We're The Animals Of The School


Age: 16

Gender: Female

Animal Type: White Tiger

Apperance(human): Very pale, tall girl. Short black hair, just above the shoulder. Unusual dull light blue eyes.

Apperance(animal): Medium sized white tiger. Black toes and black tipped tail. Typical tiger markings. Unusual dull blue eyes.

Personality: Short tempered, loves kids.

Bio: She lost her brother in a car accident, that's what caused her to be so bitter. Her brother was only 6 so she has a soft spot for little kids. She dreams to go off to art school, she's a non-stop artist, sketchbook always on hand. She also doesn't believe in love or relationships because she finds it hopeless.

He ran down the street, he remained in he wolf form, people jumped out of the way, he growled loudly, whipping her head back and forth, sniffing the ground and growling if someone got to close, then he began to run quickly.
Walking down the street, taking in the morning air, she stretched her arms above her head. Being outside triggered her imagination, creating and painting new ideas for her latest creation. She jerked as she heard a commotion, not to far off from where she was. 'Who could make such a ruckus in the morning?' she thought to herself.
James, He dodged a group of teens wanting to grab at him and pet him, then as he ran down the street, he bolted past Sirah, And he ran across the street to the park and sniffed the ground, before quickly changing back into his human form, He looked around to see if anyone else saw, before he kept walking down the street.
Xan walked out of the room with his father, an vacant expression on his face. His father didn't even go down the stairs to discuss it in the living room, they instead stood in the hallway a few feet away from the room. "Don't lie, Alexander," his father said.

"I wasn't lying," Xan answered.

His stared down at him. Xan stared back. He's dealt with worse situations than this, and this wasn't even so bad compared to everything else Xan experienced. "Repeat your explanation," the man said. Xan knew the rules of this: if he looked away or glanced at the ground, his father wouldn't believe him.

Xan exhaled. "Like I said, Alissa gets nightmares a lot. She didn't want to be by herself when it happened, so I offered that we share the same room so she wouldn't feel afraid," he said.
Furious that someone disturbed her perfect morning, she turned around and yelled to James' "What's your problem?!" She stood there crossing her arms mockingly. She knew she wasn't a big person, but he looked like a worthy opponent and even if she couldn't beat him physically, she had her ways.

He turned around "Nothing, A person can't enjoy a good run without being yapped at?" he growled, he wasn't being truthful, but this female didn't need to know his business, He turned away from her and began to walk down the street, looking around quickly.


She didn't want to eavesdrop, but they were talking loud enough for her to hear, she bit her lip nervously
"There's no reason to get mad at the people you're running by though! Just because you're a wolf doesn't mean everyone loves you!" She snapped back immediately, walking towards him. She didn't want to lose this fight.

He felt his dog like teeth grow in his mouth and bared his fangs at this ignorant female "Did i say everyone loves me?" he snaps angrily "No, And i also was never mad." he snapped at her "I only get mad with foolish little girls try cramming their nonsense down my throat and don't think they'll get bit." he growled, This girl was wasting his time, he had to finish what he was doing, and quickly. He turned and kept walking.
Changing quickly into her tiger form she called after him, "That's it just keep walking away, it's probably better for your own health if you do." Hissing, she turned to walk the opposite way. 'No fight today? Damn.' She thought to herself.
Laying her ears down, she kept on walking. Feeling a bit disappointed she didn't get to meet him in a different situation. He was probably really nice. 'Stupid girl feelings.' she told herself.
His father let out a rugged sigh, and looked like he was thinking. "And the clothes?"

Xan replied, "She didn't have pajamas."

"And you gave her your's?" the man questioned.

"Yes," Xan answered.

"Tell me again, why did she stay over?"

"She didn't have the keys to her house," Xan responded. It was a back-and-forth conversation. The only moments of silence was when his father was thinking of other questions to fire at Xan. It seemed like Xan was winning.

His father sighed again, and rolled his eyes. "....It's morning. Let her go home," he finally said. "And next time, I won't be as forgiving," and with that, the man went down the steps.

He quickly walks down the street. 

She peeked around the corner of the door way, her icy eyes met Xan's and she blushed.
Feeling bad, she turned around a called out to James, "Hey! Sorry for my temper.." She began to walk the other way again.
Xan walked to the doorway where Alissa was, and smiled lightly. "I knew you heard all of that, but was nothing, really," he said, quietly so there wasn't a chance his father could still hear. Xan looked into his room. "I'll pick you up in two hours, okay? Text me the street to your house, okay? And we'll go to the amusement park," Xan smiled, and taking a pen from his desk he cupped Alissa's hand in his and wrote his cell phone number on her palm.
Xan returned the hug to Alissa as well, and he felt own his smile widen. "And don't worry about those clothes you're wearing now. They don't matter to me much," he said, then released her.
Starting off to her house again, an idea for her newest painting struck her. Two people, divided by hate, but connected by love. It was perfect, she sprinted to her house not wanting to lose the vivid image in her mind. When she walked in she was greeted with a drunken father. "Hey Thirah.." He slurred, his lisp even worse. "Just stay where you are. I'm going to my room. I'll be down in a few." I said flatly, she really didn't want to bother with his nonsense today. She was already pissed off, he would just make it worse.
Xan blushed when he was kissed on the cheek, but he smiled. "Alissa, I think you should go. If we stay up here too long, he'll suspect something," he said. He wasn't very intimidated by his father, they never really talked to each other much in the first place.

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