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I love cats and owls.
Hello fellow males, females, and all the wonderful things between. I will be playing in a camp rp(Teenagers/collage kids) and we will have counslers in there 20's. The characters will be 17+. I will play a character by the name of Shuni Akamanu. all I ask of you 18+ things will be between only two characters. I will accept any characters of any kind <3

1. 1-3 paragraphs please one-liners will be acceptable on certain conditions.
2. I do not like gore so please keep it to a minimum.

I don't have much to add but I will keep this open until there are 10 people : )

Here is some things about my character.

Name: Shuni Akamanu

Age: 19


Orientation: Pansexual

Likes:Flowers, Smoking, widesome places.

Dislikes:Groups, tight areas.

Accesories:Earings, braclets, hats, masks, necklaces.

Personality: Quiet and introverted


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