of many/all kinds

I could write a book about this. I've been on some craptastic websites.
It was not on the list however I find that continuously demeaning/degrading others due to their lack of knowledge on incorporating BBCode into their CS is infuriating.

We all began as newbies on here, no one is superior to anyone else just because they know how to type content into brackets {not to mention after consulting a goddamned guide, who's laughing now?}.

It seems to be common with people who make CS's to accept the one that is eye-catching rather than knowledgeable. It is a particularly disappointing event when you see another work their asses off on a CS and get rejected because their sheet wasn't "appealing to the eye."

I don't like it, not one bit.

It makes me want to pull my hair out.
To keep it simple I will say that OP characters are the biggest offenders for me. I find it frustrating when a roleplay overseer presents us with a difficult challenge (Like a large barrage of foes to defeat) and these people simply wipes it off with a single paragraph by using their ridiculous character's skills. It just sucks the fun of the RP for me.

Another thing, though much more uncommon, is when a pair of roleplayers become lovers and suddenly the whole RP is a 1x1 for them. They don't talk to their fellow roleplayers and simply pass the rest of the RP without being able to get their hands off each other. Also, I find it a tat bit ridiculous when one character falls in love with another the FIRST day they meet each other and he begin trying enforce a relationship (Going as far as complaining directly to their target's roleplayers when something doesn't go their way). Heck, some don't even read the other's CS and simply guide themselves by the looks of the character. They will even make their character all depressed if they get rejected. The sad part is that most often than not the target's roleplayer gives into said relationship because of the pressure. Such a childish and annoying behavior...
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[QUOTE="The Servant]To keep it simple I will say that OP characters are the biggest offenders for me. I find it frustrating when a roleplay overseer presents us with a difficult challenge (Like a large barrage of foes to defeat) and these people simply wipes it off with a single paragraph by using their ridiculous character's skills. It just sucks the fun of the RP for me.

I feel you on this. I RP allot on a very political roleplaying website called NationStates. That happens allot on there when it comes to battle scenarios. I seriously just get so mad when i hear some random person magically coming in posting with a full force of 9,000 troops and 1,000 tanks into a small city and wipe out all the partisans within a couple of sentences... how the F! did 9,000 troops and 1,000 tanks magically appear out of nowhere and began marching into the city wiping them out without any resistance, any days of planning, and any intel of the city? lol
The one-liner replies to my paragraph or even worse when people basically expect you to drag their limp and lifeless body through the entire story. They make no effort to contribute anything other than agreeing blindly to all your suggestions. Or if they do put in a little effort in plotting it's erased by the fact that they essentially play a cardboard cut out that my character practically has to physically carry everywhere in interactions.

Like firstly have an opinion for god's sake. Secondly I am not writing fanfiction here - either contribute or leave. I'm not hauling your ass from hell and back just because you can't figure out how to progress the story.

#iamabitchtho #sorrynotsorry #realroleplayproblems #ijustlikehashtagsokay #don'tjudgeme
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I have a list of peeves in role plays, so I truly hope I do not offend those, I will attempt to keep it pleasant to the best of my ability:

  • One-liners to a rather detailed role play at times frustrate me. Especially those who are literate and enjoy explaining and writing, only get a sentence response, often which is not even a grammatical sentence.
  • I strongly dislike those who make overly-powerful/OP characters who godmod and show absolutely no regard to the existing rules or plot.
  • I don't understand some individuals who just join role plays in the expectation they will have their female/male character paired with a character immediately, and only show attention to said character. I feel you should have a character who interacts with others in hopes of adventure and the like, not just to be in a relationship and flaunt it to others. Similarly, once two characters become paired, and they only focus on one another, and try to make it some love-drama role play. It's a bit agitating at times, especially when it's excessive.
  • Those who actively refuse to abide by the canon universe or role play roles and make it strictly about their character.
  • Extremely poor grammar to the point where I cannot even understand what you are saying. Of course, I am a very generous person, but at times it becomes difficult, and I am not sure what to respond..

I have many more, but they usually come within the moment of actually writing. //;;
It's definitely not defiantly!!!

It's the single most common spelling mistake I see everywhere
I tend to generally keep a 100 word per post minimum rule. I really, really hate it when people either cannot differentiate between to/two/too, there/their/they're, where/were/we're et cetera and when they just leave without notice. Probably just as bad is when someone doesn't carry the plot. On another roleplay site, I had participants just making random convo posts or people who tried to force a different plot altogether. It gets worse the younger they are too (including mental age).
I have such a list I could write a novel.

Lack of communication

Lack of spelling and grammar

Not paying attention to others' posts.

Among many, many others.

I also have a habit of assuming people will keep to a "Publishable Standard" when writing, so when I see things that would get you kicked out of a journalism job, I get pissed.

Overly powerful mary sues, there's another one. Characters who try to make the story all about them, when there's a lot of people involved.

One that might get me some flak on here is that I intensely dislike BBC coding, coloring, special spacing or anything like that. I think posts should stand out based on the quality of their writing, not bells and whistles. I can tolerate non-egregious offenders who actually write well though.

Also, when I run games with a high standard, someone coming in and spelling, punctuating and typing like a 5 year old. That peeves me. Particularly since I try damn hard to spell correctly through dyslexia.

Chihaya said:
I have a list of peeves in role plays, so I truly hope I do not offend those, I will attempt to keep it pleasant to the best of my ability:
  • One-liners to a rather detailed role play at times frustrate me. Especially those who are literate and enjoy explaining and writing, only get a sentence response, often which is not even a grammatical sentence.
  • I strongly dislike those who make overly-powerful/OP characters who godmod and show absolutely no regard to the existing rules or plot.
  • I don't understand some individuals who just join role plays in the expectation they will have their female/male character paired with a character immediately, and only show attention to said character. I feel you should have a character who interacts with others in hopes of adventure and the like, not just to be in a relationship and flaunt it to others. Similarly, once two characters become paired, and they only focus on one another, and try to make it some love-drama role play. It's a bit agitating at times, especially when it's excessive.
  • Those who actively refuse to abide by the canon universe or role play roles and make it strictly about their character.
  • Extremely poor grammar to the point where I cannot even understand what you are saying. Of course, I am a very generous person, but at times it becomes difficult, and I am not sure what to respond..

I have many more, but they usually come within the moment of actually writing. //;;
This, basically.
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I have quiet a few that bother me. One of the biggest ones is grammar, it's so hard to read a reply when everything is either spelled wrong or a word has a space in it that it shouldn't have or both. Then there's one liners, if I write two or three paragraphs in reply to you then please reply with more than "he/she smiled". Also, when there us never any capitalization.

I'm okay with others taking a while to reply or even a few days because I'm guilty of that too, but even if I'm taking a while to reply, would you please not continuously flood the thread until I do reply. Honestly, that just makes me not want to reply at all.

That's also a thing where people don't get I almost always rp from my phone so I have autocorrect on and some times it corrects one word into a different word. So if they'd a word that doesn't make sense is because of my phone and I probably didn't notice. Then they start getting on you about it and it's just really annoying.

I have more but those are my main four.
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It's not on this site, but rather, another site. I encountered a roleplayer who insists on me taking on canon character roles that I have little to no interest in. I once obliged him and I thought the roleplay was seriously going well, but it was boring for me because I like making my own characters. In addition, it was boring because I knew basically nothing about the show or the character I was playing so I was pretty much using my own personality to continue the story. In addition, it seemed that my character was always in an established relationship with his character...

I thought it was pretty telling when we were discussing doing a pokemon roleplay with OCs and he left the chat when I didn't want my character to be in an established relationship with his. I never roleplayed with him again.

On another site, I had issues finding lasting and meaningful roleplay for my character because most of the players were already in established cliques. I couldn't start my own because starting and maintaining a sim was extremely expensive, way beyond my means.

On the poll, I voted for the sentence respond to my paragraph or two response. I hate those because it makes it extremely difficult to craft a response that is beyond one hundred words, which is my basic minimum. I need more details before I can post an adequate response.

I'm generally not too fussy. Mostly because I'm a little guilty of being somewhat of a fangirl when I roleplay in Fandom (especially with OHSHC lol). But I think that people are generally a little fangirlish in that fandom in particular, due to it being quite a silly anime, so I think it's acceptable.

I'm not picky over minor grammatical errors, as I often post in a hurry and forget (I usually do a quick read-over once I've posted, just in case of any glaring errors - I often miss out words...). I do, however, get frustrated when someone does a short, low quality post in response to one that I've put a lot of effort into. I prefer high quality, low quantity to low quality, high quantity. I can tolerate short posts if they're still entertaining and bring through the character.

I'm pretty tolerant of people who write Mary Sues due to my own history. I started roleplaying at 13, and I wrote a very beautiful, attention-seeking Mary Sue in my first serious roleplay. The others were all about 15-20 years old. They tolerated me. One tried to gently tell me that she was a Mary Sue - but I didn't even know what that was. They were all extremely kind to me, and I am still grateful that they weren't mean to me about it. Everyone has to start somewhere, and everyone has to grow. Their skills allowed me to grow. So I'm willing to help out a noob, but rather in a group roleplay - I wouldn't have the energy in a 1x1 unless they were explicitly wanting to improve their writing or whatever. And I have pointed out ridiculous impossibilities to people, when it's gotten over the top.

I have a particular pet peeve for people who just disappear on me. There's been too many. I don't care if you're bored or you hate it or you hate me - just let me know, don't keep me hanging. If you've messaged with me for a couple of times, you should know that I'm pretty chilled in general. I just don't want to be investing my time in something that's inevitably going to fail.
When people like to call others out on simple mistakes. Aka RedIncubus!

I hate when people think it's their job to act like freaking jerks to others.

Another one when a person has a complain and the mods and administrative don't take it seriously like how they're supposed to

How one liners is not roleplaying! I need more people!! Don't hold back on me!

How people copy other people's stuff and try to claim it as their own! That's a huge no!!

How people say they won't join your rp cause they don't like it. Well bitch just move on to one that you will like I don't need your stupid two cents on how you like or hate my rp! How bout I go over to one of yours and talk shit about it?!

I have so much more but I'm just gonna stop it here
Picture this:

Joining a roleplay, they wanted new people in on a already constructed setting and people are just in need of another person. They seem interesting and are chatting away in the OOC thread, so being the chatty and friendly fellow you are, you go say hello to them.

And proceed to be ignored, you try again, once again you are ignored, try 3 more times trying to play it off as a joke...

That and people making characters, showing their interest, and then suddenly they disappear once it's time to go. It is almost like they only wanted to make a character and that's it.

A lack of commitment it a plague among many here, if only there were a vaccine for it.
Orikanyo said:
Picture this:
Joining a roleplay, they wanted new people in on a already constructed setting and people are just in need of another person. They seem interesting and are chatting away in the OOC thread, so being the chatty and friendly fellow you are, you go say hello to them.

And proceed to be ignored, you try again, once again you are ignored, try 3 more times trying to play it off as a joke...

That and people making characters, showing their interest, and then suddenly they disappear once it's time to go. It is almost like they only wanted to make a character and that's it.

A lack of commitment it a plague among many here, if only there were a vaccine for it.
I know! I don't understand it at all. Once I decide to start a roleplay, I am committed! People are dumb sometimes... D:
readingraebow said:
The one-liner replies to my paragraph or even worse when people basically expect you to drag their limp and lifeless body through the entire story. They make no effort to contribute anything other than agreeing blindly to all your suggestions. Or if they do put in a little effort in plotting it's erased by the fact that they essentially play a cardboard cut out that my character practically has to physically carry everywhere in interactions.
Like firstly have an opinion for god's sake. Secondly I am not writing fanfiction here - either contribute or leave. I'm not hauling your ass from hell and back just because you can't figure out how to progress the story.

#iamabitchtho #sorrynotsorry #realroleplayproblems #ijustlikehashtagsokay #don'tjudgeme
This is where I'd like to begin my little rant. For me, this is a root that should be cut, but fir some reason just keeps showing up again. An rp is a collaborative effort , you have to give me SOMETHING to work with! If you can't think of anything for the story, why did you join it in the first place?

But then, we also have the opposite issue. When someone ties to push everything by themselves and at the best skims over your post. I've had apolayptic -sclae events happen in my post that ended up not even mentioned, much less reacted to by my fellow player.

From the list, I'd say leaving me hanging, as in taking forever to reply until they finally disappear (and sometimes, just keep going somewhere else) is one of the worse. Ihave done it myself, though, by mistake (notifications stopped coming). But the fact it is done so often and sometimes in rps that just seems to be going so well...it's heartbreaking.

Another one is replying a sentence to my paragraph. Usually replying half a paragraph to my three or four paragrpahs, where I especifically assured they had enough to work with, with little effort. I mean, c'mon...If we agreed to do it detailed, at least try!

But the cherry on top of the cake, for me, is metagaming. Ah often this happens and how cocky and how much of an asshole someone must be, to go reverse the whole definition of what is being done here just for their sake of midly satisfying their own huge ego. CharactErs who change in every aspect for the sake of the person not being in a a situation that is even slightly inconviniemt for their OOC plans. Or to achieve their goal of being "the bestest" character ever. Nowhere is this seen best than in arbitrary characters. Characters often designed by amateurs that lazy out and chase mindless overused tropes , just to have an excuse to change their character in the blink of an eye and to ignore everything they wrote on their CS except their name or maybe their typical dead parents.(murder or car accident).
ahaaaa, my biggest one has to be when cis people write about trans issues because it is so painfully obvious they are not trans

and most of the time they manage to be triggering as hell so


sure, play a trans character, but do your research, and if you're not trans, don't write about trans problems

other than that, people joining roleplays with their supremely overpowered characters (skyrim characters, for instance, who are guild masters of all guilds and have a unique set of armor and loads of unique weapons and all skills maxed... etc) with no regard for the power level in mind for the roleplay

that's annoying too

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