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Fandom Welcome To Mystic Falls

Sorry for the delay. School has been a...not friendly to me so I've been really busy and tired, I'll most definitely have our first post up tomorrow evening
Alright so an ancient body swapping witch over 300 years old comes to Mystic Falls looking for a way to resurrect her son. She is looking for other witches Grimoires that may hold the key to his restoration. One of the player witches in town holds the grimoire she needs and one of the player vampires is the one who killed her son. The Witch is a forced to be reckon with and doesn't care who she has to go through to get it. @EclipseRising
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That sounds great. Everyone else would just be pulled into the mix of things having to choose sides? And maybe there's a good reason the vampire killed her son or it could be ruthless.
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Hey, hey, hey guys! Just want to add on to the plot that I posted already.

The witch's son was attempting to kill the player vampire who had their humanity turned off at the time. They killed the son's wife, prompting the son to come after them. The Witch saw them, but was too distraught to stop their escape.

With the witches, the player witch's family made a deal with a pack of werewolves to preserve their line in exchange for protecting their family. The pack still resides in town and looks into the ancient who is coming for the town.

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