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Fantasy Werewolf RP (Jensen/Aleister)

She woke up and smiled at him a little. “Hey there.... how was it last night?” She asked rolling over and holding onto him tightly.

Jensen woke up and got up to go join her in the shower, slipping his arms around her from behind and kissing all over her face and neck.
Tom held her close and kissed the top of her head "Filling and refreshing." He murmured as he ran his fingers through her hair "Much more relaxed now."

Max jumped slightly but smiled as she felt his lips on her skin "Good morning handsome." She whispered wrapping her arms around his neck.
She nodded and kissed his cheek tiredly. “Sounds good to me. You need to meet Eric at 12.” She reminded him quietly.

Jensen smirked and kissed her again gently. “Mmm morning, I could really do with some proper breakfast so maybe we should pop over to the other house this morning.” He mumbled.
Tom groaned but nodded "Alright alright I'll be there." He mumbled before cuddling up close to her

Max nodded softly "I'll get us some, you stay here. I dont want anyone trying to push your buttons, they get cocky after hunts." She murmured
He stopped her from leaving and shook his head. “I’ll be fine I promise.” He murmured and kissed her cheek, getting up and dressed then followed her out of the house, wrapping an arm around her shoulders while they headed over there.

She smiled and kissed his cheek. “Alright mister grumpy.” She murmured, kissing his cheek again. “You want coffee?” She asked as she stood up and started heading downstairs. “I’m not bringing it upstairs but I’ll get it ready for you. Take your time.” She smiled and headed down there.
Max walked inside with him and kissed his cheek gently "Mmm smells good." She murmured wandering to the kitchen salivating at the smell that filled her nostrils.

Tom chuckled some and got dressed before he made him way down tensing as he saw Jensen there. He took a deep breath and fixed himself a bit trying to push his Alpha feeling aside
He smiled some and kissed her head as he held onto her hips from behind. “Mmm just like you.” He growled in her ear, nibbling at the side of her neck. He had no idea that with mating with a were and being surrounded by them would bring out his own primal side and unlike the others he had never learned to control his. His own alpha was pouring out of him and making the others uncomfortable. The only thing that would squash it would be for him and Tom to go at it. And in the middle of a full moon cycle, Tom would be at his strongest so neither would be able to hold back.

Scarlett smiled as she felt arms go around her. “Hey there handsome. Black as night. Just how you like it.” She murmured to him, about to pass him the cup but she felt the energy shift in the room and tensed up, electricity running through her fingers in response to the power her mate was building on. “Tom... Tom... stop this.” She told him, frowning as she realised that this was now inevitable and she grabbed at Max’s arm, pulling her out of the way so she wouldn’t get hurt by intervening when Tom walked over to Jen and decked him without warning. “This is going to get nasty and we can’t stop it this time. Full moon cycle max don’t even try to get in the way you’ll be torn to shreds.” She muttered to her, using her magic to hold Max back from the fight about to spill into the back yard clearing.
Max smiled happily and pressed herself against him biting her lip gently "You're gonna make it hard for me to keep my hands off you." She whispered frowning as she felt the energy shift. She whimpered as Scarlett kept her back crying softly "No....no....Scarlett he will kill him." She said sobbing quietly

Tom growled some and felt himself get tested seeing Jensen in the house "This fucker." He spat before he went over and decked him growling as he started in on him shifting knowing he would win this fight and the challenge would finally be over.
“And that will be you if you getting involved. Jensen is strong he might just fight back hard enough.” She told her watching the fight unfold with horror. She was able to stop him before but not this time. She didn’t have the strength.

Jensen frowned as he hit the floor, glaring at Tom for a moment before going in on him and trying his best to stay on top in this fight but Tom has been going easy on him he finally learnt when he pushed it too far and in one quick movement he was aware that he’d been clawed badly enough to make his legs give way and he collapsed, looking over at max with fear in his eyes. He hadn’t seen this coming. He didn’t understand why he was being attacked this time but he knew she had been right. Again. He thought Tom might leave it there. That he would leave him so he could heal and he watched him walk away. He couldn’t have been more wrong though as finally the stronger alpha turned back to him and bounded over, taking his chest between his jaws and sinking his teeth in deep, piercing flesh and crushing his rib cage to pieces while Jensen cried out once before going limp and being dropped on the floor like a sack of meat.
Max watched in horror shaking her head she knew she should have kept him away. This was her fault and she knew it. She screamed as she saw Tom sink his teeth into Jensen's chest feeling an unbelievable pain take over her entire body "NO!!" she screamed running off as she watched Tom pad off knowing he was completely done. She held Jensen in her arms sobbing as she stared at him "Jensen..Jensen stay with me please, please don't go." she whimpered taking deep breaths trying to keep herself calm so that she could focus on him.

Tom finished him off and huffed a small smirk forming on him as he padded off to the pond on their property letting himself relax knowing his alpha threat as dealt with. However he was so wrapped up in the way his alpha had taken over him he hadn't thought of how he had just torn his sister apart.
He stared up at her, his lungs and cracked bones visible through the largest of claw marks as they took in only tiny amounts of air. He wasn’t so stupid as to even attempt to speak, just opening his mouth had the blood coming out there too and he lay there covered int it. This time was really it he realised. No second chances now. He was truly done for. He should have listened to her. He just stared at her until his breathing stopped and he went limp in her arms, still staring but his eyes had glazed over.

Scarlett watched them in shock. She knew Tom was strong but she hadn’t been aware of just how strong until now and the damage was beyond her ability to heal. The only hope for him now would be to get him to a hospital for the supernatural and hope to god that he was still warm enough they could turn him into a We’re. “Jon.... take the van and Andrew with you.” She told him quietly leaving him to handle the mess while she went after Tom and lay next to him, resting her head in his fur.
Max screamed and shook her sobbing more "No...someone help please!" she yelled holding onto him looking at Jon as he came "Please change him! Save him!" she begged as they carefully got him into the van following behind them covered in Jensen's blood.

Tom huffed slightly but cuddled her some wrapping himself around her. He licked her hands softly showing love and affection to her.
Scarlett frowned and gently ran her fingers through the fur on his head then sighed a little. “Will You urn back for me?” She asked him quietly, pulling her hoodie off ready for him to wrap around his waist.

Jon just nodded and helped her into the back of the van “we have to be quick or it’s gonna be too late.” He muttered and shut the doors then drove off as fast as he could. “You should never have brought him to the house.” He muttered.
Tom shifted quickly and took her sweater putting it over his privates "I love you gorgeous." he murmured kissing the top of her head repeatedly

Max cried and nodded glaring over at him "You don't think I fucking know this?!" she screamed holding Jensen's had the whole time trying to forget about the pain she was feeling.
Scarlett frowned and made him look at her. “Tom you killed him.... you tore him apart.” She said to him gently, not sure whether he had been at all aware of what he was doing.

His body was starting to get cold as they arrived at the clinic and Jon used Andrew to help him carry him inside. “Hey! Eric! Eric you gotta help us out we need you to turn him before he goes stiff.” He called as he saw the alpha of the healer pack walking towards them “max Ends mate.”
Tom shrugged some "Not Alpha worthy." he mumbled yawning a bit still not fully there to realize who Jensen was to Max. He only saw a threat and he protected his pack.

Max whimpered some watching him looking at the healers "Please...I'll do anything." she whispered becoming weak as she started to fully feel Jensen start to slip away "Please.."
Scarlett just nodded and held onto him tightly. “Okay baby. Just rest okay?” She murmured gently and kissed his head. Jensen has gotten a few good hits in on him as well but not anywhere near as bad as what Tom had done to him.

Eric frowned and just nodded as he took Jensen to a back room, frowning when he saw the hunter mark on his chest. “Only because you’re toms sister you hear me? You must have your reasons.” He muttered and got his team to get to work to turn him into a Were, his own wit h working by his side.
Max nodded letting more tears fall "I do...he won't harm us I swear it." she whispered letting them take him through. She sat with him in the hospital room later that day waiting for him to wake up. She kissed his cheek gently letting more tears fall as she watched him.

Tom nodded and yawned "Lets go home." he murmured kissing her cheek and stood up slowly making his way to the house and up to their room groaning softly as he lay down.
Eric walked in to check on him and frowned. “If it has worked he will make a shift tonight. If he doesn’t shift tonight then he’s gone and it was too late I’m sorry. My pack know how to contact me but I’m late for a meeting with your brother.” He told her gently and left her to it again.

Scarlett let him rest until it was time to go to the bar and she got in his car with him seeing that everyone else had gone back to acting like nothing had happened.
Max gave a soft nod and thanked him again hugging him tight before she went to lay with Jensen again hoping this shift took. She couldnt loose him, it would tear her apart.

Tom got up and yawned groaning as he knew it was time to meet with Eric. He got ready to go and later he got to the bar seeing Eric already sat down enjoying the company of one of the dancers "Someone catch you eye?" He asked as he sat down and the dancer made her way off.
Scarlett walked to the bar and got to work on sorting them both out some drinks then took them over and sat next to Tom.

Eric frowned and watched him. “Your sisters mate is currently in my pack house. With your sister, praying that he takes to the shift tonight. I know you get mad Tom but you killed someone. Your sisters mate kind of someone. Even for you that’s dark.” He muttered.
Tom frowned shaking his head a bit "I'm not here to talk about him. She chose a hunter and an unfit alpha who continued to challenge me." He growled before sipping his drink and running his hand down Scarlett's body letting it fall to her ass as she sat on his lap.
Scarlett leaned into him some with one arm around his shoulders and her head against his chest. “What do you want Eric?” She asked him while she held onto Tom.

He frowned and shook his head some. They were nice people and suddenly Tom was acting like that got him a little worried. “The part of the summit that you missed. Tom the alphas have all voted that we bring weres public and come out to everyone. We’re just waiting on the global summit details to find out whether we start preparing or not.” He told him worriedly
Tom tensed and went wide eyed "So we can further be judged?! So we can be hunted more? We won't be able to hunt anymore, how are we supposed to fix that huh? Max nearly died from not hunting." He said taking a deep breath "This isn't a good idea Eric....they'll slaughter us."
Scarlett frowned staying for a little while as they discussed things with each other but she started feeling a little sick and headed around the back to the private bathroom, sitting on the floor by the toilet and holding her stomach.

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