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Realistic or Modern We Will Keep Going


Formerly Funny.
The wind in your hair, the birds flying alongside you as take down the road accompanied by your best friends... What's not to love? On a trip around the world that doesn't stop moving until you say so! Whether it's a long road trip around a country or climbing mountains, you and your friends are gonna have some great times!


1. Read the CS and make the CS (obviously.)

2. Romance is allowed but nothing past kissing! If you want to happen it's a strict cut to black scene.

3. There is a maximum of six people in this RP, so I'll be considering each CS a lot more than usual. I'm not the type of guy who'll let a thousand people in his RV.

4. It's a large RV, not a moving hotel. I will try and find a photo that represents what I mean, so no one is confused with the boundaries of a vehicle.

5. No arguments. That's final. Your characters can argue, but I want people to be civilised in the OOC Chat. It's an RP, not a slaughterhouse.
Olivia let out a happy sigh as she pulled up in front of Tomas's house. It was 7:30 Pm, 15 minutes until the long awaited road trip began. Saying goodbye to her parents, she ran to the back of the car and grabs her two large bags full of clothes, money, snacks, and anything else they would need. Her car drove off as Olivia walked towards the house, dropping her bags off outside the door to the rv. Seems I'm the first one here. She thought, looking around at the seemingly empty neighbor hood. Walking up to the door, she rang the doorbell and waited to be let inside.
Acacia looked at Tomas' house as her parents' car stopped just in front of it. This is it. This is the long journey that she had been waiting for. She gave her parents a kiss on the cheek each before getting out of the car. She happily grabbed her bags then shut the car door. She waved goodbye to her parents and once they were out of sight, she started walking towards the RV. There were bags on the floor in front of the RV's entrance already, which indicated that she wasn't the one to arrive. She placed her bags next to the ones that were already there then walked to the front door where she saw Olivia. Acacia walked up to stand next to her then said with a smile, "Morning!"
Skyler came walking down the road with his bag over his shoulder and a training bag in his hand. When he saw Olivia and Acacia already waiting he smiled and waved at them "Hey Olivia, Acaica Good morning" he yelled and ran the last of the way over to them and gave them both a hug. Before walking over with his bags. "So where is Tomas? And why are we waiting for him. His always on time?"
Drew walked out of his house with a large suit case filled with clothes and two duffle bags one filled with snacks and the other with his bathroom products. "Alright Ma, I'll be safe and what not" he says shutting the door on his worrying Mother and starts walking down the street to Tomas's house only being a few houses down. as Drew got to the RV he seen two sets of bags telling him that he is not the first to arrive. He sets his bags down next to the other bags and walks to the front door Lucipurr Jumping on his shoulder, Not wanting Drew to leave him behind "Hey boy, I don't know if you can come but feel free to stay until it's decided" Drew says to his cat petting his head. Drew sees Olivia, Acacia, and Skyler "Hey guys" he says walking up to the door
Marla couldn't stop the grin spreading across her face as her Dad pulled up in front of Thomas's house. She quickly set a kiss on her Dad's cheek before grabbing her bags out of the back of the car. She sent an energetic wave towards Olivia, Acacia, Skyler and Drew, dropping her bags down next to theirs. "Hey guys! How long until we set off?" She asked, eyeing up the RV.
"Well we are waiting for Tomas. Unless he forgot it" Skyler said and laughed "Well he could have forgot it. Or maybe it's not today?" he said and tried to sound surprised as he sat down and leaned up the house "So are you guys as exiting as me?" he said and looked at the group.
Marla bounced a tad on Skyler's words, "I am so super excited words cannot even describe it!" She said, a grin plastering her face. She looked towards the rest of the group, hoping to share her glee.
"I cant wait!" Drew fist pumps "This is going to be the best trip of our lives" he says sounding thrilled and full of energy while Lucipurr meows making his presence known "and so is Lucipurr" Drew says with a smile as he pets the cat
"aww i haven't seen him in a while" Skyler said and got up to pet Lucipurr "He sure seems happy to be with us." and hold a pause before looking at Drew "Lucipurr is coming with us right?" He said and starred at Drew
Olivia smiled back at Acacia as she walked up the steps and stood next to him. "Hello there! And good morning." She said, patting her head. Then turning to Skyler, she hugged him back. Words could not describe the excitement she felt for the trip. "Yeah, where even is Tomas?"
Acacia grinned when she saw Lucipurr. Her love for animals hasn't change since she was young, but her mother's allergy kept her from having a pet. "I'm excited!" She said then pet the cat's head, "hey there Lu." She played with the cat as she waited for Tomas to open the door. She looked up at Drew with a grin, "Lucipurr is sleeping with me for the whole trip. He's cuddly."
"If Tomas says it's okay" Drew says "I don't see why he wouldn't allow him to go but it is his RV" Drew adds looking at the cat
Marla gave Lucipurr a small pat, idly wondering where Thomas was. "We should totally stop and get some snacks, and some treats for Lucipurr when we head off."
Drew smiles "No worries I have a bag half filled with his food and half filled with some human snacks" he says with a laugh "Lucipurr is already so spoiled no need to add to what i've done" he says looking at Marla with a smile
"And some treats for me!" Skyler said and laughed as he sat down again. "I'm getting hungry. So the first thing to do is get some food!" he said and hold his arms around his stomach
Marla smiled back, "Yeah not to mention all of us spoiling him all the time as well!" She looks at Thomas's door with impatience, "Geez he sure is taking a long time, maybe we should just have lunch now!"
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Tomas yawned. It was such a nice morning, and he had nothing.... To do...


Tomas spat his coffee across the room, looking at his unpacked bag and shouting. He put the remaining coffee down on the table beside him and jumped off of his sofa. He ran toward his wardrobe and threw clothes into his bag before picking up his wallet and zipping his bag up. He put his beanie on and ran out the front door.

"Hey... I might have... Forgot..." He said, smiling nervously. "I hope you haven't been waiting too long."
Marla giggled at the sight of the dishevelled Thomas. "Do ya' need some help packing you're bag properly Thomas?" She asked, ruffling his hair.
"Told you guys! You each owe me five bucks." he stomach started to growl "Or some food. You know... I'll go with the food" he said and laughed "Come on Tomas open up the RV and let's get rolling.
Drew smiled "Not long at all dude" he said wondering if he should wink or not "Let's get this trip rolling!" Drew says with a fist pump and a meow from Lucipurr
"We were out here for 3 hours Thomas." Olivia said, a frown on her face. It was only what, 30 minutes? Maybe even less. But she just wanted to make him feel bad. "But let's hurry up. I'm getting cold out here."
"Why did you wait 3 hours?? You wanted to make sure you get a good seat or??" Skyler said and looked confused at her. "Yeah let's get inside"
Marla hurriedly gathered her bags, bounding up towards the RV. " Yeah, calm down Olivia, just think about the great new adventures we'll be having on our road trip!" She said, grabbing Olivia by the hand and dragging her towards the RV.
Olivia sighed and nodded, letting herself get dragged by Marla. "Yeah, I guess you're right." She mumbled to the girl, picking up her bags on the run.

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