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Realistic or Modern We Will Keep Going

Skyler got a bit shocked and took in some air. "No... I'm... not alone" he said and tried to smile."me and my friends are in there" he said and pointed at the RV "Well i'm not right now." he said and laughed awkwardly. He wasn't good with new people. He tended to ignore them. But he couldn't just ignore her "I'm Skyler" he said trying to forget the terrible joke he just made
Jocelyn smiled when he tried to make a joke. He was cute that's for sure. "Nice to meet you Skyler, I'm Jocelyn." She said kindly.
"Nice to meet you" he said and looked down in his draw book. He closed it and then looked at her "So,,, eh, What are you doing out here?" he said and tried to smile this time it almost looked like one
Marla shot Skyler a confused look at he stumbled back into the RV, a blush smothered across his cheeks. He seemed flustered, as he hurriedly grabbed his drawing book and pencil. Marla jumped out of her seat, racing to the window. She scanned her eyes over the area, spotting the girl with brow hair and a rather large map. That's where she saw Skyler, awkwardly conversing with the girl. Marla's eyes widened to the size of saucers, a girlish squeal emitting from her as she pressed her hands and face up against the window, un-guiltily spying on the pair. "GUYS! You gotta see this!" She loudly whispered to her friends, lightly hopping on her feet.
Jocelyn smiled at his fake one. "I like to call myself a traveler I guess, I just explore the world you could say, I'm trying to go around it." She said smiling a little akwardly. "And you?"
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Marla's smile widened beyond possible, a cloud of condensation gathering around her mouth and nose of the window. She quickly wiped it away, straining to hear what the two were saying, frantically waving for the others to come and watch the sight with her.
"I'm on vacation with my friends" he said and pointed at the RV "If i know them right, they are probably spying at us" he said and looked down into the ground. "So you just travel alone around the world?" he said and looked up at her
"OLIVIA I AM IN NEED OF YOU TO FANGIRL WITH ME RIGHT NOW! SKY IS BLUSHING, I REPEAT, SKY IS BLUSHING!" Marla yelled at the girl, pressing her palms harder against the glass.

Jocelyn grew red from embarrassment "Oh it's uh nothing." She didn't like troubling strangers with her needs, especially her being homeless.
"No you can tell me" he said and smiled at her "Please. I don't like to hear people having troubles without at least trying to help them" he said and looked worried at her
Jocelyn did almost a sad smile unconsciously. "This one I'm sorry to say you can't help." She did a sad laugh then said "I'm homless, so I work a part time job in one place then when I make enough money I leave again, then I'll have enough money to hitchhike, buy food, etc." she smiled, but you could tell it wasn't happy.
"Oh..." he said and looked down. he thought for a while trying to figure out what to do. "You... could.. join us?" he said and looked up at her and smiled. "I mean i'm sure the others wouldn't mind." he said and smiled at her and got up. "Challenge accepted. You said i couldn't help. Well i'm gonna try!" he said and smiled at her before looking over at the RV spotting Marla almost falling through the window. He waved at her and smiled nervous
Marla waved back frantically, grinning like a Cheshire cat. She rushed towards the RV door, throwing it open. "HEY!" She almost shouted at the brown haired stranger, her excitement barely contained as she hopped up and down on her feet. "My name is Marla! You look lost!" She took a breath, almost flying down the stairs towards her.
"I'm sure the others would be fine with it" he said and smiled big. "Just wait a second!" he said and walked over to the RV Just wait here!" he said. But before he could do anything Marla came jumping out almost sending Skyler back. Skyler got nervous after Marla jumped out. He tried his best not to look to awkward
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Marla whipped around facing Skyler, noticing his awkward stance. She stifled a giggle at his demeanour, memories of helping with Skyler's past crushes flooding back to her. "I'll just go get the others... leave you two alone." With that she rushed away into the RV. Immediately jumping on top of Olivia and Tomas, her grin spread wide across her face. She flopped awkwardly across the pairs laps, grasping Olivia's face in her hands, her face becoming deadly serious. "Skyler. Likes. A girl."
"Wai-" Jocelyn was about to stop Skyler when a girl basically charged through the RV door and straight at her. "What? Oh no um I know where I'm going, im Jocelyn" she said kindly and calmly, she looked over at Skyler for a sign of what to do. But then she left and charged back into the house. Leaving Jocelyn with some confusion and laughter.
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Skyler tried to signal i don't know with his shoulders and after Marla had left he laughed awkwardly "And well... that's one of my friends" he said and laughed low "But please, join us." he said and smiled a bit at her "I wanna help you"
Jocelyn bit her lip for a moment before responding. "Alright, but if somebody disagrees you have to kick me out!" She said laughing and smiling.
"It's a deal!" Skyler said and smiled "Well i'm gonna.. go get the others" he said and tried to smile. "or maybe Marla will get them for me" he said and thought back on all the times she had so called help him by making it all worse. But he liked her way of helping. He smiled for himself and sat down onthe grass again with his draw book. "So Jocelyn how old are you?" he said and smiled and kept on drawing on the drawing
Jocelyn smiled and said "16" she then watched him draw. Watching g his hand ove on the paper. "So what do you draw?"
"me too" he said and smiled up at her. He looked back at his drawing and smiled"oh this, i'll show you tonight" he said and smiled
Jocelyn raised an eyebrow but smiled "Okay" she said smirking. "Am I gonna get interogated or something? By your friends?" She casted a fake worried glance towards the RV. And started laughing. She meant good intentions of course.

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