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Fantasy Werewolf RP (Jensen/Aleister)

Tom finished up with Eric before he went back to find Scarlett frowning when a dancer said she had rushed into their private bathroom. He went to the door and knocked lightly "Babe? You okay?" he asked
She stood up and unlocked the door then sat down again and rest her head against the sink. “I feel like I’m gonna throw up.” She mumbled. “When will we know if a decision has been made?” She asked him reaching for his hand.
Tom frowned some and kneeled behind her rubbing her back in big slow circles "Two weeks, council meets then." He murmured feeling her pain go through him for a moment "Wher does it hurt?" He asked
“My stomach. It doesn’t hurt per say... I just feel like I’m gonna throw up.” She mumbled feeling a little sweaty and went to ask him about the council but leaned forward and started retching into the toilet.

Jon arrived to go stay with max and stepped into the room sighing a little. “How’s he doing?” He asked her quietly. His wounds weren’t healing which was really not a good sign.
Max frowned and whimpered a bit "Nothing has changed...Jon...why...why would Tom do this?" She whispered before she let a few more tears fall

Tom sighed heavily and kissed her cheek letting her finish up "Lets get you home, hopefully you'll be okay."
She just nodded, gargling with water and got up gently, walking out with him and to the car. "Tom... We need to talk about this morning." She mumbled, watching him.

Jon frowned and shook his head, "You've never had to watch alpha battles before... They get real nasty and during the full moon period, it was stupid for him to come near Tom as a human.... How mad is he gonna be if he takes to the shift?" He asked her
Max frowned softly and let a few tears fall "I'm scared he'll hate me for the rest of our lives." She whispered shaking her head softly placing her head on the bed "I don't want to loose him Jon."

Tom frowned some and sat on the bed giving a heavy sigh "What about it?" He muttered
"You killed him Tom.... And since then you've shown no remorse not even for a moment. He is your sister's mate and you cut him open like a piece of meat." She pointed out, "I love you, very very much but good lord you scared me." She told him quietly.

Jon frowned and rubbed her back, "I think he'd eventually get over it, plus you'd be mated even stronger with both of you as weres." He smiled at her.
Max nodded softly and took his hand in hers "I just want it to be okay." She murmured softly trying to keep herself calm but it wasnt working

Tom pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed heavily "He shouldn't have been there, I couldn't control myself and I learned ago to not let it get to me whatever happens in my alpha form or else I'd kill myself."
She frowned and sat up gently cupping his face and kissed his cheek. “There should be an exception to every rule.” She told him quietly and got up to go to the bathroom to get some water.

Jon just nodded and sat with her giving her shoulder a squeeze
Tom sighed heavily and sat down yawning softly before he layed down in bad "I'll visit her tomorrow." He muttered running a hand over his face

Max took a deep breath and kissed his hand gently "Jon, do you think he would let him stay in the second house til we find a pack?"
Scarlett nodded and went back to him, laying next to him and curled in close. “I still feel quite sick I’m gonna take a nap. Wake me up before you go for your shift.” She murmured before letting herself fall asleep.

He smiled a little at her and sighed. “I don’t know what is going to happen anymore. Tom called to let me know the council is voting next week on whether to let the world know that our kind exist.” He told her.
Max went wide eyed shaking her head "No...no they'll kill him if he shifts and they find out." She whimpered taking a deep breath

Tom nodded and held her close to him kissing the top of her head some "Yeah will do babe." He murmured
He frowned but nodded in agreement and then went quiet until he noticed it had gotten dark and he could feel his shift starting, looking over at Jensen. He was still dead. And cold. And his wounds hadn’t even begun healing. “Max it didn’t take.” He told her quietly, his smell had t changed.

Scarlet grumbled a little as he woke her up and she sat up kissing him gently then lay back to go back to sleep.
Max cried and shook her head "No! No no it'll take it'll take." She whimpered crying more before she shifted amd whimpered loudly as she curled up on the foot of his bed refusing the leave his side.

Tom shifted and padded off to the woods with his pack sniffing out trying to find something to eat.
Scarlett was left home alone that night and so when there was a loud banging on the front door with voices of two men along with it, she instinctively started to panic, going downstairs quietly and going over to it, pressing her ear up to it, hearing one called Sam and the other was an older man, his voice was rougher around the edges so she opened the door slowly "Hello? How can I help?" She asked them quietly, not kowing what they would be doing there.

Jon shook his head and forced her off the bed, "I will instruct them not to get rid of him but you have to hunt and quickly or you will die too and I'm not letting that happen. Not on my watch." He growled a little, letting his shift happen finally and guided her out to meet with their pack
Sam frowned looking at the woman raising an eyebrow at her "Jensen? Said he was staying in this area, thought he might be around." He said wondering what his brother had gotten himself into having not heard from him in a couple days. He wasn't sure who this woman was though, she wasn't a were he could tell that but he smelt them around

Max frowned and followed him whimpering some. As she got ready to hunt though her mind wasnt fully there so she would definitely be staying back and eating off the others
Scarlett shook her head and frowned, "I'm sorry you've got the wrong house." She mumbled and shoved the door shut in his face, bolting it and going to check the other doors in the house making sure they were all properly locked.

Andrew stayed close to her as possible to keep an eye on her as instructed by Jon, he felt bad for her but there wasn't much that could be done and she should have known the danger she was putting him in by letting him go into the house during a full moon period.
Sam frowned and raised an eyebrow before he shook his head "He should be at that bar outside of town. He said thats where he was staking out first." He muttered before he made his way. He wasn't going to mess with the woman anymore when he didn't know what he was up against.

Max ate quietly as they finished one hunt staying back to pick at the left overs glancing at Andrew as he stayed with her "Hunt with them, I'll be fine I promise." She told him through their communications
Andrew shook his head. “Jon and your brother have both instructed me to stay with you just in case. If I disobey direct orders they’ll eat me instead of game.” He pointed out and sat up.

Scarlett waited patiently the whole night until they all got back and she unlocked the back door for them, going upstairs with Tom and sitting on the edge of their bed while he shifted. “I had two men come to the door tonight.” She mumbled.
Max came back to Eric's house after they all split off and played at Jensen's feet refusing to leave his side for the night

Tom frowned some and raised an eyebrow "Is that so? Who were they? Did they ask for someone?" He asked
She frowned some and nodded. “They were looking for Jensen. One super tall guy and one older guy.” She mumbled tiredly watching him get changed.

once Eric got back he had her leave and go back to her pack again assuring her she could come back tomorrow once everyone was awake and up but they couldn’t have people there who weren’t part of their pack so he walked her out and waved her off.
Tom growled some and frowned more "Hunters...we need to get them off our scent." He muttered shaking his head some before he made his way to bed
Max woke up in the morning and made her way to Eric's house waiting outside until she was let in so she could be with Jensen. She felt awful right now and just wanted to be next to him

Tom woke up in the morning in a cold sweat panting as he remembered his nightmare trying to brush it off so he wouldnt wake Scarlett

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