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Welcome to the New West

Kirito Kei

One Thousand Club


"...in a second, we're gonna have some company."​
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A man with a long, black trench coat over his grey suit paced along the side of the street, a street light illuminating his black hair that was more or less a buzz cut, but slightly longer. But that's hardly relevant. What is relevant is this man's name. Jordan Cross, eight years in the 16 Air Assault Brigade, a fact he was damned well proud of. He'd only recently gotten out, and was more or less searching for a job, tiding himself over by working part-time in his flatmate's store.

Jordan turned off the street, ducking into a back way which he'd plotted out as a pretty good shortcut back home. A few steps in, his phone buzzed, and his hand moved almost automatically to fish it from a pocket in his suit. He knew who it would be, of course. Only Cass would be calling him at this sort of time. Sleepless bastard.

"Hello. This is Jordan, and I'm out. Leave a message." he said, mimicking his own voicemail.

Cass laughed his 'ever-so-slightly reminiscent of a serial killer' laugh. "Hey, Jord. What's up?"

"My dander."

Cass laughed again. "Oh man, I'd pay to hear you say that again."

Jordan raised an eyebrow. "I might just hold you to that, one day. Why are you calling me at..." Jordan checked his watch quickly. "Two thirty in the morning. I'm walking back from the pub." he said, tone somewhat subdued from the day.

"The pub? You don't sound nearly drunk enough for the pub." Cass questioned, curiosity clearly piqued.

"I don't have to drink every time, Cass. I ate and socialised." Yeah, if 'socialised' means 'got caught up in a random dispute of the more violent kind.'

"Hmm." Cass replied, either disinterested, distracted, unconvinced, or a mix of the three.

"Yeah, anyway, I'll let you go. See y-" he continued, but Jordan cut him off.

"One sec. Why did you call me, again?" Cass paused for a moment.

"Because you're not usually out this late."

Jordan made a sound somewhere between a cough and laughter. "You were worried about me?"

"Well, not quite. But yes."

"Cass, come on. You know who you're talking to, don't you?"


"No. But we should definitely call them for dinner tomorrow."

"Yesssss. Well anyway, have fun walking. Mwahaha!"


Cass hung up, and Jordan continued his walk between buildings. It was kinda cold, and he was really glad he'd thought to bring his coat along. He did enjoy this coat. He should keep it as some sort of family heirloom, passed down from generation to generation. He chuckled to himself at that thought, although it did bring to mind a slightly more serious thought. His future, and the future in general. Where would he be in ten years? And where would the world be in a couple of hundred? Interesting thoughts to ponder, although it was understandably difficult to actually predict the future. Not one of those 'psychic' hacks. The real deal, actually seeing and/or knowing the future. Now that'd be a hell of a thing, wouldn't it?

@Kirito Kei
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[/media]As Jordan navigated his way through the familiar alleys and backways of his neighborhood, he couldn't help but notice that a storm was developing, and a rather fierce one at that.
In minutes, hundreds of cumulonimbus clouds littered the sky, blotting out the full moon. Lightning cracked again and again and Jordan could swear that he actually 'felt' the thundering of some of them in his chest.

This, however, wasn't the strange part...

Directly in front of him, a thin line of what seemed to be blue crackling energy began to appear and started to expand vertically. The thin line seemed to expand all the way into the heavens, or at least close to it. Suddenly, the line began to ripple with more and more energy. The line actually began to split in two with both halves moving apart at the center as if God himself were pulling them apart.

The hole of crackling energy actually started to suck Jordan in! It felt as if Jordan was in space as the rift caused him to float into the air.

Even with all his efforts, Jordan was sucked into the rift and out of his world.

Little did Jordan know, however, he was about to embark on the adventure of his life...


Jordan's body felt all fussy, like he had just shocked himself with static electricity that he generated by moving his feet real fast on a carpet while wearing a onesie. His senses seemed... 'dull' somehow. All he could smell was ozone, all he could hear was ringing, like someone threw a flashbang directly into his ear. His skin tingled all over, and his vision was blurry but seemed to be returning.

The sight in front of him seemed like something straight out of a sci-fi movie mixed with a bad western.

Jordan seemed to be in a canyon and a few yards in front of him there was a man with a long black coat, a insignia of what seemed like a skull with guns coming out of the eyes on the back of it. His ebony cowboy hat covered his expression and in his left hand, an oversized slightly futuristic but weathered 'pistol', if it could even be called that, moved methodically. In his right hand, he held a rather mundane looking Model 1860 Colt .44 Revolver. When he fired the oversized pistol, what looked like miniature grenades leapt from the barrel, when he fired the mundane looking .44, bullets that seemed to be surrounded with some sort pf black energy traveled through the air.

The truly extraordinary part wasn't what the figure was packing, but what he was shooting at.

At the business part of the guns, a few feet away from the man seemed to be a lion of some sort. At least that was what Jordan thought until he seemed the fangs the thing had.


It's brown fur was pockmarked with black wounds, as if it had been shot with a laser or something with extreme heat.

At the moment, the mysterious figure actually seemed to have the thing pinned down. He used his over-sized gun that shot the grenades to keep the thing at bay while he used the other gun to actually deal damage.

Jordan's arrival seemed to throw the stranger off his game, however, because the stranger's head swiveled towards Jordan, giving the creature just enough time it needed to escape the gunslinger's deadly combo.

"Dammit! I fucking don't get paid enough for this shit!" The gunslinger exclaimed as he narrowly sidestepped a vicious swipe from the creature.

After hurling a few more shots at the creature, the gunslinger darted towards Jordan. The creature circled the two like sharks. The gunslinger watched it intently, his guns never straying far from the body the of creature.

Without warning, the creature emitted a thunderous roar that echoed throughout the whole canyon. Jordan could swear that he heard other things running towards the duo in the distance.

"Do you know how to use a gun?" The gunslinger asked Jordan. "Because in a second, we're gonna have some company."

Reaction is everything. That's what his drill sergeant always said. But it was hard to react to suddenly being dumped into some fucked up Mad Max movie right in a battle between a something-punk gunslinger and a more vicious version of a lion. Especially when you were on your way home from a fight in a pub at two in the morning. But hey, at least that part wasn't too different from the past eight and a little years of his life. Jordan grunted and pushed himself up to his feet, glancing over to where the gunman had now joined him, and they were being circled by... he was beyond questioning his situation, which included whatever the shit that was. There were just some things that were so sudden and surreal that you just didn't question them.

A thundering roar not too unlike the thunder of moments before burst through the air, and something padded closer in the distance. The man beside him, at least he presumed it was a man - he wasn't about to assume he knew anything at this point - asked him if he could use a gun. Accent sounded kinda... American-ish. Well, shit, if only he'd spent almost a decade in the military as an elite paratrooper. Oh wait.

"Can't be too different from what I'm used to. How hard can it be?" he said, the last part more to himself than anything. Jordan held a hand out to the man, waiting to receive whatever the guy would give him. Any kind of weapon would probably make him feel better about staring down at this monster with potentially more on the way. This hadn't come up under any of the training or his own experience. Not even goddamned close. He didn't know the stranger, and the stranger probably didn't know him, but he'd rather side with someone who wasn't shooting at him over the weird sabretooth cat-thing that looked like it wanted the two of them for dinner.

@Kirito Kei
"Good. It's great to see that my luck hasn't completely fucked me over. You do seem to have some muscle on you..." The large grenade shooting pistol seemed to mystically float from the stranger's hand and made it's way towards Jordan. In the seconds that that took, another weapon appeared in the stranger's hand, this time it was a sawed-off shotgun of some sort. "Here's the plan, I'mma need you to keep that Panthera-Tereon and anymore that show up at bay with that revolver. The explosions from the ammunition should keep them from getting too close. It's a BigBore, but you seem to have enough weight on you that the knockback won't shatter the bones in your arm. No normal man is able to fire that thing without being knocked back a few feet, if held correctly. Whenever you fire, make sure you hold the gun firmly with two hands, and prepare to be knocked on your ass. Your dead if any of those things get too close, fire from the ground if you have to." As the stranger continued to speak, Jordan could feel his skin become fuzzy again. This was different though, instead of a tingling sensation, he felt numb. "I know you feel a bit strange right now. Half of that is from me, the other half is probably from that rift you just came through. It should keep you from feeling any pain if things turn out... undesirable. We have to hold out long enough for my horse to come back and pick us up. Think you can do that?"

While the two had been conversing, two more Panthera-Tereons had made their way into the canyon and started to join their packmate as they, too, started to circle Jordan and the stranger. "Oh, and you only have 4 shots in that thing, make them count."

They say that in seconds before a Panthera-Tereon attacks it's prey, they narrow their eyes and twitch their tail. The stranger wished he had noticed such movements...

One of the creatures leaped at the stranger and tried to attack him with it's vicious maw, but he narrowly evaded it and sent a blazing fireball into the mouth of the creature from his TW Hellfire Shotgun. The Panthera-Tereon was sent tumbling into a nearby rock. It slowly but surely began to claw it's way back to it's feet. "Goddammit, I love this thing."

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Jordan dumbly nodded to everything the stranger said, going a little slack when the huge pistol just floated over to his hands and was replaced by some shotgun thing. Either this was one hell of an acid trip, or he was taking orders from some high-tech cowboy and... nah. Just let it flow. Life or death situation, don't question just yet. Focus on the words. Panthera-Tereon was the name of that monster thing, maybe? The large pistol in his hand was basically a boom gun. It could shatter people's arms with its knockback. That sounded nice and safe. Apparently it wouldn't shatter his, and it definitely wasn't shattering his mysterious... would saviour be the right word? Doesn't matter. It'd send him flying when he fired it. Once again, definitely not the case with the stranger. But he couldn't help but catch the words 'normal man', like supersoldiers or something were common around here. Hold gun with two hands. Don't let them get close. Fire from prone or supine if needed. Something about the weirdo made him numb. Hold out until his horse got here. What? How would a horse- no, Jordan, stop questioning the man with weapons who is the only thing keeping you alive right now. Only four shots. Righto.

"Utrinque paratus, indeed. I'm ready to survive." Jordan said, a hint of resolve creeping back into his voice. Stop questioning, just listen to orders and follow your instincts. That was familiar to him.

He gripped the gun in his hands and raised it, a little surprised by the weight. It was obviously larger and heavier than a normal pistol, but it didn't mean he was used to it. One of the Panther-nope, that name took too long to mentally say. One of the hostiles lunged for the gunslinger beside him, but the stranger slipped to the side and fired a fireball... okay... point blank at its mouth from the shotgun-looking thing. His eyes flicked back to the other two, only to find there was only one there. Wha-'side' his instinct told him. He snapped to face his left, finding another hostile making a run for him. Jordan barely had time to register the fear before he squeezed the trigger, and instantly felt himself hurled onto his back, hard. Thank god for flat ground without sharp rocks to poke your back. Unfortunately, his arms lanced with a sudden pain from the sheer kick, although it faded quickly.

His target had come off significantly worse than Jordan, having been met by an explosive to the face. Didn't expect such a sharp reaction from its quarry. The hostile thudded into the dusty ground several metres back, its face looking more or less like it'd just been popped. Which it just had. By an amazingly explosive round. This gun could definitely come again. A direct shot to the face had been a lucky one. Sure, there was raw skill, training, and instinct behind that shot. But still a good helping of luck. Luck never went astray. "Ha, bastard." What. Humour in combat situations. Oh god, he was turning into a comic-book character.

He shrugged off that vaguely disturbing thought and rocked onto his side, then pushed himself up with one arm while holding the gun in another. "This gun's a blast." he said, on the verge of laughing with a strange form of joy. No. Nonononono. No puns, Jordan. You're meant to be in shock at what's happening to you, why are you quipping? He scanned for the other two hostiles and found them. Good, they hadn't gone wandering yet. Stranger seemed to be taking good care of that. Hey, maybe they'd live!

@Kirito Kei
"Utrinque paratus? You casting a spell over there?"

It seemed that his new ally had... killed the other Panthera-Tereon? "Impressive." The man managed to accurately fire the BigBore without any bionic augmentation or anything of the sort. Maybe it was a stroke of luck, or perhaps this individual had some prior experience in combat? He was behaving strangely calm for someone who was just sucked from their own world. 'Was he even sucked from a different world? Maybe he's from here? No, his clothing looks like something out of a novelty shop and he isn't wearing any body armor. Enough speculation, time to handle business.'

Almost as if on cue, the two Panthera-Tereons initiated their attack. "Let's see if the ole' Deadman can still tango..."

The first Panthera-Tereon swiped at the gunslinger's front, creating a deep gash along his midnight colored Branaghan Armor. Instinctively, the gunslinger responded by letting loose another shot from his .44. The round hissed with black energy as it grazed the beast. "Come on, I need to be faster!" In the back of his head, the gunslinger felt a tingling sensation causing him to dive to the left, narrowly dodging the attack from the other Panthera-Tereon who must've made it's way behind him at some point. "Damn, I didn't even know you were there. You guys are some sneaky buggers, aren't ya?"

Having had enough of this pesky gunslinger's games, the two Panthera-Tereons converged on their prey with demon-like speed. "Oh shit!" The Panthera-Tereon lunged at the gunslinger's groin area, but the gunslinger deftly avoided his possible castration by quickly spreading his legs. A beed of sweat dripped from the gunslinger's face and onto the ground as the saber-toothed lion's strike went into the dirt. In one swift motion, he fired another fire ball into the Panthera-Tereon's mane, causing it to recoil in pain. The gunslinger took advantage of this by using his legs to push himself off the body of the Panthera and into the opposite direction.

Wiping the sweat off his brow, the gunslinger rose to his feat and started to dust off his overcoat. "I need to invest in some better armor-" The gunslinger's monologue was cut short as the other Panthera-Tereon swiped at his hand, knocking his shotgun out of his grasp and into a nearby rock.

"You guys move fucking fast, but I can move faster!"

Almost as if time moved in slow motion, the gunslinger let out one last shot of supercharged lead directly at the leg of the beast, causing it to collapse onto the ground. The gunslinger then ran up onto the body of the fallen creature and launched himself into the air. Using nothing but his own mind, he willed the TW Hellfire Shotgun off the ground and into his hand again. As he was traveling in the air, he fired another fire ball back at the fallen Panthera-Tereon he had just fell, hitting it square in the back of it's scull, killing it instantly. Even creatures with hides strong enough to withstand normal bullets eventually go down when Techno-Wizard weapons get involved.

While still in the air, the gunslinger threw his .44 and started to say an incantation.

"The Deadman walks again..."

In the blink of an eye, a devilish looking Psi-sword, glowing with dark energy and reflecting the moonlight, appeared in his hand as he landed on the ground. "Where did the other one go?"

It seemed the last Panthera-Tereon had gotten bored with the gunslinger and started to make it's way towards Jordan.

"This is exactly why I work alone..."

Indeed, the stranger was getting busy with the other two. He'd have fired a shot or two to help, but that was a tangle even without adding explosions into the mix. So instead he just watched and waited, gun ready to fire if he saw an opening. Ah, yes. He probably wouldn't know the Latin motto, although the gunslinger's comment about 'a spell' was, Jordan had to admit, a little confusing. There was a lot he could believe at this point, but magic? No fucking way. And yet, the seeming telekinesis that this other man possessed was all in favour of 'yes, magic exists', so... yeah, he had no idea.

Jordan's thoughts were interrupted by one of the hostiles breaking off from the fight and making for him. It wasted no time in launching for him, paws swiping out at him. If it'd had its way, it would have rended him, landed on him, and then probably snacked on his head. But there was no way Jordan was just going to let that happen. He nimbly hurled himself to the side, landing in a roll to one knee as the hostile sailed past him and slid to a stop. He raised the huge pistol and took a second to brace himself and his arms, then pulled the trigger. Once again, the recoil slammed him back, and he nearly lost a hold of the pistol. Damn, that made his arms hurt.

The hostile - because that's what Jordan was mentally referring to it as now, since that was easier to swallow than 'giant sabre-tooth' - got blown back as well, its flank scorched black. The pain only seemed to make it angrier, since it just roared and jumped at him again. The gun was too unwieldy for him to gather it into both hands, raise, and fire accurately. He had to roll. And so he did, spinning himself along the ground like a human log. This time the margin was significantly closer. He practically threw himself to his feet and then to the side once more. But this time he didn't get away so cleanly. He avoided the enormous, powerful jaws of the hostile, but he got clocked in the gut by its shoulder in midair. Ah, shit.

Jordan span away from the impact, rolling off its shoulder and pushing off it to the side. He landed in another roll onto one knee, gun clutched tightly in one hand. This was not how he'd pictured the night going. He should be asleep and resting up from the brawl, but instead here he was, engaged in a life-or-death struggle with some creature. He stood again and raised the pistol. This time he had enough room to fire. He staved off the urge to cough or wheeze from the body blow, holding himself steady for accuracy. As luck would have it, the injured side was facing him. He aimed for roughly the previous point of impact, a weakpoint. Breathe in. Breathe out. The exhale relieves tension and jitteriness, for a more accurate shot. In better circumstances, he'd have taken some more breaths, but these were obviously not ideal circumstances.

The hostile turned back to him. He should have figured it'd do that. The side was a more difficult target now. But maybe the head? He quickly moved his aim over just a tad, still riding the exhale. Squeeze the trigger, don't pull. He squeezed the trigger gently, and the serenity was instantly shattered as he was launched back and the gun once again lanced pain through his arms, but the hostile was worse off. Its whole head, face, and shoulders were burned black and mildly exploded, but more importantly, its neck was twisted at an unnatural angle. Broken neck, probably.

That was the three hostiles dead, and now that the adrenaline was wearing off, Jordan became aware of two things. One, how much his arms and abdomen hurt. Two, how much he wanted to sleep. So he obliged both of those by just lying on the ground for a little, shutting his eyes and letting his heartrate and breathing go back to normal. No talking. He needed a moment. And then a bed. If this was the military, he wouldn't be nearly so slack. But this was the weirdest day of his life, not another day in boot camp.

@Kirito Kei
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"Why do I always feel the need to throw all my guns!"

After his new friend took care of the last Panthera-Tereon, the gunslinger started to round up and reload all the weapons he used in the fight. "Ok, I've got the .44 and the Hellfire Shotgun, what am I missing?"

His head turned to his new companion as he remembered that he had the BigBore. "Heh, someone's a lightweight..." He walked over and picked up the weapon, careful not to disturb the stranger. A few minutes later, the gunslinger's trusty steed galloped into the canyon. "Took ya' long enough, I was starting to think you abandoned me, buddy." The gunslinger chuckled. "You stay right here while I get the proof." The gunslinger whipped out a small vibro-blade and started to severe the heads of the Panthera-Tereons. He had to admit, this was the part of job that he hated, but he had to provide proof that the problem was gone someway, right?

After all the heads were severed, he tied them together then tied them to his saddle. After that he removed his camping gear and a large black backpack from the horse before glancing once again at his new... guest. "It seems we'll be spinning the rest of the night here, at least until we find out what's up with him."

After his camp was all set up, the gunslinger meticulously folded up his overcoat and sat is next to him on the ground. On his body, a multitude of holsters dangled from various apparatuses. A derringer fixed onto a mechanical device on each of his wrists, two more pistols in his ankle holsters, two more pistols in his shoulder holsters, along with another pistol and the sawed-off shotgun on his waist. After removing all of his weapons, he began to clean the ones he had used. Thinking that his new friend was at least semi-conscious at the moment, he suddenly said "The name's Alexander, by the way. Alexander Crimson."


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