• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Fandom Welcome to Mega-City One


A fist full of Goo Goo Bars

1. Respect your fellow roleplayers

2. When writing, move the story forward, post something worth replying to.

3. PG-13 romance and notify me if you won't be active for a few days, or if you're going to quit.

4. Jump right in when your character's been accepted.

5. When writing fight scenes, don't be boring. If your character is in a firefight, don't just kill the enemies on the spot, stack the odds against yourself.

6. GM will control all enemies.

7. Fight smart

8. Don't be a hero and kill all of the enemies yourself. Because if the odds are 10 to 1 against you, you're gonna get yourself killed.

9. GM will usually ask to kill off your character, unless you fight 30 guys at once, even then I will just severely injure you.

10. This is a semi-detailed/casual roleplay, post accordingly

When read, post "All set Captain!" In your CS

*Rules are subject to change without notice.
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